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In treating of light and colour, Mr. Herschel remarks"That two lights should in any circum. stances combine to produce darkness, may be considered strange, but is literally true." And leaving this as a bait to induce our less scientific readers to seek the explanation, we bid this excellent volume good bye.

and populous tract of this country lies much to their houses, and raised the drawbridges. half of the proceeds of its territory, provided below the level of the sea, and is only pre- The Spaniards remained for a time gazing the half did not exceed 300,000 maravedies: all served from inundation by the maintenance of with admiration at this amphibious village, beyond that amount was to go to the crown. A embankments. Though these suffice to keep when a squadron of canoes entered the harbour principal reason, however, for granting this out the abrupt influx of the ocean, they cannot from the sea. On beholding the ships they government and those privileges to Ojeda, was oppose that law of nature, by which fluids, in paused in mute amazement; and on the Spa- that, in his previous voyage, he had met with seeking their level, insinuate themselves niards attempting to approach them, paddled English adventurers on a voyage of discovery through the pores and subterraneous channels swiftly to shore, and plunged into the forest. in the neighbourhood of Coquibacoa, at which of a loose sandy soil, and keep the country in a They soon returned with sixteen young girls, the jealousy of the sovereigns had taken the constant state of infiltration from below up- whom they conveyed in their canoes to the alarm. They were anxious, therefore, to estawards. To counteract this tendency, as well ships, distributing four on board of each, either blish a resolute and fighting commander like as to get rid of the rain water, which has no as peace-offerings, or as tokens of amity and Ojeda upon this outpost; and they instructed natural outlet, pumps worked by windmills are confidence. The best of understanding now him to set up the arms of Castile and Leon in established in great numbers, on the dams and seemed to be established; and the inhabitants every place he visited, as a signal of discovery embankments, which pour out the water, as of the village came swarming about the ships and possession, and to put a stop to the intrufrom a leaky ship, and in effect preserve the in their canoes, and others swimming in great sions of the English." country from submersion, by taking advantage numbers from the shores. The friendship of Ojeda's whole career is beyond a romance! of every wind that blows. To drain the the savages, however, was all delusive. On a Proceeding as above directed, he landed on the Haarlem lake would seem a hopeless project sudden, several old women at the doors of the coast of Carthagena; and "when the friars to any speculators but those who had the houses uttered loud shrieks, tearing their hair had read a pious manifesto, Ojeda made signs steam-engine at their command, or had learnt in fury. It appeared to be a signal for hos- of amity to the natives, and held up glittering in Holland what might be accomplished by the tility. The sixteen nymphs plunged into the presents. They had already suffered, however, constant agency of the desultory but unwearied sea and made for shore; the Indians in the from the cruelties of white men, and were not powers of wind. But the Dutch engineer canoes caught up their bows and discharged a to be won by kindness. On the contrary, they measures his surface, calculates the number of flight of arrows; and even those who were brandished their weapons, sounded their conchs, his pumps, and, trusting to time and his swimming, brandished darts and lances, which and prepared to make battle. Juan de la Cosa experience of the operation of the winds for they had hitherto concealed beneath the water. saw the rising choler of Ojeda, and knew his the success of his undertaking, boldly forms his Ojeda was for a moment surprised at seeing fiery impatience. He again entreated him to plans to lay dry the bed of an inland sea, of war thus starting up on every side, and the abandon these hostile shores, and reminded which those who stand on one shore cannot see very sea bristling with weapons. Manning his him of the venomous weapons of the enemy. the other." boats, he immediately charged amongst the It was all in vain : Ojeda confided blindly in thickest of the enemy, shattered and sunk the protection of the Virgin. Putting up, as several of their canoes, killed twenty Indians, usual, a short prayer to his patroness, he drew and wounded many more, and spread such a his weapon, braced his buckler, and charged panic among them, that most of the survivors furiously upon the savages. Juan de la Cosa flung themselves into the sea and swam to followed as heartily as if the battle had been shore. Three of them were taken prisoners, of his own seeking. The Indians were soon and two of the fugitive girls, and were con- routed, a number killed, and several taken veyed on board of the ships, where the men prisoners; on their persons were found plates were put in irons. One of them, however, and of gold, but of an inferior quality. Flushed the two girls, succeeded in dexterously escaping by this triumph, Ojeda took several of the priBy the same night. Ojeda had but five men soners as guides, and pursued the flying enemy Washington Irving. 12mo. pp. 327. Lon- wounded in the affray, all of whom recovered. four leagues into the interior. He was foldon, 1831. Murray. He visited the houses but found them aban- lowed, as usual, by his faithful lieutenant, the veteran La Cosa, continually remonstrating against his useless temerity, but hardily seconding him in the most hare-brained perils. Having penetrated far into the forest, they "It is worthy of particular mention, that came to a strong hold of the enemy, where a Ojeda, in his report of his voyage to the sove- numerous force was ready to receive them, reigns, informed them of his having met with armed with clubs, lances, arrows, and bucklers. English voyagers in the vicinity of Coquibacoa, Ojeda led his men to the charge with the old and that the Spanish government attached Castilian war-cry, 'Santiago!' The savages soon such importance to his information, as to take took to flight. Eight of their bravest warriors measures to prevent any intrusion into those threw themselves into a cabin, and plied their parts by the English. It is singular that no bows and arrows so vigorously, that the Sparecord should exist of this early and extensive niards were kept at bay. Ojeda cried shame expedition of English navigators. If it was upon his followers to be daunted by eight naked undertaken in the service of the crown, some men. Stung by this reproach, an old Castilian document might be found concerning it among soldier rushed through a shower of arrows and the archives of the reign of Henry VII. The forced the door of the cabin, but received a English had already discovered the continent shaft through the heart, and fell dead on the "Proceeding along the coast, he arrived at of North America. This had been done in threshhold. Ojeda, furious at the sight, ordered a vast deep gulf, resembling a tranquil lake; 1497, by John Cabot, a Venetian, accompanied fire to be set to the combustible edifice; in a entering which, he beheld on the eastern side a by his son Sebastian, who was born in Bristol. moment it was in a blaze, and the eight warvillage, the construction of which struck him They sailed under a license of Henry VII., riors perished in the flames. Seventy Indians with surprise. It consisted of twenty large who was to have a fifth of the profits of the were made captive and sent to the ships, and houses, shaped like bells, and built on piles voyage. On the 24th June they discovered Ojeda, regardless of the remonstrances of Juan driven into the bottom of the lake, which in Newfoundland, and afterwards coasted the con- de la Cosa, continued his rash pursuit of the this part was limpid, and of but little depth. tinent quite to Florida, bringing back to Eng-fugitives through the forest. In the dusk of Each house was provided with a drawbridge, land a valuable cargo and several of the natives. the evening they arrived at a village called and with canoes, by which the communication This was the first discovery of the mainland of Yurbaco; the inhabitants of which had fled to was carried on. From these resemblances to America. The success of this expedition may the mountains with their wives and children the Italian city, Ojeda gave to the bay the have prompted the one which Ojeda encoun- and principal effects. The Spaniards, imaginname of the Gulf of Venice; and it is called at tered in the neighbourhood of Coquibacoa." ing that the Indians were completely terrified the present day Venezuela, or little Venice: The jealousy of the Spanish government on and dispersed, now roved in quest of booty the Indian name was Coquibacoa. When the this occasion, led to the grant of much greater among the deserted houses, which stood distant inhabitants beheld the ships standing into the powers to Ojeda when he sailed on his second from each other, buried among the trees. While bay, looking like wonderful and unknown ap- voyage in 1502. "He was to colonise Coqui- they were thus scattered, troops of savages paritions from the deep, they fled with terror bacoa, and, as a recompense, was to enjoy one rushed forth, with furious yells, from all parts

The Family Library, Vol. XVIII. Voyages, &c. of the Companions of Columbus.

the unprovoked hostility of the inhabitants, he
spared the buildings, that he might not cause
useless irritation along the coast.

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In a hasty note in our last Gazette we charac-doned and destitute of booty; notwithstanding
terised this volume; and we have now only to
sustain our opinion by examples of its most
interesting features. The period embraced is
from the very close of the fifteenth century
(1499) to about the first quarter of the next;
and the chief voyagers are Alonzo de Ojeda
(with whom Amerigo Vespucci sailed), Vicente
Yañez Pinzon, Diego de Nicuesa, the cele-
brated Vasco Nuñez, Juan Ponce de Leon the
discoverer of Florida, and a few others. The
adventures, the disasters, and, generally, the
melancholy fate of these daring bucaniers and
their companions, form a striking drama in the
history of mankind, from which we shall ex-
tract a few passages. The discovery of the
Gulf of Venezuela, by Ojeda, is a curious spe-

But at last the bold adventurer fell into distress, and died at St. Domingo, his death serving as a wholesome comment on his life.

"He died so poor, that he did not leave money enough to provide for his interment; and so broken in spirit, that, with his last breath, he entreated his body might be buried in the monastery of San Francisco, just at the portal, in humble expiation of his past pride, that every one who entered might tread upon his grave.'

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"Now to business; I say unto you, verily it is not so; or, as the foreigner said to the waiter, after asking him to bring a glass of water, to which the man answered, I will, sir,'- You will! — G-d d-n, — İ say, you mush! And I will submit this to the decision of any person or persons, to be appointed by both, on a fair examination of the circumstances of this as compared with the preceding publications. So, there's for you. There is always some row or other previously to all our publications: it should seem that, on approximating, we can never quite get over the natural antipathy of author and bookseller, and that more particularly the ferine nature of the latter must break forth.

of the forest. The Spaniards endeavoured to doors by the exasperated Spaniards, and either "So you and Mr. Foscolo, &c. want me to gather together and support each other, but slain on the spot, or driven back into the fire. undertake what you call a great work?'-an every little party was surrounded by a host of Women fled wildly forth with children in their epic poem, I suppose, or some such pyramid. foes. They fought with desperate bravery; but arms; but at sight of the Spaniards glittering I'll try no such thing-I hate tasks. And for once their valour and their iron armour were in steel, and of the horses, which they supposed then seven or eight years!' God send us all of no avail; they were overwhelmed by num- ravenous monsters, they ran back, shrieking well this day three months, let alone years. bers, and sank beneath war-clubs and poisoned with horror, into their burning habitations. If one's years can't be better employed than in arrows. Ojeda on the first alarm collected a Great was the carnage, for no quarter was sweating poesy, a man had better be few soldiers, and ensconced himself within a shewn to age or sex. Many perished by the And works, too!-is Childe Harold nothing? small enclosure, surrounded by palisades. Here fire, and many by the sword. When they had You have so many divine' poems, is it nothing he was closely besieged, and galled by flights of fully glutted their vengeance, the Spaniards to have written a human one? without any arrows. He threw himself on his knees, co- ranged about for booty. While thus employed, of your worn-out machinery. Why, man, I vered himself with his buckler, and being small they found the body of the unfortunate Juan could have spun the thoughts of the four cantos and active, managed to protect himself from de la Cosa. It was tied to a tree, but swoln of that poem into twenty, had I wanted to the deadly shower; but all his companions and discoloured in a hideous manner by the book-make; and its passion into as many mowere slain by his side, some of them perishing poison of the arrows with which he had been dern tragedies. Since you want length, you in frightful agonies. At this fearful moment slain. This dismal spectacle had such an effect shall have enough of Juan-for I'll make fifty the veteran La Cosa, having heard of the peril upon the common men, that not one would of his commander, arrived, with a few follow- remain in that place during the night. Having ers, to his assistance. Stationing himself at the sacked the village, therefore, they left it a gate of the palisades, the brave Biscayan kept smoking ruin, and returned in triumph to the savages at bay until most of his men were their ships." slam, and he himself was severely wounded. Just then Ojeda sprang forth like a tiger into the midst of the enemy, dealing his blows on every side. La Cosa would have seconded him, but was crippled by his wounds. He took refuge with the remnant of his men in an Indian cabin; the straw roof of which he aided them to throw off, lest the enemy should set it on fire. Here he defended himself until all his comrades, but one, were destroyed. The subtle poison of his wounds at length overpowered him, and he sank to the ground. Feeling death at hand, he called to his only surviving com. panion. Brother,' said he, since God hath protected thee from harm, sally forth and fly, and if ever thou shouldst see Alonzo de Ojeda, SOME of Lord Byron's letters to Mr. Murray tell him of my fate! Thus fell the hardy are very amusing, and place his liberality, or Juan de la Cosa, faithful and devoted to the rather, perhaps, his sense of justice, in a very very last; nor can we refrain from pausing to favourable light; though, in general, we think pay a passing tribute to his memory. He was there are few names introduced into these pages acknowledged by his contemporaries to be one (not excepting the author's own) which are of the ablest of those gallant Spanish navigators not deteriorated and lowered by the light in who first explored the way to the New World. But it is by the honest and kindly qualities of his heart that his memory is most endeared to us; it is, above all, by that loyalty and friendship displayed in this his last and fatal expedition. Warmed by his attachment for a more youthful and a hot-headed adventurer, we see this wary veteran of the seas forgetting his usual prudence and the lessons of his experience, and embarking heart and hand, purse and person, in the wild enterprises of his favourite. We behold him watching over him as a parent, remonstrating with him as a coun- loaf. You have no right to act suspiciously three thousand for his prose on poetry—I don't sellor, but fighting by him as a partisan; fol- with me, I for have given you no reason. I mean to disparage these gentlemen in their lowing him, without hesitation, into known shall always be frank with you; as, for in- labours but I ask the aforesaid price for and needless danger, to certain death itself, stance, whenever you talk with the votaries of mine. You will tell me that their productions and shewing no other solicitude in his dying Apollo arithmetically, it should be in guineas, are considerably longer: very true, and when moments, but to be remembered by his friend." not pounds-to poets, as well as physicians, they shorten them, I will lengthen mine, and Ojeda alone escaped; and afterwards being and bidders at auctions. joined by Nicuesa, took a terrible revenge on the unfortunate natives.

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We must reserve a portion for our next.

Letters and Journals of Lord Byron.
[Second Notice: conclusion.]

which they appear. Speaking of a proposed
bargain with Galignani, he says-

"Recollect that I will have nothing to do
with it, except as far as it may secure the copy
right to yourself. I will have no bargain but
with the English booksellers; and I desire no
interest out of that country. Now, that's fair
and open, and a little handsomer than your
dodging silence, to see what would come of it.
You are an excellent fellow, mio caro Moray,
but there is still a little leaven of Fleet Street
about you now and then-a crumb of the old

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"You offer fifteen hundred guineas for the new canto: I won't take it. I ask two thousand five hundred guineas for it, which you will either give or not, as you think proper. It concludes the poem, and consists of 144 stanzas. The notes are numerous, and chiefly written by Mr. Hobhouse, whose researches have been indefatigable, and who, I will venture to say, has more real knowledge of Rome and its environs than any Englishman who has been there since Gibbon. By the way, to prevent any mistakes, I think it necessary to state the fact, that he, Mr. Hobhouse, has no interest whatever in the price or profit to be derived from the copyright of either poem or notes, directly or indirectly; so that you are not to suppose that it is by, for, or through him, that I require more for this canto than the preceding. No: but if Mr. Eustace was to have had two thousand for a poem on Education; if Mr. Moore is to have three thousand for Lalla, &c.; if Mr. Campbell is to have

ask less. You shall submit the MS. to Mr. Gifford, and any other two gentlemen to be named by you (Mr. Frere, or Mr. Croker, or whomever you please, except such fellows as your *s and s), and if they pronounce this canto to be inferior, as a whole, to the preceding, I will not appeal from their award, but burn the manuscript, and leave things as they are.

"With regard to the price, I fixed none, but left it to Mr. Kinnaird, Mr. Shelley, and The two governors, no longer rivals, landed yourself, to arrange. Of course, they would four hundred of their men and several horses, do their best; and as to yourself, I know you and set off with all speed for the fatal village. would make no difficulties. But I agree with They approached it in the night, and, dividing Mr. Kinnaird perfectly, that the concluding their forces into two parties, gave orders that five hundred should be only conditional; and tant an Indian should be taken alive. The vil- for my own sake, I wish it to be added, only in lace was buried in deep sleep, but the woods case of your selling a certain number, that "I once wrote from the fulness of my mind were filled with large parrots, which, being number to be fixed by yourself. I hope this is and the love of fame (not as an end, but as a asakened, made a prodigious clamour. The fair. In every thing of this kind there must means, to obtain that influence over men's fodians, however, thinking the Spaniards all be risk; and till that be past, in one way or minds which is power in itself and in its condestroyed, paid no attention to these noises. the other, I would not willingly add to it, par-sequences), and now from habit and from It was not until their houses were assailed, ticularly in times like the present. And pray avarice; so that the effect may probably be as and wrapped in flames, that they took the always recollect, that nothing could mortify me different as the inspiration. I have the same starm. They rushed forth, some with arms, more-no failure on my own part-than having facility, and indeed necessity, of composition, wme weaponless, but were received at their made you lose by any purchase from me. to avoid idleness (though idleness in a hot

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"In writing thus to him," says Mr. Moore, "I had more particularly in recollection a fancy of this kind respecting myself, which he had, not long before my present visit to him at Venice, taken into his head. In a ludicrous, and now perhaps forgotten, publication of mine, giving an account of the adventures of an English family in Paris, there had occurred the following description of the chief hero of the


A fine, sallow, sublime sort of Werter-faced man,
With mustachios which gave (what we read of so oft)
The dear Corsair expression, half savage, half soft,-
As hyænas in love may be fancied to look, or
A something between Abelard and old Blucher.'

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The following are miscellaneous extracts from his lordship's letters and journals.

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country is a pleasure), but a much greater in- | any work, to excite his vein by the perusal of Michael Angelo, to Raphael, to a petit-maître, difference to what is to become of it, after it others, on the same subject or plan, from which to Diogenes, to Childe Harold, to Lara, to has served my immediate purpose. However, the slightest hint caught by his imagination, the count in Beppo, to Milton, to Pope, to but I won't as he read, was sufficient to kindle there such Dryden, to Burns, to Savage, to Chatterton, I should on no account like to go on, like the Archbishop of Granada, as I a train of thought as, but for that spark, had to oft have I heard of thee, my Lord Biron,' In the present in- the actor, to Alfieri, &c. &c." am very sure that you dread the fate of Gil never been awakened, and of which he himself in Shakspeare, to Churchill the poet, to Kean soon forgot the source. Speaking of Hunt: Blas, and with good reason. Yours, &c." "Now, do you see what you and your We select the following for their variety, as stance, the inspiration he sought was of no well as throwing much light on Lord Byron's very elevating nature; the antispiritual doctrines of the sophist in this romance being friends do by your injudicious rudeness? character. what chiefly, I suspect, attracted his attention actually cement a sort of connexion which you to its pages, as not unlikely to supply him with strove to prevent, and which, had the Hunts fresh argument and sarcasm for those depre- prospered, would not in all probability have ciating views of human nature and its destiny, continued. As it is, I will not quit them in racter, fame, money, and the usual et cetera. which he was now, with all the wantonness of their adversity, though it should cost me chaunbounded genius, enforcing in Don Juan." The following is an odd expression of Byron's My original motives I already explained (in the letter which you thought proper to shew): taste. "I wish you good night, with a Venetian they are the true ones, and I abide by them, as benediction, Benedetto te, e la terra che ti I tell you, and I told Leigh Hunt, when he fara!' May you be blessed, and the earth questioned me on the subject of that letter. You He was violently hurt, and never will forwhich you will make'-is it not pretty? would think it still prettier, if you had heard it, give me at bottom; but I can't help that. I as I did, two hours ago, from the lips of a Ve- never meant to make a parade of it; but if On seeing this doggerel, my noble friend,-netian girl, with large black eyes, a face like he chose to question me, I could only answer as I might, indeed, with a little more thought, Faustina's, and the figure of a Juno; tall and the plain truth: and I confess I did not see have anticipated,-conceived the notion that I energetic as a Pythoness, with eyes flashing, any thing in the letter to hurt him, unless I meant to throw ridicule on his whole race of and her dark hair streaming in the moonlight, said he was a bore,' which I don't remember. one of those women who may be made any Had their journal gone on well, and I could poetic heroes; and accordingly, as I learned from persons then in frequent intercourse thing. I am sure if I put a poniard into the have aided to make it better for them, I with him, flew out into one of his fits of half hand of this one, she would plunge it where I should then have left them, after my safe This he now told her, and into me if I offended her. I pilotage off a lee shore, to make a prospehumorous rage against me. confessed himself, and, in laughing over the like this kind of animal, and am sure that I rous voyage by themselves. As it is, I can't, the breakers. As to any community of feelcircumstance with me, owned that he had even should have preferred Medea to any woman and would not if I could, leave them among We meet gone so far as, in his first moments of wrath, that ever breathed." ing, thought, or opinion, between Leigh Hunt and me, there is little or none. to contemplate some little retaliation for this But when I perfidious hit at his heroes. Why, at the very height of desire and rarely, hardly ever; but I think him a goodrecollected,' said he, 'what pleasure it would does there would be done by. I do not know what world he give the whole tribe of blockheads and Blues human pleasure, worldly, social, amorous, principled and able man, and must do as I has lived in, but I have lived in three or four; to see you and me turning out against each ambitious, or even avaricious, other, İ gave up the idea.' He was, indeed, mingle a certain sense of doubt and sorrowa striking instance of what may be almost in-a fear of what is to come-a doubt of what is but none of them like his Keats and kangaroo -a retrospect to the past, leading to a prog- terra incognita. Alas! poor Shelley! how we variably observed, that they who best know how to wield the weapon of ridicule them-nostication of the future? (The best of pro- would have laughed had he lived, and how we selves, are the most alive to its power in the phets of the future is the Past.) Why is this? used to laugh now and then, at various things "Of Hunt I see little-once a month or so, hands of others. I remember, one day,-in or these? I know not, except that on a pin- which are grave in the suburbs!" the year 1813, I think,- -as we were convers-nacle we are most susceptible of giddiness, and ing together about critics, and their influence that we never fear falling, except from a pre- and then on his own business, generally. You on the public, For my part,' he exclaimed, cipice-the higher, the more awful, and the may easily suppose that I know too little of I don't care what they say of me, so they more sublime; and, therefore, I am not sure Hampstead and his satellites to have much don't quiz me.'Oh, you need not fear that,' that Fear is not a pleasurable sensation; at communion or community with him. My -I answered, with something, perhaps, of a least, Hope is; and what Hope is there with- whole present relation to him arose from half-suppressed smile on my features, no-out a deep leaven of Fear? and what sensation Shelley's unexpected wreck. You would not body could quiz you. You could, you vil-is so delightful as Hope? and, if it were not have had me leave him in the street with his lain!' he replied, clenching his hand at me, for Hope, where would the Future be?-in family, would you? and as to the other plan and looking, at the same time, with comic hell. It is useless to say where the Present is, you mention, you forget how it would humiliate for most of us know; and as for the Past, what him-that his writings should be supposed to earnestness into my face. "On the day preceding that of my depar-predominates in memory?-Hope baffled. Er- be dead weight! Think a momentown friends say so pretty loudly; and if he ture from Venice, my noble host, on arriving go, in all human affairs, it is Hope-Hope- perhaps the vainest man on earth, at least his from La Mira to dinner, told me, with all the Hope." "I have been thinking over, the other day, were in other circumstances, I might be temptglee of a schoolboy who had been just granted It is a cursed business; a holyday, that, as this was my last evening, on the various comparisons, good or evil, which ed to take him down a peg; but not now,the contessa had given him ave to make a I have seen published of myself in different it would be cruel. night of it; and that accordingly he would journals, English and foreign. This was sug- but neither the motive nor the means rest not only accompany me to the op 'ra, but that gested to me by accidentally turning over a upon my conscience." we should sup together at some afé (as in foreign one lately,-for I have made it a rule the old times) afterwards. Observing a volume latterly never to search for any thing of the and she with him. The lady in his gondola, with a number of paj er marks kind, but not to avoid the perusal, if presented an ensign, being in Italy, fell in love with the between the leaves, I inquired of him what it by chance. To begin, then: I have seen my- Marchesa was? 'Only a book,' he answere, from self compared, personally or poetically, in Eng- must be at least twenty years his senior. The which I am trying to crib, as I do wherever lish, French, German (as interpreted to me), war broke out; he returned to England, to In the year I can; and that's the way I get the caracter Italian, and Portuguese, within these nine serve-not his country, for that's Ireland-but of an original poet.' On taking it up and years, to Rousseau, Goethe, Young, Aretine, England, which is a different thing; and shelooking into it, I exclaimed, Ah, ny old Timon of Athens, Dante, Petrarch, an ala- heaven knows what she did. friend, Agathon! What!' he cried archly, baster vase, lighted up within,' Satan, Shak-1814, the first annunciation of the Definitive you have been beforehand with ae there, speare, Buonaparte, Tiberius, Eschylus, So- Treaty of peace (and tyranny) was developed have you?' Though in thus imputing to him- phocles, Euripides, Harlequin, the Clown, to the astonished Milanese by the arrival of ⚫, murmured forth, self premeditated plagiarism, he was, of course, Sternhold and Hopkins, to the phantasma- Col. ***, who, flinging himself full length but jesting, it was, I am inclined to think, his goria, to Henry the Eighth, to Chenier, to Mi-at the feet of Madame practice, when engaged in the composition of rabeau, to young R. Dallas (the schoolboy), to in half-forgotten Irish Italian, eternal vows of

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Curious idea of constancy.
"Six-and-twenty years ago Col.

he is


indelible constancy. The lady screamed, and | Great labour appears to have been bestowed | The Year-Book. By William Hone. Part I. exclaimed, Who are you?' The Colonel on the astronomical division of the work, which January. T. Tegg. cried, What! don't you know me? I am so may be recommended to the youthful astrono- A VERY entertaining miscellany, with a mul and so,' &c. &c. &c.; till, at length, the Mar-mer, who finds so much in an ephemeris that titude of curious matters drawn up from the chesa, mounting from reminiscence to remi-is useless to him, or as yet above his compre-well of antiquity, and skilfully placed in juxtaniscence, through the lovers of the interme-hension; it is also a suitable companion to the position with subjects of the day. It is indeed diate twenty-five years, arrived at last at celestial globe, and a guide to the heavens, full of wise saws and modern instances, and the recollection of her povero sub-lieutenant. when a serene sky admits of a survey from the well it plays its part among the periodicals of She then said, 'Was there ever such virtue ?' lawn or observatory. (that was her very word) and, being now a widow, gave him apartments in her palace, reinstated him in all the rights of wrong, and held him up to the admiring world as a miracle of incontinent fidelity, and the unshaken Abdiel of absence."

We quote the ensuing as an instance of that moral perversion which was the great ingredient in all Lord Byron's faults.

"You have given me a screed of metaphor and what not about Pulci, and manners, and 'going without clothes, like our Saxon ancestors.' Now, the Saxons did not go without clothes; and, in the next place, they are not my ancestors,

Dr. Lardner's Cabinet Library: Military
Memoirs of Field Marshal the Duke of
Wellington. By Capt. Moyle Sherer. Vol. I.
London, 1831. Longman and Co.

1831. It is further ornamented with clever wood-cuts, and is altogether highly deserving of public patronage.

Waverley Novels, Vol. XX. The Abbot, Vol. 1.

Edinburgh, 1831, Cadell and Co.; London,
Whittaker and Co.

WE are not aware in what particulars this
new monthly publication is likely to differ from
A NEATLY-WRITTEN preface precedes this vo-
others already in the field; but we can assure lume. Less original than its predecessor, from
our readers that the first volume is a concise having to go over the same ground, the pre-
and spirited biography of the Duke of Welling-face to the Monastery is in reality also that of
ton, from his first commission to the invasion the Abbot. One of the notes we extract.
of Portugal by Massena. A second volume is
announced to complete the work.

"All of the same clan are popularly considered as descended from the same stock, and as

nor yours either; for mine were Norman, and The London University Calendar for the Year having a right to the ancestral honour of the chief branch. This opinion, though sometimes yours, I take it by your name, were Gael. 1831. Pp. 264. London, J. Taylor. And, in the next place, I differ from you about WE have here collected into one convenient ideal, is so strong, even at this day of innova the 'refinement' which has banished the come-volume all that relates to the history and tion, that it may be observed as a national difference between my countrymen and the Engdies of Congreve. Are not the comedies of management of the London University; such lish. If you ask an Englishman of good birth, Sheridan acted to the thinnest houses? I know as, its first establishment, the course of studies whether a person of the same name be connected (as er-committed) that The School for Scandal' pursued, and other matters connected with the with him, he answers, (if in dubio,) No-he was the worst stock piece upon record. I also institution. These are not only interesting is a mere namesake.' Ask a similar question know that Congreve gave up writing because to parties concerned in the design, but to the of a Scot, (I mean a Scotsman,) he replies,— Mrs. Centlivre's balderdash drove his comedies public at large, and especially to those who He is one of our clan; I daresay there is a aff. So it is not decency, but stupidity, that meditate a resort to the University for the indoes all this; for Sheridan is as decent a writer struction of their children. The outlines of the relationship, though I do not know how distant.' The Englishman thinks of discountenancing a as need be, and Congreve no worse than Mrs. lectures, &c. are full of sterling information. species of rivalry in society; the Scotsman's Centlivre, of whom Wilkes (the actor) said, answer is grounded on the ancient idea of "not only her play would be damned, but she strengthening the clan." too.' He alluded to 'A Bold Stroke for a Wife.' But last, and most to the purpose, Pulci is not A REPUBLICATION of this mock-heroic drama, an indecent writer-at least in his first canto, with clever and whimsical designs by George as you will have perceived by this time." Cruikshank. The tail-piece is a famous

Tom Thumb; a Burletta, &c. Pp. 34.

A principle which sets out so erroneously flourish. cannot but be false in its conclusions. It seems

such a strange rule of action to say, "Because others have done wrong, so will I." Indelicacy was the reigning fault in the ages to which he alludes: such is not the case with ours. It is, we grant, unfair to try these our predecessors by our own rigid rules of decorum; but bad must that taste be which would oppose the opinion of its own time, merely to recall the admitted errors of the past.

We now close these pages. We cannot agree with their palliating sophistry; we think much of their detail had better have been omitted; but we must add, we know few biographical works so full of entertainment and interest. It is a great mental and moral study; but the instruction drawn from it must depend on the


Time's Telescope for 1831. 12mo. pp. 416.

T. Rodd.

The Library of Entertaining Knowledge. The
Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties, il-
lustrated by Anecdotes. Vol. II. London,
1831. C. Knight.

The frontispiece by Chalon, and engraved by C. Heath, is a fine composition, though we do not fall in love with the countenance of Queen Mary. The vignette by E. Landseer, engraved by W. H. Watt, the dog Wolfe saving the child from drowning, is exquisite.

pp. 15.

The Children in the Wood: with Engravings by Thompson, Nesbit, S. Williams, Jackson, Branston and Wright. Drawn on OUR high opinion of the first volume descends London. wood by W. Harvey. to the second. The pursuit of knowledge is Jennings and Chaplin. always difficult; and it is delightful to trace the means and the course of those by whom the THE most popular of old and popular ballads is It here adorned in a manner worthy of its ingreatest difficulties have been overcome. terest. We do not think the art of cutting in does honour to past generations, and acts as a stimulant to the living race and to futurity. wood can go beyond the six prints which so This little volume is crammed with well-chosen happily illustrate this melancholy tale; and and well-digested examples, from remote anti- we rejoice to anticipate a series from the quity to the most recent period; and embraces" Percy Relics of Ancient English Poetry," ormany subjects truly interesting to the reader, namented in an equally beautiful and approin literature, in the fine arts, in sciences, and, in short, in all that can improve and adorn civilised mankind.

priate style. We trust the good taste of the editor will induce him to abstain from facetious prefaces where the selections are of a pathetic nature, like the poor Babes in the Wood. It seems as if in ridicule of the finest sympathies of infancy and youth.

Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper. The Royal Lady's Magazine, and Archives of Or this, the eighteenth volume of a most use- the Court of St. James's. Dedicated, by perfal and entertaining publication, we have to mission, to the Queen. No. I. W. Sams. give the same character as of its predecessors: WE are not the best judges of Ladies' Maga- The Sunday Library, Vol. I. Edited by Dr. Dibdin. Longman and Co. its entire three parts, viz. Almanac of Re-zines; but the namby-pamby and trash of the markable Days, Astronomical Occurrences for old Lady's, rendered it likely that any sort of AMONG the numerous libraries, family, naevery Month, and Naturalist's Calendar, are new Lady's must be an improvement. The tional, and encyclopédiastic, that periodically so well compiled, or originally written, as to portrait of the King is not, however, very good; issue from the press, for the purpose of putting convey much instruction on these subjects, to- and the half-dozen other ornaments, together ignorance to the rout, and filling up the void gether with many curious and amusing vari- with the literary contents, are so common- with useful and economical information in the In the present instance, we observe place, or in such bad taste, that we must come most agreeable form that knowledge can be also, with satisfaction, improvements in the to the conclusion of the ploughboy, that these conveyed, none are specifically dedicated to the paper, typography, and illustrations; its ar- ladies, old and new, are much of a muchness. interests of the religious portion of the comrangement, too, is changed, and probably for Poor drivelling work; as if female readers munity. This, when we take into considerathe better, as the three series already men- were to be treated like idiots, void of under- tion the crying necessity of every effort for the tioned may now be read together, without that standing. The editor sets up for a snappish furtherance of the sacred cause being strenuinterruption which occurred on the old plan. critic too--oh dear! ously put forth, has hitherto been no less to be

[ocr errors]

wondered at than to be lamented. We are

Cavelly Vencata Lutchmiah, a Brahmin, architectural fragments, by Mr. Parris; about happy to say, a work well calculated to incul- was elected a corresponding member of the sixty views on the coast of Great Britain, by cate and promote a right feeling, and provide Society. Mr. B. H. Hodgson's translation of a W. Daniell, R.A.; miniatures of Lord Durmuch essential information on the subject of Budhist's confutation of the Brahmin doctrine ham and his son, from the paintings of Sir religion, has commenced its course, under the of caste was read. This is a very curious tract, Thomas Lawrence, by Mr. G. R. Ward; a name of the Sunday Library, and the auspices and is entitled a Disputation respecting Caste bust of Dr. Leonard Smith, by Mr. H. Behnes of Dr. Dibdin. The object of the work em- by a Buddha, in the form of a series of propo- Burlowe ; two fine candle-light effects, by Mr. braces the selection of extracts on the most sitions supposed to be put by a Saiva, and re- Clater; some sketches from the life, and two important topics, from the writings of our emi- futed by the disputant; who draws most of his highly finished portraits, by Mr. J. Wood; a nent churchmen; so that, by the judicions arguments against the divine institution of fine drawing in water-colours of Rebecca, and arrangement of these, a plan is struck out, the caste from the Vedas and other sacred books of a miniature of a child, by Miss Fanny Corpursuance of which cannot fail of being an the Brahmins themselves! baux; five sweet drawings, from the tragedy of unerring guide, whether of personal edification Juliet, by Mr. J. Hayter; a portfolio of orior family instruction;-on the one hand supginal sketches from nature, particularly in the plying a corrective to cant, while it furnishes vicinity of Hastings, by Mr. G. Sydney Shepon the other an antidote against infidelity. herd; a series of engravings (fac-similes) of Flaxman's Acts of Mercy, by Mr. G. G. Lewis ; an exquisite fancy portrait, and a finely painted head, by Mr. Boxall; a picture in oils-the folio of sketches, by Mr. Lewis. These were Bitter Morning,-by Mr. R. W. Buss; a portprincipally the contributions of members, who, sider the exhibition of their works at the meetwe are glad to find, have been induced to conings of the Society an additional inducement to labour.

Pen Tamar; or, the History of an Old Maid. By the late Mrs. H. M. Bowdler. 12mo. pp. 244. London, 1830. Longman and Co. WE cannot do better than quote part of the editor's preface, by way of review.

"There cannot, surely, be any one in the large circle of her acquaintance, to whom such a memorial of her amiable and pious mind will not be acceptable."

Few persons were more deservedly beloved than Mrs. Bowdler; and we need only add, the present volume is full of the piety and good feeling that characterised her former writings.




Views in the East. From original Sketches by
Captain Robert Elliot, R. N. With Historical
and Descriptive Illustrations. Part V. Fisher,
BENARES," of which it is stated that, as a
Son, and Co.
town to which there is no ruined portion be-
the most remarkable city of Hindoostan over
longing, it is certainly the most interesting and
which the English have any authority; "The
Cave of Karli," one of those magnificent exca-
which India is so celebrated; and " El Wuish," about to be formed in the City, and that many
vations, the results of pagan superstition, for We understand that a similar body is
of the Red Sea,-embellish the fifth Part of art, east of Temple Bar, have already ex.
a small harbour on the Arabian or north coast of the most wealthy and influential patrons of
Captain Elliot's publication. They are from pressed a desire to be connected with it. Its
the pencils of Messrs. Boys, Cattermole, and results may, and we have no doubt will, be
Stanfield; are engraved by Messrs. Heath, highly beneficial.
Bishop, and Goodall; and are all exceedingly
beautiful, especially the last. The descriptions
the Red Sea by the Arab trading vessels, are
of the Cave of Karli, and of the navigation of
full of interest.

Lancashire Illustrated, from original Drawings
by S. Austin, J. Harwood, and G. and C. Pyne.
With Descriptions.
Parts VI. and VII.

Fisher, Son, and Co.

ON Thursday, J. E. Bicheno, Esq. in the chair.
Mr. Vigors read the usual monthly report.
2730 persons had visited the Society's gardens
during the month of December; and the avail-
able balance on that month's proceedings, in
favour of the Society, amounted to 5247. 13s. 6d.
The Earl of Belfast, Lord Valletort, Sir Philip
Egerton, Bart., Sir Thomas Hesketh, Bart.,
Major Carnac, Dr. Blundell, and a number THESE Parts complete the work, to which, in
of other individuals, were elected fellows; conjunction with Ireland Illustrated," and
Captains King, Franklin, and Walker, were « Devon and Cornwall Illustrated," we have so
severally elected corresponding members.- frequently called the attention of our readers.
Amongst the donations to the Society were a We certainly think that the proprietors are
variety of curious fishes. A very rare speci-justified in the assertion, that the number of its
men, the solea pegusa of Risso, a species inha- engravings, and the superior manner in which
biting the Mediterranean, and occasionally they have been executed, shew that this is a
taken on the southern coast of England, was publication of no common character; as well as
presented by Wm. Yarrell, Esq. and was much in their expectation that the patronage which it
admired. Some parrots were also enumerated; has hitherto received will be considerably in-
in the list of these, the ground parrot of Aus- creased, now the volume is complete.
tralia appeared to be the most peculiar. Unlike
others of the species with which our ornitho-
logists are acquainted, this bird keeps entirely
to the ground. After auditors were appointed,
one of the fellows gave notice that, at the
following meeting, he should bring forward a

motion for the erection of a suitable museum.

After a protracted discussion, of no interest, the proposed new by-laws were ordered to be hung up in the Society's meeting-room during the following three months. Mr. Vigors informed the meeting that the first fasciculus of the proceedings of the Committee of Science and Correspondence, attached to the Society,

was ready for publication.


Answer to Mrs. Jones's Letter in Hood's Comic
Annual. *


Padinton third Janeary 1831. DR. MRS. JONES,-I take Pin in hand to Scratch you a few Remarks in return for your kind Pestle: it however gav me a sevear Blow to hear of my deer Friends Roofall Sitawayshun: keep up your Spirits, doe my deer Frend, dout not in your next I shall hear you have taken to your Old Rum again down stairs and find the Windy-Pains in a Hole condishunYet what can you Relie on when the Country Gernals is filled with sheets of Flams of Steaks and Bairns burnt to their foundhayshones. But let you and me Mrs. J, hop that these evil Doors may be sicured. I have a bit of Noose for you-Swing is taken and Lockt up- let us hop then that Steps may be taken for capshining The Duke of Wellington. Moon, Boys, his Canfeedrats- -You enquier what our King and Manystirs think of Stuck Puggys I beTHE illustrious commander on horseback, leeve they think your Magasstearall Funkshunwaving his hat as a signal, from Sir T. Law-areas mite have shone more Hacktivity and rence's grand picture, and nobly engraved by Incision again armed Poplars and Incinders tion of art, and the likeness strong, though stid of mindin there work they are always Bromley. It is, altogether, a splendid produc- but its all owing to the March of Intellx-intreated with the President's usual taste.

and Graves.


runnin to heer some Seedishus Ourang or other on the Harrastocrazy- they now call themARTISTS' AND AMATEURS' CONVERSAZIONE. selves the Industerious Classis, formally they was called The Lore Ordurs. My Servint THE third meeting of this Society was held on Wednesday, and was, as usual, very numer and has the impidence to tell me she has a Soal gal atends Love Feasts and Missinarea Meetins ously attended by artists and lovers of art. large collection of paintings, drawings, &c., as valleyable as my own and actally askt if her was laid upon the tables: among them were minnyster mite be aloud to come and prepair several of the highest class. Mr. Griffiths, of me for Heavn; but I told the uzzy to prepair Norwood (a liberal patron of British art), warnin to soot herself-but about the parleyherself for another place and gav her a munths SIR WILLIAM OUSELEY in the chair.-Pro- brought with him a splendid painting of Bofessor Reuvens, of Leyden, presented a copy nington's, one of the most exquisitely wrought is Sholders wich I hop he will be able to dismeant Hurl Grey the Primer has a load on of his Letters to M. Letronne upon some works of this lamented artist. Many other charg an all go off quiet: He has pledgd him. bilingual and Greek papyri, with plates in folio; members contributed extensively to the assem-self for to the caws for Riform an says hell and M. Adelung, director of the Oriental Insti. blage: among them we have to notice a study tute at St. Petersburgh, presented a copy of his for an infant Bacchus, by Rothwell,-a deliCatalogue Raisonné of Sanscrit books and MSS. cious picture; sketches of female heads and No. 726.


*Original. See L. G., Review of the Comic Annual,

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