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animated spirit of devotion, equally free from visionary fancies and enthusiasm. This little work is calculated to give birth to the most salutary reflections in young minds, and to warm the heart, without raising the fancy too high. The philosophy also is in general correct. The only error of importance that we have remarked is the opinion that some infects feed on mineral substances.

Remarkable Extracts and Observations on the Slave-Trade; with Some Confiderations on the Consumption of West India Produce. 82mo. Id. Darton. 1792.

In other words, horrid stories, ad captandum vulgus - for a penny.

A Vindication of the Use of Sugar, and other Products of the West India Islands. In answer to a Pamphlet entitled, 'Remarkable Extracts, &c. 8vo. 6d. Boofey. 1792.

The dearness of sugar, probably in part owing to the selfish speculations of monopolists, has occafioned it to be omitted from among the luxuries of many perfons, who have in this way obviated in some measure the design. It is, however, affifted by thofe who confider the use of sugar as adding to the miseries of the African flaves. This last argument our author endeavours to invalidate with an earnestness which, notwithstanding his affertions, may be supposed to arise from at least some collateral connections. We cannot, however, highly compliment him on his success in fhowing, that the disuse of sugar would be so injurious to the flaves, to the commerce of this country, and the health of our countrymen. We may indeed, for his confolation, hint, that its use will not be very materially or permanently lessened. Many will return to it; and from the increasing population, as well as export, in confequence of the confufion in the French colonies, the lofs of the • sturdy moralifts' will be scarcely felt. The importation of the maple sugar from America, and of fugar from Bengal, will be a blow to the West Indies much more fevere.

Memoirs of Mrs. Billington, from her Birth: containing a Variety of Matter, ludicrous, theatrical, musical, and . With Copies of feveral Original Letters, now in the Poffeffion of the Publisher, written by Mrs. Billington, to her Mother the late Mrs. Weichfel:

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You make us strange

E'en to the disposition that we owe,
When now, we think, you can behold such scenes,

And keep the natural ruby on your cheeks,

While our's are blanched with-horror..

Can such things be! In truth, Mr. Ridgway, you have dashed

the cup with poison; the gilded spectacle is become a charnel

house, house, and the goddess of the grove, on the motion of the wand, loses all her allurements.

Original Anecdotes of the late Duke of Kingston and Miss Chudleigh, alias Mrs. Harvey, alias Countess of Bristol, alias Duchess of Kingston, interspersed with the Memoirs of several of the Nobility and Gentry now living. Written in a Series of Letters to a Gentleman. By Thomas Whitehead, many Years Servant to the Duke of Kingston, and now Musician at Bath.

don. 1792.


3s. 6d. Bla

Private follies and frailties improperly held up to public view; the whole, however, seems to be authentic; and we are forry, for the credit of human nature, that we must give this opinion. Subftance of the Report of the Court of Directors of the Sierra Leone Company to the General Court held at London, on Wednesday Otober 19, 1791. 8νο. 15. Phillips.

Any method of gradually abolishing the traffic in slaves, while the planters are enabled, by an attention to the health of the negroes and their children, or by the introduction of the plough and other useful machines, to cultivate their estates by the assistance which they at present possess, must be in every view defireable. In this great undertaking, the establishment of a colony at Sierra Leone is a step of importance: it is, however, but an inconfiderable one, and ought undoubtedly to be pursued with vigour and judgment. In the present report, we see no deficiency of either; but as the whole of the plan is not before us, we cannot form any decisive opinion. Much must depend on the cordial union of the black and white settlers; and this is connected with temperance, moderation, and a conciliating behaviour in the governors. When the scene is more extenfive the danger will begin.

A particular Account of the Commencement and Progress of the Infurrection of the Negroes in St. Domingo, which began in August, 1791: Being a Translation of the Speech made to the National Assembly, the 3d of November, 1791. 8vo. 6d. Sewell. 1792. While we have guarded our readers against too readily believing the exaggerated accounts of the cruelty of the planters, we should equally guard them against admitting the dreadful stories recited in this pamphlet. Yet much mischief must have been done; and this publication is highly seasonable. The wanton experiment made by the affected humanity and refined philosophy of the present times has been fucceeded by scenes of horror and devastation in the French colony. If we regard the safety of our friends, of our nearest relatives in the West Indies, we should be cautious of fimilar attempts, or even of those violent, unguarded, speeches, which the prefs may convey, and which may be the first spark of

a dread


a dreadful conflagration. Never perhaps did so much evil result from good motives, wantonly and injudiciously conducted.

A Letter to every Housekeeper in London, on Behalf of Parochial Industry Schools. From a Citizen of the World. 8vo. 6d. Rivingtons. 1792.

The author of this pamphlet warmly recommends to the inhabitants of the capital the institution of parochial industry-schools, for the benefit of those children who have no other opportunity of receiving any instruction in the several duties of life. The proposal is highly political as well as benevolent, and is certainly entitled to due attention.

A Letter from a Gentleman in Lancashire to his Friend in the East Indies, on the Subject of the present War with Tippoo Sultan, 800. 6d. Richardson. 1792.

Ironical remarks on the false intelligence from India, and on the conjectures relative to the unfavourable issue of the prefent



WE congratulate Amicus on the extent of his knowledge: not five new ideas in the work mentioned! To us, and we have read it attentively more than once, very many of the opinions were new; and if he will look at the corresponding accounts of our Brother Journalists, he will find our praise was tame and moderate, in comparison of theirs. --But we need no longer wonder; the Exeter Coffee-house seems to have been the fource of his critical know. ledge, and of his information respecting both works. We have taken fome pains to enquire into the fact he has ftated, and can add, from good authority, that it is not true. Copies were indeed fold at the price he mentions, but they were a few remaining ones of the second edition. The publisher never lamented purchasing the copy; and the author did not stop the sale. We would advise Amicus, in his next Tour to the Land's End, to be more cautious from whom he receives his information. We give him this advice in ferious and friendly terms; for we are convinced that he meant to serve us, as well as the credit of our Journal.

T. C. is right. The supposed effects of Handel's organ, mentioned with applause in our last volume, p. 417, are copied from Dryden-Nemo omnibus horis sapit-and so the unfettled account between John Dryden, Cr. with D. Pratt, Reviewers and Co. debtors,' is at last we hope adjusted.


In our last Number, P. 80. 1. 24. for experience, r. expedience.
P. 81. 1. 22. for feceffion, r. fucceffion.



For MARCH, 1792..

The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer, translated into English blank Verfe, by William Cowper, Esq. 2 Vols. 4to. 21. 12s. 6d. Boards. Johnfon. 1791.

HOW far this long-expected tranflation of the first of poets

has gratified the sanguine expectations formed by many of Mr. Cowper's admirers, we know not. Ours, we confefs, were extremely moderate; and we have not been disappointed. Let it be understood that our diftrust did not originate from any doubt of Mr. Cowper's learning, taste, or poetical abilities. fi Pergama dextrâ

Defendi poffent, etiam hac defensa fuiffent.

It proceeded from the nature of the design itself: we never could conceive that a close translation of Homer would do juftice to the original, fatisfy the classical reader, or give the unlearned one a competent idea of its genuine poetical merit. The idioms of a dead and modern language vary so much, that any literal verfion of a claffic Bard, instead of displaying the spirit and meaning of the original, will frequently exhibit the appearance of an intended burlesque. Let any perion try the experiment on an ode of Pindar or Horace, and he will be thoroughly convinced of the veracity of our affertion. Too strict an adherence to the original composition will produce the fame effect as an ill-constructed mirror does on the human face: the fame features will be reflected, but enlarged, diminished, or distorted. In the following passages, Mr. Cowper's fidelity is unimpeachable: the learned reader must acknowledge the likeness, but he cannot deny that it is an unpleasing one.

• Ye are unjust, ye Gods, and envious past
All others, grudging if a Goddess takes
A mortal man openly to her arms!

So, when the rosy fingered Morning chose
Orion, though ye live yourselves at ease,

Yet ye all envied her.'

CRIT, REV. N. AR. (IV.) March, 1792.


• So,

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So, when the golden-tressed Ceres, urged

By paffion, took läsion to her arms
In a thrice-laboured fallow, not untaught
Was Jove that secret long, and, hearing it,
Indignant, flew him with his candent bolt.
So, also, O ye Gods, ye envy me
The mortal man, my confort.'-

Does such language as this correfpond with our ideas of a δια θεαων; of the beautiful, the divine Calypso? Again, will fidelity excuse the following filthy image?

' from his gullet gush'd the wine

With human morsels mingled, many a blast

Sonorous issuing from his glutted maw. Odyf. ix. 535.

Or this very extraordinary one?

_' swift flew the dart

To his right buttock, flipp'd beneath the bone,
His bladder grazed and started through before.'

Mars informs Jupiter that had not his feet stole him from battle,' he might have been overwhelmed beneath a heap of carcafes:

and if at last

I lived, had halted crippled by the sword.'

This seems rather the language of a Chelsea penfioner than of the god of battle; and the answer of the fire of gods and men has as little pretension to fublimity.

• Bafe and fide-shifting traitor! vex not me
Here fitting querulous; of all who dwell
On the Olympian heights, thee most I hate
Contentious, whose delight is war alone.
Thou hast thy mother's moods, the very spleen
Of Juno, uncontroulable as she,
Whom even I, reprove her as I may,
Scarce rule by mere commands, I therefore judge
Thy fufferings a contrivance all her own.
But foft. Thou art my fon whom I begat,
And Juno bare thee. I cannot endure
That thou shouldst suffer long.

II. v. 1055.

• To be poetical without rhyme, Mr. Cowper says, is an argument of a found and claffical constitution in any language.' We agree with him: but does he take such lines as we have quoted for poetry? or that such as these support the dignity of the epopeia?

• Nor

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