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Here is the list: Army of Austria, 738,344; Prussia, 719,092; Russia, 850,000; France, 626,000; Great Britain and India, 534,827; Denmark, Sweden, Spain, Portugal and Italy, 303,497; total, 3,771,760. The cost of maintaining, clothing and paying these men, at the low average of £40 per head, is £150,000,000 per annum. But the loss is not to be measured by this sum, enormous as it is; for we must also reckon what would be gained were this mass of labor productive instead of unproductive. The labor of 3,771,760 able-bodied men cannot be calculated as producing less than £120,000,000 per annum; so that virtually between the cost of their maintenance and what they ought to produce, were their labor utilized, there is a difference of £300,000,000 a year! We are quite sure that this sum is rather under than over the mark. The worst feature of all this is, that we can see no termination to this expenditure. Since the break-down of popular institutions in America, and the outbreak of the savage war which the Republicans and Democrats of that country are waging against each other, we may turn in vain for consolation from the Old to the New World.-Money Market Review.


The relief-ship, the schooner E. SHEDDON, left this port for North Carolina in December, freighted with provisions, clothing and other gifts for the loyal people of that State. The relief committee have purchased, or obtained by direct donation, 5,000 bushels of corn, 135 bbls. of meal, 150 bbls. of bread, 82 bbls. of pork, 200 sacks of salt, several hogsheads of molasses, large quantities of hams, bacon and tongues, and other articles of food, enough, it is estimated, to feed the loyal North Carolinians for two or three months. The supply of clothing consisted of blankets, shawls, ready-made garments and stout shoes, for men, women and children, all selected with particular reference to comfort and durability. Strong and warm, if not ornamental, jackets and sacks can be made from the 2,000 gunny bags which hold a portion of the provisions. The entire amount of money collected and invested in these charitable offerings was $9,300. The value of other miscellaneous donations was not less than $3,000. The schooner was crammed to her utmost capacity. The gifts will be distributed under the immediate direction of Mr. Dow, who is sole authorized agent of the committee for the purpose.


The seventy-nine bales of Sea Island cotton brought from Port Royal were sold at auction, January 10th, under the direction of Assistant Quartermaster-General D. D. TOMPKINS. The bales were lying about in the storehouse Nos. 65 and 67 Watts-street, where fifty or sixty cotton brokers, commission merchants and tradesmen convened, at 12 o'clock. After some little time spent in examining the article, Mr. DANIEL H. BURDETT, the auctioneer, mounted a bale, and announcing that the cotton would be sold for cash, invited an offer for the first lot of five bales, 1,435 pounds. The bidding commenced at 40 cents, quickly went up to 57, and then more slowly to 63 cents per pound, at which price it was knocked down to TRUESDELL & GREEN. Lot No. 2, nine bales, 2,765

pounds, was secured by the same buyers, at 56 cents. Lots 3 to 7 inclusive, forty-six bales, 15,206 pounds, were taken by W. LATTEMEYER, at 62. Lot 8, five bales, 1,566 pounds, was knocked down to TRUESDELL & GREEN, at 561. Lot 9, unmerchantable short staple, twelve bales, 4,043 pounds, went to Mr. DEXTER, at 27. Lot 10, unmerchantable short staple, two bales, 697 pounds, was sold to F. C. CROSS, at 18 cents. The proceeds of the entire sale were $14,071 982. The bidding throughout was not particularly spirited, although fair prices were reached, and the contest was limited to half a dozen merchants. As soon as Mr. BURDETT dismounted from his impromptu stand, another gentleman claimed the attention of the audience, and exhibited a miniature bale of Sea Island cotton, ginned by his machine. He distributed the bale among the bystanders, some of whom filled the vacancy in their beavers with a pound or two of the article, and departed, expressing their entire satisfaction as to the utility of the machine.


The quantity of flour, wheat, corn and barley left at tide-water during the month of December, in the years 1860 and 1861, is as follows:

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The aggregate quantity of the same articles left at tide-water, from the commencement to the close of navigation, during the years 1860 and

1861, is as follows:

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By reducing the wheat to flour, the quantity of the latter left at tidewater this year, compared with the corresponding period of last year, shows a gain of 2,886,265 bbls. of flour. The following comparative table shows the quantity of some of the principal articles of produce at tide-water, from the commencement to the close of navigation, in the years indicated:

[blocks in formation]

1859. April 15.


1860. April 25.

1861. May 1.

[blocks in formation]
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.lbs. 1,921,670





4,067,893 1,320,093 10,474,005



The stock of cotton at Liverpool is well-maintained, although it has been gradually falling this month. The monthly variation since the commencement of the second half of the year has been as follows:

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The large receipts of Surat, and the diminution in consumption occasioned by the introduction of short time in the manufacturing districts, have reversed the relative position of the stock this year, as compared with 1860, although in July it was considerably below last year's mark. The last weekly analysis of the stock showed that it was made up as follows: American, 1861, 230,710 bales; 1860, 405,150 bales. Surat, 1861, 303,050 bales; 1860, 94,960 bales. Brazil, 1861, 28,340 bales; 1860, 12,990 bales. Egyptian, 1861, 16,560 bales; 1860, 25,520 bales. West Indian, 1861, 2,800 bales; 1860, 840 bales.-Times.


At the Town Hall, Manchester, Captain KENNEDY (the commander of the PRINCE ALBERT, on Lady FRANKLIN's private expedition to the Arctic regions, in search of Sir JOHN FRANKLIN) addressed a meeting in the mayor's parlor, explaining his proposed mission to the Red River district, and giving various interesting particulars relative to the condition of the country and its aborigines.

Capt. KENNEDY said, he had first to speak of the territory which had so long been monopolized by the Hudson's Bay Company; of the condition of the aborigines of British North America; and of the commercial aspects and advantages of this territory. The Hudson's Bay Company claimed a chartered and a licensed territory. The chartered territory was that washed by the rivers falling into the Hudson's Bay. The licensed territory was usually given for twenty-one years at a time for exclusive trade by the company. Thus a large tract of country had been held exclusively by this company for two hundred years, and during that time, as shown in the examinations taken four years ago by a select committee of the House of Commons, they had drawn from that country twenty millions sterling. The chartered territory and the licensed territory were often confounded. The former, as the company claimed it, was held in perpetuity. The licensed territory, as he had already said, was only held for periods of 21 years. The license was withheld from the company in 1859, and was now open to any one who chose to go into it. The charter had not been subjected to any judicial tribunal, but Mr. GLADSTONE had pronounced it not to be worth the parchment upon which it was written. The charter was given to the company on the terms that they were to have an exclusive right of trade over territory not already in the hands of Christian princes. At that time the French were colonizing Canada, and 45 years previously to this, a charter was given to the Quebec Fur Company, embracing the entire space from the Canadian

lakes to the Arctic Sea, and onwards to the Pacific. On this ground alone the charter of the Hudson's Bay Company was null and void; but in addition to that an act of Parliament was passed in 1690, 50 years after the original charter of CHARLES II., which gave express permission to the Hudson's Bay Company to exercise exclusive rights over the country for seven years only from that date; that was from 1690 to 1697. Since that time there had been no act of Parliament giving the company exclusive powers. So that there was no law preventing the country being opened for general trade. The government also had sent out troops with sealed instructions, and he drew the inference that the object was to protect British interests, the chartered and licensed rights of the company being considered at an end. The Americans were now going through the country, by way of the Mississippi to the Red River of the North, with which they communicated by means of steamers over Lake Winnipeg, and then by wagons over the prairies. The valley of the Saskatchewan was represented by those who had passed a lifetime there as the most favorable for agricultural purposes of any in North America. The best proof of the fertility of the valley was the vast number of buffaloes roaming along the banks of the rivers through the entire valley. These animals could be turned to very valuable purposes of trade, if the means were only provided for bringing them to market. Not only were they valuable for their hide and tallow, but they made an admirable article of food for voyaging purposes, which was not only more palatable and nutritious than the salt beef used by the sailors, but was capable of compression into a small compact bulk. While this territory occupied an area larger than Europe, it also embraced the same variety of resources and means of wealth.

Sir GEORGE SIMPSON, in the narrative of his overland journey, gave as an instance of the fertility of the soil, that wheat crops had been raised for 20 years in succession from the same fields without the application of manure, and rich crops being still obtained at the end of that period. He knew a man who, out of 11 bushels had obtained 600 on the banks of the Red River; and these fertile prairies extended 400 miles north and south, and perhaps 600 or 800 east and west, all capable of being turned to valuable agricultural purposes and the rearing of cattle and sheep. As to sheep, there was ample evidence that they would thrive. No steps had been taken to rear them in large numbers; but the Scotch families had introduced enough to furnish themselves with the necessary supply of wool; and on the Rocky Mountains there was a species of sheep, the wool of which (as might be seen from specimens in the British Museum) was the finest in the world. If this was the case on the elevated plateau of the Rocky Mountains, what must they expect from pastures which af forded such an ample supply for multitudes of buffaloes both in summer and winter? As to the minerals of the country, on the western portion there was a vast salt basin, in which a great variety of the family of salts was to be found. There was also a vast bed of coal, which extended for many miles along the banks of the valley of the Saskatchewan, and was used by the blacksmiths in the service of the Hudson's Bay Company. There was also a large quantity of mineral tar; and gold was found there, though perhaps not of equal value to that found in British Columbia. Vancouver's Island had been styled the Madeira of the Pacific. This was true of the country and climate from the seaboard to the Rocky Moun

tains and for a considerable distance northward. The finest forests to be found in the world flourished in this country. He has seen cargoes of the timber at the Isle of Wight, and the Messrs. WHITE, of Cowes, who might be considered standard ship-builders, said they derived from that country the finest spars ever seen. Sir BULWER LYTTON, when Colonial Secretary, regarded the country with very much more interest than had been manifested since he left the colonial office. He offered £50,000 annually to encourage the conveyance of mails to British Columbia by the Red River route rather than by Panama. His (Captain KENNEDY'S) opinion was, that the best line of telegraphic communication between this country and America would be by way of Behring's Straits. The quantity of sea over which the telegraph would pass would in no case exceed 60 or 70 miles.-From the Manchester Guardian.


The following tables, showing the lumber trade of Albany for the last twelve years, are from the Albany Journal:

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