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grounds for gardens; and, as these grounds were new, it required much labor to put them in good condition. These causes, and the reasons assigned in my let-in this service deserve much credit for the zeal and ters from this place and Plattsburg, produced the delay that has occurred in putting col. Brady's command upon the road, and, if your letter of the 11th of August had not been received upon my return to this place, I fear that this work would not yet have been commenced.

this season, to the Rapids, as the road would be use less without the means of crossing the large streams The officers and soldiers who have been employed perseverance they have displayed on this occasion. The work they have performed has proved highly beneficial, both to the people of the country and of the government. Besides greatly adding to the defence and strength of this frontier, the road has been the means of developing the richness of the public lands in this territory, and greatly augment

I pray you to believe, that I regret the delay, and I beg you to see good cause for it in the reasons Ifing their value. have endeavored to assign.

As soon as major Anderson, topographical engiIt is due to the command of col. Brady and col. neer, can complete the survey of the road, amore miAtkinson to say, that they have discovered not only nute and particular description of the work will be a becoming cheerfulness in obeying the orders re-forwarded. ceived for perfecting the Plattsburgh and Sackett's I have the honor to be, with great respect, sir, Harbor road, but much zeal in the performance of your obedient and very humble servant. this duty, and, if these regiments are continued upon


this important work the next season, more than The Hon. J. C. Calhoun, Secretary of war, &c. &c. double the length of way will be completed, that has been passed the last and the present year. With respect, I have the honor to be, your obedient servant, JAC. BROWN.

Hon. J. C. Calhoun, secretary of war.


Adjutant general's office,

Foreign Articles.


Partial supplies of silver is furnished to the London bankers by the bank of England; and as the value of gold over bank notes had fallen, it was believed that some issues of it might soon be made with "safety."

Nashville, September 19, 1819. SIR-On the eve of setting out for the Chickasaw The Catholics in England are said to amount to treaty, I deem it necessary to inform you, that no re- 300,000 persons-among whom, are 9 peers, and 17 ports have been received as yet, of a particular cha- baronets. Their spiritual government is vested racter, in relation to the military road now opening in four superiors, called Vicars Apostolic, deputfrom Columbia, Tennessee, to Madisonville; but I ed by the pope. Each has his peculiar district. am enabled to inform you officially, that fifty miles They have about 900 chapels in all, mostly erected have been completed by the troops on the lower within the last twenty-five years, 100 of which are part of the road, making many cause ways and bridg-in Lancashire; besides the private chapels of counes of the most durable materials; and the detach- try gentlemen. ment on this end have progressed about forty miles south of Tennessee river, making in like manner, many bridges and causeways.

The British duke of Devonshire, has given $10,000 for the marble statue of Bonaparte's mother.

In Stockport, a poor woman was lately sold, unIt is considered, that the most laborious part of the der an execution for the satisfying of one of those road has been completed; and, from every informa- extra church levies, so common now-a-days; and her tion, it has been done in the best manner. An in- Holy Bible was sold for three shillings, and purchased crease of men has been recently afforded to the de- by a gentleman of that town, as a curiosity contachment south of Tennessee river, which will ena-nected with the civilization of the 19th century. ble it to progress with much greater facility.

Should I receive minute reports shortly, I shall communicate their contents without delay. And have the honor to be, very respectfully, your most obedient servant,

ROBERT BUTLER, Adjutant general. Hon. J. C. Calhoun, Secretary of war.


Mr. Sheriff Roberts, at the bar of the house, presented a petition from the corporation of London, complaining of the crowded state of the goal of Newgate, by the influx of Middlesex prisoners.-Mr. alderman Wood stated that the crowded state of the gaol was such, that 47 prisoners who were under the sentence of death, were confined in 15 cells. It was a fact that sixteen persons convicted of an infamous crime, were all confined in one room.

Brighton, March 13.-We are assured, that, a few nights ago, the regent, in a merry mood, determined to sup in the kitchen of the pavilion. A scarlet cloth was thrown over the pavement, a splendid repast was provided, and the good-humored prince sat down, with a select party of his friends, and spent a joyous hour. The whole of the servants and particularly the female part, were, of course, delighted with this mark of royal condescension!

HEAD-QUARTERS, DETROIT, November 2, 1819. SIR-I have the honor to report, that the military way, directed to be opened from this place to the Rapids of the Miami, has progressed as far as the Eight Mile Creek, that is within eight miles of the Rapids, making in all a distance of seventy miles. The road is truly a magnificent one, being eighty feet wide, cleared of all the logs, and underbush, every low place causewayed, and all creeks and rivers requiring it, bridged in a substantial manner. The number of causeways exceeds sixty, and the The inquisitor-general of Spain, has fulminated bridges are of considerable length. The one on his anathema against a work recently introduced in which the troops are now employed, is four hundred that country, entitled The coming of the Messiah in and fifty feet in length, constructed of strong oak his Majesty and Glory, by John Josaphal Ben Erza. framed work. It was found impossible to complete He orders all the copies of this work to be delivered the road to the Rapids this season, on account of the up, and prohibits its being in future, sold, kept, read, time and labor required in throwing bridges over or printed, under pain of the grand excommunica the larger streams: it was also deemed more es-tion, and a fine of 200 ducats, to defray the expenses sential to complete the bridges, than cut the road of the holy office. He says, the book has occa



sioned much disorder and anxiety in the minds of Upon which captain Wooster threw up his commany persons, the learned as well as the unlearned.mission, and the fleet sailed without him. The marine of Chili is now wholly commanded by Englishmen. It was understood that the British frigate Andromache was at Lima, taking in five millions of dollars, which it was suspected that Cochrane would endeavor to intercept, under the pretence that she was violating her neutral character. The U. S. sloop Ontario also carried a million, or more, of dollars from Lima, which she delivered at Rio

Frankfort, March 21.-There is said to be a great misunderstanding between the courts of Berlin and Hesse Cassel. The Prussian minister has quitted Cassel to return to Berlin, and the Hessian minister at Berlin is understood to have been recalled.


The account seems confirmed, that there is an insurrection in that part of Hayti under the controúl | Janeiro-when she stopped at Valparaiso, and it of president Boyer; who had concentrated a considerable force at Jeremie, to which place he was about to embark in a frigate, to commence active operations against the revolted chief, whose name is Goma.



was known that she had the money on board, under an apprehension that they would attempt to seize it as Spanish property, capt. Biddle suddenly left the port. We should like to hear the details of this affair, if the report is true.

The communication of Buenos Ayres with the inBy an official despatch from "col. Don Jose Bara-terior, was rendered very difficult by wandering dos," who claims a victory over gen. Victoria, we hordes of Indians, called Montoneros. Bodies of learn that the empire of Ferdinand is not fully "re- troops had been marched against them, without any stored" in Mexico. The col boasts of the cap-decisive advantage, as they are well mounted and ture of "thirty English muskets in very fine order." careful to avoid a regular attack. A partial mutiny took place at Buenos Ayres, among the mi McGregor has landed, with 1500 men, a little to litia blacks on being harangued to much against the windward of Porto Bello-a favorable position those Indians. The regular troops are nearly all to communicate with the revolutionists of the dif-in Chili or on the frontiers of Peru, and the militaferent districts. Another account says, he had only ry duties of the city are performed by the militia.about 400 soldiers and 100 seamen; reinforcements It was reported, that orders had been sent to gen. being expected. San Martin to march his troops to Buenos Ayresprobably on account of the expected expedition from Cadiz. It was thought that San Martin would be chosen supreme director.

Com. Joli has captured many vessels, prizes to privateers under the Artigas flag.-The La Popa privateer had also been captured by him, and was expected to be treated as a pirate. Brion was cruiz- The royal Spanish general Ordonnis, and 32 other ing to catch a pirate. These are Venezuelan squad- Spanish officers, being prisoners at "the 6 mile San rons, and we are much pleased to find that they are Luis," attempted to seize upon the governor and determined to maintain the laws of civilized nations. make their escape, by violence, though they seem They are on good terms with the Danes at St. Tho-to have been treated in the most hospitable manner.


Margaretta is a very strong place-600 English troops lately arrived there. We have many rumors of battles on the main, but know not how to separate truth from romance.

We have news from Buenos Ayres to the 10th of March, by the arrival of W. G. D. Worthington, esq. late consul there, at New York. Mr. W. left Chili on the 29th of Jan. and made the journey across the country, computed at 420 leagues, in 21 days. It was reported, after he had left Chili, that the U. S. frigate Macedonian had arrived at Valparaiso.

They were all put to death.

"The congress," on the 12th Dec. last by a public decree acknowledged Chili "as a free state, sovereign and independent, with all the attributes and plenitude of power, which are inherent to the great and elevated character," and in form waited on the chief deputy residing in Buenos Ayres.

It is openly announced in the Belfast News Letter, of Jan. 22, that col. Urslar's rifle regiment, of 1000 picked men, had been completed, and that the last detachment had sailed for South America! that a house of the first respectability had offered Our president's message on opening the late ses-him assistance to the amount of 100,000l. sterling.sion of congress, had been received. They were disappointed as to an expected recognition of their independence, but do not seem impatient about it. Chili is entirely freed of the royal forces-Lord Cochrane, in command of a very handsome fleet, was at Valparaiso, preparing an expedition to the coast of Peru, by which it appears that Lima had|la not been taken, as reported.

Mention is also made of the sailing of 400 other troops, from Hamburg and Cruxhaven, who are to form a part of the cavalry under colonel Urslar.

The following is a copy of a large handbill, pub licly posted up in all parts of the city of Dublin: 1st rifle regiment, South America, army of Venezue and New Granada, commanded by gen. Bolivar, supreme chief of Venezuela and the Granadas.

Lord Cochrane's squadron put to sea suddenly on The most flattering encouragement will be given the 14th Jan. from Valparaiso, in pursuit of two Spa- to such young men, of good character, as shall be nish frigates that they had information had sailed found qualified for gen. Devereaux's Irish legion from Lima for Panama-they were also to make a about to sail direct for the head quarters of the su dash at the harbor of Lima. The Chilian and Bue-preme chief; none but effective and spirited men nos Ayrean army under San Martin, about 3500 need apply; well disciplined soldiers who have their strong, was to embark for the siege of Lima as soon discharges, will be preferred, and will find this a as the fleet returned to transport them. Capt. most favorable opportunity to improve their fortunes Wooster, who commanded the O'Higgins frigate, and acquire a handsome provision for themselves for resigned his commission just previous to the sailing life. Application to be made to col. Meade, 39, lowof the fleet. The reason assigned for it is this: lord er Ormond Quay.

Cochrane sent on board the frigate an order for her Every volunteer will receive, viz: 1st. Four pence to be ready for sea in four hours, to which captain in the shilling more than the British army, from Wooster sent an answer that it was impossible-the day of enrolling their names. 2d. A passage Cochrane immediately repeated his order, adding to head quarters, with 60 dollars on arriving. 3d. that the word impossible was not in his vocabulary. 1 lb. of beef or pork, 1 lb. of bread, 14 lbs of pota

toes, 1 naggin [a gill] of whiskey per day. 4th. he was first lieutenant of the South Carolina fri Oatmeal and butter, &c. &c. on the passage. 5th gate. A proportionate share of land captures, and prize money. 6th. 200 acres of land, with eighty dollars to purchase implements of agriculture. 7th. A full discharge and leave to sell the land, with a free passage home, if required, after five years service. A corporal to have 250 acres, and a sergeant 300,| colour do. 350, and so on in proportion. Every corporal, well recommended, will be made a sergeant, every sergeant, a colour serjeant with the strongest assurance of promotion according to their gallant and soldier-like conduct.

also, in Kent county, Maryland, Thomas S. Smith, esq. in his 89th year. He was a member of the convention that formed the constitution of this state in 1776, and a member of the council of safety during the revolution.

To sail on the 18th of April next, from Dublin.

The reflections arising out of these facts are curious-the British are playing a deep game, helping Ferdinand on one side, and opposing him on the other.


The president of the United States reached Charleston on the 26th ult. on his southern tour. He is every where received wit great attention and respect, but there is much less pomp and parade than took place on his eastern journey.

The U. S. corvette John Adams has arrived at Norfolk from Havana. We have not heard any particulars of her voyage.

The Mediterranean squadron, by late advices, all well. Com. Stewart had just learnt that the Tunisians had obliged some American vessels to shew their "Mediterranean passes," and had left Messina to tell them that they must desist from the proce


A steam boat of seven hundred tons, has been

launched at New York.

also, in Massachusetts, Jonathan Cogswell, esq. aged 79, an officer of the revolution, a member of the convention of that state which ratified the constitution of the U. S. and for several years a mem ber of congress.

Louisiana. At the late session of the legislature, the following resolution received the sanction of both branches of the legislature, and the approba tion of the governor:

Resolved, by the senate and house of representatives of the state of Louisiana, in general assembly convened, That the governor of this state be required to solicit from the president of the United States, to order that a sufficient naval force be stationed on

our coasts, to protect them against the depreda tions of the pirates which desolate tm, and which impede our communications with Vera Cruz and other Spanish ports in the gulf of Mexico.

Rhode-Island. The general election was held in this state on the 21st ult. and eventuated in the reelection, without opposition, of the present republican General officers. A majority of republicans is also chosen for the house of repersentatives. Every branch of the government is therefore republican.

From the Alabama Courier, April 9. A gentleman direct from the land sales at Cahaba, states: that in consequence of a combination of the land speculators, the sales have been postponed. The company, consisting of about forty, deposited one thousand dollars each, and agreed not to bid over two dolEast India missions. We see that the public be-lars per acre for any land which might be offered. nevolence is called upon at New York, in support of certain missionaries about to depart for the East Indies to proclaim the gospel to the heathen. Now, if we had no room for the exercise of such functions at home, this might be well enough-but our own Indians require the attentions of the religious and humane, in our opinion, quite as much as those in the East.

That two valuable townships were bid off at that price, when the Register ordered the sales to be postponed. These townships were then sold at auction by the company, and the net profit arising from the resale of the land amounted to $1980 to each individual concerned. We presume that the gentlemen speculators formed their plans on the commonly received principle, that the public is a goose, and that while its enchanting plumage offered so many temptations to pluck a few feathers, no other danger was to be apprehended than that of being hissed at!

New York. The election for members of the senate and assembly of this state, was held last week. There are three distinct political parties in New York-two calling themselves republican and the other federal. As far as the returns are received, Indians. By a report made to the assembly of that branch of the republican party opposed to gov. New York, it appears that the whole number of Indi Clinton, seems to have succeeded-in the city, inans within it, is 4976. Oneidas, 1031. The land the choice of assemblymen, the average majority possessed by all the Indians, is 271,323 acres-By against the friends of the gov. was 2,301 votes; for the Oneidas, 20,000. All the land is estimated at senators, the majority on the same side was about $1,626,000. 850 over the "Clintonian,” and 500 over the federal ticket.

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Col. Trumbull. By a letter received from the duke of Ischia (the celebrated Ganova) we learn, that our An arch bridge, on a new construction, has been distinguished countryman, Col. Trumbull, has been recently erected over Onion river, near Montpel-elected a member of the royal academy, at Naples. lier, in Vermont. It is said to be "composed of six- An act of liberality honorable to our country and to ty-nine string pieces, thirty feet in length, and ten the individual who received it. N. Y. paper. inches by eleven and a half in size; together with twelve thwarts, or cross pieces, twenty two fect tent had been taken out in the city of Washington A new application of steam.-We hear that a pa long, seven inches by fourteen; forming one entire to apply steam, in the place of gun-powder, to proarch one hundred and ninety-five feet long, and ten-pel balls, &c. from cannon &c. We are assured ty broad; with not a single mortice, tenon, bolt, or band that much confidence is reposed in this discovery, about it. The whole expense of the bridge did not exceed two hundred dollars."

Died, lately, at Marblehead, capt. Nathan Bartlett, aged 70-a naval hero of the revolution, having faithfully served as an officer in several public vessels of war from 1776 to the latter end of 1781, when

and much expectation is excited as to the effects to be produced by this new application of steam. Press.

New London April 7. Sailed, sloop Macdonough, Colt, for New York. Went passenger the celebrated Massachusetts Hog-girts 74 feet, and weighs 1100, on a visit to the New York mammoth turtle.

NEW SERIES. No. 12-VOL. IV.] BALTIMORE, MAY 15, 1819. [No. 12-Vol. XVI. WHOLE No. 403



Domestic Industry.-The essays, published by the provement is putting forth her powerful hand-scisanction of the Philadelphia society for promoting ence is brought in aid of nature; capital is raised and domestic industry, and re-publishing in the REGIS-labor casts the waters of the lakes thronght naviga TER, have had the widest circulation of any series of ble channels into the ocean, rivers are cleared of papers that we have met with for years-and they deserve universal attention.

Mitigation of Slavery-No. 2.


their obstructions, and artificial streams groan beneath the rich burthens of commerce-the vast interior is penetrated by shipping; permanent roads are constructed, and the shores of roaring torrents are united by magnificent bridges. "Unconquered steam," whose utility is vet in its infancy, brings the troduces uniformity of habits and manners by the facility which it affords to friendly communication; the product of our forest finds a ready passage to the sea-board to meet the market of the world, and the rich commodities of Asia are in common use a thousand miles from the ocean.

That slavery must, at some future day, be abo-most distant places together by its agency, and inlished in the United States. There is no man who believes that Gon is just, or affects a veneration for our republican institutions, that can bear the assurance to his own mind, that this blot, or curse, is to remain as long as our country endures." When we mentally survey the fair country which ALMIGHTY PROVIDENCE has given to us to inhabit, Nor is our political history less interesting. A and reflect upon the light and knowledge he has few years ago, and all this vast country was the ha, dispensed that we might ascertain our rights as men, bitation of savage tribes, thinly scattered through and esteem as we ought the natural and moral ca-the woods, continually at war with each other, and pacities within us to maintain a national indepen-mainly depending upon the uncertain chase for sub dence there is no transition of thought that can be sistence. As light dawned in the old world, and less satisfactory than when our attention is turned man began to discern his privileges and esteem to the condition of our slaves. This "land of free- his rights, a spirit grew up to maintain them, dom." "the asylum of the oppressed of all nations" -"triumph of reason," and "hope of humanity," sinks in our estimation when we remember, that more than one seventh part of the whole population is composed of miserable men, the property of others, lable to be disposed of like horses or hogs, except in regard to life and limb,

Kingcraft and priestcraft had so long lorded it over the persons and consciences of men, that many sup posed there was a "divine right" in them, as to al temporal and spiritual things; and, as the former, most impudently dared to treat its subjects as beasts made for its use--so the other, most impiously, af fected a power to condemn to punishment after Behold the regions of the republic-bounded on death, for non-compliance to priestly will while liv the north by the St. Lawrence and the wonderfuling!-Our forefathers partially judged these things chain of inland seas, and on the south washed by as they ought, and for conscience-sake, preferred li the gulf of Mexico, and extending from the At-bertyand the woods, beset with savages and beasts lantic ocean on the east to the Pacific on the west; of prey, to oppression and the "flesh pots" of the indented by numerous bays, watered by unrivalled land of their ancestors. Determined to possess streams, diversified by lofty mountains, fruitful val- the right of managing their own affairs between liesammense forests and delightful plains: fitted to themselves and their Creator, according to the ry constitution of the human system, and pro-convictions of their own understanding, they left active of all that man wants and most of the good all that fastens so powerfully on the heart of man things which he enjoys; darting to eminence and as connected with the idea home, and encountered approaching the political sun with the daring flight the perils of a then terrifying voyage across the At of an eagle; fitted to prosper in peace, and qualified lantic, to meet with new and untried difficulties to triumph in war. Apparently destined by Heaven and privations in a strange land, yet almost as rude to command the respect of the world; to negociate as nature had left it. It was this principle that chiefnations into justice and repose-"a terror to evilly settled the states east of Maryland, and partly doers and a praise to them that do well:"* to teem Maryland, also; but those to the south were parti with uncounted millions of intelligent and high spi-ally planted under the care of the British governrited men-and become the grand depository of all ment, and, herein, perhaps, we may discover the the arts useful or ornamental to mankind. Lo!-im, principal cause of the introduction of a population *Since the preceding was in type, we accidently Though thus differently planted, there was one into the latter which every good man now regrets, met with the following extract from a speech of subject on which the people of all the co onies were Patrick Henry, in the general assembly of Virginia:--pretty general agreed, when union was necessary "I venture to prophecy there are those now liv- to give force to their will. Having brought with ing, who will see this favored land amongst the them very liberal opinions of men and things, and most powerful on earth- able, sir, to take care of enjoying for many years a great degree of freedom herself, without resorting to that policy which is al- of intellect and action, they naturally became reways so dangerous, though sometimes unavoidable, publicans, (as to themselves), and when the time ef calling in foreign aid. Yes, sir- they will see her arrived at which the "mother country" thought it great in arts and in arms-her golden harvests wav-an object to oppress them, they resisted and uning over fields of immeasurable extent her com-furled the standard of rebellion; they succeeded, merce penetrating the most distant seas, and her and courtesy has softened their opposition to the cannon silencing the vain boasts of those who now royal will into the term revolution-such is the vile proudly affect to rule the waves.” sycophaney of man, who measure right by power

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The progress of the struggle developed qualities in heroes and statesmen that astonished and confounded the world. They began the work of positive separation by a solemn appeal to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, declaring, "we hold these truths to be self-evident, that ALL MEN are created equal, that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain nature and wualienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," and when their independence was acknowledged, they established a constitution recognizing the principles of the declaration, without once mentioning the word slave, though slaves abounded among them. They had been cursed by the introduction of the proscribed re, and were ashamed to acknowledge the necessity, or policy, of continuing them in a state of bondage! The studied reserve on this subject is honorable to the feelings of the convention; and to this day, the hateful word "slave" is very rarely used in the laws enacted by congress, the representatives of a free people. This shews the progress of liberal ideas, and manifests a general opposition to the practice of slavery; and there certainly is a growing disposition to ameliorate the condition of persons of color, so far as it is thought compatible with the interests of the society in which they are chiefly located.

These grateful digressions are made to exhibit the beautiful side of the picture, and raise the soul of a free American into thankfulness to the GIVER of all good gifts for His unnumbered benefactions and mercies: the reverse may be briefly stated more than a seventh part of our population is composed of black slaves, and apparent necessity diciates to some of our legislatures the expediency of degrading them into beings without the capacity of reasoning or means of improvement!-and, while we establish schools, erect colleges and found universities for the advancement of the whites in works of utility and virtue, and raise up the solemn temple wherein they may offer up the incense of a pure and contrite heart to the great FIRST CAUSE, we inflict punishment on such as learn the blacks. to read, and make it criminal in them to assemble to worship the Gon which is over all-to whom ali nast account! But these matters may be more particularly referred to when we come to consider the second proposition. We shall close this section of our remarks by the following quotation from the illustrious Jefferson-who, in his notes on Virginia,


ecration should the statesman be loaded, who permitting one half the citizens thus to trample on the rights of the other, transforms those into despots, and these into enemies, destroys the morals of the one part, and the amor patriæ of the other. For if a slave can have a country in this world, it must be any other in preference to that in which he is born to live and labor for another: in which he must lock up the faculties of his nature, contribute as far as depends on his individual endeavors to the evanishment of the human race, or entail his own miserabie condition on the endless generations proceeding from him. With the morals of the people, their industry also is destroyed. For in a warm climate, no man will labor for himself who can make another labor for him. This is so true, that of the proprie tors of slaves a very small proportion indeed are ever seen to labor. And can the liberties of a nation' be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God! That they are not to be violated but with his wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep forever; that considering numbers, nature and natural means only, a revolution of the wheel of fortune, an exchange of situation is among possible events: that it may become probable by supernatural interference! The Almighty has no attribute which can take side with us in such a contest.-But it is impossible to be temperate and to pursue this subject through the various considerations of policy, of morals, of history natural and civil. We must be contented to hope they will force their way into every one's mind. I think a change already preceptible, since the origin of the present revolution. The spirit of the master is abating, that of the slave rising from the dust, his condition mollifying, the way I hope preparing, under the auspices of heaven, for a total emancipation, and that this is disposed, in the order of events, to be with the consent of the masters, rather than by their extirpation.”

The following statements are made to shew the progressive and comparative increase of this people: 1790. 1800. 3,164,148 4,312,841

White persons:
Free negroes :

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59,481 110,072 : 697,178 896,849

1810. 5,862,093



3,921,326 5,319,762 7,239,903 The number of years required for a duplication of each class, according to the ratio of increase from 1790 to 1810, is thus given by Dr. Seybert:

22.48 years, or 224 yrs. nearly


12 yrs. 14 mo. 26 yrs. nearly.

"There must doubtless be an unhappy influence on the manners of our people produced by the exThe whites in istence of slavery among us. The whole commerce between master and slave is a perpetual exercise of Free negroes Slaves the most boisterous passions, the most unremitting despotism on the one part, and degrading submis- At the present time there are twenty two states, sions on the other. Our children see this, and learn considering Alabama as one-Twelve of these, east to imitate it; for man is an imitative animal. This of Maryland and north of the Ohio, may be consi quality is the gerrn of all education in him. From dered as non-slave holding states, having had at the his cradle to his grave he is learning to do what he census of 1810 only 32,000 slaves in all, and now sees others do. If a parent could find no motive probably less than half that number. Delaware, it either in his philanthropy or his self-love, for re- is true, partially sanctions the principle of slavery, straining the intemperance of passion towards his but in an ameliorated form, and will certainly abanslave, it should always be a sufficient one that his don it. There are ten others, including Alabama, child is present. But generally it is not sufficient. and the projected state of Missouri, (in which it is The parent storms, the child looks on, catches the yet uncertain whether slavery will be allowed or not) lineaments of wrath, puts on the same airs in the each containing many slaves; in all, in 1810, nearly circle of smaller slaves, give a loose to the worst of 1,159,000, and now about 1,800,000; having multihis passions, and thus nursed, educated, and daily plied their numbers, as well by natural increase as exercised in tyranny, cannot but be stamped by it by a most villainous traffic carried on in them, and with odious peculiarities. The man must be a pro- numerous most rascally outrages on the persons of digy who can retain his manners and morals unde-free blacks in the eastern section, by the most inpraved by such circumstances. And with wlrat ex-l famous men that ever existed-cold-carted scoun

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