New 1915 Model $695 SEVENTEEN NEW FEATURES The biggest automobile value ever offered for less than $1,000. A powerful, fast, full grown, 5-passenger, really beautiful and fully equipped automobile; a car with a real high tension magneto, sliding gear transmission, left hand drive, centre control, anti-skid tires on rear. A car that has practically every high priced feature of high priced cars-a real "Wonder Car." Holds the Road at 50 Miles an Hour Write for beautiful illustrated catalogue. This car can be seen at the Maxwell Retail Fac tory Branch, Broadway and 59th St., New York. Maxwell Maxwell Motor Company, Inc. Michigan i ROADSTER New 1915 Model, with Full Equipment Price $670 The biggest automobile value ever offered for less than $1,000. A fast, powerful and handsome, sweet-running car. Holds the Road at 50 Miles an Hour All the high priced features of high priced roadsters. hand drive; centre control, anti-skid tires on rear. The production of 60,000 Maxwells during the coming year makes the price of $670 possible. With Gray & Davis electric self-starter and electric lights $55 extra. Write for Illustrated Catalogue MAXWELL MOTOR CO., Detroit This car can be seen at the tory Branch, Broadway and Maxwell 59th Street, N. Y. Maxwell Retail Fac The "WALKEASY” ARTIFICIAL LEG Combines all the Latest Improvements. Acknowledged by all wearers the Walk. most durable, comfortable and easiest to walk on of any leg made. Our casy large illustrated catalogue, "THE MAKING OF A MAN," sent free on request. George R. Fuller Co., 99 CLINTON AVE., NORTH ROCHESTER, N. Y. JEROME PAPER COMPANY H. B. SMITH, Manager Manufacturers of Toilet Paper TELEPHONE 3901 COLUMBUS 314 West 53d Street, New York NOTT'S RHEUMATIC BALM RELIEVES IN 12 HOURS A positive and unfailing remedy for rheumatism, no matter how long standing. It increases the appetite and strengthens the constitution by acting as a powerful alterative, completely renovating and bracing a worn-out system. The most effectual medicine ever prepared for chronic and inflammatory rheumatism TRY IT, at all druggists or by mail. 90c. PER BOTTLE. Prepared and sold at S. A. BROWN PHARMACY, EST. 108 YEARS Thos. H. Tucker, Proprietor, 28-30 Fulto a St., N. Y. City MURINE EYE REMEDY EFFICIENCY HAS BEEN DEMONSTRATED FOR MANY YEARS it is not a "Patent Medicine" nor a "Nostrum" because it is the result of professional investigation and experience of Successful Oculists who Compound it. Sold by your druggist at 50c per pkg. You save the Doctor's fee. Murine Wins your approval. Why not try Murine when your Eyes Need Care? No Smarting. Just Eye Comfort. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for Book of the Eye. Don't Hide Them With a Veil; Remove Them With The Othine Prescription This prescription for the removal of freckles was written by a prominent physician and is usually so successful in removing freckles and giving a clear, beautiful complexion that it is sold by druggists under an absolute guarantee to refund the money if it fails. Don't hide your freckles under a veil; get an ounce of othine and remove them. Even the first few applications should show a wonderful improvement, some of the lighter freckles vanishing entirely. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength othine; it is this that is sold on the money-back guarantee. Othine can be bought by the ounce from any druggist. American Addressing and Mailing Co. 56 WARREN STREET NEW YORK CITY ADDRESSING:-Envelopes, Postals, Folders or Wrappers Addressed by Hand or Typewriter. LISTS:-Mailing Lists Furnished for any Business or Profession in the World. FOLDING:- Circulars, Reports, etc., Folded, Enclosed, Stamped and Mailed. TYPEWRITING:-Envelopes, etc., Addressed; Filling In Names and Addresses on Fac-Simile Letters. FAC-SIMILE LETTERS:-Reproduce actual Typewritten Letters by the best known method. DIRECT ADVERTISING BRINGS SATISFACTORY RESULTS Give us an opportunity to submit estimates AMERICAN ADDRESSING AND MAILING CO. 56 Warren Street New York City TELEPHONE BARCLAY 5815 |