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Now, when they were gone over the stile, they began to contrive with themselves what they should do at that stile to prevent those that shall come after from falling into the hand of Giant Despair. So they consented to erect there a pillar, and to engrave upon the side thereof this sentence, “Over this stile is the way to Doubting Castle, which is kept by Giant Despair, who despiseth the King of the Celestial Country, and seeks to destroy his holy pilgrims." Many, therefore, that followed after, read what was written, and escaped the danger.* This done, they sang as follows

Out of the way we went, and then we fond
What 'twas to tread upon forbidden ground:
And let them that come after have a care
Lest heedlessness makes them as we to fare:
Lest they, for trespassing, his pris'ners are,
Whose castle's Doubting, and whose name's Despair."

They went then till they came to the Delectable Mountains, which mountains belong to the Lord of that hill of which we have



spoken before; so they went up to the mountains, to behold the gardens and orchards, the vineyards and fountains of water; where also they drank, and washed themselves, and did freely eat of the vineyards. Now, there were on the the tops of these mountains Shepherds feeding their flocks, and


Recording our own observations, and the experience we have had of God's dealing with our souls, are made of special and peculiar use to our fellow-christians. But let us ever take heed of self-exalting, ever remembering that all christian experience is designed to humble the soul and exalt the Saviour. As here these two pilgrims by their own folly got into Doubting Castle, but it was by free promise that they escaped from it; so this pillar was a memento to their shame, while it was a monument of God's free favour in Christ to them.


they stood by the highway side. The pilgrims, therefore, went to them, and leaning upon their staves, (as is common with weary pilgrims when they stand to talk with any by the way,) they asked, "Whose Delectable Mountains are these?


and whose be the sheep that feed upon them ?*

SHEP. These mountains are Emmanuel's Land, and they are within sight of his city; and the sheep also are his, and he laid down his life for them."

CHR. Is this the way to the Celestial City ?

SHEP. You are just in your way.

CHR. How far is it thither ?

SHEP. Too far for any but those that shall get thither


CHR. Is the way safe or dangerous ?

SHEP. Safe for those for whom it is to be safe;

transgressors shall fall therein."†

" but

CHR. Is there in this place any relief for pilgrims that are weary and faint in the way?

u John x. 11, 15.

v Hos. xiv. 9.

* See the ups and downs, the sunshine and clouds, the prosperity and adversity, which Christians go through in their way to the Promised Land. Lately, these two pilgrims were bewailing their state in Doubting Castle, under Giant Despair; now they are come to Delectable Mountains, where all is clear prospect and joyful hope. So that God's word is now comfortably fulfilled upon them, see Isa. xlix. 9—11. " I will make all my mountains a way, and my high-ways shall be exalted," &c.

+ O how many professors grow weary of the way, fall short, and fail of coming to the end! though the way be too far, too strait, and too narrow for many who set out, and never hold on to the end; yet all who are begotten by the word of grace, and born of the Spirit of truth, shall persevere unto the end, being kept by the mighty power of God through faith unto eternal salvation, 1 Pet. i. 5.

The elect shall obtain; the rest shall be blinded by sin and selfrighteousness, Rom. xi. 7. Look to yourselves, 2 John 8.

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