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vet major general Gaines, dated Nashville, 7th August, 1818.

Gaines, and if none, by the agent, sent with instruc | Extract of a letter from major general Jackson to bretions to draw on quartermaster general Gibson for the amount of his purchases; this is done to facilitate the march of the volunteers called for. I need not observe that, without quartermaster's funds an army cannot be wielded either with promptitude or effect-promptitude in the present campaign will be a great saving to the United States, both in character and purse.

I have the honor to be, most respectfully, your most obedient servant,



Major General Commanding Hon. J. C. Calhoun, secretary of war:


Head quarters, division of the south,

Fort Gadsden, March 25th, 1818. SIR-I solicit the co-operation of the naval fore under your command, during the present campaign to the east of the Appalachicola river. It is reported to me that Francis, of Hillis Hago, and Pe ter M'Queen, prophets, who excited the Red Sticks in their late war against the United States, and are now exciting the Seminoles to similar acts of hostility,are at or in the neighborhood of St Marks: united with them it is stated that Woodbine, Arbuthnot and other foreigners have assembled a motley crew of brigands-slaves enticed away from their masters, citizens of the United States, or stolen, during the late conflict with Great Britain. It is all im portant that these men should be captured and made examples of, and it is my belief that on the approach of my army they will attempt to escape to some of the sea islands from whence they may be enabled for a time to continue their excitement, and carry on a predatory war against the United States. You will therefore cruise along the coast, eastwardly, and as I advance capture and make prisoners of all, or every person, or description of persons, white, red or black, with all their goods, chattels and effects, together with all crafts, vessels, or means of transportation by water, which will be held possession of for adjudication.

Any of the subjects of his catholic majesty, sailing to St. Marks, may be permitted freely to enter the said river; but none to pass out, unless after an examination it may be made to appear that they have not been attached to or in any wise aided and abetted our common enemy. I shall march this day, and in eight days will reach St. Marks, where I shall expect to communicate with you in the bay, and from the transports receive the supplies for my army. will there bave an opportunity of concerting with you future plans of co-operation; for additional operations you will call on colonel Gibson, quarter master general, who is left in the command of fort Gadsden, and who is instructed to furnish you with such vessels and equipments as may be deemed necessary for your co-operation with me. Gibson will place under your command transports loaded with provisions, arms, military stores, &c. which I wish you to protect to the bay of St. Marks.


I am happy to find that the notorious Micco-deCozey, is at length destroyed. The distress of the Indians for provisions I expected. Your providing for their wants meets my entire approbation; it will meet the entire approbation of the government, as it corresponds with the usual humanity extended to the suffering Indians.

I have noted with attention, major Twiggs' letter, marked No. 5. I contemplated that the agents of Spain, or the officers at fort St. Augustine, would escite the Indians to hostility and furnish them with the means of war. It will be necessary to obtain evidence substantiating this fact, and that the bostile Indians have been fed and furnished from the garrison of St. Augustine. This being obtained, should you deem your force sufficient, you will proceed to take and garrison fort St. Augustine with American troops, and hold the garrison prisoners until you hear from the president of the United States, or transport them to Cuba, as in your judgment, under existing circumstances you may think best.

Let it be remembered, that the proceedings carried on by me, or this order, is not on the ground that we are at war with Spain, it is on the ground of self preservation, bottomed on the broad basis of the law of nature and of nations, and justified by giving peace and security to our frontiers, hence the ne cessity of procuring evidence of the fact of the agents or officers of Spain having excited the Indians to continue the war against us, and that they have furnished them with the means of carrying on the war; this evidence being obtained, you will (if your force is sufficient) permit nothing to prevent you from reducing fort St. Augustine, except a positive order from the department of war.

Orders have some time since been given to the officer of thé ordnance, commanding at Charleston, to have in readiness a complete battering train, the number and calibre of the guns pointed out I have no doubt you will find them in readiness.

I enclose you the report of captain Henley, of the naval force on that station; you will open a cor respondence with commandant A. J. Dallas, to in sure his co-operation, provided it should be requir ed. I trust before this reaches, you will have destroyed the settlement collected at Suwany; this can easily be done by a coup de main, provided secrecy of your movemen's be observed, and great expedition of march used. Without expedi tion of movement, and great cantion, you will be discovered, and the enemy will fee, or endeavor to ambuscade you; both of which ought to be guarded against.

Have a careful eye to your supplies on hand, that before they are consumed, others may be ordered, and reach you. Without necessary supplies, an army cannot operate with effect. The late scarci ty ought to teach us 9 lesson on this head, never to be forgotten. I therefore expect that no scarcity will happen at any place, post, or garrison, entrustCaptain Neil with thirty (detachment) of men, ed to your care. I shall expect to hear from you principally seamen, have received instructions to shortly, and that you and your brigade may be sucreport to you as a reinforcement to your com-cessful in your operations, and cover yourselves Kand. with glory, is my heartfit wish.

I remain your most obedient servant,

Major General Commanding.
Capt. Isaac M'Keever, commanding
Naval forces in the bay of Appalachicola.

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NEW SERIES, No. 5-VOL. IV.] BALTIMORE, MARCH 27, 1819. [No. 5—Vol. XVI. WHOLE NO. 395



The title page and index for the last volume, accompanies the present number of the REGISTER.

We have now so near' waded through the things about which we had so little, if any choice, whether to publish or not, that we think we can most gladly promise to ourselves and our readers, a pleasing variety of original and selected matter, to serve as a desert to some long and solid papers, which we shall leisurely proceed to insert.

Mr. Lacock's promised reply to the strictures on the report to the senate on the Seminole war, has been received, and is laid off for our next paper.

[ Continued from our last.]

By capt. Gadsden you will receive some letters* lately enclosed to me, detailing the information that the Spaniards at fort St. Augustine were again exciting the Indians to war against us, and a copy of my order to gen. Gaines upon this subject. It is what I expected, and proves the necessity and sound policy of not only holding the posts which we are now in possession of, but likewise of our possessing ourselves of fort St. Augustine; this alone can insure peace and security on our southern frontier.

I have the honor to be, sir, with great respect, your most obedient serv't.

Hon. J. C. Calhoun,
Secretary of war.

Maj. gen. comdg.

It is alone by a just and a bold course of conduct that we can expect to obtain and secure respect from Europe, and not by a timid temporizing policy; the first commands admiration and esteem, the latter contempt; but from the composition of the present administration, I can never suppose, that they will Head Quarters, Div. South, abandon rights or assume a timid temporizing Nashville, August 10, 1818. course of policy. I therefore conclude that the posts Captain Gadsden will likewise deliver you his re- will never be surrendered, unless upon the terms port made in pursuance of my order, accompa- agreed on in the capitulation, and then it guaranteed nied with the plans of the fortifications thought that those terms will be punctually fulfilled; partinecessary for the defence of the Floridas, in con- cularly when it is recollected that unless this is done, nexion with the line of defence on our southern our frontier will be exposed to all the scenes of frontier. This was done under the belief that go-blood and massacre, heretofore experienced, and to vernment would never jeopardize the safety of the regain them will cost us much blood and treasure in union, of the security of our frontier, by surrender-the event of a war. The security of the western ing those posts, unless upon a sure guarantee, states, renders it necessary that they should be held; agreeably to the stipulations of the articles of ca- the voice of the people will demand it. But upon pitulation, that will ensure permanent peace, tran- this, as well as every other subject, I refer you to quility, and security to our southern frontier. It capt. Gadsden. is believed that Spain can never farnish this guarantee, as long as there are Indians in Florida and it possessed by Spain. They will be excited to war, and the indiscriminate murder of our citizens, by foreign agents and Spanish officers. The conduct of Spain for the last six years fully proves this. It was under the belief that the Floridas would be held, that my orders to make the report, were given to capt. Gadsden. To this I refer you; its perusal will show you how important it is, not only to Department of war, 1st September, 1818. the defence and security of our frontier, but to the SIR-General Jackson has transmitted to this de whole U. States. It points to our vulnerable points, partment a copy of his letter to you of the 7th ultiand shows our country can, and was intended to be mo. It is to be presumed that his orders in relation invaded during the last war from this quarter, and to St. Augustine, were given before he was ap that the attempt would have been made, had not prised of the decision of the president in relation to the Creek Indians been subdued previous to the ar- St. Marks and Pensacola; as the principle on which rival of the British troops, and afterwards their at-that decision was made, would equally extend to tempt to gain possession of Mobile Bay was frus-the case of St. Augustine, you will, accordingly, not trated by the repulse they met with at Fort Bowyer. carry that part of general Jackson's order into exeIf possession is given of the points now occupied by cution, except to collect with care the evidence of our troops and a war ensues, an attempt will no such facts as go to prove any countenance or assistdoubt be made to penetrate our country by the Ap-ance from the Spanish authority in St. Augustine, palachicola, and by the aid of the Indians, to reach to the hostile Indians; and should you ascertain that the Mississippi, at or above the Chickasaw Bluffs. they have afforded any, you will report the facts, Should this be done with a formidable force in our properly supported by evidence, to this department. unprepared state it is highly probable that the enemy You will also report the facts on which you ordermight reach the banks of the Mississippi; occupying ed the issue of rations to the Indians, and the extent these posts, will prevent the danger of such an oc- of the issue. I refer you to the issue which is alluded currence; surrender them, and I would not, withoutto in general Jackson's letter to you of the 7th ult. a much stronger force,hold myself responsible for the as the department has not yet received any informasafety of my division. But with those posts fortified tion on the subject. as recommended, and with an effective force of 5000 men, I pledge my life upon defending the country | Gen. E. P. Caines, from St. Mary's to the Barrataire, against all the machinations and attacks of the Holy Alliance, and combined Europe.

VOL. XVI.-7.

I have, &c.


*These letters have been passed into the state de partment, and cannot now be found,

Extract of a letter from J. C. Calhoun, secretary of war, to major general Andrew Jackson, dated the 8th Sept. 1818.

I enclose a copy of my orders of the 14th ultimo, to gen. Gaines, for your information.

3d. That "the number and grades of the officers who commanded (or served with) the two companies of rangers, under captans Boyle and M'Gist, appear from a communication of the paymaster of the 4th regiment of infantry, dated the 23d of Sept. 1818, to


2 captains: 2 first lieutenants: 2 second lieutenants:
surgeon's mate.

I am, very respectfully, sir, your most obedient,
NATH'L. FRYE, Jun. chief clerk.
To the hon. Abner Latock, chairman
of the committee on the subject of the
Seminole war, in senate of the United States.

Paymaster general's office, city of Washington, February 23d, 1819., SIR-Your letter of yesterday's date is now before me, and with reference to my note of the 20th instant, I have to state, that "the whole number of inen, rank and file, employed as volunteers from Tennessee and Kentucky," appears from the muster rolls to have been 1,163; the number employed in captain Boyle's and captain McGist's companies of rangers, 140.

I concur in the view which you have taken in re-have been, lation to the importance of Florida, the effectual peace and security of our southern frontier; and such, I believe, is the opinion of every member of the administration: In fact, the grounds assumed are very far from being feeble. St. Marks will be retained until Spain shall be ready to garrison it with a sufficient force; and fort Gadsden, and any other position in East Florida, within the Indian country, which may be deemed eligible, will be retained so long as there is any danger; which, it is hoped, will' afford the desired security. We ought, it is true, never to resort to timid measures to avoid war; but it appears to me, that a certain degree of caution (not from the fear of the holy alliance) ought, at this time, to mark our policy. A war with Spain, were it to continue with her alone, and were there no great neutral powers to avail themselves of the opportunity of embarrassing us, would be nothing but such a war would not continue long without involving other parties, and it certainly would, in a few years, be an English war. In such a war, I would not fear for the fate of our country; but certainly, if it can be prudently and honorably avoided for the present, it ought to be. We want time; time to grow, to perfect our fortifications, to enlarge our navy, to replenish our depots, and to pay our debts. I speak to you frankly, knowing your zeal for our country, with whose glory yours is now identified. No one who has examined my political course, will, I am sure, think that these opinions are influenced by timid councils.

Note-The order of the 14th of August, referred to in the above extract has been already communicated to congress.

Here follows the letter from gov. Bibb, inserted in page 39, before we observed that it was included in this series of documents.] ·

Paymaster general's office, city of Washington, February 20, 1815. Sin-In answer to your letter of the 17th of the present month, I have the honor to state,

With sentiments of much respect, I am, sir, your most obedient,

NATH'L. FRYE, Jun. chief clerk.
To the hon. Abner Lacock, chairman
of the committee on the subject of the
Seminole war, in senate of the United States.


Washington city, Feb. 5, 1819. SIR-I have the honor to acknowledge the re. ceipt of your letter of the present date, enclosing a communication from the chairman of the committee of the senate, requesting of you a copy of the letter addressed by major White Youngs to governor Masot, on the 27th April, 1818. Not having received a report from major Youngs, relative to the correspondence with governor Masot, or his attack on the Indians in the vicinity of Pensacola, the only information I possess on the subject is contained in the letter of governor Bibb, dated on 19th of May, 1818, to which I beg leave to refer you.

On my return from Suhanne to St. Marks, I was informed (through the medium of Mr. Hambly) by the captain of a vessel direct from Pensacola, that 1st. That the numbers and grades of the officers a number of hostile Indians had assembled at that who commanded the detachment of Indians em- place. On interrogating the captain, he reluctantployed under M'Intosh, and the whole number of In-ly stated, that, at the time of his sailing, there were dians appear, from the accounts of the agent who paid them, to have been,

2d. "That the number and grades of the officers .who commanded the Tennessee and Kentucky volunteers" appear from the rolls which mustered them into service, to have been,

in Pensacola 450 or 500 Indians; that they had been fed, and furnished with munitions of war, and were 1 Brigadier general: 2 colonels: 2 lieutenant committing depredations on the persons and pro-colonels: 2 majors: 1 assistant adjutant general: 4 perty of the citizens on the frontier of Alabama, assistant commissaries: 28 captains: 28 first lieuten-and also on the subjects of Spain. After receiving ants: 28 second do. 1517 rank and file (or other war- this information, I informed you in my letter, dated riors.) at St. Marks on the 26th of April, that I should leave that place for Fort Gadsden in two or three days, and after making all necessary arrangements for the security of the position occupied, and detaching a force to scour the country west of the Ap1 assistant adjutant general: 1 do, inspector do. palachicola, I should proceed direct to Nashville. 1 do. deputy quartermaster do. 1 chaplain; 1 forage then ordered captain Sands to Mobile, to prepare master: 1 assistant forage master: 1 judge advocate: and hold in readiness a train of artillery, should cir2 colonels: 4 lieutenant colonels; 4 majors: 4 adju- cumstances, arising out of facts disclosed, render its tants (regimental): 2 quartermasters, do. 2 surgeons, use in the field necessary. On this occasion, as on do. 4 surgeons' mates, do. 4 sergeant majors, do. all others, I thought it to be my duty to be prepared 4 quartermaster sergeants, do. 20 captains: 20 first fully to execute my orders, in putting an end to the lieutenants: 18 second lieutenants: 11 third lieuten-conflict. ants: 17 cornets. On my arrival at Fort Gadsden, my quartermas Of whom one captain and one first lieutenant ap-ter general, col. George Gibson, (who was charged pear to have belonged to Kentucky; the others to with the defence of that post) handed me several letters, brought from Fort Montgomery by major


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Hogan, from respectable citizens, confirming the lieut. col. Arbuckle, of the 7th infantry, who, on a report made by the captain of the schooner while near approach, detached me wich a command to adat St. Marks; and detailing the murder of eighteen vance on the village by a different route from that of our citizens on the Sepulgurs, and the destruc- which he took; my orders from him were to take tion of a family near Fort Claiborne. Major Hogan prisoners if possible, but if an attempt to escape was also confirmed this information; and added, that the inade, to fire; and to examine all the buildings for citizens at Montgomery were fortifying themselves. corn; we were however discovered when within two Similar information was received from two gentle-hundred yards, and the Indians took to flight, giving men, who arrived in a vessel laden with suttlers' the war whoop, and firing alarm guns; corn, cattle, stores for the troops at fort Gadsden, but whose names and other provisions, I have no hesitancy in saying, are not now recollected; and by the captains of the was the object of this visit. We had one or two wa-sloop Hector and barge Peacock, direct from Mo-gons with the detachment, which were loading with bile. In addition to the foregoing, I was shown a corn from the cribs of the Indians, when an attack letter (confidentially written) from a person of high was commenced by them, in which we had one man respectability in Pensacola, detailing the facts as killed. As the Indians fought on the edge of the stated by the captain of the schooner at St. Marks. swamp, their loss was not ascertained, otherwise This information, corroborated by so many per- than by their own acknowledgment, which was afsons, determined me to go in person to Pensacola; terwards said to be five or six warriors killed. We and I ordered colonel Gibson forthwith to Mobile, brought off all the corn which we conveniently with instructions to give every facility to captain could, and perhaps fifteen or eighteen head of cattle, Sands, in having the artillery secretly moved to and a few horses; previous to our return to fort Fort Montgomery, there to await my orders; and Scott, the detachment was halted on the Flint river, immediately organized a force sufficient for the ex-three miles from Fowl Town, and twelve from fort ecution of my orders, under date of the 26th De-Scott, where they remained four or five days, in eember, 1817. building a small picket work called fort Hughes; After crossing the Choctawhachy, I despatched the provisions thus taken was just sufficient for the an Indian guide with a soldier express to Fort Craw-support of the troops during their absence from ford, with orders to colonel Gibson and capt. Sands, fort Scott. The third and last visit paid the village at Fort Montgomery, to move on the artillery and by our troops, was during the absence of general form a junction with me, after I crossed the Escam- Gaines, who was at Amelia Island. This detachment bia river; which order was promptly executed. On was also commanded by lieut. col. Arbuckle, and my reaching the Escambia, I was met by captain on our arrival, finding the place entirely abandoned Boyle, express from governor Bibb, with the letter by the Indians, it was destroyed by fire. of the 19th of May, abovementioned; and on reaching the west bank, received information that Holmes and his warriors were then in Pensacola, for which place I immediately marched. For my proceedings thereafter, I refer you to my detailed report.

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The horses taken by the detachment under major Twiggs, as well as those taken by that under the command of lieut. col. Arbuckle, were considered of no value, but were ordered by the general to be. turned into the quartermaster's hands. Lafterwards saw some of them in his possession; others were claimed by the friendly Indians as their property, which was given up to them by the general's order. I believe, sir, that this is all the information which is in my power to give on the subject that you have requested.

am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient and very humble servant, JNO. N. M'INTOSH, Captain, 4th regt. U. S. infantry.

The hon. Abner Lacock.


Executive department, Georgia,

Fort Covington, near Baltimore, 5th February, 1818. SIR-Yesterday I had the honor to receive your letter of the 2d inst. on the subject of the late war Milledgeville, 6th January, 1817 with the Seminole Indians, and in answer to your SIR-I understand that the 4th regiment of the interrogatories, on all of which I am unable to give United States infantry, which, for some time past, you the information required. I was, however, with has been stationed on the frontier of this state, near the troops, at Fort Scott, under the command of ge- the junction of the Flint and Chattahouchie rivers, neral Gaines, at the commencement of hostilities. is ordered to fort Montgomery, on the waters of Ma I was never ordered with any detachment to re-bile, and I have not heard of any other troops being move the Indians from the lands of the U. States; ordered to supply their place. By this movement, brevet maj. Twiggs, of the 7th reg't. U. States' infantry, commanded the first detachment that visited the Indian village called Fowl Town, situated on the east side of Flint river, by the order of the general; the nature of his orders I know not; neither can I say who fired the first gun; I understood at the time, that on the approach of our troops, the Indians fied from their houses to an adjacent swamp; they were fired on and two warriors, and unfortunately, one woman, was killed; there was one prisoner taken by the detachment, on its march to Fowl Town, and who was afterwards confined as a prisoner at Fort Scott: this detachment brought on their return, three or four Indian horses.

The second detachment that visited the village of Fowl Town, was placed under the command of

not only the frontier of Georgia is left without de. fence, but the restless and dissatisfied part of the Creeks, who are concentrated within the Spanish line, and at no great distance from the post at camp Crawford, lately occupied by the 4th regiment, under lieutenant colonel Clinch, will be without any check, and I have no doubt, will indulge their propensity for mischief by acts of murder or rapine, upon defenceless travellers and frontier settlers. It is a fact well known to lieutenant colonel Clinch, and to every officer with him at camp Crawford, that nothing has kept those Seminole Indians, who have been joined by the most inveterate of the hostile fellows from the upper towns, in check, but the presence of the troops, and if they are removed, some serious consequences are to be apprehended. Be

s'des. it is very evident, that, by the removal of the | Goose Creek, of which the Indians complain. --I troops from camp Crawford and the neighboring country, that portion of the territory acquired by Jackson's treaty, as it is usually called, lying east of the Chattahouchie, and which of course, falls to Georgia, will be abandoned to the Indians.

have appointed an agent to go and order them off, and bring me the names of all such as refuse to remove from the Indian lands. I am doubtful, from the character of those intruders, that they will not remove, without force is used to compel them; and Against measures which, in my judgment, will it is doubtful, whether I can legally apply that force, produce these results, it is my duty, as chief magis- and the United States can. I have to request, if trate of Georgia, to protest. I am very far, however, consistent with your duty, or the orders of the gefrom believing that it is the intention of the presi-neral government, that von will order a detachment dent, with knowledge of the fact, to leave Georgia as a frontier state, on the Indians and the Spanish Florida, unprotected, and ifthe removal of the troops under lieutenant colonel Clinch has been by him deemed indispensable, he will order their place to be supplied by a competent force.

of troops to proceed to the spot, and remove these
intruders. I am unwilling to give the Indians any
cause of complaint against us, and the more so, be-
cause I am determined as long as I hold the station
I now occupy, never to permit any aggression on
their part, to pass with impunity. I hold it a good
rule however, "to do as I would be done by," and
am desirous of conforming to this rule in the present
I am, sir, with high consideration, &c.
M j. gen. E P. Games.

Ihave to request that the substance of this letter may be communicated to the president, and that his determination thereon may be transmitted to the ex-instance. ecutive of Georgia, with as little delay as possible. I am, sir, with high consideration and respect, your very obedient servant,

[Signed] D. B. MITCHELL.

The hon. the secretary of war.

Having been summoned to attend a committee of the honorable the senate of the U. States, to give evidence touching the Seminole war, I did attend accordingly, and after a verbal statement to, and examination, by the committee, the following questions were asked me, with a request that I would

Executive department, Georgia, Milledgeville, 5th Feb. 1817. Sra-Understanding that you are thus far on your way to Fort Montgomery, I avail myself of the pre-answer in writing. sent opportunity, to communicate some facts, in the expectation that you will have it in your power, if your judgment approve, to adopt the measures I am about to propose.

First. As to "the origin of the Seminole war, and the Fowl Town affair?"

It is, no doubt, within the knowledge of the honorable the committee, that, during the late war You no doubt have been already informed, that with the British and Creeks, posts were established the notorious Woodbine has recently made his ap- and occupied on the Appalachicola by British offipearance again, at the mouth of the Appalachicola, cers and agents; and a considerable force there orand that he has an agent now among the Seminole ganized, for the purpose of annoying the southern Indians and negroes in that quarter, stirring them frontier of the United States. It is also known, that up to acts of hostility against this country; and that the hostile Indians of the Creek war, who had not Woodbine himself, has gone in an armed vessel to embraced the terms of peace proposed by general some part of the West Indies for supplies. Con-Pinckney, and finally settled by the treaty of Fort nected with this fact, is another, which may serve Jackson, had taken shelter in the Floridas. From as an intimation of the future conduct of these peo-their resentment, and the motley crew collected by ple, when once in possession of the supplies, which Nicholls, much mischief was to be apprehended by it is said, they expect on the return of Woodbine. the inhabitants of the frontier of Georgia; and the About 10 or 12 days ago, a small party of those In- post of Fort Scott, stuate in the fork of the Flint dians, entered the frontier of Wayne county, and and Chattahouchie rivers, and near their junction, stole two horses and some cattle; they were pursued was established, and occupied by a considerable by some of the inhabitants, who peaceably demand-force of United States' troops, for the protection of ed a restoration of the stolen property; and instead that frontiers and the same troops, with the aid of of a compliance on the part of the Indians, they im- some maval force which ascended the Appalachicomediately fired upon the whites, who retired with-la, destroyed a fort about sixty miles below, built by out returning a shot; one of the whites was mortal-colonel Nicholls, occupied and defended by negroes. ly wounded. Before this last circumstance came to The blowing up of this fort, with its negro garrison, my knowledge, I had addressed the acting secreta- for, except a few Choctaw Indians, who were taken, ry of war, and desired the contents of my letter to it is believed that no other Indians were in the fort, be communicated to the president, in which I re- had a salutary influence in restraining the fugitives , presented the evil consequences that were likely to from the Creek war, and those under the influence result to Georgia in particular, by the removal of of Nicholls and his partizans. I say the fugitives the 4th regiment from Camp Crawford, without from the Creek war, and the partizans of Nicholls, their place was supplied by an adequate force from because it is well understood that the Seminoles some other quarter, and requested the order for the took no part in the Creek war, unless the receipt moval of that regiment might be countermanded, of goods, &c. from Nicholls or his sub-agents, be or their place supplied; to this communication there considered as a proof of this fact. But the truth is, Fas not yet been time to receive an answer. One they will receive presents from any party, without aljert of my present address is, to know if you cannot any intention of adopting his projects, and such. I suspend the march of the 4th regiment, until hear have no doubt, was the case with the Seminoles from the war department, if you do not feel autho- upon this occasion. The troops occupying Fort rized, or disposed to order them back to their for- Scott were, however, soon af er removed, and the mer station at Camp Crawford. Another object of post abandoned, or nearly so, that it was in the pow the present address, grows out of the following act.er of the Indians at any time to have des royed it. Some of our people have gone over the Ocmulgee, Filling, at that time, the executive chair of Georgia, and settled betws that river, and the line run un-I addressed the then secretary of war on the subject with the Crecks, on or near of the removal of the troops, pointing out some of the

or the late tren

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