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they were forbidden to manufacture, and compelled to supply their wants from England. Even the earl of Chatham, who is considered to have been the friend of America, as he was the advocate of her rights, was still so much an Englishman in this respect, he was unwilling that a single hob-nail should be manufactured in America.

cannot be concealed, that its progress has received] was looked upon with a distrustful eye. In order a sudden check, and society labors under the shock to its retardation, to keep them poor and dependent, of a rapid recoil, the discussions of political parties, sink into minor importance, in comparison with the great principles of the prosperity and happiness of the people and of the nation. These are the principles that should rise paramount in the view, occupy the thoughts, and animate the feelings of every citizen of the great American republic. Divesting yourselves, therefore, of party feelings, prejudices and partialities; casting aside, as derogatory to the character of American citizens, the petty jealousies of sectional interests, take into candid consideration, that system of policy, which in the early etablishment of our government, was deemed best to comport with our interests as an independent people. If its principles should appear to you just, and the reasoning by which it is sustained, consonant to truth; if you should be satisfied, it is the best adapted to our present and probable future circumstances, you will not hesitate to trust to it, for the advancement of individual and national prosperity.

An enquiry naturally arises into the causes which led the government, after having matured this system, and contemplated its adoption, to lay it aside. They are developed in our commercial history, and will be found to strengthen the principles and views on which it was erected, and for which we contend.

The cultivation of the soil to its greatest extent, excited no apprehensions, that it would enable the colonies to become independent. England well knew, that in the mutual exchange of raw products for manufactured goods, all the advantage was on her side, the loss on that of the colonies; she, therefore, restricted them to the cultivation of the soil, except permitting a few handicrafts of first necessity, and the fisheries to the New England colonies, which raised no productions she required.

This system kept the colonies in a wretched condition. They were totally destitute of the precious metals, either to constitute or regulate a currency, Every hard dollar that found its way into them, was immediately exported to England in payment of debts. "Those that are acquainted with America, know as I do," said capt. Luttrel in a debate in par liament, "that from Rhode Island, northwards, they "have no money, that their trade is generally car"ried on by barter, from the most opulent mer"chant to the most necessitous husbandman. Sir, "before your fleet and armies visited their coasts, "you might almost as soon have raised the dead, as "one hundred pounds in specie from any individual "in those provinces."*

The peace concluded in 1783, continued undisturbed. Europe offered but partial markets to our productions, while it closed its commerce to our marine. The annual value of our foreign exports, was less in amount, than the annual value of our In order to procure some kind of currency to consumption of foreign commodities, and we pos- make those mutual exchanges, which the wants of cisessed no collateral sources of wealth to compen- vilized life render indispensable, and which cannot sate the deficiency. The government had assumed with convenience be effected by barter, the coloa large debt, which subjected it to a heavy annual nists were forced into various expedients. They interest; other expenses were accumulating, the altered the standard of money; they issued paper increase of which might be confidently anticipated; money of different kinds; they constituted it a leand the prospects of revenue from foreign com- gal tender. But all was ineffectual. While they merce, or an impoverished people, were but gloomy. had to hire workmen in England to perform their In these circumstances the attention of our states- labor, they could not retain their gold and silver, men, must have been directed to internal resources. which was sent to pay wages abroad. Altering the Yet, from this quarter could be derived little to in-standard did not affect the value of gold and silver, spire their hopes. Commerce brought no money which could not be restrained by an arbitrary limiinto the country; circulation was limited and slow; tation; and their paper money having no guarantee the industry or labor power of the country was but for its safety, constantly depreciated. partially exerted, and consequently much wealth Such, it was known to our government, were the Jost, that might have been created. Without a cir-results that had been produced by a commerce enculating medium, and full employment for industry, gaged in the exchange of the productions of the soil, revenue must have been oppressive to the people, for manufactured goods. They could not, thereof difficult collection to the government, and uncer-fore, anticipate, that a similar commerce, would tain in its proceeds.

The difficulties of the colonial governments, and the evils endured by the colonists, were then fresh in remembrance, and their causes were well understood. The commerce, to which they had been limited, was that, which at this time is recommended to our adoption. Confined almost exclusively to the tillage of the soil, they exchanged their raw productions, for the manufactured articles of the mother country. This kind of barter, or "nutual exchange," to which the colonies were forced by the colonial system of England, kept them poor to favor industry at home. This commerce, to which the jealous policy of Great Britain limited her colonial possessions in America, it was acknowledged both in and out of parliament, in the colonies and in England, and cannot now be denied, was intended solely to render them subservient to her interests, to which theirs were unhesitatingly sacrificed. Their progression in wealth and power,

have other effects; and consequently, that by such a commerce, a metallic currency could be given to the people, or even a metallic basis acquired, for an adequate paper curreney. There was then, no other course left them to pursue, but to adopt the manufacturing policy of Europe. By supplying a portion of those wants with our own industry, for which the colonies had been compelled by the parent country to hire and pay for labor in England, would diminish re amount of our imports, without diminishing the amount of our exports. Because England took from us no more of our productions, than she really wanted, and those she would take under any circumstances, while the other nations to which we traded, were never influenced by other views, than the mere supply of their wants. Thus the balance of our trade with the West Indies, which had always been paid in specie, but imme

*Parliamentary Register.

diately remitted to England, would have been re-sumed their usual peace policy. The object of this tained in circulation; while a portion of the balance policy is, to foster their own marine, agriculture and with France and the Mediterranean, would also have manufactures, to the exclusion of those of other na-found its way back to this country, instead of al- tions. We consequently had lost the commercial reways being transferred to England. In this manner,lations, that had existed in a state of European warand in this manner only, in a state of general peace fare. In fact, we reverted back to our old commerin Europe, could a circulating medium have been cial positon, prior to the French revolution, or whenprocured, that could be kept pure, free from de- colonies. Had this circumstance been understood, it preciation, and fluctuations. would have been seen, that the same effects would But the rapid occurrence of events, wholly unex-have grown out of the same causes now as formerly. pected, unfolded new prospects, and enabled the The principles, views, and reasonings, adapted to United States to acquire, with ease and rapidity, the then situation of the country, it would have been the wealth and power necessary to give stability to perceived, were again applicable. But the habits their recently formed institutions. In the midst of and modes of thinking, which had been formed the agitations of the French revolution, the crops during twenty years of a lucrative commerce; the failed in France, and other parts of Europe. At once complete mutations which had taken place in the a market was open to our agricultural production, commercial world, during that time, leaving few stimulated to its greatest energy. The labor power individuals possessed of a practical knowledge of the of the country, was instantly employed to the full effects of a general peace, on the interests of the extent of its capacity. The war that soon ensued, country, occasioned the revolution our commerce and involved almost every power in Europe, consti- had undergone to be overlooked or disregarded. tuted us at once the carriers of an immense com- Most of those engaged in commerce, who also, it merce. Our sails swelled on every ocean, and our will be recollected, preside over the monied instituflag streamed on every shore. Every dollar of capi-tions which regulate our currency, had little other tal we possessed or could borrow, and every hand in experience of commerce, than such as existed durthe nation, before idle, found employment. A roading the wars of the French revolution. They natuwas thus opened to a rapid acquirement of wealth, rally supposed, that it would continue to work the and it was a natural policy to pursue it. The capital same effects, as during that period, except, in smaland industry of the country, before stagnant and de-ler amount. The failure of two successive crops in pressed,rushed into the new formed channel. Manu-Europe, in 1815 and 1816, which stayed for a time, factures under these circumstances were neglected, the operation of the new state of affairs, served to and the project was dropped. All the benefits that continue this delusion. The time, however, is not were expected to arise from them, were to be ob-remote, when we shall be awakened to the true s' tained with certainty and expedition, by prosecut-tuation of our commercial relations with Europe, and ing our newly disclosed and widely extended com- its consequences. The evils, which now press on Wealth rolled in apace, and the metallicus, many vainly flatter themselves, are mere tempo, capital alone, in the space of ten or twelve years, rary effects, similar to those, which have before was increased to twenty or twenty-five millions of arisen from slight derangements of commerce. We dollars. But the whole of this prosperity, depend- are firmly persuaded, they are of a very different ed on contingencies. A general peace in Europe, would bring it to a close. As it was, we could not enjoy it undisturbed. The celerity of our progress, awakened the jealousy of a rival. It was sought to destroy, by new principles of national law, the advantages we drived from our neutral character. The difficulties that were thus generated, terminated, finally, in war, which arose, let it be remarked, not from a spirit of manufactures, but from a spirit of commerce. The expenses and sacrifices necessary to its prosecution, were in fact, a tax upon the country, in favor of commerce, yet it was cheerfully borne by the agricultural and manufacturing inte



character, and of a more formidable nature. We have no doubt, that they are the same, as the evils under which this country suffered, when colonies and during the peace subsequent to the revolution. The sooner we satisfy ourselves, that such is the case, the earlier we shall extricate ourselves from the embarrassments, that must grow out of this posi tion, in which we are placed. We propose to enter into the examination of this subject in a future number, and trust we shall exhibit by a comparison of the commerce of the colonies, and the effects it produced on them, extracted from authentic documents, with the present commerce of this country, and the effects now begun to be felt, that they are Out of this contest, the nation camp with an ac- of similar character. We fear, that from this view cession of character; whilst the rapidity of circula- of the subject, though little flattering to our pride, tion, the full employment of capital, and its reten-it will be apparent, that after having expended the sion in the country, caused individuals to feel but best blood of the nation, and millions of treasure to Jittle comparative distress, notwithstanding its bur- shake off the yoke of colonization, we have volunthens. The attack directed against the physical tarily adopted the colonial policy of England, and strength of the country, only served to develope its placed ourselves, with respect to her, and in truth to power and resources. The warnow waging against most of the world, in the situation of colonies. From its moral strength, has paralised its energies, and this state of humiliating and injurious dependency, aid it prostrate in the dust. It is no exaggeration the United States are bound to vindicate the soveto assert, that the two last years of peace, have pro-reignty of a free people. For in vain will they make duced more commercial embarrassent and distress, a greater destruction of capital, and increase of individual misery, than was caused by the whole war; and instead of invigorating, have enfeebled the nation.

This apparent anomaly deserves to be examined. We believe its solution will be attained in the following considerations. The general pacification of Turope, had preceded the treaty of Ghent, and most of the powers of the eastern hemisphere, had reas

pretensons to a perfect independence, while they incur, through the medium of their wants, all the consequences of subjection.

Land System.


The following article, from a correspondent, whose hand-writing betrays to us the author, is entitled, from the standing and long'experience in

public life of the writer, to a conspicuous place in our columns:

There has appeared in the Intelligencer an extraordinary publication, dated General Land Office, June 29, 1819. The publication is stamped with authenticity by the signature of J. MEIGS, the well known commissioner of the office.

It is rich in precious instruction. It exhibits the land system of the United States in practical operation-settling the wilderness and converting the desert into a fruitful field.

A novelty in the records of empire, the fact is given to the world, with a character of indisputable verity. The commissioner, indeed, does not seem so have recollected his own scientific attentions and labors, in his disposition to award merited praise to others who have contributed to the practical excellence of the system. But his liberality towards them cannot hide his merits from the public eye.

The titles to land, as so ascertained, are derived from the public authority, whose arm is extended to maintain the rightful possession. The efficacy of this protective power is recognized in the wilderness, which is traversed by adventurous science. It is recognized in that navigation, without sails or oars, moving on the waters which distinguish and and enrich this empire of freedom.

See those vessels, with the agency of steam, advancing against the powerful currents of the Mississippi and the Missouri! Their course is marked by volumes of smoke and fire, which the civilized man observes with admiration, and the savage with astonishment. Botanists, mineralogists, chemists, artizans, cultivators, scholars, soldiers; the love of peace, the capacity for war; philosophical apparatus and military supplies; telescopes and cannon, garden seeds and gun-powder, the arts of civil life and force to defend them—all are seen aboard. The banner of freedom, which waves over the whole,

Of the land system of the United States, as exhi-proclaims the character and protective power of bited in the publication, he has said with truth, the United States. "So wise, beautiful, and perfect a system, was never before adopted by any government or nation on earth.” In regard to the rights, and dignity, and happiness of man, it triumphs over the legislation .of Europe and laughs at the barbaric pomp of Asia.

Among a free and brave people, but in a rude age, before genius and science had thrown a radiance over the western world; among the nations from the north, who formed settlements amidst the ruins of the Roman empire, as we know from the history of more than a thousand years past, there was adopted a system of territorial possession, which had in view the certainty and security of titles to landed estates. Their mode of approaching their objects is observable in the forms of their original conveyances. With palpable deficiency in science, the mode was imperfect; yet it marks the value attached to indisputable land titles by the freemen of an unllettered age.

Centuries have elapsed since that system was perverted by changes and abuses into the land tenures of Europe. It has been reserved for the freemen of the United States to realize objects which were so desired, but could not be attained, by the nations who founded a new system of empire in Europe during during the sixth century of the Christian era.

Greece ip its wisdom, Rome in its grandeur, Eu. rope in its glory, never realized a system so deserv ing the admiration and applause of human kind. HAMPDEN,

Expedition up the Missouri.

[ocr errors]

From the St. Louis Enquirer. The Western En gineer set out from St. Louis, Monday, Jnne 21, to ascend the Missouri. We understand that she is not limited to time, and will proceed at leisure to explore the vast region of the Missouri, and of all her tributary streams. The cause of science is exceedingly interested in the results of this expedition. Every body knows, who knows the Missouri river at all, that she differs in all her qualities, attributesand characteristics from all other rivers in the world; her water cold, rapid, light, muddy, sweet and salubrious; the atmosphere through which she flows dry and elastic, and so favourable to health that the voyagers and traders consider themselves as leaving disease and sickness behind, the moment they enter that stream of the river.-What is agreed in by all mankind, literate and illiterate, must be so; but though all are sensible of the astonishing qualities of the Missouri water, and the unrivalled healthiness of the climate through which it flows, And such objects are of extensive importance for it belongs to the learned alone to tell the causes.purposes of cultivation and social improvement. A region so vast, so different from all others in air Giving a permanent basis of civilization, the cer- and water, must have a vegetable kingdom of its tainty and security of land titles are eminently wor-own, and the botanist will doubtless find abundant thy the attention of an enlightened and free peo- subjects for the employment of his talent. In the ple; for, in a system of freedom, two objects are history of the white, or grisly bear, the zoologist essential: The first is, to ascertain the boundaries will discover fresh cause for covering with contempt of right; the next, to secure the observance of such that theory of the count Buffon and the Abbe Rayboundaries. nal, which attributed to nature a disposition to Look at the system of the United States, with re-belittle her animal productions in the new world. ference to these objects! No other country or age This bear finds no parallel in the old world among has produced a land system so sublime in princi- the rest of his species, either in his size, his strength, ple, so perfect in practice, so magnificent in pros- or his dauntless ferocity. Beyond the Rocky Mounpect. It is a glorious policy which draws wisdom tains, if these should be passed, a still nobler infrom heaven, to fix the boundaries of right upon stance of animal production will be found. The earth. With a glance from heaven to earth, cast- horse of the Columbia river, taken all in all, is pering an eye on the map of public surveys, philoso-haps the finest animal of his kind in the known phy can declare "the longitude and latitude of every world. He is derived from the old world, but infarm."

The principles of the system are taught by astronomical and geometrical science. They have the exactitude of mathematical demonstration They are durable as the globe.

*See last no of the Register, page 362.

stead of degenerating, has improved on the banks of the Columbia. Fineness of form, fulness of all the muscular parts, docility of spirit, capacity to sustain great fatigue, to provide food for himself, and to hunt down the deer and the buffalo for his master, are a part of his characteristics.--The geoBogy and mineralogy of the country will present

The registered tonnage, as corrected
at this office for the year 1817, is
stated at

The enrolled and licensed tonnage is
stated at

The fishing vessels

Amounting to

enquiries of great interest. Different parts of the
region through which the river flows, exhibit clays
and earths of great fineness and most uncommon
composition, from the properties of which the river
is supposed to derive its peculiar qualities. The
Rocky Mountains have not yet been examined.
They are supposed to contain minerals, precious
stones, and gold and silver ore. It is but of late
they have taken the name of Rocky mountains, a
name which imports nothing appropriate or peculi-The tonnage on which duties were
ar, as all mountains are rocky. By all the old tra-
vellers they are called Shining mountains "from an
infinite number of chrystal stones, of an amazing
size, with which they are covered, and which when
the sun shines full upon them, sparkle so as to be
seen at a great distance." (Carver.) The same
early travellers gave it as their opinion "that in fu-
ture ages these mountains might be found to contain
more riches in their bowels than those of Indostan
́and Malabar, or which are found on the golden
coast of Guinea, or in the mines of Peru."

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About 100 more may have arrived at other ports and in vessels whose passengers were not reported in the newspapers.

The time has been when we were pleased to see the progress of emigration-it is now painful to observe it, because of the want of employment for our own people.

District tonnage of the United States.
Letter from the secretary of the treasury, transmit-
ting the annual statement of the district tonnage
of the United States, on the 31st December, 1817.
Treasury department, January 13th, 1819.
SIR-I have the honor to transmit the annual
statement of the district tonnage of the United
States, on the 31st December, 1817, together with
an explanatory letter of the register of the treasury.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, sir, your
obedient servant,

The honorable the speaker,
of the house of representatives.


Register's office, January 13, 1819.

SIR, I have the honor to transmit the annual statement to the 31st December, 1817, of the distrist tonnage of the United States.

collected during the year 1817,
amounted as follows:

Registered tonnage, paying duty on
each voyage

Enrolled and licensed tonnage em-
ployed in the coasting trade, paying
an annual duty
Fishing vessels the same

[ocr errors]

Note.-Duties were also paid
on tonnage owned by citi
zens of the United States,
engaged in foreign trade,
not registered
Ditto, coasting trade-

12,185 86
2,207 51

Total amount of tonnage, on which du-
ties were collected

The registered tonnage being correct-
ed for the year 1817, according to
the mode prescribed for the govern-
ment of the collectors of the several
districts, as stated in the communi-
cation made to congress the 27th
February, 1802, and in conformity
with the intimation contained in the
register's letter of the 7th Decem-
ber, 1811, may be considered nearly
the true amount of that description
of tonnage
The enrolled and licensed tonnage is
stated at the amount upon which
the annual duty was collected in
1817, on that description of tonnage,
and may be considered as nearly the
true amount

Fishing vessels, the same

The district tonnage of the United
States, is stated at

Tons. 95th_

809,724 70

525,029 59 65,157 7

1,399,911 41

765,742 37

468,999 54

62,508 94 1,297,250 90

14,393 42 1,311,644 37

809,724 70

468,999 54 62,508 94

1,341,233 28

Of the registered tonnage, amounting as before stated, to 809,724 70 tons, there was employed in

the whale fishery 4,874 41 tons.

I beg leave to subjoin a statement (marked A) of the tonnage for the year 1817, compared with the amount thereof, as exhibited in the preceding annual statement for 1816; with notes in relation to the decrease and increase of the registered and eni rolled tonnage respectively in 1817. By this statement it appears that the total amount of new vessels, built in the several districts of the United States, was

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