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member of the council, and from lieutenant-gover-clime, this living vessel traverses the pathless waste, nor Martin, on the 16th of April, 1813, (neither of fraught with the precious treasures of the east. which are deposited) in the following terms: "On caravan of camels exploring the wilds of Arabia, consideration of the great importance of its contents, with nothing in view but sand and sky, and con(governor M's letter) as well as that of Mr. Fowler, ducted by the planets to its desired haven, may the council resolved to adjourn this meeting to well be likened to a fleet of vessels, which are not Newport, there to convene on Thursday next, at 4 more useful in their way, or wonderful in their o'clock, P. M." i. e. one full week afterwards, at a structure. As the ship alone can outlive the seas, period when, as we have reason to believe, there in which the weaker boat must perish, so is the cawas emminent danger of a sudden attack upon the mel peculiarly adapted to a region, in which no town of Newport. other class of beasts could bear fatigue. He too experiences the change of sublunary things. His mighty strength, his dauntless heart, sink beneath the whirlwind's rage, and like the towering ship, which winds and waves assail with ceaseless fury,

On the 22d of April, 1813, the consideration of a motion submitted by Mr. Fowler, "relative to the danger of invasion to which certain parts of the state is exposed, and to calling out the detached militia of the state for the defence of the same," was he yields at length to inevitable fate." postponed to the next meeting; and yet the record Voyage of discovery. The Russian frigate Kamof the next meeting states, "There being no speci-schatka, after a three years voyage of discovery, al business before the council, adjourned to Satur-recently stopped at Fayal on her way to St. Peters, day, 8th May." burg. Her commander, Golowrin, is celebrated for

At the meeting on the 22d of April, (present, go- the circumstance of his having been several years vernors Jones and Martin, Christopher Fowler, in captivity in Japan, and his account of that emThomas P. Ives, Ephraim Bowen, John T. Childs, pire. Thomas Noyes and Nathanial Searle, jr.)-"The

Geography! A New York paper says, Laguira, vote of the town of Bristol, requesting of the coun- Porto Cabello, Barcelona, and Cumana, are in the cil of war some provision for the defence of that kingdom "of New Granada, in the province of Caractown against invasion, having been read and ma- cas!" turely deliberated upon, it is the opinion of the coun

Infant volcano.-In the island of Jamaica a volcacil, that the further consideration thereof be defer-nic eruption has appeared in a small valley, sur red until after the next session of the general assem-rounded by small mountains, about half a mile from bly." On the fifth of August, (nearly four months the sea shore; which, at its first discovery, exhibit. afterwards) we find the following vote recorded: ed a pyramid of but a few inches dimension, but in "Voted, that the train of artillery in Bristol be fur- the course of a year, increased to the circumference nished by the quarter-master general with twenty-of 49 feet at the base, 9 at the top and more than 2 five cannon cartridges, WITHOUT BALL, and four feet within the crater, and 4 feet in height. It con pounds of priming powder, of good quality, in addi- tinually discharges lava, which, as it cools, increases tion to their present supply." the dimensions of the mound. A boiling sound is September 16, 1814.Voted, That the governor distinctly heard by those near it. It is represented be advised to authorise the inhabitants of Pawtuxet, to repair at their own expense to the fort at Pawtuxet Neck in the town of Cranston."

September 30, 1814.-"Voted, That the Q. M. G. be directed to pay the account of the detached militia, amounting to $63 50, for the use of their blankets, while on duty."

Among the few vouchers deposited, we find an account containing the following curious item: "To chain, linch-pins, and washer, and other small things, $30."

Miscellaneous Scraps.

as an interesting curiosity, and is probably the first recorded instance of the original formation of such a phenomenon being witnessed by human eyes.

Vegetation. A farmer of this neighborhood men. tions a curious fact, relating to the growth of his corn, which is no doubt attributable to the extraor dinary dry weather, for which this season has been so very remarkable. He says that in a garden patch, planted with corn for roasting ears, the growth of three distinct periods are visible on each ear, and actually marked by a joint, or something like the natural ring observed on a common cane; that the first part of the year for about three inches is quite ripe, hard, and unfit for the table; that the middle An extract from Erwin's voyage up the Red Sea. of the ear is soft and fit for use; and that the end, Yambo, Sunday, 25th May, 1777. A caravan ar- for about three inches more, is very soft and milky. rived this forenoon from Medina, which is but two Such is the singular state of the progress of vegeta days journey from hence. This was the first I had tion on each ear, successively denoting the differ. seen, and though it consisted of 4 or 500 camels, I ent periods of its growth.-Wash, City Gaz, must confess myself to have been much struck with Unexampled product.-It is asserted, that, on the the grandeur and novelty of the sight. We discern-farm of Samuel Cope, in Eastbradford, Chester ed it from afar, moving onward, with a quick though county, Pennsylvania, there was found this season solemn pace, and as it passed near the beach, we a root of wheat, which produced one hundred and could distinguish, with our glasses, the economy of two stalks, and all well headed. One of the heads the whole. The major part of the camels were (the only one counted) contained 63 grains. If the loaded with merchandise, and the rest carried the other heads were as well filled, the product must travellers and the principal camel drivers. The have been upwards of 6000 grains of wheat from s sun was in his meridian, and not a cloud obscured single root.-Vil. Recd.

the heavens, nor a breath disturbed the surface of Squashes.-1100 squashes were pulled from one the deep. The natives were retired to the inmost vine, in a garden at Augusta, Geo, from June to the recesses of their habitations, and not a beast was 9th of August, 1819, when the vine was still flourishseen abroad, save the patient camel, that now brav-ing!

ed the fiery ray, and marched with steady steps Effects of lightning.-In the vicinity of the town beneath the united pressure of hunger, thirst and of Fayetteville, N. C. there were twenty-four sheep heat! While the wooden bark ploughs the deep, killed by lightning, on the evening of the 3d Aug. and wafts from shore to shore the produce of each They were found among the limbs of a large oak

that had been cut down in captain Wm. Lord's pasture. The flock consisted of 37.

there, which strangers often contravene, from ignorance; that is, when the stipulated time for laWonderful escape.-On the 26th of July, the dies' bathing arrives, a white flag is hoisted upon house of Mr. John Hunt, at Scoreham, Vt. was injur- the bank, under which it is high treason for a gened by lightning. The electrical fluid struck a young tleman to be seen there; and when the established lady who was in the upper part of the house-melt-time for gentlemen arrives, the red flag is run up, ed a string of gold beads which she had around her which is sometimes done by mistake, and produces neck, and running down her body, burnt her stock- rather ludicrous misunderstandings. A wag lately ing and shoe, and set the lining of her shoe on fire. hoisted both flags together, which created some In consequence of this shock she remained perfect- awful squinting, and no little confusion. ly senseless for ten hours, when it is stated she recovered.

Iron hanging bridge.-The third report of the select committee of the London and Holy-Head road Killed in Ellsworth, (Me.) by the falling of a tree, has been printed. The committee adopt and strongMiss Dorothy Mattocks, aged 20, daughter of Mr. ly recommend, Mr. Telford's plan of an iron hangWilliam Mattocks. She repaired to the woods in ing bridge across the Menai straight. Each of the order to fall trees for her father; while in the act of two principal piers was intended to be 60 by 40 making her escape from being hurt, the tree fell feet at high-water mark, having a foundation of across the spur, and killed her instantly. rock. Upon the summit of each of those a pyramid

A curiosity.-A splendid folio bible, in the French of cast metal is to be erected for the purpose of language, has lately been received from Europe, by raising the cables from which the bridge is to be Messrs. Prior and Dunning,booksellers of New York. suspended. The bridge, which is to hang between It was printed in the year 1588, in a remarkable those two points, will be 522 feet long and 30 wide, large type, and is embellished with a great variety the entire length of the bridge is to be 5000 feet. of engravings, different from any thing we have be- The expense estimated at 70,000/ London pap fore seen. It is, doubtless, one of the finest speci- Waterloo trophies. A London paper, of the 20th of mens of printing of the 16th century, and is well June, states that on Friday week a numerous and worthy the inspection of the literati, and especially fashionable party attended at the late museum in of the reverend clergy. Piccadilly, to witness the sale of the carriage and Another. The following singular translation ap- other things which belonged to Napoleon Bonapears in the edition of the bible, "IMPRINTED AT parte, which were captured at Waterloo. The London by Robert Barker, printer to the kings most articles were all eagerly bought up, and some of excellent majiste, 1610"-in the 3d chapter and 7th them at most extravagant prices. The following verse of Genesis, and which, for the benefit of all statement of the prices given for some of the things concerned, we here transcribe:

"Then the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew they were naked, and the sewed figge tree leaues together, and made themselves breeches."

will serve to shew in what estimation these relics are held: The carriage sold for 1687.; small opera glass, 51. 58.; tooth brush, 31. 13s. 6d.; snuff box, 1661. 19s. 6d. military stock, or collar, 17. 178.; old slippers, 1.; razor, (common) 41. 4s.; piece of sponge, 17s. 6d.; shaving brush, 37. 14s.; shirt, 21. 5s.; comb, 17; shaving box, 71. 7s.; pair of old gloves 1.: old pocket handkerchief, 17. 118. 6d. Many other articles sold equally high.

Wilmington, (N. C.) paper. Antiquities.-A tomb of white marble has recently been discovered at Rome, containing the body of a man and a woman, enveloped in fine woolen cloth. Under the cornice of the mausolem were inscribed the names of Publius Cornelius and Julia Cornelia. Maimed family. From a London paper of June Responsibility of judges in Holland.-A servant girl 23. While the 7th Hussars lately passed by the was erroneously convicted at Middleburgh of rob- marquis of Anglesea's seat near Litchfield, on their bing her master; the property was found locked up route to Manchester, they were entertained by the in her box, her mistress had placed it there. She marquis at his mansion with good old English cheer. was flogged, brandmarked, and confined in the Whilst the souliers were parading on the lawn in rasp-house. While she was suffering her sentence, front of the house, immediately before their departhe guilt of her mistress was detected. The cele-ture, a somewhat singular appearance presented itbrated Ploos Van Amstle was her advocate. The self in the persons of the marquis, his brother, (a mistress was condemed to the severest scourging, captain in the navy,) lord Uxbridge, (the marquis' a double-brand and hard labor for life. The sen-son,) and the daughter of the marquis. The first tence was reversed, and a heavy fine inflicted on wanted a leg which he lost at Waterloo, the capthe tribunal, and given to the innocent sufferer tain an arm, the noble lord Uxbridge was on crutchas an indemnification. es, being wounded in the knee, and the fair lady

Scotsman, on the manner in which this country is spoken of by the Quarterly Reviewers:

Great works. The editor of the (Savannah) Geor- was minus her right hand, which she lost while atgian, noticing the wants of the Missouri territo-tending her husband at one of the battles in Spain. ry (see present volume page 408,) thinks that the Quarterly. Review. The following is the concludfollowing small items ought to have been added-ing paragraph of a long article in the Edinburg A canal through the isthmus of Darien, and Another through the isthmus of Suez! To which further we would proposeThe clearing away of the ice about the North Pole, that capt. Symmes may open a trade with the people inhabiting the interior of the earth.

"The short career of the United States has thrown more light on the theory of government, than the experience of centuries. But the truths. it exhibits are gall and wormwood to the hirelings Long branch-The company at this salubrious of power. Without it we might have believed that retreat is represented to be very numerous and re- rotten burghs are the soundest part of a constituspectable this season--The New-York Advocate tion, and that a fair and full representation was visisays, there is a kind of military or naval regulations

onary nonsense.-Delolme's doctrine might have passed, that it is only the strong executive of a moOutlines of public interest with the people of narchy which can indulge its subjects in great liberMISSOURI!"-St. Louis Enquirer. ties of speech and conduct, while a republic is ne


cessarily suspicious and severe; and that in a demo- the striking of two flints against one anothercracy the people must become the prey of quacks, crimson balsam for a love wounded heart—a sweet under whom neither person nor property could be bite of the lip--an affectionate pinching of the To the confusion of all these theorists, mouth-a delicious dish which is eaten with scarlet however, persons and property are more secure in spoons; a sweetmeat which does not satisfy our hun. the United States than any where else, if we may ger--a fruit which is planted and gathered at the judge from the rate at which both multiply. The same time the quickest exchange of questions and interests of the people are found to thrive wonder- answers of two lovers: the fourth degree of love." fully under their own care; and political quacks Anecdote.-One of the Osage Indians who were find so little encouragement there, that they are al-on a visit to Washington city a few years ago, being most the only class which never emigrate from this in Baltimore, was shewn every thing in the latter happy country. The government, so far from be- city that it was supposed could interest the attening jealous and cruel, is the mildest and most liberal tion of one of the native lords of the forest. Among that ever existed in the world. It creates no ficti- other things his guide conducted him to see the tions plots, nourishes no host of spies, no mercenary gaol. After viewing it with attention, he exclaim. reviewers, and has contrived to get through a stored, «What dat?" the reply was, "the gaol." Indian, my period without the legitimate help of the gib-What's gaol?" His guide answered, "A place to bit, so indispensable to the strong monarchies of the put Indians in who don't pay the skins they owe," (skins being the medium of exchange or symbol of Emigration. A London paper of the 30th of June wealth among the North American savages.) Havsays, "In the Venus, which sailed last Thursday, ing viewed it some time with astonishment, the unfrom Hull for New York, was a very interesting tutored child of nature gave this reply, worthy of emigrant, Mr. Raylay, a venerable old man, up-a Socrates, a Plato, a Rochefaucault, or a Franklinwards of 80 years of age. He had lived for the last «Indian can ketch no skin dere.” thirty years at Newbald, a respectable village a few Wit and humor.—The following piece of wit and miles distant from Hull, where he practised the profession of an apothecary. At the earnest soli- humor is copied from a New Orleans-paper. With citation of a daughter and her husband, who have a trifling alteration, it will suit, just at this time, the a family of nine children, he has accompanied them meridian of many other places as well as New-Or. to another country, and become self-exiled, that leans. their children may have prospects more bright than their own native land can afford."

old world."

The London Observer of June 20, after giving a statement of one year's sale of that paper, (which is printed on Sunday only) amounting to 602, 224 papers, says

"It may not be wholly uninteresting to know, that the amount paid to the revenue for six hundred and two thousand, two hundred and twenty-four stamps, was no less a sum than eight thousand and twenty nine pounds, independent of the excise upon twelve hundred and four reams of paper, at three pence each pound weight, and the duty of three shillings and sixpence upon every advertisement, making a total sum contributed to the revenue by the Observer journal, in one year, of about ten thousand pounds, and that for only fifty two publications.

Sea Clamm. This instrument, invented by capt. Ross, of the British navy, for taking sounding at any :-a hollow pafathomable depth, is thus described:rallelogram of cast iron, (100 lbs.) 18 inches long, 6 by 6 and 4 by 5 inches wide-A spindle passes through it, to a joint of which the forceps are attached, and kept extended by a joint bolt. When the bolt touches the ground, the forceps act, and are closed by a cast-iron weight slipping down the spindle, and keeping fast the contents, till brought up for examination. By this instrument, the deepest soundings ever reached in Baffin's bay, were taken at 1050 fathoms! When at 500 fathoms, it descended at the rate of one fathom per second, and when 1000 fathoms down, it took one second and a half per fathom. It brought up 6 pounds of mud, shells, &c.

Prices current at New-Orleans, May 31st, 1819, by
Peter Quince & Co.

Cash-3 or 4 per cent. per month above par; ve. ry scarce; in great demand, and advancing in value. Credit-Below par; still declining; very little good in market; much wanted.


Concubines-Plenty and dull; large supplies hav ing arrived from New-York and elsewhere. Commission merchants-Do. do. fluctuating. Dust, (fine)-Very plenty; low at present, but will rise the first fair wind.

Duns-Plenty and dull.

Discount at banks-Very scarce and in demand; can be obtained only through favor.

Disease and filth-Plenty at all seasons; witness the hospital and gutters.

Fragrant odours-Plenty, plenty; "you may note them" at every corner of the streets. Fleas-Plenty; but lively.

Failures-A bad article; expected to be plenty in August and Sept.

Long-faced gentry, (not jack-asses )—Plenty and dull; daily increasing.

Musquitoes-A great many in market; no sales, Louisiana, perhaps, produces the best in the world; but, although they make a great noise at home, yet they are never exported.

Notaries Public-Plenty, brisk, and in great demand.

Promises-Plenty, but good for nothing.
Raw hide-Much used, but cheap.

Religion-Beginning to get in use; being a new article in this country, the prices nominal and the demand limited; depends, in a great measure, on the prevalence of the yellow fever.

Shaving-Brisk; especially just before 3 o'clock,

P. M.

Definition of a kiss. Extract of a letter written in the year 1679, translated from the German-"What is a kiss? A kiss as it were is a zeal of expressing our sincere attachment; the pledge of our future Water, (fresh)-Plenty, but rather muddy; will union; a dumb, but at the same time audible lan-increase in value as the summer advances; at pre guage of a living heart; a present which at the sent, sales regular at 1 picaion per bucket full.” same time that it given is taken from us; the impres- Bills of exchange -Plenty, a mere drug in the sion of an ardent attachment on an ivory coral press; market-would scarcely be accepted by any body.

The Missouri Question.

from his thoughts than to question on that floor the right of Virginia and other states, which held slaves when the constitution was established, to

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, FEB. 15, 1819. Mr. Tallmadge, of New York, having moved continue to hold them. With that subject the nathe following amendment on the Saturday preced-not to attempt it. But, Mr. F. continued, if gen. tional legislature could not interfere, and ought ingtlemen will be patient, they will see that my re

"And provided that the introduction of slavery, or marks will neither derogate from the constitutional involuntary servitude, be prohibited, except for the rights of the states, nor from a due respect to their Punishment of crimes, whereof the party has been duly several forms of government. Sir, it is my wish Convicted, and that all children born within the said to allay, not to excite local animosities, but I shall state, after the admission thereof into the union, shall never refrain from advancing such arguments in be declared free at the age of 25 years.” debate as my duty requires, nor do I believe that

MR. FULLER, of Massachusetts, said, that in the the reading of our declaration of independence, or admission of new states into the union, he consider-a discussion of republican principles on any oc. ed that congress had a discretionary power. By casion, can endanger the rights, or merit the disthe 4th article and 3d section of the constitution, Japprobation of any portion of the union. congress are authorised to admit them; but nothing My reason, Mr. Chairman, for recurring to the in that section, or in any part of the constitution, declaration of our independence, was to draw from enjoins the admission as imperative, under any ciran authority admitted in all parts of the union, a cumstances. If it were otherwise, he would re-definition of the basis of republican government. quest gentlemen to point out what were the circum If, then, all men have equal rights, it can no more stances or conditions precedent, which being found comport with the principles of a free government to exist, congress must admit the new state. All to exclude men of a certain color from the enjoy discretion would in such case be taken from con-ment of "liberty and the pursuit of happiness," gress Mr. F. said, and deliberation would be use-than to exclude those who have not attained a cer Tess. The hon. speaker, (Mr. Clay) has said, thatain portion of wealth, or a certain stature of body; congress has no right to prescribe any condition or to found the exclusion on any other capricious whatever to the newly organised states, but must or accidental circumstance. Suppose Missouri, admit them by a simple act, leaving their sovereignty before her admission as a state, were to submit to unrestricted. [Here the speaker explained-he did us her constitution, by which no person could elect, not intend to be understood in so broad a sense as or be elected to any office, unless he possessed Mr. F. stated.] With the explanation of the honor a clear annual ..come of twenty thousand dollars; able gentleman, Mr. F. said, I still think his ground and suppose we had ascertained that only five or a as untenable as before. We certainly have a right, very small number of persons had such an estate, and our duty to the nation requires, that we should would this be any thing more or less than a real examine the actual state of things in the proposed aristocracy, under a form nominally republican! state; and, above all, the constitution expressly Election and representation, which some contend makes a REPUBLICAN form of government in the se are the only essential principles of republics, would veral states a fundamental principle, to be preserv exist only in name--a shadow without substance, ed under the sacred guarantee of the national legis a body without a soul. But if all the other inlature. [Art. 4, sec. 4.] It clearly, therefore, is habitants were to be made slaves, and mere pro. the duty of congress, before admitting a new sister perty of the favored few, the outrage on principle into the union, to ascertain that her constitution would be s ill more palpable. Y-, sir, it is de or form of government is republican. Now, sir, monstrable, that the exclusion of the black popula the amendment proposed by the gentleman from tion from all political freedom, and making them New-York, Mr. Tallmadge, merely requires that the property of the whites, is an equally palpable slavery shall be prohibited in Missouri. Does this invasion of right, and abandonment of principle. imply any thing more than that its constitution If we do this in the admission of new states, we shall be republican? The existence of slavery in violate the constitution, and we have not now any state, is se fur a departure from republican prin- the excuse which existed when our national conciples. The declaration of independence, penned stitution was established. Then, to effect a concert by the illustrious statesman then and at this time of interests, it was proper to make concessions. a citizen of a state which admits slavery, defines The states where slavery existed not only claimed the principle on which our national and state con- the right to continue it, but it was manifest that a stitutions are all professedly founded. The second general emancipation of slaves could not be asked paragraph of that instrument begins thus: "We of them. Their political existence would have been hold these truths to be self-evident-that all men in jeopardy: both masters and slaves must have are created equal-that they are endowed by their been involved in the most fatal consequences. Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among To guard against such intolerable evils, it is these are life, LIBERTY, and the pursuit of hap- provided in the constitution "that the migration or piness." Since, then, it cannot be denied that importation of such persons, as any of the existing slaves are men, it follows that they are in a purely states think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited republican government born free, and are entitled till 1808."Art. 1, sec. 9. And it is provided elseto liberty and the pursuit of happiness. [Mr. Fuller where, that persons held to service by the laws of was here interrupted by several gentlemen, who any state, shall be given up by other states, to thought it improper to question in debate the re- which they may have escaped, &c. Art. 4, sec 2. publican character of the slave-holding states, These provisions effectually recgnized the right which had also a tendency, as one gentleman, (Mr. in the states, which, at the time of framing the con Colston, of Virginia) said, to deprive those states stitution, held the blacks in slavery, to continue so of the right to hold slaves as property, and he to hold them, until they should think proper to adverted to the probability that there might be meliorate their condition. The constitution is a slaves in the gallery listening to the debate.] Mr. compact among all the states then existing, by F. assured the gentleman that nothing was farther which certain principles of government are estab. SUP. TO VOL. XVI.


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lished for the whole and for each individual state.jcertain, that the representatives of the people can The predominant principle, in both respects, is, that never lose sight of it; and consequently an abuse ALL MEN are FREE, and have an EQUAL HIGHT TO LI of their powers, to any considerable extent, can BERTY, and all other privileges; or, in other words, never be apprehended. The same reasoning ap the predominant principle is REPUBLICANISM, in its plies to the exercise of all the powers entrusted largest sense. But, then, the same compact con-to congress, and the admission of new states into tains certain exceptions. The states then holding the union is in no respect an exception. slaves are permitted, from the necessity of the case, One gentleman, however, has contended against and for the sake of union, to exclude the republican the amendment, because it abridges the rights of principle so far, and only so far, as to retain their the slave holding states to transport their slaves to slaves in servitude, and also their progeny, as had the new states for sale or otherwise. This argubeen the usage, until they should think it proper ment is attempted to be enforced in various ways, or safe to conform to the pure principle by abolish and particularly by the clause in the constitution ing slavery. The compact contains on its face the last cited. It admits, however, of a very clear general principle and the exceptions. But the answer, by recurring to the 9th sect on of article tempt to extend slavery to the new states, is in 1st, which provides, that "the migration or impertadirect violation of the clause, which guarantees ation of such persons as any of the states then republican form of government to all the states. existing shell admi, shall not be prohibited by This clause, indeed, must be construed in connec congress til 1808." This clearly implies, that the tion with the exceptions before mentioned; but it migration and importation may be prohibited after cannot, without violence, be applied to any other that year. The importation has been prohibited, states than those in which slavery was allowed at but the migration has not hitherto been restrained; the formation of the constitution. congress, however, may restrain it when it may be The honorable speaker cites the first clause in judged expedient. It is indeed contended by some the 2d section of the 4th article-"The citizens of gentlemen, that migration is either synonimous each state shall be entitled to all the privileges and with importation, or that it means something dif immunities of citizens of the several states," which ferent from the transportation of slaves from one be thinks would be violated by the condition pro state to another. It certainly is not synonimous posed in the constitution of Missouri. To keep with importation, and would not have been used if slaves-to make one portion of the population the it had been, so. It cannot mean exportation, which property of another, hardly deserves to be called is also a definite and precise term. It cannot mean a privilege, since what is gained by the masters the reception of free blacks from foreign countries, must be lost by the slaves. But independently of as is alleged by some, because no possible reason this consideration, I think the observations already existed for regulating their admission by the con. offered to the committee, showing that holding the stitution; no free blacks ever came from Africs, or black population in servitude is an exception to the any other country, to this; and to introduce the general principles of the constitution, and cannot provision by the side of that for the importation be allowed to extend beyond the fair import of the of slaves, would have been absurd in the highest terms by which that exception is provided, are a degree What alternative remains but to apply sufficient answer to the objection. The gentleman the term "migration" to the transportation of proceeds in the same train of reasoning, and asks, slaves from those states, where they are admitted if congress can require one condition, how many to be held, to other states. Such a provision might more can be required, and where these conditions have in view a very natural object. The price of will end? With regard to a republican constitu- slaves might be affected so far by a sudden prohibition, congress are obliged to require that condition, tion to transport slaves from state to sta e, that it and that is enough for the present question; but I was as reasonable to guard against that inconvenicontend, further, that congress has a right, at their ence, as against the sudden interdiction of the imdiscretion, to require any other reasonable condiportation. Hitherto it has not been found necess ry tion. Several others were required of Ohio, Indiana, for congress to prohibit migration or transportation Illinois, and Mississippi. The state of Louisiana, from state to state. But now it becomes the right which was a part of the territory ceded to us at and duty of congress to guard against the further the same time with Missouri, was required to pro-extension of the intolerable evil and the crying vide in her constitution for trials by jury, the writ enormity of slavery.

of habeas corpus, the principles of civil and religious The expediency of this measure is very apparent. liberty, with several others peculiar to that state. The opening of an extensive slave market will These certainly are, none of them, more indispens tempt the cupidity of those who, otherwise, perable ingredients in a republican form of govern-haps might gradually emancipate their slaves. We ment, than the equality of privileges of all the po-have heard much, Mr. Chairman, of the Coloniza pulation; yet these have not been denied to be tion society; an institution which is the favorite of reasonable, and warranted by the national constitu the humane gentlemen in the slave-holding states. tion in the admission of new states. Nor need gen- They have long been lamenting the miseries of tlemen apprehend that congress will set no reason slavery, and earnestly seeking for a remedy comable limits to the conditions of admission. In the patible with their own safety, and the happiness exercise of their constitutional discretion on this of their slaves. At last the great desideratum is subject, they are, as in all other cases, responsible found-a colony in Africa for the emancipated to the people. Their power to levy direct taxes, blacks. How will the generous intentions of these is not limited by the constitution. They may humane persons be frustrated, if the price of slaves lay a tax of one million of dollars, or of a hundred is to be doubled by a new and boundless market' millions, wi hout violating the letter of the con- Instead of emancipation of the slaves, it is much 10 stitution; but if the latter enormous and unreason-be feared, that unprincipled wretches will be found able sum were levied, or even the former, without kidnapping those who are already free, and trans evident necessity, the people have the power in porting and selling the hapless victims into hope their own hands-a speedy corrective is found in iess bondage. Sir, I really hope that congress will the return of the elections. This remedy is so not contribute to discountenance and render aber

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