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Important Economy.


Out incurring the guilt of schism,and that they would sooner die than submit to it—(Hear, hear:) What then would have been the eonsequence of passing We invite the attention of our country readers, this bill by which the legislature would have alarm-and our readers generally, to the following observaed the protestants by concession, and inflicted mar-tions on the subject of makind pot and pearl ashes, tyrdom on the Irish Roman Catholic bishops, by de- communicated by Mr. Neave. We do this with the manding securities? If the right honorable gentle more earnestness, because we presume that few, man could now come forward with proposals more satisfactory, let him declare them to the house; but comparatively, are aware of the immense revenue to be derived from a source which is entirely nelet him not ask for a committee in which he had no glected in the clearing of new lands.

definite propositions to make, and which might agitate the country with vague hopes or alarins, with-instructions for the manufacture of pot and pearl Friend Cook & Co.-By publishing the inclosed out leading to any certain result. These were ash, and making suitable editorial comments, you grounds on which he should oppose the motionHe thought that the house might as well thrust a extensive export trade; and if the publishers of almay be the means of laying the foundation for an burning torch into a barrel of gunpowder, and ex-manacks would copy it into those for the next year, pect tranquility, as enter into a committee to discuss information would be more generally diffused. projects for securing the affections of the Roman The farmers and settlers on new lands in the state Catholic clergy, if additional means were granted of New-York, are enabled to pay for them, in a them of injuring our establishments. As an Irishman, he would not consider the question as it re-gaeat degree, from this additional industry; and nogarded the whole of the empire, but as it was limited thing but calling the attention universally, by every to Ireland. Suppose three-fourths of the members newspaper, in those new states, to the present waste of ashes, and loss of commerce, can have prevented of parliament, of the grand jurors of counties, and considerable exportation before this time to Euof the magistrates, were to be Roman Catholics, rope, via New Orleans; furnishing another great dowhich was the proportion which that class bore to mestic manufacture, for payment of foreign luxuries the protestants after gaining so much influence, I have a variety of samples furnished from Newwould they not demand exclusive power? Would York, which can be seen. not the ecclesiastical part of their community claim Respectfully, their share of privilege, and demand the establishments now in the hands of the protestants? He did not know, indeed if, in such circumstances, exclusion from the emoluments of the church could be de- A calculation for making pot and pearl ashes. fended. But it might be said that, connected with Twenty-five cwt. of clean black salts will make the British empire, the Catholics of Ireland compos- one ton of pearl ash; but if wet or dirty, it will reed only a sixth of it, Would they not, in that case, quire from 25 to 30 cwt. 700 bushels of field ashes, then, desire a separation form Great Britian, as the which make one ton of pearl ash. Five hundred means of securing their ascendancy? He apprehend- bushels of house ashes, or 650 bushels of field ashes, ed then, two dangers from the grant of the present if clean, and burnt from green timber, will make one claims; the one, the overthrow of the Irish protes-ton of pot ash. The sooner the ashes are worked tant church; and the other the separation of Ireland from the empire.

Lord Normanby, Mr. Becher, Sir R. Wilson then spoke in favor of the motion, and Mr. Brownlow and lord Lowther against it.


after they are burnt, the more pot ash can be got from them; and by putting three or four inches of slacked lime in the bottom of your leaches, you will and that the pot ash will melt much easier; and by putting the pan in the bottom of the kettle in which you are boiling the ley, you will catch the neutrał Amidst a general cry of question, Mr. Plur.ket and salts that first settle for three or four hours: it wilt Mr. Peel rose at the same time, but during a pause, be well to put them among the black salts for pearl resulting from each wishing to give precebence to ash, as they will, if left in the kettle, not only make the other, lhe question was put, and the speaker de- the pot ash melt hard, but will have a tendency to termined that the 'noes had it.' As the above gen-make it pass for second quality. tlemen, however, were still desirous of delivering "I shall now proceed as briefly as circumstances their sentiments, a long discussion arose, whether and my little spare time will admit, to gratify your they could be heard or not. It was at length decided, request, by recommending the preceding mode to that the negative vote having been given, no mem-be pursued by your friend (to which I have added ber could afterwards speak to the question, and that some few observations and remarks,) viz:the observations to the order of the house could be In the first place, it is highly necessary for every delivered only in the way of advices to the speaker, manufacturer of pot ash, to be extremely careful and by the members sitting and covered. A division cautious in the purchase of his raw ashes that he then took place, when the numbers appeared to be may avoid imposition, by the purchasing of ashes for the committee, 242-against 248. On declaring that are burnt from dead, or dead rotten wood; as these numbers at the table, Mr. Croker, one of the well as such as already have been leached by the tellers, stated that it was his duty to report to the vender, who, for the sake of gain, as well as decephouse, that during the discussion which had taken tion, has caused them, after being spent and talen place on the point of order, some members had en-out of his leach, to be burnt over again on his fire, tered the house who were not present when the question was pnt, and whose votes must, therefore, be disallowed, and accordingly it was decided, that the names of lords Worcester and Rocksavage, Mr. Banks, Mr. Ure, and general Porter, should be struck off from the nocs and that of lordForbes from the ayes. The state of the numbers then was, 241 | for the committee-against it 243-majority 2.

and mix them again with fresh and new ashes, as often is the case. The evil resulting from the latter, is not only in the cost and labor in handling them, but the disappointment in the expected quantity of pot ashes expected to be obtained from them, as would be afforded from the same number of bushels of good raw ashes. The two former kind of raw ashes not only strongly partake of the same evils, but ano

ther, if possible, a thousand times worse, (unless which it assists in the filtering: after which, he con manufactured by the skilful hand and in the way tinues putting in and packing his ashes, as before dihereinafter most particularly pointed out,) they rected, until the leach is sufficiently full to receive having been burnt from dead, and dead rotten the necessary quantity of water. That being put in, wood, possess none of the real alkaline substances, it will be three or four days in coming through, of but of the sulphuratic only. The only and best which time of coming he will know by examining ways I know of to detect them, are by rubbing them the spile-and when it does come, he has a tub or a between the thumb and fore finger, and by the taste. receiver for it to run in (in large factories it is imGood strong and well burnt ashes when rubbed be-mediately led into the kettles, and boiled down to tween the fore finger and thumb, will feel coarse salts) from which they are taken out, put in the and gritty, not unlike fine sand, and when tasted, kettles, and boiled down to what is called black though sharp on the tongue, leave no foul flavor: salts; and when a sufficient quantity of them are while the former (bad ashes) have a soft and greasy made, they are again put into the kettles, commencfeeling, and when tasted, will leave a fœtid sulphu- ing with a slow fire, which is increased in heat. On ratic scent and taste behind: to eradicate which foul increasing the fire, the salts will begin to melt substance from pure leys, and avoid hard melts and down, (as it is called) and boil not unlike mush, the spliting of the kettles, which too often is the re- until all the watery substance is evaporated. As sult, and injurious, if not ruinous to the manufac-soon as this is the case, they will stop fluttering, (as ture, I recommend your friend to pursue the direc-it is called) and settle down, (prior to which he has tions (at the same time not to lose sight of what I 2, 3, or 4 iron pots well heated and ready,) when he have stated in regard to the test of the raw ashes) that hereafter follows, viz:

Interesting Tour.

instantly commences dipping them out with a ladle, made for that purpose, which must also be made hot The first is, to procure good sound kettles, and before he commences: and as he has dipped out one have them set as is usual-procure his leaches, cooler full, it is proper to let his fire slack, propor which (square or round) must be made of good tionate to what he has taken out, otherwise the res sound white pine or white ash staves and heading, due has one third more force of fire than is proper or sufficiently large to contain from 4 to 450 bushels necessary; and in like manner, after he has dipped of ashes. The staves and heads from two to out the 2, 3, to the 4th cooler full, by which his pot two and a half inches thick, to be well hooped ashes will be nearly of one color, as well as one and braced, of sufficient width, so as the spent quality: whereas, a contrary course, and keeping the ashes may be with the more ease lifted out of them fire up, as at first of their melting, they will not only -the mouth part rather the widest-the bottoms to differ in color from one kettle, but very materially have two battons or pieces put under them as a sup-in quality, as the over proportion of fire destroys its port; the thickness of the depth of the chimes-the virtue as well as its weight. When sufficiently coolplatform on which they are intended to stand, to be ed in the coolers, they are turned bottom up, on a sufficiently wide, tight, strong and well supported, stick or sticks of wood, when the ashes will leave. to bear the weight of them and their contents; these the kettle. After which,it is broken, and immediately must descend from rear to front about 2 to 2 1-2 in-put in good, strong and tight barrels, headed up. ches, on which he places pieces of joists, which are In setting the leaches the second time, the lower so fixed that, when the leaches are placed on them, layer of line is not to be disturbed-all it wants is the tops or upper ends are on a level. The leach-some new lime to cover the old." es being placed thereon, he causes to be placed in each of them what is commonly called false bottoms, made of strips of plank to the width of 2 to 2 1-2 inches, and the length so as to reach the width of the FROM POULSON'S AMERICAN DAILY ADVERTISER. leaches-which strips he either lays or nails across As the season is at hand when many of our fellow each other three or four thicknesses, and about 1 to citizens usually take a journey, either for recrea1 inches apart, (if nailed, the less trouble in fixing tion or for health, perhaps, if the waywardness of them at other settings,) which done and placed on the times has left any who can afford it, the follow. the bottom of the leach, he then lays a good layer, ing hasty outline of one of the most interesting as it is called, of good straw, say three or four in-tours that can be made, viz:-from Philadelphia ches in thickness, and then damped; on which he Jays a layer of good, fresh, slacked stone lime, three or four inches thick, which must be trod down well, From this city to Albany, the journey is delight. keeping that part next the sides of the leaches the ful, and may be accomplished in little more than highest, and packed as tight as possible against its two days. Good stages start from Albany for sides; doing which prevents the spurious matter Lewistown every day in the week. The horses are and substances from passing through with the ley, excellent, and travel with great rapidity. The as they pass much the freest down by the sides, ro,ds in some places hilly and rough, but generally than the centre of the leaches-therefore, by pack-speaking good, particularly that called the Ridgeing the lime, the highest and tightest against the sides, turns all towards the centre, and prevents the bad matter from passing through, and leaves the ley pure and clean-after which layer of lime, he then puts in his ashes and packs them down tight, as he fills in-for the tighter and closer they are packed the better. The ley will be longer in coming, though when it comes, it will not only be purer but stronger, from which, with proper caution in keeping his works clean, he cannot help making first quality until he gets them half full; when he may lay another layer of straw, about half the thickness of the first, on which he puts another layer of lime about half the thickness of the first; and

to Quebec, [and back] via Albany and the falls of Niagara, to such it may be acceptable.

road, which extends from the Gennessee to the
Niagara river. The accommodations at some of
the public houses, are such as may naturally be
expected in a new country.
And for which every
allowance must be made. Milk, in all its purity,
however, can be procured every where on the
road; and if the traveller were to take with him
from Albany or Utica, some fresh crackers, (as the
bread most frequently is very inferior in quality)
he would fare very well. After travelling 5 days,
over a distance of 320 miles, you reach Lewistown,
much fatigued, and on your arrival feel no extraor
dinary partiality for stage travelling. But if not
disposed to undergo so much fatigue, you can bend

1 1

distance in 17 hours. The fortifications at the latter place, are, in point of strength, equalled by few military posts in the world; the falls of Montmorency also deserve attention.

your course from Utica to Sackett's harbor, between which place and Lewistown, a steam-boat is continually plying; much, however, calculated to produce the highest gratification, would be lost by such an arrangement. The ride along the banks of the Mohawk to Utica, brings to view some be taken; between which place and Montreal, a In returning, the route by the way of Boston may of the most beautiful and some of the wildest and line of stages is established; or that of the stage to most romantic scenery. The Oneida nation of In-St. John's on the river Sorel-thence in one of the dians-the gypsum quarries at Cayuga; the bridge best steam-boats, in every point of view, in the across that lake, more than a mile in length; the world, up lake Champlain to Shoreham, in Vernoble and picturesque falls of the Gennessee river, mont, nearly opposite the old fort Ticonderoga, at near Rochester-the wonderful bridge just com- the outlet of lake George-thence by a small steampleted over that river-the Ridge-road, composed boat to Caldwell, where a carriage may be obtained of sand, gravel and marine shells, and extending to go by the way of Saratoga and Balston to a distance of eighty miles, through a marshy soil Albany. Isle aux Noix (one of the strong holds -the wilderness, which continues for about 10 of Lower Canada) 12 miles from St. John's-Lacole miles, &c. would none of them be seen. Some per mill--Chasey--the scene of M'Donough's victory sons at Canandiagua, take the stage to Buffalo, but the other route is considered preferable.

There is but one public house immediately in the neighborhood of the Falls, which is Forsyth's, and of this many complaints are justly made. About three quarters of a mile from there, a most excellent house is kept, by an obliging Scotsman, of the name of M'Clive, who wants nothing but encouragement, to give perfect satisfaction to his guests.

(in sight of Plattsburg, 24 miles from the lines, and berland head-Burlington, Vermont, 50 miles from 36 from St. John's) between Crab Island and Cumthe lines--the green mountains, the Wilsborough mountains, &c. are passed in the journey from St. John's to Shoreham. The upper falls of the outlet of lake George as well as the mills erected there, and Glenn's falls, on the road to Saratoga, are worthy of observation.

Here there are many objects of curiosity: a burnThe following distances are not pretended to be ing spring, a short distance above the falls-the perfectly accurate, having been principally derived whirlpool, and the Devil's den, a few miles below from passengers, inn-keepers &c. but sufficiently so --Queenstown heights, rendered memorable by the for the general purposes of a traveller. Having death of gen. Brock-the Tuscarora nation of In- experienced the want of something of the kind dians, (in whom the excellent effects of civiliza-myself, I have taken the trouble of giving this tion are strikingly exemplified)-Lundy's lane--dry detail with a hope that it might be useful to Bridgewater-fort Niagara-fort George, &c.-others.

From the falls to Quebec.


to the fulls.









Falls of Niagara 7










[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]





[blocks in formation]

The British steam boat Frontenac, which is very Distance from Philadelphia Ridgeway
large and commodious, is constantly passing be
tween fort George and Kingston, by the way of
York; Sir James Yeo's fleet, including his 110 gun New York
ship, &c. are laid up at Kingston-commodore Albany
Chauncey's at Sackett's harbor. A small steam-
boat also plies between Kingston and Prescott, Schenectady
where it is exchanged for the Canadian boats, or Amsterdam
what are called stage-boats, resembling our Dur-Tripe's hill
ham-boats, for the purpose of descending the St. Caughaway
Lawrence, and its rapids, to La Chine.-Those who Paletine
are not disposed to descend the rapids, may be Paletine
accommodated by a stage, which runs along the St. Johnsville
banks of the river.-Accidents seldom, or perhaps Manhelm
never occur, where the steersman and his men Little falls
understand their business, which is almost uni-Herkimer
versally the case. Persons who have never seen Utica
rough water, nor heard the roar of the billow, of
course feel some alarm; but such as have crossed Vernon
the Atlantic, appear to enjoy the tumult that sur-Lennox
rounds them. La Chine, (so called from the cir- Chetiningo
cumstance of a party having started from that place Manlius
during the time that Canada belonged to France, Jamesville
for the purpose of discovering a western passage Onondaga
to Chilia,) is situated on the Island of Montreal. Skaneatelis
There is a mountain of considerable elevation on
this Island, about 3 miles from the city. On the Auburn
opposite side of the St. Lawrence, in sight of La Canandiagua
Chine, there is a regularly built town, belonging
to the Cochnewago Indians. Montreal contains a Victor
population of about 24,000 souls. Its cathedrals Pittsford
its nunneries--its tin-roofed houses, refecting Rochester
the rays of the sun, rather unpleasantly to the eye Palma
--its narrow and crooked streets, &c. will attract Murray
the attention of a Philadelphian as novelties. From Gaines
this place to Quebec, this noble river rolls through

From Quebec to Philadel

a succession of villages, and steam-boats, with And this journey can be performed in one month excellent accommodations, are constantly plying without any extraordinary haste. between them, and sometimes pass over the whole


Banks of Kentucky.

The following proceedings at Frankfort caused a great stir in Kentucky-but, in general, the principles attempted to be established were rejected by the pes ple of that state. But we have added only an account of the meeting that was held at Washington, in Mason county, to shew the spirit opposed to the paper system.

reventing the ruinous sacrifices of credit, of fortune and of business.

tributed to bring on and aggravate the present 5th. That the banks have in a great degree condistress, by conducing to extravagant importation and consumption of foreign luxuries, and encou raging extravagant speculations by furnishing the means-by collecting specie in large quantities, dealing in credit, money and exchange; giving FRANKFORT, (Ky.) May 14, 1819. their own paper as a circulating medium at home, At a numerous public meeting of the citizens of they have made specie more accessible to export. Franklin county, held on yesterday, in pursuance ers and foreign dealers in money, by affording speof notice, at the church, in Frankfort, to take cie for, and in other respects aiding the purposes into consideration the present state of the coun of foreign money dealers; substituting paper as try, and devise means to avert impending dis.money at home, they have placed themselves in a tresses, Jacob Creath was appointed chairman, situation to be pressed for specie as an article of and Jacob Swigert, secretary. After addresses foreign commerce; those nearest the seabaord, to the people, by Messrs. Adams, Bibb, Pope, pressed by the demands of specie for exportation, and Hardin, the following resolutions were adopt-press more remote to supply the deficiency made ed by an overwhelming majority. by exportation. The bane of the United States, Resolved, That the present scarcity of money, the great dealer in foreign exchange and comthe pressure by the banks upon those indebted to merce, by itself and its branches, has opened a them, the pressure by creditors for their debts by sluice by which the specie of the western country suits and executions; the difficulty of raising very flows into the general current from the seaboard, moderate sums of money, even by enormous sacri- to the East India and other foreign markets; being fices of property, the heavy usury demanded for first pressed for specie for foreign purposes, in the use of money beyond what any useful employ. its turn it presses the state banks; a great and ra. ment and ordinary profit of regular business will pid reduction of the discounts and notes in circujustify the borrower in contracting to give, the gelation becomes necessary, proportioned to the loss neral embarrassment which seems to encircle the of specie, and far exceeding in amount the quan. commercial world, which is recoiling on the agri.tity taken off, whereby the banks press upon the cultural and mechanical classes, producing a smal-people. ler employment in the useful, industrious and sober callings, increasing the want of confidence between traders and dealers, employers and employed, is a public calamity which we acknowledge and deplore, as hastening to a general suspension of payments, business and employment, and utterly destructive of social order and happiness.

6th. That by this action and reaction, a sudden reduction of bank paper and money has been pro duced, not having enough to pay discounts and exchange, and answer the necessary purposes of internal commerce and business, so that now, property is no longer convertible into money.

7th. That as the banks have been so instrumental in bringing on this distressing state of things, that the people have a claim upon the banks to bear their share of the burthen, that they shall not retire within their shells to view the ruin themselves are not wholly innocent of; but should afford the means to stay the pressing demands until time, frugality and industry can discharge the debt by instalment.

2ndly. That these causes combined, threaten to bring suddenly into market, at forced sales, at public auction, under execution, and at private sale, a very large portion of the most valuable property of the country, as well the products of our soil and industry exported abroad, as of real and personal property at home; that the many sales and few bidders without competition, must shift a very large portion of the most valuable property of the country from the many to the few, at the most depreciated prices and ruinous sacrifices, entailing poverty and wretchedness upon the household, where industry and ho nest acquirements once maintained, in peace and domestic comfort, the husband, wife, children, re. latives; journeyman, apprentice, master and ser 9th. That the present alarming and general vant, employer and employed, leaving a heart-bro-pressure deserve the serious and quick interposiken dispirited population, or a desolated country.ion of the legislature, in such way as the wisdom and intelligence of the state may devise.

8th. That the banks ought immediately to suspend their payments of specie, suspend their calls, and make moderate issues of paper upon good se curity, to answer the most pressing demands, until the legislative, authority can take the situation of the country into consideration.

3d. That in time of such general calamity and dearth of money, neither that even-handed public deration of the people and of the legislature, it is 10th. That among other measures for the consijustice, which is always due, and never to be over proposed that the amount of paper to be issued by Tooked, as between creditor and debtor, nor that hu- the banks during the suspension of their payments mane and liberal policy which a government owes in specie, shall be regulated by law, not to be exto its citizens, nor that self-preservation which ceeded, under penalty of forfeiting their charters, Society owes to itself, requires or ought to permit prescribing also, the kind of security which indisuch ruin and devastation, if a discreet, peaceable viduals shall give to the banks, and which the remedy can be applied, whereby the just rights of banks shall give to the community, so as to guard all may be secured and ultimately satisfied, and the general welfare promoted by a merciful for. against the excessive issue of paper, secure its ultimate redemption without depreciation, and leave bearance and prudent circumspection and forecast. the banks, if they should choose so to do, under 4th. That as the banks are the great money these conditions, to make such an emission of pa holders, as well as great creditors, they can also per as shall be necessary and proper, (not exceed. be great and efficient instruments in alleviating ing the limit) to save the country from impending the present distress, and mainly contributory in catastrophe.

11th. That the attention of the people in the different counties be invited to these subjects, for the purpose of expressing their opinions in similar meetings.

12th. That a committee of seven be appointed to correspond with the people of the other coun ties in this state, and with such committees as may be appointed by them, receive the communications and ans vers from similar meetings in other counties, and lay the result before the acting governor. 13th. Resolved, as the opinion of this meeting, that the legislature ought to be convened without delay.

14th. Resolved, that a prudent and rigid economy ought to be observed; the consumption of foreign articles of luxury and manufactures diminished; home manufactures encouraged; the annual expenditures of individuals lessened, so as to enable them, by industry and frugality, to pay off old arrearages without accumulating new debts.


JACOB CREATH, Chairinan.
J. SWIGERT, Sec'ry.

From the "Union," published at Washington, Ky.
June 2, 1819.

citizens of Mason county convened at the court-
house in Washing on, on the 31st May, 1819-4
ADAM BEATTY was called to the chair, and DAVID
V. RANNELS, appointed secretary.

The meeting was organized in the court-house, at
12 o'clock, by a brief address from the chair,
stating the objects of the meeting, and reading
the resolutions adopted in a late meeting of the
citizens of Franklin county, at Frankfort, on the
13th inst together with the letter from the com
mittee of correspondence appointed by the Frank-
lin meeting, to the representatives of Mason coun-
ty, requesting a meeting in this county, to take
into consideration said resolutions.
On motion, Henry Lee, John Pickett, Duval Payne,
John Chambers, Willian Murphy, Richard Sow.
ard, James A. Paxton, Thomas T. Worthington,
and James W. Moss, were chosen a committee
to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of
this meeting, respecting the resolutions adopted
by the Franklin meeting, and questions arising
out of those resolutions: and, it having been
found that the court-house was not sufficient to
contain the concourse of citizens, and to give
time to the committee to report, the meeting was
adjourned to meet at the Baptist meeting house
in the afternoon.

At half past one o'clock the meeting was again cal-
led to order, and the committee, through the
chair, reported the following resolutions, which
were almost unanimously adopted, by upwards of
six hundred citizens of the county.-The greatest
number of nays to any one of the resolutions, was
THREE, the question being separately put on
each resolution.

The Mason county meeting. It will be seen by the proceedings and resolutions below, that a very large number of the citizens of this county convened in this place, on Monday last, to take into consideration the Franklin resolutions. This meeting was one of the most respectable and orderly. county meetings that we have ever witnessed on any occasion. The great majority of the assembly were of the substantial part of our population. Their resolves were not the offspring of a momentary impulse, but the expression of deliberate sentiment. The session of our circuit court had ended on Saturday--the meeting to k place on the Monday following. From the different quarters of the county, the citizens had been for three weeks, during the session of the court, in daily habits of meeting and mingling sentiments. It was during this period that hand-bills, containing the Franklin resolutions, were circulated among them.-Their situation gave them an opportunity of communicating to each other their views respecting those 2. Resolved, That this pressure has been more resolutions; and they communicated seriously, and immediately produced by the passage of the late without reserve. The scarcity of good money had acts chartering forty six new banks, with a capital been a topic of conversation; but from the time of of eight millions eight hundred and twenty thonthe general circulation of the Franklin resolutions, sand dollars; thereby creating a new demand for an appearance of thoughtfulness, of anxiety, of en-upwards of a million of specie, to supply them quiry, and alarm, not before visible, seemed to with only an eighth of their capital in gold and sil. pervade the countenances of our citizens. A situa-ver. [Nuys 2]

1. Resolved, That to the great increase of banking establishmen's throughout the U. States, and particularly in this commonwealth, may be traced the original cause of the pressure which is experienced by a large portion of our citizens. That they have continued to bring on and aggravate the existing pressure by conducing to an importation and consumption of foreign merchandise, greatly beyond the real wants of the country, and by encouraging extravagant speculations in town lots, and other real property. [Nuys 3.]

tion, which they had viewed and felt as embarrass. 3. Resolved, That the supply of this quantity of ing, they now considered it likely to be converted specie necessarily produced a great run upon the into dangerous and even ruinous. They took the state bank for gold and silver, which could be met al.rm, and, though they met pursuant to a request only by taking immediate steps to withdraw from of the Franklin meeting, yet they came prepared to circulation a large proportion of its circulating protest against the measures proposed by the citi-paper-a measure of prudence and necessity, which zens of Franklin: nor have we ever seen a nume-could be accomplished in no other way then by rous political assembly press to the performance of considerable, but gradual calls upon its debtors. their duty with so'unifʊrm good order and decorum [[Nay 1.] -nor with so great an appearance of deliberation and thoughtfulness. The expression of public sentiment was one of the most decided and solemn ever evinced in the state.

[blocks in formation]

4 Resolved, That from these causes the only circulating medium of the state, in which entire confidence was repose, has, in a great measure, been withdrawn from circulacion; and the indepen dent barks cannot supply its place by the emi's on of their paper: first, because they have not a sufficient specie capital to enable them to throw it into circulation; and secondly, because the public have not such a degree of confidence in it, as to render it useful as a general circulating medium for the state. [Nay 1.]


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