THE SECOND PART OF THIS VALLEY VERY DANGEROUS. them conspicuous to him. And about this time the sun was rising, and this was another mercy to Christian; for you must note, that, though the first part of the Valley of the Shadow of Death was dangerous, yet this second part, which he was yet to go, was, if possible, far more dangerous;* for, from the place where he now stood, even to the end of the valley, the way was all along set so full of snares, traps, gins, and nets here, and so full of pits, pitfalls, deep holes, and shelvings-down there, that, had it now been dark, as it was when he came the first part of the way, had he had a thousand souls, they had in reason been cast away; but, as I said, just now the sun was rising. Then said he, " His candle shineth on my head, and by his light I go through darkness."" In this light, therefore, he came to the end of the valley. Now I saw in my dream, that at the end of the valley lay blood, bones, ashes, and mangled bodies of men, even of pilgrims that had gone this way formerly; and while I was musing what should be the reason, I espied a little before me a cave, where two giants, Pope and Pagan, dwelt in old times, by whose power and tyranny the men, whose bones, blood, ashes, &c. lay there, were cruelly put to death. But by this place Christian went without much danger, whereat I somewhat wondered; but I have learned since, that Pagan has been dead many a day; and as for the other, though he be yet alive, he is, by reason of age, and also of the many shrewd brushes that he met with in his younger t Job xxix. 3. * This means, the raging of Romish persecution for the truth's sake, and those dreadful deaths which the martyrs suffered in the cause of Christ, and his glorious gospel and precious salvation. But here Christian had the blessed light of the glorious Reformation. N days, grown so crazy and stiff in his joints, that he can now do little more than sit in his cave's mouth, grinning at pilgrims as they go by, and biting his nails because he cannot come at them.* So I saw that Christian went on his way; yet, at the sight of the old man that sat at the mouth of the cave, he could not tell what to think, especially because he spoke to him, though he could not go after him, saying, You will never mend till more of you be burnt.† But he held his peace, and set a good face on it; and so went by, and catched no hurt. Then sang Christian * O world of wonders! (I can say no less,) Pagan darkness has been expelled from our land by the light of the glorious gospel. Romish superstition and idolatry, and all the corrupt doctrines of that church, with the pope's power and supremacy, are abolished by the blessed Reformation. O may we Protestants see our great mercies, be truly thankful to God for them, and study to walk worthy of them! + Our scene is changed, from popish persecution into heathenish infidelity. Though in this day we are in no danger of being burnt for the faith of Christ; yet we are exposed to cruel mockings from infidels and profane men, who despise revelation, and set at nought the glorious gospel of the grace of God, and the way of salvation by our precious Christ. His pilgrims are esteemed fools and madmen by the great, the wise, and the learned of this world, though these are the greatest fools in the sight of God. Now, as Christian went on his way, he came to a little ascent, which was cast up on purpose that pilgrims might see before them:* up there, therefore, Christian went; and looking forward, he saw Faithful before him upon his journey. Then said Christian aloud, Ho, ho! so-ho! stay, and I will be your companion. At that Faithful looked behind him; to whom Christian cried again, Stay, stay, till I come up to you. But Faithful answered, No, I am upon my life, and the avenger of blood is behind me.† CHRISTIAN OVER TAKES FAITHFUL. At this Christian was somewhat moved, and, putting to all his strength, he quickly got up with Faithful, and did also overrun him; so the last was first. Then did Christian vaingloriously smile, because he had gotten the start of his brother; but not taking good heed to his feet, he suddenly stumbled and fell, and could not rise again, until Faithful came up to help him. Then I saw in my dream, they went very lovingly on together, and had sweet discourse of all things that had happened to them in their pilgrimage; and thus Christian began. CHRISTIAN'S FALL MAKES FAITHFUL AND HEGO LOVINGLY TOGETHER. CHR. My honoured and well-beloved brother Faithful, I am glad that I have overtaken you, and that God has * The Lord cares for his people: he has cast up, by his word and promises, many a little hill of prospect and comfort in their way, that they may look forward with pleasure and delight. † It is good to beware and to be jealous of what company we fall into. Many have joined hurtful professors, instead of profitable pilgrims. How soon doth spiritual pride show its cursed head, at thinking we have outstripped another. Then danger is near; a fall is at hand, to humble us. The very person's hand we need, to help us, whom we thought we had exceeded. |