The World Almanac and Book of FactsNewspaper Enterprise Association, 1914 The World Almanac and Book of Facts is a US published reference work and conveys information about such subjects as world changes, tragedies, sports feats, etc. It has been published yearly from 1868 to 1875, and again every year since 1886. The first edition of The World Almanac was published by The New York World newspaper in 1868 (the name of the publication comes from the newspaper itself, which was known as The World). Published just three years after the end of the US Civil War and the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, its 120 pages of information touched on such events as the process of Reconstruction and the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson. Publication was suspended in 1876, but in 1886 newspaper publisher Joseph Pulitzer, who had purchased The New York World and quickly transformed it into one of the most influential newspapers in the country, revived The World Almanac with the intention of making it a compendium of universal knowledge. The World Almanac has been published annually since. |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 83 筆
第 頁
... Canal . Size , clos- ed , 10x13 inches ; cloth bound : by express , pre- paid , $ 3.00 . HAMMOND'S MODERN ATLAS THE WORLD . OF HISTORICAL ATLAS , 154 colored maps and diagrams , and 43 plans in black and white , with complete ...
... Canal . Size , clos- ed , 10x13 inches ; cloth bound : by express , pre- paid , $ 3.00 . HAMMOND'S MODERN ATLAS THE WORLD . OF HISTORICAL ATLAS , 154 colored maps and diagrams , and 43 plans in black and white , with complete ...
第 5 頁
... Canal , Board , N. Y. State Canals , Statistics . Capital Bank U.S .. Punishment . Capitals , Foreign . of States . Capitol . U. S. Captains , U. S. Army . Workers in U. S. 252 of Nations 221,254 287 Coins , American , Prices Paid ...
... Canal , Board , N. Y. State Canals , Statistics . Capital Bank U.S .. Punishment . Capitals , Foreign . of States . Capitol . U. S. Captains , U. S. Army . Workers in U. S. 252 of Nations 221,254 287 Coins , American , Prices Paid ...
第 11 頁
... Canal Board . 727 structors ... 419 History Society 590 Corporation Tax .... 296 46 of Postmasters ........ 595 Militia 454 Counties , Order of Railway Commis- Officers , Customs .523 of Creation ..... 726 sioners . 190 Order of the ...
... Canal Board . 727 structors ... 419 History Society 590 Corporation Tax .... 296 46 of Postmasters ........ 595 Militia 454 Counties , Order of Railway Commis- Officers , Customs .523 of Creation ..... 726 sioners . 190 Order of the ...
第 12 頁
... Canal . " Acquisition of ( Vol . Canada .. 1905 ) . Act ( Vol . 1914 ) . Centre of . Chicago .. 56 " Zone 134,725 Planets ... Chile ... .54 , 55.56 China . Pilot Commissioners .......... 811 Planetary Configurations , 1915 ...
... Canal . " Acquisition of ( Vol . Canada .. 1905 ) . Act ( Vol . 1914 ) . Centre of . Chicago .. 56 " Zone 134,725 Planets ... Chile ... .54 , 55.56 China . Pilot Commissioners .......... 811 Planetary Configurations , 1915 ...
第 14 頁
... Canal . 30 , 55 Single Tax ...... 310 Speakers of U. S. House of Rep 783 82 Special Del . Postal Service..108 97 Sessions , Court .... .812 99 Sinking Fund Comm'rs , N. Y..811 Specific Gravity .. 84 Savings Banks of N. Y.City.817-818 ...
... Canal . 30 , 55 Single Tax ...... 310 Speakers of U. S. House of Rep 783 82 Special Del . Postal Service..108 97 Sessions , Court .... .812 99 Sinking Fund Comm'rs , N. Y..811 Specific Gravity .. 84 Savings Banks of N. Y.City.817-818 ...
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