of the reverend gentlemen who have contributed to the work, that fiuce the year 1755, when an account of the population of Scotland was procured by the late Dr. Webster, the num. ber of inhabitants is, in many parts of the country, much encreased; and both in agriculture and manufactures, improvement is equally confpicuous. The clergy in Scotland feem, in general, to have a comfortable, though not an ample fubfiftence; but the provision for the schoolmasters, in almost all the parishes, is miferably defective. We find, however, that there is a plan in agitation for remedying this evil; and it requires to be carried into execution with all possible dispatch. The present work, by diffusing over Scotland the observations and experiense collected from every district, must greatly promote the farther improvement of the country; and it ought to be attended with the additional effect, of exciting government to co-operate, with all its power, in every scheme for accomplishing that object. Many useful hints for this purpose may be found in the Statistical Account. It is imagined, that when the work is completed, it will confift of about ten volumes; and every friend to the interests of the nation must wish for the fuccefsful execution of a design, which promifes not only literary entertainment, but great advantage to the public. The Romance of the Foreft: interspersed with some Pieces of Poetry. By the Authoress of A Sicilian Romance, &c. 3 Vols. 12mo. 9s. fewed. Hookham. 1791. WE fpoke with refpect of the Sicilian Romance; but this lady, for by the term (authoress) we must suppose it to be the production of a female's pen, has greatly exceeded her first work... The novel before us engages the attention strongly, and interests the feelings very powerfully: the general style of the whole, as well as the reflections, deserve also commendation. The greater part of the work resembles, in manner, the old English Baron, formed on the model of the Caftle of Otranto. We have the ruined abbey, a fupposed ghost, the ikeleton of a man secretely murdered, with all the horrid train of images which fuch scenes and fuch circumstances may be supposed to produce. They are managed, however, with skill, and do not difgust by their improbability: every thing is confiftent, and within the verge of rational belief: the attention In the advertisement to the second edition, she styles herself Ann Ratcliffe, and we have no authority, for prefixing Mits or Mrs. is uninterruptedly fixed, till the veil is designedly withdrawn. One great mark of the author's talents is, that the events are concealed with the utmost art, and even fufpicion sometimes designedly mifled, while, in the conclufion, every extraordinary appearance feems naturally to arife from causes not very uncommon. The characters are varied with skill, and often dexterously contrafted. In the third volume, the scenes are changed, and we are led to the wild and more picturesque scenes of Savoy. The defcriptions are in this place often beautiful, and seem to be drawn from perfonal examination. The family of De Luc, the worthy venerable paftor of Leloncourt, are defcribed with equal feeling and elegance. We shall make no apology for copying one of the scenes in this neighbourhood. They pursued their way along the borders of the lake, sometimes under the thade of hanging woods, and fometimes over hillocks of turf, where the scene opened in all its wild magnificence. M. Verneuil often stopped in raptures to observe and point out the fingular beauties it exhibited, while La Luc, pleased with the delight his friend expressed, surveyed with more than usual fatisfaction the objects which had fo often charmed him before. But there was a tender melancholy in the tone of his voice and his countenance, which arose from the recollection of having often traced those scenes, and partook of the pleasure they inspired, with her who had long since bade them an eternal farewell. They presently quitted the lake, and, winding up a steep ascent between the woods, came, after an hour's walk, to a green fummit, which appeared, among the savage rocks that environed it, like the blofssom on the thorn. It was a spot formed for folitary delight, inspiring that soothing tenderness so dear to the feeling mind, and which calls back to memory the images of passed regret, softened by distance and endeared by frequent recollection. Wild shrubs grew from the crevices of the rocks beneath, and the high trees of pine and cedar that waved above, afforded a melancholy and romantic shade. The filence of the scene was interrupted only by the breeze as it rolled over the woods, and by the folitary notes of the birds that inhabited the cliffs. From this point the eye commanded an entire view of those majestic and fublime alps whose aspect fills the foul with emotions of indescribable awe, and seems to lift it to a nobler nature. The village, and the chateau of La Luc appeared in the bosom of the mountains, a peaceful retreat from the storms that gathered on their tops. All the faculties of M. Verneuil were abforbed in admiration, and he was for some time quite filent; and length, bursting into a rhapsody, he turned, and would have addressed La Luc, when he perceived him at a distance leaning against a ruftic urn, Ii2 over over which drooped, in beautiful luxuriance, the weeping willow. • As he approached, La Luc quitted his position, and advanced to meet him, while M. Verneuil inquired upon what occafion the urn had been erected. La Luc, unable to answer, pointed to it, and walked filently away." If it may appear, that we have commended this novel with an eager warmth, we can only say, in apology for it, that we have copied our real fentiments. The lady is wholly unknown to us, and probably will ever continue so. We must, however, confider 'The Romance of the Foreft' as one of the first works in this line of novel-writing that we have seen. Anna St. Ives, a Novel. By Thomas Holcroft. 7 Vols. 12mo. 11. Is. Shepperfon. 1792. IT is neceffary, in tracing the revolutions of literature, to mark each new æra, from which improvements or alterations in any style of writing may be dated. We have seen the levelling principle, the pretended philofophy of modern times, rifing above the systems and the opinions for ages held facred; and, bursting the confines of fpeculation, boldly trying the practicability of its plans on a very extensive fcale. The process still goes on; and, while the event is uncertain, though we may offer our opinions, or call the experiment rash, we dare not decide on its fuccefs, or on the fum of happiness likely to result from it on the whole. In this ebullition of fentiments, an enterprising female rises to put in her claim for the Rights of Woman; and, to complete the climax, a philofophical leveller becomes the hero of a novel. Frank Henley is the son of fir Arthur St. Ives' projector and furveyor, the director of his improvements at Wend bourne Hall, an artful, treacherous, and difhoneft fteward. Frank is, however, the mirror of modern excellence; cool, decisive, able, and philosophical. But, with courage to face danger and death in its worst forms, he is more than once beaten, because duelling is against the rule of right; and following his strict lessons of morality, degenerates on some occafions into a coward. He loves Anna St. Ives; who, before she is thoroughly converted to the modern system, feems to prefer Clifton; and, though his love is violent, it is ftill kept within the bounds of reafon. No murmur is heard, no figh escapes. At the hazard of his own life he faves his rival from drowning, in a manner which leads to a fufpicion of his own infanity; and which, if he had failed, might have very juftly subjected him to the suspicion of improving the accident to his own advantage. Anna loves Clifton; but her love is rational and philofophical. She discusses the subject at first with coolness; but rifing in her enthusiasm, she kisses Frank, boafts of this kiss to Clifton's sister, and afterwards to himself. Clifton's fifter, who has a touch of this philofophy, though fond of her brother, makes no objection to the kifling, and even pleads the cause of Frank Henley. Clifton, whose character is well drawn, ably and confiftently supported, is not quite so philofophical. Anna's partiality in favour of Frank, the long folitary walks with her philofopher, the contempt which the freely expresses for Clifton, produce fome very natural antiphilosophical effects, and drive him to defperate meafures. He designs to force her to his will, but is awed by her reasoning, and not able to trust himself with this female reafoner, seizes her and Henley, confines him in a mad-house, and the lady in a separate, folitary manfion. All this part of ' the story is well told; the situations are interesting and affecting. The lovers escape; Clifton is wounded almoft mortally, but becomes a convert to reason, is allowed to live, and the passions, of course, subside. Anna is married to Henley. Such is the outline of a story, abfurd, often infipid, and unreafonably extended; but the character of Clifton, and the last volume, though the denouement is a little too abrupt and artificial, rife greatly above the rest of the work. It displays, however, no little defect in judgment to connect these events with the modern reasoning system, and with the dramatis perfonæ of levelling principle. Similar abfurdities occur in the New Heloise; but the warmth, the imagination of the author, language the most polished, ideas the most seductive, by their glare leffen the impropriety. Here they are canvaffed, if disgust will for a moment admit the examination, in their native forms; they must consequently be almost instantaneously rejected; and, if it were the intention of the author to ridicule the new doctrines, he could not have taken a more effectual step. But there are a few more ferious exceptions. Reason, the dignity of virtue, or a confiftent propriety, is the deity looked up to in the greatest distresses: cunning and difhonesty succeed in their schemes; and, in one place, the force of an absolute promise is artfully attempted to be evaded. These are faults which demand the severest reprehenfion, and compel us to disapprove of the work in general. The fashion, we trust, will not prevail, and the period of philofophical lo vers will probably begin and end with Frank Henley. A concise History of the County and City of Chester, from the maft authentic and respectable Authors; with descriptive and lively Observations on the Manners, Customs, &c. of the Inhabitants. Also the Life of St. Werburgh, the memorable Founder of the Cathedral of Chester. Embellished with an elegant ground Plan of the City and Suburbs of Chester, taken from a recent Survey. Small 8vo. 25. Sael. 1791. WHILE feveral places of inferior note have become sub jects of particular research, it would be surprising if Chefter had not likewife its provincial historian. It is doubtless a town of great antiquity; though we may be allowed, without the imputation of scepticifin, to, abate a little of the date affixed to its origin by fir Thomas Elliot; according to whom, the original name of this city was Neomagus, so called from Magus, son of Samothes, son of Japhet, its founder, 240 years after the flood. ' An assertion which, our author justly obferves, if duly authenticated, places it on a line of antiquity with any other city in the universe.' Its second name, we are told, was Caerlleon, fo called from Leon Vafor, or Gawr; who, as some writers say, was a giant in Albion, and one of its restorers. Upon the fettlement of the Britons it was next called Caerleil, and afterwards Caerlier, because these two British kings were enlargers and beautifiers of it, according to Stone and others. So much for what may be called the fabulous history of Chefter. Under the Roman government, it appears to have alfo different names. Sometimes it is called Ceftria; at other times Deunana, Deva, or Devana Civitas, from its proximity to the Dee. In later ages it was stiled Legan Chester, and Lege Chefter; but in these days West Chester, or Chester. It is supposed to have been the capital of the Ordovices, before the arrival of the Romans in this ifland. This ancient and pleafant city stands upon the borders of the river Dee, about twenty miles fouth-eaft from the nearest part of the Irish Channel. It is accounted a very healthy fituation, as standing chiefly on a dry fandy stone rock. Though it be not the feat of any staple manufacture, the number of inhabitants, at present, is faid to amount to fifteen thousand, and is annually increasing. For the information of fuch of our readers as have never been at Chester, we present them with the description of the fingular plan on which it has been erected. • The city is of a square form, which evinces the origin to have been Roman, being in the figure of their camps, with four gates facing the tour points, four principal streets, and a variety of lef fer |