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owned by citizens of the United States. In case late war, to deliver vessels and cargoes on stipula of its violation, the act inflicts a forfeiture of ves-tion bonds, or on the claimant giving what is called sel and cargo. in the books upon admiralty practice, a file jussory In these cases claims have been put in by Messrs. caution. The Delaware district led the way to this Lewis, Haven and Co. merchants of Philadelphia, practice, by the introductory decree in the case of the consignees of the sloop and cargo against which the Good-Friends, Stephen Girard claimant. The the prosecutions are instituted. A preliminary decree in that case became the law of the country question, of great importance, is submitted to the (in prosecutions under the restrictive laws) by its decision of this court, on a motion made by the adoption in every dis rict of the union. There was claimants' counsel, praying an order for the delivery nothing to be found in our restrictive laws, either of the vessel and cargo, on bonds for their appraised favoring or disallowing such a course, but it was value. To me it is a subject of regret, that this viewed as being in accordance with the admiralty question has not arisen in some other district, and practice of England, on the instance, and very fre. been decided by a judge, to whose opinion the quently on the prize side of that court. This prac utmost deference would have been paid. As, how-tice was there adopted, as far back as the 11th of ever, this has not occurred, I must tread the April, 1780, as appears from Marriott's forins, p. 5; unbeaten path, and dispose of the question to the see a decree for delivery on bond, in same authority, best of my ability and judgment. p. 221, 2, 3. How much longer the delivery of It is contended on the part of the United States, vessels and cargoes on bond had been adopted by that if the proper y in the present instance be de- the English admiralty, I have not now the means of livered, the spirit of the law, which goes to exclude ascertaining, since the first order of the kind, withBritish bottoms arriving from prohibited ports, will in my research, is the one first above cited. But be effectually defeated; that the defective appraise-I was of opinion, in the case of the Good-Friends, ments of the property will be an encouragment to vessels of this description to enter our ports, and that thus the navigation act will be set at definance, and become a dead letter; that if the property be perishable, which is admitted in the present case, a sale of it ought to be ordered by this court, and the proceeds of such sale should be retained in court in usum jus habentis; that the cases of delivery heretofore allowed by the practice of this court, were between the United States and their revenue officers, and our own citizens, and are distinguish able from the prosecutions which may arise under the navigation act, framed as it is, to shut our ports effectually against those British colonies which our vessels are not permitted to enter, by the laws of trade of the British government.

and I still retain the same opinion, that that part of the 89th section of the collection law, relating to delivery on bond, was framed with a view to what had been understood to be the usual course of admiralty practice. I could discover nothing in the cases commonly called the Amelia Island cases, or in any prosecution arising under the restrictive laws, which ought to distinguish them from those of ordinary seizure and prosecution under the revenue laws of this country. It was under this conviction, that this court formed its decree for delivery on bond, in the case of the Good-Friends. The court was strengthened in its decision of that case, by the authority of the case of Jennings vs. Carson, 4 Cranch, 23. In that case C. J Marshall, in speaking of the constitution and character of a The argument on the part of the claimants, is court of admiralty, remarks as followз-“The prothat it would be against equity to enforce a sale of ceedings of that court are in rem, and their sentences property, which may have arrived innocently in our act on the thing itself. They decide who has the ports, that such a course would be presuming an right and they order its delivery to the party hav intention to violate our law, when in fact, no such ing the right. The libellant and claimant are both intention had actually existed; that the practice of actors. They both demand from the court the this court has heretofore been in accordance with thing in contest. It would be repugnant to the the claimants' motion for a delivery of the property, principles of justice and to the practice of courts, and in cases too, of goods prohibited by our restric- to leave the thing in possession of either of the tive laws, and not dutiable under any statute of con- parties, without security, while the contest is depend gress; that the good in the present case are ing. If the practice of a court of admiralty should dutiable, provided they do not arrive from ports not place the thing in the custody of its officers, prohibited to our citizens by the ordinary laws of it would be essential to justice that security should navigation of the British government; and that the be demanded of the libellant to have it forthcoming fourth section of the act, on which the present to answer the order of the court." .From the libels are founded, recognizes the provisions and proceedings of the revenue laws of the Uni.ed States, from the inception to the close of the prosecutions, which may be instituted under it.

In the case under consideration we are exercising the powers of a court of admiralty on the instance side of it, which generally, and perhaps always, proceeds in rem. We are now in a course of proceeding against a thing, that is prohibited from entering our ports, by our navigation act. The confiscation or restoration of this rem or thing, will eventually be the subject of our consideration and decree, when the case shall be heard upon its The question at present, therefore is, shall we receive in court a substitute for this thing, or shall we retain and order it for sale, for the use of the party, in whom the right may ultimately be decided?

foregoing authority, it is conceded, that the power of the court may be exercised, in ordering a deli very of property, on security, while the contest is depending.

Does the navigation act contain any provision by which the practice of the courts should be remodelled, or in any wise altered, in relation to delivery of vessels and their cargoes on stipulated bonds? The spirit of the act is, no doubt, as has been contended, to exclude British bo.toms from our ports, in case such bottoms came from colonies interdicted to the citizens of this country. But how will the spirit of this act be infringed by this court pursuing a practice, which has received the sanction of every district in the union, and which practice congress has not modified or abolished, by any provision of the navigation act? Hd a new course been prescribed, this court would consider It was the practice of this court and of all the itself bound to conform to legislative direction, district courts of the United States, during theland to refuse the application now made, though




founded on a practice adopted upon much and able, astonishment in the minds of posterity, as is now discussion, and after mature reflection. The only excited on reading the account of London, left us argument attempted to be given, why the spirit of by the monk of Canterbury.-[Democratic Press. the act will be eluded by a delivery on bond, is The situation thereof Amongst the noble cities that defective appraiseme ts will be made, and of the world, honored by fame, the city of London that they will operate as so many encouragements is the one principal seat in the kingdom of England, to the introduction of future vessels, in violation whose renown is spread abroad very far; but she of the act. To this argument, I respectfully reply, transporteth her wares and commodities much farthat if defective or improper appraisements should ther, and advanceth her head so much the bigher. be made, this court will be ever ready to afford Happy she is in the wholesomeness of the air, in that redress which is amply within its power; the Christian religion, her munitions also, and namely, by setting aside appraisements and appoint- strength, the nature of her situation, the honor of ing new appraisers as often as corrupution or mis- her citizens, the chastity of her matrons. Very conduct may have exhibited an inadequate estimate pleasant also in her sports and passtime, and reof the property. A vigilance of this kind will always plenished with honorable personages, all which I secure an ample substitute for the thing proceeded think meet proper severally to consider. against, which will remain within the power of the court, to respond to the United States, for the breach of their statute, made by the lawless intrusion of vessel of a prohibited character.


Temperateness of the air. In this place the calmness of the air doth molify men's minds, not corrupting them with venereal lusts, but preserving them from savage and rude behaviour, and seaBut will it be equitable to order the sale of a ves-soning their inclinations with a more kind and free sel and cargo, when possibly she might have enter- temper.

ed our waters without any intention of violating Of the Christian religion there. There is in the the navigation act? might not a sale operate as a church of St. Paul, a bishop's see; it was formerly premature penalty on an innocent person, and a a metropolitan, and it is thought, shall recover the decree of restoration remit to him the scanty pro- said dignity again, if the citizens shall return back ceeds of a hurried sale of bis property?-While in into the island; except, perhaps, the archiepiscothe case of a condemnation, the bonds will afford to pal title of St. Thomas the Martyr, and his bodily the prosecution ample amends for the violation of presence, do perpetuate this honor to Canterbury, a public and beneficial law. where now his reliques are. But seeing St. Tho Lastly, this court is of opinion, that the fourth mas hath graced both these cities, namely, London section of the navigation act, recognizing as it does, with his birth, and Canterbury with his death, one the course of proceeding prescribed by the revenue place may allege more against the other, in respect laws, in terms at once broad and comprehensive, of the sight of that saint, with the accession of ho(and inclusively too from the commencement to the liness. Now, concerning the worship of God in close of the prosecution) impliedly at least, adopts the Christian faith; there are in London and the the provisions of the 89th sec. of the collection law suburbs 13 greater conventual churches, besides in relation to the delivery on appraisement and 26 lesser parish churches: [39 churches in all.]* bond, and as nothing restrictive of any practice of Of the strength and site of the city. It hath on the judiciary, heretofore existing on the subject of the eastern part a strong palatine, very large and delivery on bonds, is discoverable in the navigation very strong: whose court and walls rise up from a act, the inference is a fair one, that no alteration of deep foundation; the mortar is tempered with the such practice was in the contemplation of congress when the act was passed.

The decree of this court, therefore, is that the sloop Pitt, her tackle, apparel and furniture, together with her cargo, be delivered to the claimants, on their securing duties payable by law, entering into bonds to respond the appraised value, &c. &c.

blood of beasts. On the west are two castles well fenced. The wall of the city is high and great, continued with seven gates, which are made dou ble, and on the north, distinguished with turrets by spaces. Likewise on the south, London hath been

*In 1810, which is the latest account of London I have, upon which I can rely, the following is given as a list of all the Christian places of worship in London.

Foreign protestant churches and chapels,
Roman catholic chapels,

Meeting houses and methodist chapels of va-
rious sects, dissenting from the established
Quaker meetings.

Making 340 public places of worship.





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The City of London-12th Century. Churches of the established religion, The following "description of the most honora-Chapels of do. ble city of London," was originally written in La tin, by William Fitz Stephen, who died in 1191. It was translated early in the 18th century, and is the oldest description of London extant. Fitz Stephen was a monk of Canterbury, and was present when archbishop Becket was murdered at the altar of the Cathedral. In the account which he pub lished of the murder of the archbishop, he took Mr. Johnson, a builder in London, in 1780 oboccasion to introduce this very curious description tained a patent for a new stucco for the outside of of the capital of England. In the hope of giving buildings, the improvement was the mixing up of additional interest to the description we shall sub the materials with blood. This is another illustra joi. a few notes, generally with a view of contrast-tion of the truth that there is "nothing new under ing the state of London in the reign of Henry 11 the sun." with what it is in the reign of George III Colqu #The walls and gates of London, except Temple houn's Police of London, is a work of considerable Bar gate, have long since been demolished. In the merit and great industry. reign of Edward IV. the whole extent of the wall In less than six centuries, a desire to ascertain was something more than two miles. Originally the present condition, trade, police, manners, &c. there were but four gates, corresponding with the of the city of Philadelphia, will lead to much cu-great military roads, to which six others were rious research, and the result will excite as much aided, as new roads were constructed.

inclosed with walls and towers, but the large river with rhetorical orations, speak handsomely to of Thames, well stored with fish, and in which the persuade, being careful to observe the precepts of tide ebbs and flows, by continuance of time, hathart, who omit no matter contingent. The boys of washed, worn away, and cast down those walls. divers schools wrangle together in versifying, or Farther above, in the west part, the king's palace canvas the principles of grammar, or dispute the is eminently seated upon the same river; an incom- rules of the præter, perfect and future tenses. Some parable building, having a wall before it and some there are that in epigrams, rhimes and verses, use bulwarks; it is two miles from the city, continued that trivial way of abuse. These do freely abuse with a suburb full of people. their fellows, suppressing their names, with a

Of the gardens planted. On the north side are fescennine railing liberty; these cast out most fields for pasture, and open meadows, very plea-busive jests: and with Socratical witty expressint; among which the river waters do flow, and sions, they touch the vices of their fellows, or perthe wheels of the mills are turned about with a haps of their superiors, or fall upon them with a delightful noise. Very near lieth a large forest in satirical bitterness, and with bolder reproaches which are woody groves of wild beasts; in the coverts than is fit. The hearers prepared for laughter, whereof do lurk bucks and does, wild boars and make themselves merry in the meantime. bulls. How the affairs of the city are disposed-The Of the fields.-The arable lands are no hungry several craftsmen, the several sellers of wares and pieces of gravel ground; but like the rich fields of workmen for hire, all are distinguished every Asia, which bring plentiful corn, and fill the barns morning by themselves, in their places as well as of those that till them, with an excellent crop of trades. Besides, there is in London upon the river's the fruits of Ceres. bank a public place of cookery, among the wines

Of their Wells.-There are also about London, to be sold in the ships, and in the wine cellars. on the north of the suburbs, choice fountains of There every day we may call for any dish of meat, water, sweet, wholesome and clear, streaming roast, fried or boiled; fish, both small and great; forth among the glistening pebble stones: in this ordinary flesh for the poorer sort, and more dainty number, Holywell, Clerkenwell, and St. Clement's for the rich, as venison and fowl. If friends come well, are of most note, and frequented above the upon a sudden, wearied with travel, to a citizen's rest, when scholars and the youth of the city take the air abroad in the summer evening *

fit their dainty tooth, they take a goose; they need not to long for the fowl of Africa, no, nor the rare Godwit of Ionia. This is the public cookery, and very convenient for the state of the city, and belongs to it. Hence, it is we read in Plato's Georgiae, that next to the physician's art is the trade of cooks.

house, and they be loth to wait for curious preparations and dressings of fresh meat, let the serOf the citizens' honor.-This city is honored with vant give them water to wash, and bread to stay her men, graced with her arms, and peopled with a their stomach, and in the mean time they run to multitude of inhabitants. In the fatal wars under the water side, where all things that can be desired king Stephen, there went out to muster, men fit are at hand. Whatsoever multitude of soldiers, for war, esteemed to the number of 20,000 horse or other stangers enter into the city at any hour men armed, and 60,000 footmen. The citizens of of the day or night, or else are about to depart, London are known in all places, and respected they may turn in, bait here, and refresh themselves above all other citizens for their civil demeanor, to their content, and so avoid long fasting and not their good apparel, their table and their discourse. go away without their dinner. If any one desire to Of the chastity of their matrons. The matrons of this city may be paralleled with the Sabine women.t Of their schools.-In London three famous schools are kept at three principal churches, St. Paul's, the Holy Trinity, and St. Martin's, which they retain by privilege and ancient digni y; yet, for the most part, by favor of some persons, or some teachers, who are known and famed for their philosophy, there are other schools upon good will and sufferance. Upon the holidays, the masters with their scholars celebrate assemblies at the festival churches. The scholars dispute there for exercise sake; some use demonstrations, others topical and probable argument; some practice enthymemes, others do better use perfect syllogisms; some exercise themselves in dispute for ostentation, which is practised among such as rive together for victory: others dispute for truth, which is the grace of perfection. The sophisters, which are dissemblers, turn verbalists, and are magnified when they overflow in speech and abundance of words: some also are entrapped with deceitful arguments. Sometimes certain orators,

*London is now, and has long been supplied with water, by means of leaden pipes. The new river and London Bridge water works supply the city with great regularity. There are about 170,000 houses into which the water is conveyed, at an average expense to each house, of less than two dollars a year.

Of Smithfield-Without one of the gates is a certain field, plain, (or smooth) both in name and situation. Every Friday, except some greater festival come in the way, there is a fine sight of good horses to be sold; many come out of the city to buy or look on, to wit, earls, barons, knights, citizens, all resorting thither. It is a pleasant sight there to behold the animals well fleshed, sleek, and shinning, delightfully walking, and their feet on either side up and down together by turns; or else trotting horses, which are more convenient for men that bear arins: these, although they set a little harder, go away readily, and lift up and set down together the contrary feet on either side. Here are also young colts of a good breed, that have not been well accustomed to the bridle; these fling about, and by mounting, bravely shew their mettle. Here re principal horses, strong and well limbed. Here also are breast horses, perhaps race horses, fit to be joined by couples, very fair and handsome, and

*The number of taverns, eating houses, cook shops, alamode beef houses, soup shops, &c. &c. in London and its environs, is now some hundreds, besides that in every decent public house, enterThis is a very curious compliment. It was, tainment may be had. The number of public however, written many hundred years before Lon-houses are about 5000, and the quantity of liquor don became notoricus for the number of its trials sold by them in a year, is calculated to be in value, for Crim. Con. 3,000,000 sterling, eq tal to $14,656,665 67 cenis..

sleek about the ears, carrying their necks aloft, others fling down their fellows and get beyond being well fleshed and round about the buttocks. them.

In another part stand the country people with cattle, In Easter holidays they counterfeit à sea-fight;" and commodities of the field, large swine, and kine a pole is set up in the middle of the river, with a with their udders strutting out, fair bodied oxen, target well fastened thereon, and a young man and the woolly flock. There are also cart horses, stands in a boat which is rowed with oars, and fit for the dray, or the plough, or the chariot; and driven on with the tide, who with his spear hits some mares big with foal; together with others the target in his passage; with which blow, if he that have their wanton colts following them close breaks the spear and stand upright, so that he bold at their side. footing, he hath his desire; but if his spear continue Concerning shipping and merchandise. To this unbroken by the blow, he is tumbled into the city merchants bring in wares by ships from every water, and his boat passeth clear away; but on nation under Heaven. The Arabian sends his either side of this target two ships stand inward, gold; the Sabean his frankincense and spices; the with many young men ready to take him up after Seythian, arms, oil of palms from the plentiful he is sunk, as soon as he appeareth again on the wood; Babylon her fat soil, and Nylus his precious top of the water; the spectators stand upon the stones: The Seres send purple garments; they of bridge, and in solars upon the river, to behold Norway and Russia trouts, furs and sables; and the these things, being prepared for laughter. French their wines * Upon the holidays all summer, the youth is Its antiquity and government.—According to the exercised in leaping, shooting, wrestling, casting report of chronicles, it is more ancient than the of stones, and throwing of javelins, fitted with city of Rome; for both being descended from the loops for the purpose, which they strive to fling same Trojan stock; Brute builded this, before beyond the mark: they also use bucklers, like Remus and Romulus did the other. Whence still fighting men. As for the maidens, they have their it useth the same ancient laws and common institu- exercise of dancing and tripping till moon-light. tions. For this our city, like to that, is dis inguish- In winter, almost every holiday before dinner, ed by wards and several limits; it hath sheriff's every the foaming boars fight for their heads, and preyear, answerable to their consuls; it hath aldermen, pare with deadly tushes to be made bacon: or else enjoying the dignity of senators, besides inferior some lusty bulls or huge bears are bated with dogs. magistrates; it hath also common sewers and con- When that great moor which washed Moorfields, veyances for water in the streets. Concerning causes at the north wall of the city, is frozen over, great in question, there are several places and courts for companies of young men go to sport upon the ice, causes deliberative, demonstrative, and judicial; and bind to their shoes bones, as the legs of some upon their set days also they have their common beasts, and hold stakes in their hands, beaded with council and great assemblies. sharp iron, which sometimes they strike against The only plagues of London are immoderate the ice, and these men go on their speed, as does drinking of idle fellows, and frequent fires. the bird in the air, or darts shot from some warlike engine; sometimes two men set themselves at a distance, and run one against another, as it were at tilt, with these stakes, wherewith one or both parties are thrown down, not without some hurt to their bodies; and after their fall, by reason of The citizens' sons issue out through the gates one from another; and wheresoever the ice doth their violent motion, are carried a good distance by troops, furnished with lances and warlike touch their head, it rubs off al: the skin and lays shields, the younger sort have their pikes, not it bare; and if one fall upon his leg or arm, it is beaded with iron, where they make a representation of battle, and exercise a skirmish. There usually broken; but young men being greedy of resort to this exercise many courtiers, when the honor, and desirous of victory, do thus exercise themselves in counterfeit battles, that they may king lies near hand, and young striplings out of the families of barons and great persons, which bear the brunt more strongly when they come to have not yet attained to the warlike girdle, to train it in good earnest. and skirmish. Hope of victory inflames every one; Many citizens take delight in birds, as sparrow. the neighing and fierce horses bestir their joints, aawks, goose-hawks, and such like, and in dogs to and chew their bridles, and cannot endure to stand hunt in woody ground. The citizens have austill, at last they begin their race, and then the thority to hunt in Middlesex, Hertfordshire, all young men divide their troops; some labor to the Chilterns, and in Kent as far as Gray Water. outstrip their leaders, and cannot reach them;

Of sports and pastimes Every Sunday in Lent, after dinner, a company of young men ride out into the fields on borses which are fit for war, and principal runners; every one among them is taught to run the rounds with his horse.

*Perhaps there is no one particular in this de scription so remarkable and pregnant with so much useful reflection, as the wonderful revolutions in commerce, which have taken place in the world, since Fitz Stephen wrote his account of London.

The first mention of London, in authentic history, is by Tacitus, who speaks of its being sacked, A. D. 61, by the British queen Boadicea.

Natives of London.-The city of London has brought forth some who have subdued many king. doms, and the empire of Rome to themselves; and many others, who, being lords of this world, were deified in another.‡

And in the times of christianity it brought forth the noble emperor Constantine, who gave the city St. Peter, and Sylvester the Pope, whose stirrup, of Rome, and all the Imperial arms of God, to

*It would appear from this, that the counterfeit #Since the days of Fitz Stephen, London has been seaa fight on the Serpentine river, Hyde Park, in often visited with the plague. We have accounts 1814, was only a revival of an old custom. of it in the years 1346-1362-1379-1500-1594

†These bones were evidently the origin of skates,

-1604-1625 and 1665. During the last plague, in the place of which they were used. Charles II. removed his court to Salisbury, and it

We have not been able to ascertain, with any is computed, that 65,596 persons died of it. In tolerable precision, the names of the deities here 1500, Henry VII. removed his court to Calais, alluded to.

he refused not to hold, and pleased rather to be Augustus, indeed, the same author asserts, forcalled defender of the holy Roman church, than bade the publication of the former to be continued; emperor of the world. And lest the peace of our but there is no reason to think this prohibition exlord the Pope should suffer any disturbance by the tended to the latter. It is certainly suitable to the noise secular affairs, he left the city, and bestowed genius of an absolute monarchy that its councils it on the Pope, and founded the city of Constantino- should not be publicly known; but the amusing and ple for his own habitation. London also, in these trifling topics of discourse, which the common latter times, hath brought famous and magnificent events of a great city afford, are so far from being. princes; Maud, the empress, king Henry third, offensive under such a constitution, that they raand Thomas the archbishop, a glorious martyr of ther serve to draw off the minds of the people Christ, than whom no man was more innocent, or from enquiring into affairs of a more important and more devoted to the general good of the Latin secret nature. world.

Ancient Roman Newspapers.


The antiquaries pretend to have discovered some of these papers. Those which relate to the 585th year of Rome, were first published by Pighius, in his Annals. He tells us that they were given to. him by James Susius, who found them among the.

As we are apt to look either with an eye of papers of Ludovicus Vives. He does not seem to. contempt or surprise, on the customs of other na-have the least doubt of their being genuine, and tions which differ from our own, so we cannot even makes use of them to correct a passage in help being pleased with any which bear some de Livy. Dodwell also inserted them in his Camdegree of resemblance to those of our country; the nian Lectures, together with some additional Acta pleasure seems to be stronger the further we carry of the year of Rome 691. A friend of his, Adrian our views back inte ancient times, and observe this Beverland, had received them from Isaac Vossius, analogy of fashions; whether the veneration usually who transcribed them from a parcel of inscriptions. paid to antiquity itself heightens the satisfaction, which Petavius had prepared for the press. or whether we regard it as the voice of nature, I shall now venture to make a few extracts from pronouncing such a custom rational and useful, the papers themselves, observing only, that the by the consent of distant ages. To apply this genames of Paulus Emilius, the conqueror of Maceneral remark to a particular instance: every body do, Popitius Lenas, the famous ambassador, Julius must allow that newspapers, by the materials Cæsar, Cicero, and Hortensius, give an air of impor they afford for discourse and speculation, contribute tance and perhaps occasion the most trifling cirvery much to the amusement of the public; their cumstances being mentioned. cheapness brings them into universal use; their variety adapts them to every one's taste; the scholar learns what is going on in the literary world; the soldier makes a campaign in safety, and censures the conduct of generals, without fear of being pu nished for mutiny: the politician, inspired by the fumes of the coffee pot, unravels the knotty in trigues of ministers; the industrious merchant observes the course of trade, and the rates of ex change; and the honest shopkeeper nods over the account of a robbery and the price of the markets, till his pipe is out.

I have purposely kept as close to the originals as possible, that the form and manner of drawing them up may be preserved:

"A. U C. 585. 5th of the Kalends of April. The Fasces with Emilius the Consul. The consul, crowned with laurel, sacrificed at the temple of Apollo. The senate assembled at the Curia Hostilia, about the 8th hour; and a decree passed that præ ors should give sentence. according to the edicts which were of perpetual validity. This day, M. Scapula was accused of an act of violence before C Babius the prætor.-Fif One may easily imagine that the use and amuse-teen of the judges were for condemning him, and ment resulting from these diurnal histories, render thirty-three for adjourning the cause. them not likely to be confined to one part of the globe, or one period of time. The relations of China, mention a gazette published there by au thority, and the Roman historians sometimes quote the Acta Diurna, or Daily Advertisers, of that empire.

4th of the Kulends of April.

The Fasces with Licinine the Consul It thundered, and an oak was struck with lightning on that part of Mount Palatine called Summa Velia, early in the afternoon. A fray happened in a tavern at the lower end of Banker's-street, in The Acta Diurna, were journals of the common which the keeper of the Hog in Armour tavern, occurrences of Rome, as the trials, elections, pu.was dangerously wounded. Tertinius, the Edile, nishments, buildings, deaths, sacrifices, prodigies, fined the butchers for selling meat which had not &c. composed under the direction of the magis-been inspected by the overseers of the markets. trates, committed to their care, and laid up with The fine is to be appropriated to build a chapel the rest of their records, in an edifice called the to the temple of the goddess Telius. Hall of Liberty. Like all other public papers, the access to them was easy. The historians appear, as already noticed, to have collected materials It rained stones on Mount Veientine. Posthumus, from them; nor is it improbable that copies were the tribune, sent his beadle to the consul, that he frequently taken by particular persons, and dis-should not convene the senate on that day, but the persed about the city, or sent to their friends in tribune Decimus putting in his veto the affair went the provinces, that no Roman might be ignorant |no further. even of the minutest event which happened in the metropolis of the world.

Sentonious mentions a little particularity with regard to these Acta Diurna, which may serve to confirm the notion of their bearing a pretty near resemblance to our newspapers. He says that "Ju lius Cæsar in his consulship ordered the diurnal acts of the senate and the people to be published."

Sd of the Kalends of April.
The Fasces with Emilius.

Pridie. Kal. April.

The Fasces with Licinius.

The Latin festivals were celebrated; a sacrifice performed on the Alban Mount, and a dole of raw Aesh distributed to the people. A fire happened on Mount Culius; two trisule and five houses were consumed to the ground, and four damaged. Demiphon, the famous pirate, who was taken by Lici

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