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Aggregate of expenditures and of moneys paid into the treasury for five years, ending Jan. 1, 1819

3,436,740 19

Leaving a balance in the general postoffice on 1st day of January, 1819, of


A Dutch paper mentions, that about 5,200,000lbs. of wool is annually obtained in Holland; and that of this quantity, about 2,300,000lbs. is manufactured in that country.


It seems to be an accepted fact in England, that "Alexander the deliverer" is resolved to depose the present king of Sweden-late marshal Bernadotte. $12,731 85 It is said that he offered him a Russian government The aggregate amount of net revenue, from the on the confines of Asia, with a revenue of 250,0001 origin of the establishment up to 1st January, 1818, sterling per annum, which Charles-Jean refused to as far as the same has been ascertained, after deduct-accept of. We have yet to hear what effect this ing the compensation to postmasters, cash paid for project of Alexander will have upon the rest of the the transportation of the mail, and all contingent "legitimates." and incidental expenses, is estimated at $1,588,265; the aggregate of payments into the treasury amount



The plague rages extensively on the coast of Bared, on the 1st day of January, 1819, to $1,181,728, | bary.-400 persons per day are supposed to die off leaving $406,536, which constitutes a part of the at Fez; many at Teutan, Rabat, &c. outstanding debt before mentioned; the net revenue being stated from the quarterly returns of the post- A Haytian vessel, the first that ever entered the masters, and not from the balances actually received Baltic, arrived in the sound the latter end of April at the general post-office. The net revenue for the year 1818 is not ascertained, the quarterly returns of the postmasters not having yet been all reseived.

Foreign Articles.




A letter from an American, dated at Lima, March 9, informs us that lord Cochrane encourages desertions from neutral vessels-that four men belonging to the Flying Fish, of Boston, having stolen one of her boats, and entered in his ship,-on applicaFrom a Paris paper. The present population tion being made to him for their restoration, his of Europe, amounts to 177,221,600 persons, scatter-lordship even refused the captain of the Flying Fish ed over 154,450 geographic square miles. This the honor of appearing before him, and would not population, considered in an ethnagraphic point of give up either. This is taking high ground. view, comprehends 53,195,000 Teutonians or Ger- Accounts to the 3rd of May have been received mans, 60,586,400 descendants of the Romans, 45,120- from Buenos Ayres-we learn that a treaty or ar000 Sclavonians, 3,718,000 Caledonians, 3,499,500 | mistice had been concluded on the 16th April, beTartars and Bulgarians, 3,070,000 Maggarians, tween the government of Buenos Ayres and the 2,022,000 Greeks, 1,760,000 Finlanders, 1,610,000 agent appointed by the people of Santa Fee and ge Cimminerians, 622,000 Basques, 313,600 Guistes, neral Artigas, the preliminaries to be settled on the 294,000 Arnauts, 131,600 Armenians, 88,000 Mal- 10th May, which it was supposed would lead to a tese, &c. There are 1,179,500 Jews, 3,607,500 general peace between the provinces lately at variMahometans, and 172,432,500 Christians, of whomance. The new constitution was printing and there are 98,229,000 Catholics, and 41,898,500 Pro- would be published in a few days. The acting ditestants. Europe is divided politically into 78 so-rector had resigned, and it was supposed would be vereign states, nominally independent. Their ag-appointed a senator under the new constitution. gregate forces in peace, are 1,600,000; and on the war establishment, 3,600,000. Their maritime force consists of 409 ships of the line-33 ships of 50 guns, -348 frigates, 1563 vessels of an inferior class.


The German papers are quoted by those of Paris and London as asserting, that there is to be another meeting of the allied sovereigns in the course of the present year, to be held at Carlesbad, in Bohemia; and the result expected is great changes in the north.


Artigas and his friends are to have a share in the government. It was expected that a declaration of war against Portugal would soon be made at Buenos Ayres. A truce with the Mounteneros had been effected, and they were prepared to assist against the expected expedition from Spain. San Martin was soon to be in the capital of Chili, to invigorate the preparations against Peru. The vessels that went from Valparaiso to Callao had been allowed to enter the port. The British frigate Andromache sailed from thence on the 14th of February. The U. States frigate Macedonian left Valparaiso for Co

Napoleon, is as usual, on the rock of St. Helena-quimbo, on the 3rd of April. sulky," as the English say, because he will not Mc Gregor has arrived at Port au Prince, where lick the hand that smites him, or suffer himself to he expected to receive further reinforcements and be exposed to impertinent curiosity. Joseph re-embark on a new expedition! It is understood, that mains quiet in the United States, improving and ex- his men captured at Porto Bello, had not been put tending his estate. Louis has received permission to death, but were retained as prisoners of war. of the Austrian government to repair to Teplitz and Bgra, in Bohemia, to use the waters of those places. Jerome is at the court of his father in law. Mad. Murat is at Vienna, and Mad. Bacciochi had obtained liberty to reside at Baden.


It is reported that the emperor of Austria, while at Rome, solicited of the pope to annul the marriage of bis daughter, Maria Louisa and Napoleon, that she might be at liberty to wed with the king of Prussia


Died—at Baltimore, on the 1st inst. maj. gen. Levin Winder, in the 63d year of his age, a soldier of the revolution, late governor of Maryland, and recently grand master of masons therein. He was an amiable and worthy man. His body was returned to the dust from whence it came, with masonic honors; and a resolve passed that the members of the grand lodge wear crape on the left arm for thirty days in respect to his memory.

Hardy Miles, convicted of negro stealing in South | ly as black walnuts or peach kernels. The great Garolina, has been pardoned by the governor.

Yellow fever. It is reported that some cases of yellow fever have appeared in Philadelphia. We believe that almost every year there are more or less cases in all our cities which partake so much of the character of this awful disease, as hardly to be distinguishable from it. We hope that such are the circumstances at Philadelphia-and that the disease, if it exists, will not spread. It rages dreadfully at the Havana-six hundred and eighty foreigners died of it there, in six weeks, ending the middle of last month!

Capt. Symmes! The magistrates of Copenhagen, it is said, "have received a letter from the North American visionary capt. Symmes, who will take a journey into the interior of the earth, if he can obtain assistance." A similar letter has been received in many of the cities of Germany.

Cotton-It is stated that 208,900 bales of cotton were exported from Bombay in the year 1818; of which 158,900 went to England.

Emigration. From considerable observation of the arrival of vessels from foreign ports, we are of opinion, that the present rate of emigration to the United States is not less than four hundred persons per day. The greater part are English, reaching us via French ports, &c. the rest are chiefly Irish and German.

er part of those he planted are now growing, and are found to measure, already, the height of four inches. His expectations of complete success are founded on the fact, that a fine tree of this species, eighteen years old, is now growing, in full vigor, on Cumberland Island. That tree is a female, and produces a profusion of blossoms annually; but, having no associate, she produces no perfect fruit.

"Of the seeds of the Muscat date, the principal part has vegetated, notwithstanding the stories propagated that the selfishness of the Arabs, or the inclemency of the voyage, had, by some means, destroyed their vitality. On receiving the thankful acknowledgments of these worthy citizens for my instrumentality in giving the Date Paim to America, I assured them that the praise and honor were due to capt. Henry Austin only."

[To this may be added a fact, within the knowledge of the editors, that a plant five or six inches high has been produced in this city from the date seed. When about that height, it was killed by an attempt to transplant it.]-Nat. Int.

STEAM POWER. Hartford, Con. June 29. Mr. Jenks, of Colebrook, in this state, has invented, and actually put in operation, a steam boat, which is propel led without wheel, oar or paddle, or any kind of machinery, external or internal.

The inventor has likewise, upon the same prinOntario. A letter from a traveller, dated Sack-ciple of re-action, put in operation a machine by ett's Harbor, June 6th, states that the United which a rotary motion is produced direct from the States vessels on lake Ontario, which were in ser- boiler, at a trifling expense compared with that of vice during the late war, are fast going to decay. producing it from the common engine. The New Orleans, on the stocks, is enclosed in a building 230 feet in length, by 90 broad, and 90 feet high, and is stated to be in a good state of pre


NEW HAMPSHIRE MILITIA. From the N. H. Patriot. From the return of the adjutant general, made on the 1st day of January last, we gather the following information of the state of the militla of our state:

Illinois. The commissioners appointed for the purpose, have fixed upon a site for the permanent seat of government of the state-it is in township 6 north, range one east, sections 8, 9, 16 and 17-gade majors and inspectors. they have called it Vandalia.

Division and brigade staff.-3 divisions, 6 brigades, 3 major generals, 3 division inspectors, 3 division quarter masters, 6 brigadier generals, 6 bri

The Missouri. The steam boat Independence, the first that ever ascended the Missouri, arrived at the flourishing town of Franklin, on the 28th of May last, in 14 days from St. Louis.

Infantry, grenadiers, light infantry, and riflemen.38 regiments and the same number of colonels, lieutenant colonels, majors, adjutants, sergeant majors, quarter master sergeants, 35 quarter masters and 35 pay masters, 37 surgeons, 38 surgeon's mates, Sales of public lands. A Charleston paper says-345 companies, 338 captains, 336 lieutenants, 33 A letter from a gentleman in Mobile, gives the an- ensigns, 74 drum and fife majors, 1,265 sergeants, nexed items of intelligence relative to the value of 840 drummers, fifers and buglers, 19,715 privates landed property, population, &c. in some of our new-aggregate 22,276. southern territories.

At Cahaba, in May, lots sold from 500 to $5000; upland, average per acre, 15 to $35.

At Tombigbee, in April, river land per acre, 20 to $40-from the river, 15 to 35-choice river tracts, 80 to 90. Rise within two years, per centum, from 50 to 100.

Pensacola, since session, lots sold from 500 to 7000 dollars. Rise within one year, per centum, 500 to


Cavalry.-33 captains and companies, 64 lieutenants, 33 cornets, 132 sergents, 64 trumpeters-ag. gregate 1,753.

Artillery. 32 captains and companies, 63 lieutenants, 118 sergeants, 64 drummers and fifers, 862 privates-aggregate 1,139.

Arms, Accoutrements, &c.-37,210 muskets, 37,177 bayonets, 16,550 cartridge boxes and belts, 16,152 bayonet scabbards and belts, 11,952 brushes and picks, 38,170 spare flints, 37.570 ball cartridges,

Alabama, increase population last year, 35,000-11,000 lose balls, 13,200 pounds of powder, 13,200 supposed increase in 1819, 40,000.

Probable revenue from the Alabama territory, from lands, 1819, from 3 to 4,000,000 dollars.

pounds of rifle powder, 1,733 horseman's pistols, 2,941 swords, 2941 sword scabbards and belts, 10,107 knapsacks, 9,285 canteens, 8,259 haversacks, 507 The Dase tree. A letter from Dr. Mitchell, dated drums, 570 fifes, 32 bugles or trumpets, 2 brass 4 on the 224 ult. says "I congratulate you on the pounders, 32 brass 3 pounders, 15 iron 6 pounders, success of the effort to naturalize the date-bearing 2 iron 9 pounders, 2 iron 24 pounders, 4 iron 32 palm (Phenix Dactylifera) in the United States. pounders, 49 sponges and rammers, 50 ladles and Two gentlemen of south Carolina, one of whom was worms; 44 trail handspikes, 42 lead aprons, 62 ama planter near St. Marys, in Georgia, assured me,munition boxes, 22 tumbrils or powder carts, 33 a few evenings ago, that the great object was se-setts harness, 3,006 round of shot and shells.

cure. The seeds of the dates brought from Arabia No returns having been received from the second Felix, by capt. Henry Austin, and forwarded from brigade, that is not included in the foregoing calNew York to Mr. Sinclair, have vegetated as readi-culation.

NEW SERIES. NO. 21-VOL. IV.] BALTIMORE, JULY 17, 1819. [No. 21-Vol. XVI. WHOLE No. 411



We respectfully invite attention to the 11th, ing, compared with some members and ex-members number of the address of the Philadelphia society of incorporated companies that I know of; and he for promoting domestic industry, commenced to- had the superior merit of being honest in motive and wards the close of this sheet and to be completed at harmless in conduct. the beginning of our next. It conveys a large mass the crimes against humanity and the most comindeed, of truly valuable matter. The society de-mon principles of honor, honesty and law, commitserves immense credit for the light it has shed upon the true interests of the United States.

Desultory Remarks.

ted in the U. States during the last five or six years, make an aggregate large enough to bring whole nations to the gallows, if the amount were divided into hanging-proportions: by this, I mean to say, such is the vile principle of things almost every where,

Privileged orders-incorporations-drones and leeches that it is the greatness of the villiany which ensures maniac-crimes-hanging proportions-lit-escape from punishment. The little scoundrel who tle rogues and big ones-wearing off-disgrace-seizes upon a pair of shoes belonging to another, prodigality and bankruptcy-town houses and coun- to keep his feet from the frost in the winter season, try houses-morality of the paper system-infamous goes to the penitentiary; but the big one, who plunfact-insolvent laws-debtors and creditors-robbe-ders the widow and the orphan, and robs labor of ries compared-ordinary and extraordinary times-hundreds of thousands of dollars, to set up a coach, the carrying trade-anecdote of a youthful yan-lay-in his stock of wines and clothe his wife and kee-circulating medium-progress of luxury and daughters with shawls at 500 or 1000 dollars a-piece, immorality—ears may be horns, if such please the is a gentleman!-he has only to go before the proper royal will--embargo-restrictive laws-war-mo-officers appointed to grant him the benefit of the inhey plenty, and the people mad-return of peace solvent laws, swear off, and live in future affluence -its effects-revival of reason a doubt whether upon the property of his wife or children-property rags were money bankrupt banks-discounts on which he himself recently gave unto them. bank notes-bank of the United States incorporated| -ils progress and effects -Patrick Henry-new other places, as well as in much-abused Baltimore,* The cold-calculating dishonesty of many men in gamblings-the "beast," destroyed-blowing up of who lately held their heads very high, and assumed a the "system"-“management”—accommodations first rank in society, is disgraceful to our countryabuses and remedy-Speculation Hall - truh to come and their prodigality has been as unbounded as to light-exceptions, explanations and exhorta-their means of supporting it were mean and unprin tions-brokers—“course of exchange"-payments in cipled. We have mentioned the case of one bankcoin-the policy to be pursued-kings and people—rupt merchant living in a house so furnished as to fashion, dundies, and dogs.

It may be accepted as pretty good evidence of the happiness of a people, that there is not any privileged order, secular or ecclesiastical, among them: yet these orders may virtually exist, though the constitution knows nothing of them, and abroad attempt to establish any thing of the sort, might subject the base scheemer to universal indignation, if not cost him his life. Such orders do exist in the United States by our ACTS OF INCORPORATION, which wonderfully increase the number of drones and leeches, operating by a common principle of hypocricy and fraud, like government-priests and hereditary rulers, to avoid a participation in the toil necessary to produce that share of the articles of necessity, or luxury, which their wants require or appetites demand,

be worth $00,000-of another bankrupt whose private stock of wines were worth 7000; and others have purchased land in the neighborhood of our cities and improved it, so as to have cost them from 100,000 to 300,000 dollars a-picce-and some, not worth a five-penny-bit, have built palaces in our cities, and insulted the people by throwing open their doors, that the public any body, might travel through their rooms, and be aston shed at the taste and splendor with which they were furnished! -Aud so it is, that these very fellows who have reduced

* Baltimore has been "much abused" by forty or ffty of her own citizens, as well as persecuted by many persons in other places. It is to these tew, unhappily however, men who took prominent places on public occasions, and who were jooked up to for There is no doubt but that acts of incorporation examples, that we stand indebted for all the sins immay be properly and legitimately granted, rarely puted to us for wild speculation, sheer piracy and a however, to invest irresponsible associations with traffic in blood-the slave trade. Our people, in money-making powers-so may a man take a glass of general, are warm tempered, and never do any thing generous wine: but excess in the former affects the by halves; their heads sometimes grievously err, social body after the manner that excess in the lat- when their heart is right: but they are generous ter destroys individuals. Every thing is seen dou-and hospitable, patriotic and brave, filled with a ble-one house looks like two, and a dollar, in the spirit to accommodate and do kind offices for one eyes of the intoxicated, appears like many dollars.nother. Yet so it is, that less than fifty persons, When I have seen people drunken with ideal pros- (of dulerent political sects, but who were esteemed perity, the result of their "management," or reeling of the first rank in life) have so managed their with wine, in consequence of indulgence, I have matters as to cause the reputation of the whole city, often been reminded of the story of a certain ma-to be severely impeached-to give indiscreet and niac whe, having climbed to one of the loftiest peaks illiberal men the opportunity of heaping upon us of the Highlands, on the Hudson, bawled out at the vilest epithets known to the English antention the universe!-by kingdoms to the right wheel, guage; charging: 60,000 people with the sins of less march!" This poor fellow was quite a rational be-than fifty, in the whole.

VOL. XVI. 23.

the morning widow and destitute orphan to wretch- manner in which the youthful yankee supercargo. edness and want,-who have glutted their appetites, served himself, who adroitly cut off a part of the as it were on the heart's blood of honest industry, guager's rod, previous to the measurement of some may yet throw the dust from their carriage wheels liquor that he was about to purchase! The ease to blind those they have ruined! It was was not so, with which any one, especially in the United States, a few years since--then, if a man failed in business, could embark in this trade, induced hundreds withexcept from some well-known and reasonable cause out capital, to go extensively into it, by the aid of for bankruptcy, he was regarded as he should be, paper. Thus-A. bought of B. 50,000 dollars worth and excluded from all decent company: but now, of coffee, which he slipped, and consigned to the thanks to the morality of the paper system, if a man agent of some house in London, at Hamburg, &c. In will only plunder to a sufficient extent, he is, if not virtue of this consignment, A. was authorized to carressed, at least tolerated, by the very persons draw upon the house in London for upwards of that he robbed! I know a poor mechanic who $33,000 (two thirds the amount of his shipment) humbly solicits an occasional loan of two or three which bills he sold, and at once became a person of hundred dollars for a few days, of a merchant who consequence! As the payment to B. became due, owed him as many thousand-paid by a "whereas" a like operation was again had, and so it went on issued by those who administer the laws respecting until A. was really worth money, if fortunate, or insolvencies. compelled to wind up his affairs, by the loss of his We shall now proceed to make a few remarks credit. In all its ramifications, it is probable that upon the insolvent laws, with a view to some future the carrying trade circulated something which pasWe are decided-sed as money, or performed its mercantile purposes essay or essays respecting them. ly of opinion, that no man can be legally exonerated between man and man, to an amount of not less from the payment of hs just debts, except by the 150,000,000 of dollars a year, in the United States. act of his creditors. The unfortunate ought to be With this fictitious abundance of a circulating meallowed time and freedom of person, to retrieve dium, prodigality increased: take an instance-it is their circuinstances; they should not be harrassed less than thirty years since the "quality," the peoat the discretion of an obdurate creditor, but re-ple who led the fashion, drank souchong tea, which quired to render an account of the state of their our very negro gentlemen and ladies now consider business, to some high and honorable tribunal, at as not agreeing with their delicate stomachs! There fixed periods, who should decree such dividends of was a proportionate change in our habits in every the profits they had made, or adjudge such penal- respect, and among all classes. Society certainly ties for mal-conduct, as the laws might ordain. The advanced very rapidly to acquire the ornaments injuries to society are ten thousand times greater and luxuries of life; and our country was more exfrom dishonest debtors, than "hard hearted credi- tensively improved, cultivated and embellished, tors," though the latter make so many pretty sto-through the aid of the representatives of money ries in our novels and romances. It is commonly which the carrying trade created-but at an enor the positive interest of the creditor to deal lenient- mous expense of moral rectitude and republican ly with his honest debtor, and such are generally virtue. Every reflecting man, forty years of age, encouraged and strengthened by those to whom will acknowledge the truth of these remarks, and they owe money, instead of being oppressed or im- it is not worth while to enlarge upon them. peded in their progress to obtain a livelihood and When our carrying trade was assailed by the Briprovide for their families. It is only these that de-tish and French-our vessels captured on the high serve the protection of the law. The moral evil is seas by one, and seized in the ports of their destijust as great, if I lost a thousand dollars by a man nation by the other, and things had arrived to that that I confidently trusted, and who gambled it away point which the hare apprehended, when he said, or spent it in any sort of prostitution, as if he had that "his majesty," the licn, might easily mistake robbed me of it upon the high-road. Nay, it is the his ears for horns, the royal beast having issued "an greater evil--because it sours my temper, and order in council" or an "imperial decree" against causes me to adopt more or less the dirty rule of horns-the "long embargo" was laid. Money at "dealing with every one as if he were a rogue." this time, appeared to be plenty in the U. StatesThe fact is-and it is known to every body, that in because great confidence existed, and vast internat ordinary times, where one honest and industrious improvements were making, to give it a free circuman,takes the benefit of our insolvent laws, there lation. Besides, it afforded a pretty reasonable exare at least twenty prodigal fools or infamous ras-cuse to our merchants and dealers for not paying cals who "pass through the mill." I say in ordinary times, that the full force of my remarks may not apply to the present, which are extraordinary, through the general effect of the state of trade, and of the "paper system."

their foreign debts; and though business in our seaports, of course, was very dull, there was not much distress-the people easily falling into the habit of bearing and forbearing with one another, and of accommodating each other; and perhaps, we may venThe evils which just now afflict the people of the ture the assertion, that the United States were imUnited States from one extreme to the other, had proved quite as much during the period of this em their real origin in what are called the days of our bargo as in any other of the same length which we "commercial prosperity," when the carrying trade, seen. After raising the embargo to gratify, as the as it is termed, took the place of a plain and honora- writer of this then thought and still thinks, a senseble commerce. This trade has been much pursued less clamor, sundry restrictive laws were passed, by the British and ourselves, without much regard which partially operated like the embargo, or causto moral justice or a sense of truth. Perjuryed large emissions of paper to represent money and and deceit were held fair, if successful-false oaths fill up the quantity required for circulation. War were made by hundreds in a day, and accepted by soon followed, and then the great disbursements those who administered then, as being "customa- for government-purposes, &c. still kept money plenry." False papers were as publicly trafficked in, ty, as it is called, in most parts of the union, until a and advertised in the London gazettes, as bales of little while before all the banks south of the Hudcloth or cotton. But the evils of these things have son, stopped specie payments. In anticipation as fallen heavily upon us and the British-after the lit were, of this fatal event, or immediately upon

the heel of it, any half a dozen persons who could people and injure those of its stockholders who get enough of the circulating medium to pay the had bona fide paid their money into it, with a string engraver and paper maker, felt authorized to erect of et ceteras long enough to fill a whole page; and a bank, and become lenders of money; and many that the apparent prosperity of those who had spe sets of them did so. "Then the people waxed mad" culated in is stock, over-drawn on its funds, or bold -those of the country were as crazy as those of ly put their hands into its vaults to take out just the towns-100, 150 and 200 dollars per acre were as much as they wanted, led others, thus having paid for farms, the whole produce of which at fair access to other banks, to do the like-so that the prices, if well cultivated, would not pay the interest whole together affords a melancholy proof of such on the purchase money, at six per cent, nothing a debasement of character as no man in America being left to support the cultivators and their fami- ever expected to witness. In the mean time, while lies! Well, after a year or two more, the war ceas- these things were going on, the productive classes ed-still the excitement was kept up by the hope of were oppressed, their usual accommodations ruthdoing a large business, as theretofore, with foreign lessly denied, and all were called upon to "fall down countries; but the merchants, farmers and others and worship the beast" of management. But some who calculated thus, soon found themselves to be would not-they passed through the fiery furnace, miserable deceived-the state of the world, as bear-"though "heated seven times more than it was wont ing upon our trade, having essentially changed: to be heated," without a hair of their head being our old customers either rejected us, or were una- singed,"--they discovered the "footsteps of the ble to pay us, as their carriers, and every thing priests," fattening, with their wives and children, on began to flag except the demand for our cotton, the credulity of the people, and they blew up the and tobacco, and [partially] flour.* The people beast, saying, behold the god that we were comsaw that trade was seeking its natural level-they nanded to worship! The paper system, by which looked about themselves, and severely enquired if we mean issues of promissory notes by banks or inrags were money? The derangement of the cur-dividuals unsupported by capital, is drawing to its rency had been patiently borne, either because dur- end-and I trust, that those days in which a specu ing the war it was held to be patriotic that the banks lator could get accommodations to the amount of a should not pay their debts, or on account of the fa- million when a productive man could not get a cent, cility with which paper money was obtained. But have passed away, never to return: Nor will the the case was altered: it was no longer thought pa-time very soon be again, when a directorship, cashtriotic that the banks only should have the privi-iership or even portership in a bank, may enable a perlege of being bankrupt, and yet of making enor-son to spend three times the amount of his income, mous dividends of profits, and as, by decreased ac- and get rich besides! But we are told, there are tivity in business, their notes circulated more slow-other clerks as well as bank clerks, who can do this! ly, they seemed to have acquired a greater valuc, Yet, nevertheless, some such still maintain their and the losses upon exchanging them at different power to appropriate nearly the whole credit and places were considered as serious grievances. funds of their institutions to their own purposes; Sundry projects were set on foot to remedy or and the bank of the United States aspires to the restrain the "paper system," until at last we had authority of setting a price upon every acre of land the bank of the United States incorporated. This in the republic. We shall see what the result will was to do every thing to restore the golden be-we venture to predict, that every local bank age, and strew the highways with silver dollars; | mismanaged as just above stated, and diverted from few thinking of the remark of Patrick Henry when its public offices to the aggrandizement and support he said, "what, is it proposed then to reclaim the of a few, will fail; and that the sufferings of the com. spend-thrift from his dissipation and folly, by filling munity will force upon congress the passage of an his pockets with [the representatives of] money." act to reject the bills of the bank of the United This bank, it is true, imported some specie by send-States in the payment of duties, and cause a transing into foreign countries and selling them there, fer of the government deposits, all which may be the evidences of the public debt of the U. States, lawfully done* and must be done, if its present poliwhich, in their redemption will cause a return of cy is pursued. Then might the stock be worth less the specie from whence it came, with interest and than sixty dollars per share, and the stately edifice costs upon it; and its bills being receivable every building at Philadelphia, which is to cost a million, where on account of the revenues of government, be prepared to be fenced-in as it now stands, and they assumed, generally, a higher rank of value, shewn to strangers as the ruins of Speculation Hall. though intrinsically less valuable in many cases, Some parts of the preceding, as to the crimes of than those of the local banks. One great-per-banking, may appear too highly colored to those haps, we may call it a solitary good, resulted from who do not mingle much in society; but in fact, the establishment of this bank-it rendered specie language is wanting to give a full representation the test of value for bank notes, and which if held of the bare-faced things which have occurred in the on to, will soon relieve the people, by severe suffer-banks, and especially since the establishment of the ing indeed, of some of the most abominable gangs of incorporated rogues that ever fattened on the sweat of industry, or cheated honest labor of the bread which it earned. So far, the bank was well-but in regard to its own internal construction, it was soon discovered that it had mightily increased the Before we dismiss this subject, however, we wish amount of ideal money-that its stock, which was to say a few words more about incorporations for to have been composed of the precious metals and money-making purposes. They are beneficial, if national securities, was in a great degree paid by properly restrained as to numbers and rightfully promises to pay-that it had introduced a new sys-conducted; but the temptations that they present tem of gambling to demoralize and defraud the to all who manage them of making money easily, are

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bank of the United States. Before the 1st day of January next, we are bold to assert, that the people will say, we have not told or insinuated any thing like the amount of the frauds committed by soul-less


*See WEEKLY REGISTER, Vol. X. page 33; 14th and 16th sections of the act incorporating the bank,

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