being a favourite epithet; for which it is not easy to find a correfpondent one in Homer. We have 'fturdy fons, a flurdy fpear, sturdy staff, sturdy thighs, a flurdy wrestler,' &c. We have, and we believe they are the first of the kind, a steed 'azure-maned,' ' a god in disguife,' ιππω εισαμενος κυανοχαίτη, and an 'azure-crested nightingale,' χλωρηις αεδων. Thetis likewife is styled azure haired; but the original is Θετιδος ηυκομος. Δολιχόσκιον, &c. Δολιχόσκιον εγχος is commonly rendered a 'long-shadowed spear; but we should imagine the reverse was meant, a spear that cafts a long shadow." Ποδενιμος is commonly prefixed to Iris, and tranflated storm-wing'd,' ' tempeft-wing'd,' but we believe never, as it imports, ' with feet of wind.' 'Patrimonial amity' is an odd phrase for (ξεινοι πατρωιοι), 'hereditary friendship." At least we never met with the word in this fignification before. 'Incontinent' is very often introduced in the same sense which Milton uses it, it, as synonymous to immediately. - It is, we imagine, not generally allowed to be naturalised in our language; and if it be so, it should not, likewise, be brought forward according to common acceptance: incontinent as fair.' The epithets that follow, marked in Italics, have a foundation in the original, but strangely enfeeble the idea. Mr. Cowper would not have been charged with any want of judgment had he omitted them: the breach would have been as honourable as the observance. - neither Peleus thee begat, In enumerating the different defects which haye struck us in Mr. Cowper's verfion, we must not omit the liberties which he occafionally takes with the auxiliary verbs: 'he shall foon, for he will foon;' 'may we,' for 'can we;'' never may it be,' for 'never shall it be:' and 'as he might'-' as best I may,' are frequently introduced for, as he could,' and ' as I can.' Agamemnon tells the shades of the suitors, that not the chosen youths of a whole town should [i. e. could or would] form a nobler band.'-And Ulyffes calls for affiftance, thrice loud as mortal may'-i. e. can. It may be objected to us that, in reviewing this tranflation, we have been more fedulous in pointing out defects, than in selecting beauties. To this we reply, that they are more numerous; and though we have quoted but few of the latter species, We we have allowed that many others are to be found. And we must observe, that though we have given a pretty long lift of the former, yet had we been instigated by malevolence, or impelled - even by a perfevering spirit of investigation, we might have enlarged it very confiderably. We have, indeed, produced more instances, than what, in all probability, we otherwise should have done, to vindicate the opinion we have always entertained, that a close tranflation of Homer in blank verfe could not do justice to the original. Mr. Cowper says, fuch a tranflation has been repeatedly and loudly demanded by fome of the best judges and ableft writers of the present day. Without meaning any offence to those gentlemen, whoever they may be, we have prefumed to differ in judgment from them. Opinions in matters of tafte will vary; and the fuperiority of rhyme to blank verse, or vice versa, will ever, in all probability,, be a matter of debate. Neither do we contend with any on that subject in general, but as confined to a close verfion of Homer; and we have scattered through our critique different reafons on which we formed an idea that fuch an attempt would not fucceed. Mr. Cowper professes that he has - no fear of judges familiar with original Homer. They need not be told that a tranflation of him is an arduous enterprize, and as such, entitled to fome favour. From these, therefore, I shall expect, and shall not be disappointed, confiderable candour and allowance. Especially they will be candid, and I believe that there are many fuch, who have occafionally tried their own strength in this bow of Ulyffes. They have not found ic fupple and pliable, and with me are perhaps ready to acknowledge that they could not always even approach with it the mark of their ambition." The difficulty he acknowledges we likewise have foreseen; and are ready to excuse what we do not greatly approve; for we cannot look even upon Mr. Cowper as the favoured knight destined to complete an adventure in which all other competitors have miscarried. We respect his abilities; some passages are executed with great taste and spirit, and many that were difficult he has happily elucidated: yet, on the whole, the performance appears to us, confidered as a poetical work, flat, heavy, and uninteresting. • To the illustrious Greek, Mr. C. says, he owes the smooth and easy flight of many thousand hours.' We heartily with, if it would have yielded equal amusement, that he had dedicated those hours to original compofition; we should then have followed him with more fatisfaction, and we doubt not have acquired both pleasure and instruction in the pursuit. In our last, p. 313. seventeen lines from the bottom, omit the word bave. AREVIEW F PUBLIC AFFAIRS, FROM JANUARY TO MAY 1792. 0 NORTH AMERICA. THE address of the president of congress, to both houses of the federal legislature, presents a pleasing profpect of the rapid advances of the American states in agriculture, manufac tures, commerce, and navigation. The treaty with the Indians, mentioned in our last statement, was only partial; and the war with other favage nations continues to rage on the frontiers of Kentucky. General St. Clair's army has been completely defeated by the savages with the lofs, as is averred, of about 40 offices, and 600 privates; eight pieces of cannon, and all the baggage, fell into the hands of the foe. By the latest accounts this defeat has fince been avenged on the former victors, who were surprised, and routed with great flaughter. WEST INDIES. The disturbances in St. Domingo are far from being appeased; and that unhappy settlement will for a time be loft in the annals of European commerce. We cannot venture on any detail of the events, as the distance of the scene, and the views of party at home, have joined to perplex the narration. The original and chief disputes seem to have arifen between the whites and the people of colour, or mulattoes; but in fome parts the blacks have arisen against the whites; and the town of St. Marc has, as is faid, fallen a prey to the former. SAND SANDWICH ISLANDS. The cruelty of captain Metcalf, commander of an American veffcl, who in revenge for the loss of a boat, and one man, poured a broadfide into a numerous assemblage of canoes, to the inftant deftruction of near a hundred savages, has been deservedly reprobated. Even the flaughter of Cook would not have vindicated such a revenge. ОТАНΕΙΤΕ. Intelligence has been received from captain Edwards, commander of the Pandora, sent in quest of the mutineers againft captain Bligh, that fixteen have been taken; but Chriftian and the other nine, retiring to some distant isle with the Bounty, have not been found. The Pandora has fince been wrecked, but the crew is faved. NEW HOLLAND. The British colony here still labours under great difadvantages from the want of provisions. EAST INDIES. Since our last account no intelligence of much importance has been received. The army of lord Cornwallis was in motion, in the beginning of October. Ouffore, a place of great ftrength and importance, has fallen into our hands. Tippoo had, by the latest accounts, entrenched himself about twelve miles from Seringapatam; and lord Cornwallis with his grand army was advancing towards him. General Abercrombie, with the Bombay army, had afcended the Ghauts, and was well fupplied with provifions. Our affairs proceeded, however, with a flow profperity. The encounter between a French and English frigate occafioned some surprize. So far as can be judged, from the detail laid before the public, there was rather too much severity and distrust shewn on our fide, and an ill-timed arrogance on that of the French commander, who was apparently a young man, AFRICA. The empire of Morocco has been loft in inteftine commo tions. A battle was fought between the emperor and his brother Ben Affer, in which the latter was defeated and flain, Late accounts bear that the Spaniards had affifted another brother against the emperor, and that the conflict proved fatal to the latter, RUSRUSSIA. The final treaty with the Turks, concluded at Jaffy the 9th of January, states that the Dniester shall be the boundary; that the cities of Moldavia and Wallachia shall be confirmed in their privileges: that the Port shall guarantee the tranquillity of Grufinia, Georgia, and Caucasus; and all Ruffian vessels against the corfairs of Barbary. The empress is improving Oczacow, and rendering it a place of great strength, importance, and commerce. At the fame time Catherine is not negligent of her share in European politics. She has assured the pope that the will fupport him in the resumption of Avignon; and has published a warm manifesto against the French revolution, and the progress of liberty. But Poland, and its new scheme of government, excite her chief apprehenfions. It is risible to behold the efforts of freedom compelling monarchs to declare fecrets better preserved with dignified filence. Distant must be that period in which a Russian slave begins even to form an idea of freedom; and Catherine herself condemns it, as the popes condemned these as heretics who afferted the folar system, the antipodes, and other mathematical truths. It is expected that a Ruffian fleet will affift the efforts of the king of Hungary and Prulia against France. POLAN D. Warm debates concerning the sale of the starosties, which are regal fiefs allotted to individuals in reward of services, or from mere favour, have occurred in the diet. The empress of Russia foments the divisions, and will probably soon take an active part against the new constitution. The elector of Saxony has insulted a people who called him, and his family, to the throne, by demanding the guarantee of Russia. SWEDEN. A diet summoned by the king to meet at Gefflé, a folitary place on the Bothnic gulf, near seventy miles from Stockholm, excited much attention. Some imagined that the diet might afsfert the national freedom against a despotic monarch; but Gustavus had guarded against any fuch defign, by his choice of the spot, and by posting his mercenary troops around. He found however some difficulty in gaining his only intention, that of raising money; and was obliged to put up with a part of his demand. The |