Dr. Delaney's AA Dr. Delaney's VERMILAX SUPREME DOG REMEDIES DELANETS BY THE BEST KENNELS IN THE WORLD PROVEN CURES FOR Worms, Mange, Distemper and every Other Dog ill WRITE FOR VALUABLE FREE BOOK ON DOGS VERMILAX CO. Inc., NEW YORK CITY TREES J. H. SHEERIN'S TREES MADE DANSVILLE FAMOUS Largest Nursery Center in the world. Annual output more than 6,000,000 Fruit Bearing Trees Alone. Buy direct at wholesale and save 300 PER CENT. Secure SHEERIN'S WHOLESALE NURSERIES 80 Seward St. DANSVILLE, N. Y. The Bunker Automatic Massaging Trusses and Abdominal Belts "THE BEST IN THE WORLD" A Truss that has withstood the "acid test" of years. Comfortable, mechanically perfect, reasonable in price. Free consultation. Fitted by experts. Thousands of happy and healthful wearers. Springs shown in cut give any desirable pressure on the rupture; no pressure on the spine; mild massaging action. Hard and soft pads and various plates. We build special for every case. Worn by prominent people. Those who have worn them would wear no other. "Ask them." Call or write for booklet AT CUT PRICES All New Goods. Established 20 years. When we have a special sale on tires it really means something. TIRES TUBES $1.90 $3.50 30x3 7.00 2.05 36x4 15.50 3.50 30x32 9.75 2.75 34x42 17.00 4.00 i 32x32 11.50 2.80 36x42 17.00 4.00 34x32 12.50 2.90 36x5 18.00 4.50 32x4 14.00 3.00 We have every other size in stock, Write or call. Most of these shoes are high grade makes. The tubes are all guaranteed perfect stock. We do not do any repairing, no recovering; every tire out of our place is a brand new article. 1254 Bedford Ave., near Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Tel. 6903 Bedford N. B.-Mr. Dealer: We have a special proposition for you. ►LEARN THE AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS MONTH branch of this big, fascinating and grow ing business. Every locality needs ambitious men to start garage and repair shops in downtown and residence districts. Detroit is Automobile center-44 factories-67 out of every 100 cars are made in Detroit. Our students make fast Average man completes time-practical instruction starts first day, in construction, repairing and driving standard makes of cars. course in six weeks-ready to step into good job, or start business for himself. Many work while they learn. EARN $75.00 ΤΟ $300.00 A MONTH Reap a harvest of dollars where the dollars are. |