A SIGHT OF CHRIST some angels ascending upon it. So Christiana looked and looked to see the angels go up; so did the rest of the company." Then they were going into another place, to show them something else: but James said to his mother, Pray bid them stay here a little longer, for this is a curious sight. So they turned again, and stood feeding their eyes with this so pleasant a prospect. After this, they had them into a place, where did hang up a golden anchor. So they bid Christiana take it down; for, said they, you shall have it with you, for 'tis of absolute necessity that you should, that you may lay hold of that within the veil, and stand stedfast in case you should meet with turbulent weather: so they were glad thereof. Then they took them, and had them GOLDEN OF ABRAHAM OFFERING UP Z* to the mount upon which Abraham our father offered up Isaac his son, and showed them the altar, the wood, the fire, and the knife; for they remain to be seen to this very day. When they had seen it, they held up their hands, and blessed themselves, and said, Oh! what a man for love to his Master, and for denial to himself, was Abraham! PRUDENCE'S After they had showed them all these things, Prudence took them into a dining-room, where stood a pair of excellent virginals: so she played upon them, and turned what she had showed them into this excellent song, saying *This is the anchor of hope. This keeps the soul safe, and steady to Jesus, who is the alone object of our hope. Hope springs from faith. It is an expectation of the fulfilment of those things which are promised in the word of truth, by the God of all grace. Faith receives them, trusts in them, relies upon them, and hope waits for the full accomplishment and enjoyment of them. Eve's apple we have showed you; Of that be you aware: You have seen Jacob's ladder too, An anchor you received have; But let not these suffice, Until with Abra'm you have gave Your best a sacrifice. Now about this time one knocked at the door; so the Porter opened, and, behold, Mr. Greatheart was there. But when he was come MR. GREAT HEART COMES AGAIN. in, what joy was there for it came now afresh again into their minds, how but a while ago he had slain old Grim Bloody-man the giant, and had delivered them from the lions. HE BRINGS A TOKEN FROM HIS LORD WITH HIM. Then said Mr. Great-heart to Christiana and to Mercy, My Lord has sent each of you a bottle of wine, and also some parched corn, together with a couple of pomegranates; he has also sent the boys some figs and raisins; to refresh you in your way.* Then they addressed themselves to their journey; and Prudence and Piety went along with them. When they came to the gate, Christiana asked the Porter, if any of late went by? He said, No, only one, some time since, who also told me, that of late there had been a great robbery committed on the King's highway, as you go: but, said he, the thieves are taken, and will O how reviving and refreshing are these love-tokens from our Lord! Great-heart never comes empty-handed. He always inspires with courage and confidence. Let us look more into, and more heartily believe, the word of truth and grace; and cry more to our precious Immanuel, and we shall have more of Great-heart's company. It is but sad travelling without him. shortly be tried for their lives. Then Christiana and Mercy were afraid; but Matthew said, Mother, fear nothing, as long as Mr. Great-heart is to go with us, and to be our conductor. Then said Christiana to the Porter, Sir, I am much obliged to you for all the kindnesses that CHRISTIANA TAKES HER LEAVE OF THE PORTER. THE PORTER'S BLESSING. you have showed to me since I came hither; and also for that you have been so loving and kind to my children. I know not how to gratify your kindness wherefore, pray, as a token of my respect to you, accept of this small mite. So she put a gold angel in his hand and he made a low obeisance, and said, Let thy garments be always white, and let thy head want no ointment. Let Mercy live and not die, and let not her works be few. And to the boys he said, Do you fly youthful lusts, and follow after godliness with them that are grave and wise; so shall you put gladness into your mother's heart, and obtain praise of all that are sober-minded. So they thanked the Porter, and departed. Now, I saw in my dream, that they went forward until they were come to the brow of the hill, where Piety, bethinking herself, cried out, Alas! I have forgot what I intended to bestow upon Christiana and her companions; I will go back and fetch it. So she ran and fetched it. While she was gone, Christiana thought she heard in a grove, a little way off on the right hand, a most curious melodious note, with words much like these: Through all my life thy favour is So frankly show'd to me, That in thy house for evermore My dwelling-place shall be. And listening still, she thought she heard another answer it, saying,— For why? The Lord our God is good; His mercy is for ever sure; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. So Christiana asked Prudence who it was that made those curious notes. They are, said she, our country birds they sing these notes but seldom, except it be at the spring when the flowers appear, and the sun shines warm, and then you may hear them all day long. I often, said she, go out to hear them; we also ofttimes keep them tame in our house. They are very fine company for us when we are melancholy; also they make the woods, and groves, and solitary places, places desirous to be in.** By this time Piety was come again; so she said to Christiana, Look here, I have brought thee PIETY BESTOW- a scheme of all those things that thou hast seen at our house, upon which thou mayest look when thou findest thyself forgetful, and call those things again to remembrance, for thy edification and comfort. Now they began to go down the hill into the Valley of Humiliation. It was a steep hill, and the way was slippery; but they were very careful; so they got down a Song ii. 11, 12. * You see, these joyful notes spring from a sense of nearness to the Lord, and a firm confidence in his divine truth and everlasting mercy. Oh, when the Sun of righteousness shines warmly on the soul, and gives it clearly to see these, it makes pilgrims sing most sweetly, and shout most joyfully indeed! These songs approach very nearly to the heavenly music in the realms of glory. pretty well. When they were down in the valley, Piety said to Christiana, This is the place where Christian your husband met with the foul fiend Apollyon, and where they had that dreadful fight that they had: I know you cannot but have heard thereof. But be of good courage; as long as you have here Mr. Great-heart to be your guide and conductor, we hope you will fare the better. So when these two had committed the pilgrims unto the conduct of their guide, he went forward, and they went after. MR. GREAT-HEART AT THE VALLEY OF Then said Mr. Great-heart, We need not be so afraid of this valley, for here is nothing to hurt us, unless we procure it to ourselves. It is true, Christian did here meet with Apollyon, with whom he also had a sore combat; but that fray was the fruit of those slips that he got in his going down the hill: for they that get slips there, must look for combats here. And hence it is that this valley has got so hard a name. For the common people, when they hear that some frightful thing has befallen such a one, in such a place, are of opinion that that place is haunted with some foul fiend, or evil spirit; when, alas! it is for After being thus highly favoured with divine consolations, in the views of faith, the comforts of hope, and the joys of love, see the next step these pilgrims are to take; it is down the hill Difficulty, into the Valley of Humility. What doth this place signify? A deep and abiding sight and sense of ourselves, of our ruined state, lost condition, and desperate circumstances, as fallen sinners. This is absolutely necessary, lest we should be exalted above measure, and think more highly of ourselves than we ought to think. For, the Lord can oft favour us with manifestations of his love, and the comforts of his Spirit; but through the corruption of our nature, we are prone to be lifted up and exalted in ourselves, and as it were to be intoxicated by them Hence we are exhorted to think soberly, Rom. xii. 3. of humility causes us to do. This the valley |