ePub 版
[blocks in formation]

Death, resigna

tion or removal of candidate

of ballots

Chairman of

the State, coun

ty, hundred or


Section 9. In case of the death, removal or resignation of any candidate after the printing of such ballots after printing and before such election, it shall be lawful for the Chairman of the State, county, hundred or district political organization by which such candidate was nominated to make a nomination to fill such vacancy and to provide the election officers of each election district in which such candidate is to be voted for, with a number of pasters Posters to be containing only the name of such candidate. Said number to be at least equal to the number of ballots provided for each election district as hereinafter provided, and to deliver said pasters in the same manner as it is hereinafter provided that ballots shall be delivered.

district political organization to fill vacancy


Clerk of the

Peace to have

ballots for every voter

Clerk of the

Section 10. The Clerk of the Peace in each county printed fifteen shall cause to be printed within the State of Delaware, in the form hereinbefore provided, not less than fifteen ballots for every voter in each hundred or Election District in his county, and the number shall be ascertained in each hundred or Election District by reference to the highest number of votes polled therein at any preceding election, with due allowance for any estimated increase thereof. If a new Election District has been established in his county, the number shall be estimated by the said Clerk of the Peace, according to the best information he can obtain. The Clerk of the Peace in each county, in printed in ad- addition to the above mentioned ballots, shall cause to number of bal- be printed such further number of ballots as shall be by Chairman directed by the Chairman of any committee of any potee of any political party, in any county, provided, however, that the said Clerk of the Peace shall not have printed any ballots upon the order or request of any Chairman of any political party unless the said request shall have been made to him in writing at least thirty days prior to the holding of the Election at which the said ballots are to be used, nor unless a deposit sufficient to cover the cost of the ballots be made at the time they are ordered. The

Peace to have

dition such

lots as directed

of any commit

litical party upon deposit being made to cover cost


be delivered to

Political Com

Peace to deliv

two ballots for

of charge

ballots so ordered by the said Chairmen of the various political parties shall be delivered to the said Chairmen Said ballots to or to their agents upon their request or order, at least Chairmen of five days before the Election at which the said ballots mittees are to be used. In addition to the ballots so ordered by the Chairmen of the various political parties, the Clerk of the Peace shall deliver to each Chairman of the various political parties, two ballots for every voter in each Clerk of the hundred or Election District, who at the last preceding er in addition election cast his ballot for the head of the ticket of such each voter, free political party, which ballots shall be furnished to the County Chairmen free of all charges. The Clerk of the Peace shall cause the ballots, other than those delivered to the Chairmen of the various political parties for each hundred or Election District, to be carefully wrapped Disposition of and tied in two packages. One of such packages shall lots printed in contain two ballots for every voter in each hundred or Election District in his county, and shall be retained by the Clerk of the Peace, and the ballots therein contained shall only be used to take the place of any ballot that may have been destroyed or lost by any accident or casualty. The other packages of ballots shall be delivered by the Clerk of the Peace in the manner hereinafter provided for. The Clerk of the Peace in each county shall also provide ungummed envelopes of a sufficient size to contain the ballot to be used at any election. Each envelope shall have printed thereon,

Official Envelope


Representative District Number

residue of bal


Clerk of the Peace to provide ungummed envelopes

Date of Election

Clerks of Election


Clerk of Elec- and shall be signed by the Clerks of Election on the lines above the words, "Clerks of Election".

tion to sign envelopes

Four envelopes for each voter

He shall have prepared four envelopes for each voter in each hundred or Election District in his county, and the number shall be ascertained in each hundred or Election District by reference to the highest number of votes polled therein at any preceding election, with due allowance for any estimated increase thereof. If a new Election District has been established in his county, the number shall be estimated by said Clerk of the Peace, according to the best information he can obtain. The Clerk of the Peace shall cause the envelopes for each hundred or Election District to be carefully wrapped and tied in two packages, one package containing one envelope for each voter in each hundred or Election District, in his county, and shall be retained by the Clerk of the Peace, and the envelopes therein contained shall only be used to take the place of like envelopes that may have been destroyed or lost by any accident or casualty. The said packages Package mark- of envelopes shall be plainly marked and securely sealed

Envelopes to be tied in packages

ed and sealed

Pencils to be provided

Inspectors of Election outside of Wil

mington to ap

with wax. The Clerk of the Peace in each County shall also provide, and enclose in each of said packages, not less than one dozen black or indelible pencils or crayons and a sufficient number of rubber bands to secure the number of envelopes in each hundred or Election District.

Section 11. It shall be the duty of each Inspector of Election outside of the City of Wilmington to appear at pear at Clerks the Office of the Clerk of the Peace of his County on the to receive bal- day preceding the election before the hour of three

of Peace office

lots, envel

opes, &c.


o'clock in the afternoon, and the Clerk of the Peace shall deliver to him the packages of ballots, envelopes,pencils, and rubber bands for his hundred or Election District, and the said Inspector shall safely keep the said packages and produce the same at the place of election, and


at the time of the opening of the election; provided, however, that in case there shall be a vacancy in the office of any Inspector on the day preceding the election or any Inspector for any cause, shall not apply to the proper Clerk of the Peace for the packages herein mentioned, for his hundred or Election District by the hour of three o'clock in the afternoon of the day preceding the elec tion, the said Clerk of the Peace shall deliver said packages to some trusty person who shall deliver them on the day of the election to the Inspector of Election, of such Clerk of the hundred or election district at the place of election and delivery to immediately upon the qualification of the election offi- person when


Peace to make

some trusty

Inspector fails to appear

ment of Elec

mington to

distribution of

opes &c., ob

from Clerk of

In the City of Wilmington it shall be the duty of the The DepartPresident of the Department of Elections, or in case he tions in Wilcannot attend some other member of the Department of have charge of Elections authorized in writing by the President of the ballots, envel Department of Elections to appear at the Office of the taining same Clerk of the Peace of New Castle County on the day pre- the Peace ceding each election on or before the hour of three o'clock in the afternoon, and the said Clerk of the Peace shall deliver to him the packages provided for each election district of the City of Wilmington and the said Department of Elections shall safely keep the same and deliver to said board of election officers and at the polling place on the day of the election at the time provided by law for the delivery of the ballot boxes, the ballots, envelopes, pencils and rubber bands intended for their several and respective districts.

or envelopes

Section 12. If by any action or casualty the ballots or Loss of ballots envelopes delivered to any Inspector or other person by any Clerk of the Peace shall be lost or destroyed it shall be the duty of such person having such packages in his custody to report the loss at once to the Clerk of the Peace from whom the same were obtained and make af

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