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The navy. We stated the other day, from authority which we deemed credible, that the navy department had issued orders to double the number of men employed in building ships of the line in various ports. The same authority now informs us, that the intelligence existed in misapprehension. Orders were given for the employment of additional workmen on the 74 building in this port; but it is not known that hands on the other ships of war have been increased. Franklin Gazette.

Texas. We hear of small parties of me proceeding to join the invaders of Texas, and learn that the U. S. troops in that quarter are put in motion to check the expedition.

Black speculation. In anticipation of a transfer of the Floridas, a large quantity of African slaves are imported therein-no doubt by American citi


Land privateering. Capt. James Riley (well known to the public by his account of the wreck of his vessel, and the sufferings of himself and his crew in Africa) has recently given a statement, shewing that on his way to Pittsburg, Pa. and in passing Scrub Ridge, he and others were assailed by a mob of Irishmen, calling themselves turnpikers, armed with axes, mattocks, &c. who in an ruffian-like manner demanded toll, and exacted it at their own rate, when there was no right at all to demand any. Thus they have robbed many; among them a poor countryman of their own, travelling west, from whom they took his last guinea. It appears that these rascally acts are well known in the neighborhood-some of the magistrates are afraid to act, and then the "law's delay" (for a person must wait three months to prosecute them) prevents justice from being done. We hope that Pennsylvania will act promptly on this matter. It is believed that these wretches have murdered one or more men, and they have killed or maimed the horses of several persons who have resisted their demands.

Religion. When religion is made a science, there is nothing more intricate; when made a duty there is nothing more easy.

From the National Intelligencer. The military expedition from the lakes to the Mississippi, consist. ing of the 5th regiment of infantry, under col. Les venworth, arrived at Prairie du Chien about the 1st of July, by the way of the Fox and Ouisconsin rivers, with only a portage of two or three miles. A de tachment has also ascended the Mississippi from St Louis, with provisions, clothing, ordnance, and munitions. Our correspondent states that col. L. will have it in his power to establish the post at the falls of St. Anthony this season, should it be deemed advisable to do so.

We also learn that the Missouri expedition, un der col. Atkinson, was in advance of St. Charles on the 11th July, and, notwithstanding the delay occasioned by some defects in the steam boats, there' was no doubt the troops would arrive at the Coun cil Bluffs, more than six hundred miles in advance of St. Louis, this season, well supplied with provisions, clothing and munitions of war,

The characters of colonels Atkinson and Leavenworth, warrant the belief that the arrangements of the government will be carried into full effect without collision with our citizens or the Indians.


Boston. Some cases of malignant fever have ap peared in this town; for the week last reported there were only seven deaths by it; but six persons died of it during the next 24 hours; vessels from Boston are required to perform quarantine at New York and Richmond.

At Newport, R. I. it is said, a whole family consisting of 5 or 6 persons, were carried off by malig

nant disease, in the course of last week.

New York is reported free from any malignant or contagious disease. The same remark applies to Philadelphia.

Sea serpent. The animal supposed to be a sea serpent, has been seen by hundreds of persons, from Nashant beach (between Boston and Lynn)—the Baltimore is unusually healthy, judging by the description is the same as that heretofore given. interments-only 59 last week, of whom but 9 died of Among those who saw it repeatedly, was James fevers, 7 bilious and 2 typhus; adults 21, children Prince, esq. marshal of the district of Massachu-38. The corresponding week last year was 66setts, sometimes at less than 100 yards distant, mov-bilious, six. Besides, we have many foreigners just ing about the bay at an easy rate. The head was arrived, a good many of whom have died. about three feet out of water, there appeared to be thirteen bunches on his back, and the length from the head to the last bunch, was estimated at 60 feet. These bunches are supposed to appear from the undulatory motion of the animal. Mr. Prince, however, does not undertake to say that this animal is of the serpent kind, though such was his general Impression, and that of all the witnesses; intimating that perhaps, its manner of propelling itself may give it the appearance of a snake: A fisherman states that it rose within 20 feet of his boat, that he had a full view of it, and that it was a serpent. The animal, be it what it may, is "an odd fish," but seems to be inoffensive. Its easiest motion is so rapid as to occasion a foam in the water.

Some cases of a high bilious, perhaps it should be called malignant fever, have appeared, and there are now a number of them, chiefly however, in one neighborhood, though a few are scattered through the city. Some of the victims have been carried off in two or three days; but it yields to medicine, and most persons recover of it. This is evident from the interments-we have the returns for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday last-the amount for the three days 31, of whom twenty four were childrenonly two deaths by fever reported. We have not any returns since that for Wednesday. No evidence is afforded that is has been contagious is a solitary case. Whether the disease will become ge neral or not, a little time will make manifest. Ves

Richmond, which has just now also interdicted the communication with Cuba, where the yellow feve raged severely two months ago, but has now ceas ed!

Pittsburg, Aug. 13-The depredations now com-vels from Baltimore are to perform quarantine at mitting by the grasshoppers in some parts of the country, are truly singular and alarming. Many farmers have commenced cutting their oats perfectly green, and many meadows are shaved completely smooth. Fortunately they do not fly high enough to obscure the sun, as the locusts sometimes do in Africa, in other respects however, they are nearly as bad. An instance or two has occurred, where a hat which was accidently left in the field, was entirely destroyed before morning.

Charleston. The fever does not appear to spread and the health of the city is generally very good. A few malignant cases occur-5 deaths by them in the last week.

Savannah is pronounced to be uncommonly healthy. END OF THE SIXTEENTH VOLUME.

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[Missouri, projects to benefit the territory of 159,
question about the introduction of slavery in,
with the speeches of Messrs Fulier, Tallmadge,
Scott, Cobb and Livermore thereon, 161 to 173

Darby, William, his account of Texas, &c. 42; his
statement respecting lake Michigan, &c.
Davidson, maj. D. a frontier settler, notices of 186
Deaf and Dumb, report respecting an asylum for 85 Montpelier, of the medical school at
Despencer, le, a feast given by
Disasters, a train of

Dog, sagacity of a

Egyptian antiquities


Emigration of an old man of 80
Epitaphs, curious

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187 Newspapers, ancient Roman





189 New York-report respecting the bankrupt and

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

189 Onis, Mr. de, his letter to the sec. of state, Dec.

12, 1818


20 Paris, health of

Forgeries, &c. in England-interesting trials, &c.


Fanaticism, dreadful


Geography, singular!


Germany, on the internal state of


Paper wealth, an extract


Periodical journals in Austria

158 Persecution, religious, at Aleppo

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157 Pluviometrical observations

[merged small][ocr errors]


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Poinsett, Mr. his report on S. American affairs, 46 159 Pompeii, excavations at

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]



Pot and pearl ashes, important article concern-
ing the manufacture of
Presbyterian church-on the subject of slavery 155
Prices current at N. Orleans-wit and humor 160
Pyramid, the interior of one


Rattlesnakes, anecdote of

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Report-on an asylum for the deaf and dumb, 85; respecting the bankrupt and insolvent laws in New-York

160 Rhode-Island-curious public papers of

Jones, gen. C. his account of the Cherokee schools

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]


Roman newspapers, (ancient) 37; antiquities,

159 Russian voyage of discovery



[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Law cases, &c. Durham vs Hazul, (on commis-
sion, sales and sales at auction) 7; respecting
deeds and powers of attorney, acknowledged
before consuls of the U. S. &c. 9; consul of
Spain vs the schr. Conception 29; respecting
salvage 30; that a whale is a fish! 31; in a case of
seduction 31; respecting religious obligations
32; fat not tallow! 32; about the U. S. revenue
laws, act of April, 1818, 32; remarks on trials
by jury

Lectometer, description of a
Life, the uncertainty of

Lightning, effects of

Long branch, regulations for bathing at

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39, 159, 191










Shaw, Mr. his letter respecting the question of s'avery in Missouri, &c. Sidmouth, lord, a letter of his to Mr. Canning Slavery, statement of the gen. assembly of the Presbyterian church respecting South American affairs, Mr. Poinsett's report; 46 message to congress from the president of the U. S. respecting ministers from 188 Spain-letter of Mr. de Onis to the sec. of state 187 quashes, product of a vine


158, 159 Surgical fact, curious
159 Symmes' theory


159 Tecumseh, a portrait of
190 Texas, Darby's account of.




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102 42


40 Tour, interesting, with a table of distances, Travelling-persons passing a toll gate in Pa. 188

[merged small][ocr errors]

McKenny, Mr. some interesting letters from him
relative to the state of the Indians
Memorials of the Friends, or Quakers, about the
Message of the president about ministers from
South America



United States, remarks of the 'Scotsman' on the 159

[blocks in formation]



Military-academy at West Point, interesting re-
port respecting 1; concerning an additional
academy 3; establishment, sketch of a debate
respecting the staff of-with the remarks of
Messrs Clay, P. P. Barbour, Trimble, Tucker,
Mercer, Williams, N. C. Lowndes, Johnson of
Kentucky and others
Ministers from South America, message and do-
cuments respecting

Walker's Hibernian magazine, an extract from, 19
Washington, a letter from him on appointments 185
Weather table, perpetual -
West-Point, the academy at -
Wheat, great product of a grain of
William Tell, extract from Schiller's
Wives, rise of the value of property in
74 Yankee ingenuity

179 to 185




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Military Academy-West Point. stitution, and cannot fail to be useful to the cadets. Message from the president of the United States, additions will be performed by the chaplain emIt is expected that the duties required by these transmitting a report from the secretary of war, in ployed in the academy. The performance of these compliance with a resolution of the senate of the duties, it is hoped, will be an inducement with con 25th of January last, requesting him “to cause to be laid before it, a copy of the rules and regulations under their consideration, to make the appointgress, when this subject shall again be brought adopted for the government of the military academy ment permanent, not only at West Point, but at at West Point; also, how many cadets have been such other establishments of that nature as sball admitted into the academy; the time of the residence be deemed necessary by that body. of each cadet at that institution; and how many of them have been appointed officers in the army and navy of the United States." February 5, 1819-Printed by order of the senate

of the United States.

If, in the opinion of the academical staff, these branches of education can be advantageously prothe regulations, their suggestions will be attended secuted, at periods different from those fixed in to with pleasure.

The inducement to the other alterations, will To the senate of the United States: In compliance with a resolution of the senate, of who, having been thrown into a class below him, readily suggest itself to your mind. That a cadet, the 25th of last month, requesting me "to cause to and subsequently in the course of his education, be laid before it, a copy of the rules and regula- finds himself placed in the same situation, will not tions adopted for the government of the military be qualified for an engineer, may be readily conacademy at West Point; also, how many cadets ceived, but it by no means follows, that he may have been adinitted into the academy; the time of not possess many of the qualifications of a general, the residence of each cadet at that institution; and in a higher degree, than some of those who greatly how many of them have been appointed officers in excel him in his studies. The absolute dismission the army and navy of the United States." I trans- for that cause has therefore been changed into a mit a report from the secretary of war, which, with reference to the war department. the accompanying documents, will afford all the information required by the said resolution.

February 5th, 1819.


These regulations will apply to all cases where the cadet presents himself for admission, after they are received at the academy, notwithstanding their appointments may be of anterior date.

Department of war, 4th February, 1819. The regulation requiring the unmarried proThe secretary of war, to whom was referred the cadets, is believed to be conformable to the genefessors, teachers and assistants, to eat with the resolution of the senate, of the 25th of January last, ral usage of colleges, and ought not to be con"that the president of the United States be re-sidered onerous. I understand also, that captain quested to cause to be laid before the senate a Patridge is himself a batchelor, and of course subcopy of the rules and regulations adopted for the ject to the regulation. From his signing some of government of the military academy at West Point; bis acts as superintendent of the academy, he may also, how many cadets have been admitted into the have supposed that he was not embraced by the academy; the time of the residence of each cadet rule. This however is a mistake. No officer, as at that institution; and how many of them have been long as the law remains as it is, can be the superappointed officers in the army and navy of the Unit- intendent of the institution, but the principal offied States," has the honor to transmit herewith a cer of the corps of engineers, or the next in comlist of cadets, who have been admitted at the mili-mand of that corps, in case of his absence. If tary academy at West Point, in the state of New-however, in your opinion the proposition made by York; the time of their admission, and promotion, the academical staff to attend the mess-houses, and &c, and the time they remained at that institution; make daily reports of the fare, will protect the and a copy of the rules and regulations adopted cadets from imposition, you are authorised to for the government of the military academy at suspend the rule until further orders.

West Point.

I have the honor, &c.


The cadets are under the government of the rules and articles of war, so far as they are appli- Gen. Joseph G. Swift, New-York. cable, and under the orders of the superintendent of the academy. J. C. CALHOUN,


Department of war, 1st July, 1816. SIR,-I have the honor to return the regulations defining a complete course of education, drawn up by the academical staff, and transmitted by you to this department, which has been approved, with such modifications as have been judged necessary, by the president.

From the age at which cadets are admitted into the academy, the study of the English grammar is deemed indispensable to give them a correct and intimate knowledge of the structure of their own language.


Adopted for the government of the military academy
at West Point, New-York.
United States' military academy,
West Point, May 22d, 1816.
The following branches of science and instruc-
tion shall be considered as comprising a complete
course of education at the military academy at
West Point, state of New-York.

The English and French languages, and the review of the Latin and Greek languages, mathematics, military drawing, natural and experimental philoso phy, including astronomy, engineering, geography, history, ethics, military instruction, and the sword

English_Language.-A course of English shall embrace English grammar and composition.

Although a critical knowledge of the Latin and Greek languages is not considered essentially ne-exercises. cessary, yet, where the cadets have studied those languages before their appointments, it is believed that the review of those languages during the last year of study will add to the reputation of the inSUP. TO VOL. XVI.


French Language-A course of French shall consist in pronouncing the language tolerably, and

translating from French into English, and from English into French, with accuracy.

Latin and Greek languages.-A course of Latin and Greek shall embrace the review of the Latin and Greek authors usually taught in academies. No cadet shall be compelled to study these languages, who shall not have been taught them previous to his appointment.

gunnery, and also all the performance of all the regular duties of the camp.

Sword exercise.-Under the sword exercise, shall be included the broad sword exercise, and the cut and thrust, or small sword, either or both accord. ing to circumstances.

Assignment of duties-Each professor and instructor shall be limited in the discharge of his Mathematics. —A complete course of mathematics official duties to his own department, and not to shall embrace the following branches, viz: The interfere with any other department. Each pronature and construction of logarithms, and the use fessor and teacher at the head of a separate departof the tables; algebra, to include the solution of ment, shall be the judge of the proper mode of cubic equations, with all the preceding rules; conveying instruction in his own department; and geometry, to include plane and solid geometry, shall be held responsible for the correctness of also ratios and proportions, and the construction this mode.


1st Year. The course of the first year shall em.

of geometrical problems; application of algebra to Division of time.-To complete the preceding
geometry, practical geometry on the ground; men- course of studies, will require four years.
suration of planes and solids; plane trigonometry, branches to be pursued, and the course to be com-
with its application to surveying and measuring pleted in each year shall be as follows:
heights and distances; spherical trigonometry, with
its application to the solution of spherical problems. brace English grammar and composition, and the
The Doctrine of Infinite Series.-Conic sections, French language; logarithms, algebra, and plane
with their application to military and other pro- geometry, to include ratios and proportions.
jectiles. Fluxions to be taught and studied at the
option of the professor and student.

Drawing-A complete course of drawing shall include the elementary drawing of figures, rules and practice of perspective plans, and profiles of permanent fortifications of every kind of field works, and also topographical plans.

Philosophy.-A complete course of philosophy shall embrace the following branches, viz: The principles of mechanics, with their general applica tion; hydrostatics, hydraulics, pneumatics, optics, the elements of chemistry, electricity, magnetism

and astronomy.

2d Year. The course of the second year shall embrace, a continuation of the French language; the geometry of planes and solids; and the construction of geometrical problems. The applicaion of algebra to geometry and the mensuration of planes and solids. Plane and spherical trigonometry, with their applications, conic sec. tions, practical geometry, and drawing.

3d Year. A course for the third year shall emtronomy, engineering and drawing continued. brace, natural and experimental philosophy, as

4th Year. A course for the fourth year shall

embrace, geography, history and ethics, the review of the English grammar, arfd of the Latin and Engineering -A complete course of engineering Greek languages; also, a general review of the shall embrace the following branches, viz: military most important branches in each of the departand civil architecture, permanent and field fortifica-ments.

tion, field works generally; rules for the labor, time, Rules for Classification.-The cadets at the mili-
and materials necessary for the construction of dif- tary academy shall constitute four classes. All
ferent kinds of works; also, rules for the construc- the cadets who are admitted as members of the
tion of all the appendages necessary in field works; academy in each year, shall constitute the first
the construction of mines and fougasses, and the diflower class. If however, at the general examina-
ferent modes of attacking and defending fortified tion next ensuing the time of admission, it shall
places: also, castrametation.
appear that any cadet is sufficiently advanced in
Geography.-A complete course of geography his studies, he may be admitted into the next
shall embrace the solution of the several problems higher class; on the contrary, if at either of the
of the spheres, usually prefixed to the systems of general examinations, any cadet shall be found
geography, by means of the globe; a knowledge of unqualified to proceed with his class, he shall be
the grand divisions of the earth, of the extent, put back into the next lower class. No intermediate
boundaries and relative situations of the several classes will in any case be allowed.
countries situated in each of these grand divisions;
embracing likewise a knowledge of their natural
productions, commerce, manufactures, govern
ment, naval and military strength, relative import-
ance, and the use of the maps, &c.

History-A complete course of history shall embrace a course of universal history; the history of America generally; the history of the American revolutionary war, &c.; the history of the United States, or of such particular states, as the professor in that department shall judge proper.

Ethics-A course of ethics shall include the elements of moral science, also of natural and political law.

Qualifications necessary for admission.-Each cadet previous to his being admitted a member of the military academy, must be able to read distinctly, and pronounce correctly; to write a fair legible hand, and to perform with facility and accuracy the various operations of the ground rules of arithmetic, both simple and compound; of the rules of reduction, of single and compound proportion, and also of vulgar and decimal fractions.

Promiscuous Regulations-1st Every cadet, when he shall have completed the forgoing course of studies, shall be entitled to his diploma, signed by the academic staff, agreeably to law and existing regulations.

Military Instruction.-A complete course of mili- 2d. The military instruction of the cadet shall tary instruction shall embrace a general course of be under the immediate direction of the supertactics, a knowledge of infantry duty, to commence intendent of the academy, and shall be attended with the elementary drill of the soldier and to to at such times as will interfere the least with include the discipline and police of the battalion their other academic duties.

and platoon in all their parts; a knowledge of 3d. The particular course of studies to be com. artillery duty, including the artillery drill, practical pleted by the classes between the general examina

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