ePub 版

small towns

[ocr errors]

For establishing a manufactory of beaver
stockings at Lawenberg

For establishing a cotton manufactory at New


For a magazine of cotton for the benefit of the
manufacturers of Pomerania

East and West Prussia.

For repairing the damage occasioned by the
burning of woolen cloths near Preusch Ei-

For establishing a manufacture of muslin at

lar examples. We have almost all the trades and | For increasing the magazines of wool in the
manufactures that can be conceived, as well for
things of absolute necessity, as for the conveniencies
and luxuries of life. Some of them have attained to
a great degree of perfection, as those of woolen
cloth, linen, porcelain, and others. The greater
part are in a state of mediocrity, and may be brought
by degrees to perfection, if there is continued to.
be given to them the same attention, assistance, and
support, which the Prussian government has hither-
to most liberally bestowed; and especially when to
these are added the motives and inducements of
emulation, which are absolutely necessary for bring.
ing manufactures and works of art to perfection.
Our manufactures exclusively supply all the Prussain
dominions; and, with a very favorable rivalshap, espe
eially for cloths, linens, and woolens, Poland, Russia,
Germany, Italy, and especially Spain and Amrica.
In order to afford a more strong and clear convic-
tion, I shall here add a compendious table of the
principal trades and manufactures, which exist in
the Prussian monarchy, of their produce, and of the
number of traders and manufacturers who are em-
ployed in them."-Hertzberg's Discourses, p. 101.
"The Prussian dominions had in the course of the
year 1785,*

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Manu. factu


the manu

factures in

For a manufactory of leather at Preusch Ei


For a dye house at Gastrow

For magazines of wool in the little towns of
West Prussia

For a manufactory of press boards

[ocr errors]







5,000 2,600

6,000 6,000

[ocr errors][merged small]

For the establishment of forty weavers at
Striegaw and in the neighborhood
For premiums relative to manufactures

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

For establishing work shops for carding wool 1,360 Produce of For rewards, intended for the encouragement of spinning in the country rix dollars. For the erection of silk mills at Berlin 80,000 9,000,000 For purchasing the cods of silk worms, and 58,000 8,000,000 causing them to be well spun 6,000 3,000,000 For machines for carrying on the Manchester 7,000 1,200,000 manufacture

4,000 2,000,000

[ocr errors][merged small]

ANNO 1786. In Bradenburg.
3,000 2,000,000 For procuring Spanish sheep
For increasing the magazines of wool
For improvements relative to the spinning of


- 22,000



2,000,000 For a manufactory of woolen cloths at Zinna 3,000
200,000 For a plantation of mulberry trees at Nowawest 2,000
200,000 For the purchase of cods of silk worms and
establishing a magazine of them

[blocks in formation]




Tallow and soap




Glass, looking-glasses


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

In Pomerania.







In the New March.

For increasing the magazines of wool

165,000 30,250,000 For a manufactory of cotton stockings at

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

For a manufactory of leather at Anclam For a manufactory of leather at Treptow For a manufactory of sail cloth at Rugenwalde 5,000 For a manufactory of cables in the same city 4,000. 3,500 For a manufactory of cloth for flags at Stettin 3,000 3,000 In East Prussia. 1,000 For a manufactory of morocco leather at Ko





For a manufactory of English earthenware in
the same city


For a manufactory of leather


For establishing a manufactory of leather at

For a manufactory of ribands and bags 3,000 For a cotton manufactory at Gumbinnen In West Prussia.




[blocks in formation]

For establishing a manufactory at Griffenhagen

For a dye-house at Bromberg



For establishing a manufactory of fustians and cottons at Frederickshold

*Hertzberg's Discourses, p. 103. Idem 41.

For a manufactory of fine cloth at Culm
In Silesia.


[blocks in formation]

Roads and Canals.


Report of the secretary of war to congress.

the part of wisdom to profit by experience, so it is of the utmost importance to prevent a recurrence of a similar state of things, by the application of a portion of our means to the construction of such roads and canals as are required "with a view to inilitary operations in time of war, the transportation of the munitions of war, and more complete defence

of the United States."

DEPARTMENT OF WAR, JAN. 7TH, 1819. SIR-In compliance with a resolution of the house of representatives of the 4th of April, 1818, instruct ing the secretary of war to report to that house, at their next session, "a plan for the application of such In all questions of military preparations, three of ineans as are within the power of congress for the purpose of opening and constructing such roads and our frontiers require special attention, the eastern or Atlantic frontier; the northern, or the Canadian Canals as may deserve and require the aid of go- frontier; and the southern, or the frontier of the vernment, with a view to military operations in time Gulf of Mexico. On the west and north-west we of war; the transportation of munitions of war; and are secure, except against Indian hostilities; and also a statement of the works of the nature above the only military preparations required in that quar mentioned which have been commenced, the pro-ter, are such as are necessary to keep the Indian gress which has been made, and the means and pros-tribes in awe, and to protect the frontier from their pect of their completion; together with such infor- ravages. All of our great military efforts, growing mation as, in the opinion of the secretary, shail be out of a war with an European power, must, for the material in relation to the objects of the resolu- present, be directed towards our eastern, northern, tion," I have the honor to make the following re-or southern frontier; and the roads and canals which port: will enable the government to concentrate its means

A judicious system of roads and canals, construct- for defence, promptly and cheaply, on the vulneraed for the convenience of commerce and the trans-ble points of either of those frontiers, are those portation of the mail only, without any reference to which, in a military point of view, require the aid of military operations, is itself among the most effici-government. I propose to consider each of those ent means for "the more complete defence of the frontiers separately, beginning with the Atlantic, United States." Without adverting to the fact, that which, in many respects, is the weakest and most the roads and canals which such a system would reexposed. quire are, with few exceptions, precisely those From the mouth of St. Croix to that of St. Marys, which would be required for the operations of war, the two extremes of this frontier, is a distance, such a system, by consolidating our union, increas-along the line of the coast and principal bays, with ing our wealth and fiscal capacity, would add great-out following their sinuosities, of about two thouly to our resources in war. It is in a state of war sand one hundred miles. On this line, including when a nation is compelled to put all of its resour-its navigable rivers and bays, are situated our most ces, in men, money, skill, and devotion to country, populous cities, the great depots of the wealth and into requisition, that its government realizes, in its commerce of the country. That portion of it which security, the beneficial effects from a people made extends to the south of the Chesapeake, has, with prosperous and happy by a wise direction of its re- the exceptions of the cities and their immediate sources in peace. But I forbear to pursue this sub-neighborhood, a sparse population, with a low ject, though so interesting, and which, the farther marshy country, extending back from 100 to 150 it is pursued, will the more clearly establish the in-miles. To the north of the Chesapeake, inclusive, timate connection between the defence and safety it affords, every where, deep and bold navigable of the country and its improvement and prosperity, bays and rivers, which readily admit vessels of any as I do not conceive that it constitutes the immedi- size. Against a line so long, so weak, so exposed, ate object of this report.

and presenting such strong motives for depredaThere is no country to which a good system of tions, hostilities the most harassing and exhaustmilitary roads and canals is more indispensable than ing may be carried on by a naval power; and should to the United States. As great as our military ca- the subjugation of the country ever be attempted, pacity is, when compared with the number of our it is probable that against this frontier, facing Eupeople, yet, when considered in relation to the vast rope, the seat of the great powers of the world, the extent of our country, it is very small; and, if so principal efforts would be turned. Thus circumgreat an extent of territory renders it very difficult stanced, it is the duty of the government to render it to conquer us, as has frequently been observed, as secure as possible. For much of this security we it ought not to be forgotten that it renders it no less ought to look to a navy, and a judicious and strong difficult for the government to afford protection to system of fortifications: but not to the neglect of every portion of the community. In the very na-such roads and canals as will enable the government ture of things,the difficulty of protecting every part, to concentrate, promptly and cheaply, at any point so long as our population bears so small a propor- which may be menaced, the necessary force and tion to the extent of the country, cannot be entire-means for defence.

ly overcome; but it may be very greatly diminished To resist ordinary hostilities, having for their obby a good system of military roads and canals. Theject the destruction of our towns and the exhaus necessity of such a system is still more apparent if tion of our means, the force ought to be drawn from we take into consideration the character of our po- the country lying between the coasts and the sourlitical maxims and institutions. Opposed in princi- ces of the principal rivers which discharge through ple to a large standing army, our main reliance for it into the ocean; but, to resist greater efforts, aimdefence must be on the militia, to be called out fre-ing at conquest, should it ever be attempted, the quently from a great distance, and under the pres- force and resources of the whole community must sure of an actual invasion. The experience of the be brought into resistance. To concentrate, then, late war amply proves, in the present state of our a sufficient force, on any point of this frontier which internal improvements, the delay, the uncertainty, may be invaded, troops must be marched, and mu the anxiety, and exhausting effects of such calls.nitions of war transported, either along the line of The facts are too recent to require details, and the the coast or from the interior of the Atlantic states, impression too deep to be soon forgotten. As it is to the coast, or, should the invading force be of sucti

magnitude as to require it, from the western states; and the roads and canals necessary for the defence of this frontier are those which will render these operations prompt, certain, and economical.

measure lost to him. In fact, the capacity for rapid and prompt movements and concentration, would be, to the full, as much in our power. We would have, in most of the points of attack, a shorter line From the coast to the Alleghany mountains, and to move over, in order to concentrate our means; the high land separating the streams which enter and, aided by steam boats, would have the capacity into the St. Lawrence from those of the Atlantic, to pass it in a shorter time, and with greater certainin which the principal Atlantic rivers take their ty, that what an enemy, even with a naval superioririse, the distance may be averaged at about 250 ty, would have to attack us. Suppose the fleet of miles; and the whole extent, from the St Mary's to such an enemy should appear off the Capes of Delathe St. Croix, is intersected, at short intervals, by ware; before it could possibly approach and attack large navigable rivers and the principal roads of this Philadelphia, information, by telegraphic communiportion of our country, through which its great com- cation, might be given to Baltimore and New York, mercial operations are carried on. These, aided by and the forces stationed there thrown in for its re the steam boats, now introduced on almost all our lief. The same might take place if Baltimore or New great rivers, present great facilities to collect the York should be invaded; and, should an attack be militia from the interior, and to transport the ne-made on any of our cities, the militia and regular forces, at a great distance along the coast, could, in a cessary supplies and munitions of war. short time, be thrown in for its relief. By this specdy communication, the regular forces, with the militia of the cities and their neighborhood, would be sufficient to repel ordinary invasions, and would either prevent, or greatly diminish, the harassing calls upon the militia of the interior. If to these considerations we add the character of the climate of the southern position of the Atlantic frontier, so fatal to those whose constitutions are not inured to it, the value of this system of defence, by the regular troops and the militia accustomed to the climate, will be greatly enhanced. Should this line of inland navigation be constructed, to enjoy its benefits fully, it will be necessary to cover it against the naval operations of an enemy. It it thought that this may be easily effected, to the south of the Chesa peake, by land and steam batteries. The bay is itself one of the most important links in this line of communication; and its defence againt a naval force ought, if practicable, to be rendered complete. It was carefully surveyed, the last summer, by skilful officers, for this purpose in part, and it is expected that their report will throw much light upon this important subject. Long Island Sound, another part of the line which is exposed, can be fully defended by a naval force only.

Much undoubtedly remains to be done to perfect the roads and improve the navigation of the rivers: but this, for the most part, may be safely left to the states and the commercial cities particularly interested, as the appropriate objects of their care and exertions The attention of both have recently been much turned towards these objects, and a few years will probably add much to facilitate the intercourse between the coast and the interior of the Atlantic states. Very different is the case with the great and important line of communication, extending along the coast, through the Atlantic states. No object of the kind is more important; and there is none to which state or individual capacity is more inadequate. It must be perfected by the general government, or not perfected at all, at least for many years. No one or two states have a sufficient interest. It is immediately beneficial to more than half of the states of the union, and without the aid of the general government, would require their cooperation. It is, at all times, a most important object to the nation; and, in a war with a naval power, is almost indispensable to our military, commercial and financial operations. It may, in a single view, be considered the great artery of the country; and, when the coasting trade is suspended by war, the It remains, in relation to the defence of the Atvast intercourse between the north and south, which annually requires five hundred thousand tons of lantic frontier, to consider the means of communicashipping, and which is necessary to the commerce, tion between it and the western states, which rethe agriculture and manufacture of more than half quire the aid of the government. Most of the ob of the union, seeks this channel of communication.servations made relative to the increased strength If it were thoroughly opened by land and water; if and capacity of the country to bear up under the Louisiana were connected, by a durable and well pressure of war, from the coastwise communication, finished road, with Maine; and Boston with Savan-are applicable in a high degree at present, and are nah, by a well established line of inland navigation, daily becoming more so, to those with the western for which so many facilities are presented, more states; and should a war for conquest ever be wa than half of the pressure of war would be removed.ged against us, an event not probable, but not to be A country so vast in its means, and abounding, in laid entirely out of view, the roads and canals necesits various latitudes, with almost all the products of sary to complete the communication with that porthe globe, is a world of itself; and, with that facility tion of our country, would be of the utmost imporof intercourse, to perfect which the disposable tance. The interest of commerce, and the spirit of rivalmeans of the country is adequate, would flourish and prosper under the pressure of a war with any ry between the great Atlantic cities, will do much power. But, dropping this more elevated view, to perfect the means of intercourse with the west. and considering the subject only as it regards "mi- The most important lines of communication appear litary operations in time of war, and the transporta-to be from Albany to the lakes; from Philadelphia, tion of the munitions of war," what could contri- Baltimore, Washington, and Richmond, to the Ohio bute so much as this communication to the effec-river; and from Charleston and Augusta, to the Tentual and cheap defence of our Atlantic frontier? nessee; all of which are now commanding the attenTake the line of inland navigation along the coast, tion, in a greater or less degree, of the sections of the whole of which, it is estimated, could be com- the country immediately interested. But in such pleted, for sea vessels, by digging one hundred great undertakings, so interesting in every point of niles, and at the expense of $3,000,000, the advan-view to the whole union, and which may ultimately tage which an enemy with a naval force now has, become necessary to its defence, the expense ought by rapidly moving along the coast, and harassing not to fall wholly on the portions of the country and exhausting the country, would be in a great more immediately interested. As the government

has a deep stake in them, and as the system of de- completion of the road which has already been com. fence will not be perfect without their completion,menced from Tennessee river to the same place, it ought at least to bear a proportional share of the with the inland navigation through the canal of Caexpense of their construction. rondelet, Lake Ponchartrain, and the islands along I proceed next to consider the roads and canals the coast of Mobile, covered against the operations connected with the defence of our northern frontier. of a naval force, every facility required for the transThat portion of it which extends to the east of Lakeportation of munitions of war, and movements and Champlain has not heretofore been the scene of ex-concentration of troops, to protect this distant and tensive military operations; and I am not sufficient-important frontier, would be afforded.

Such are the roads and canals which military operations in time of war, the transportations of the munitions of war, and the more complete defence of the U. States, require.

ly acquainted with the nature of the country, to venture an opinion whether we may hereafter be called on to make considerable military efforts in that quarter. Without, then, designating any military improvements, as connected with this portion Many of the roads and canals which have been of our northern frontier, I would suggest the pro-suggested, are no doubt of the first importance to priety, should congress approve of the plan for a mi-the commerce, the manufactures, the agriculture, litary survey of the country to be hereafter propos- and political prosperity of the country; but are not, ed, to make a survey of it the duty of the engineers for that reason, less useful or necessary for military who may be designated for that purpose.

purposes. It is, in fact, one of the great advantages of For the defence of the other part of this line of our country, enjoying so many others, that, whether frontier, the most important objects are, a canal of we regard its internal improvements in relation to water communication between Albany and Lake military, civil, or political purposes, very nearly the George, and Lake Ontario, and between Pittsburg same system, in all its parts, is required. The road and Lake Erie. The two former have been com- or canal can scarcely be designated, which is highly menced by the state of New York, and will, when useful for military operations, which is not equally completed, connected with the great inland naviga-required for the industry or political prosperity of tion along the coast, enable the government, at a the community. If those roads or canals had been moderate expense, and in a short time, to transport pointed out, which are necessary for military purmunitions of war, and to concentrate its troops from poses only, the list would have been small indeed. any portion of the Atlantic states, fresh and unex-I have, therefore, presented all, without regarding hausted by the fatigue of marching on the inland the fact, that they might be employed for other uses, frontier of the state of New York. The road com- which, in the event of war, would be necessary to menced, by order of the executive, from Plattsburg give economy, certainty, and success to our military to Sackett's Harbor, is essentially connected with operations; and which, if they had been completed military operations on this portion of the northern before the late war, would, by their saving in that frontier. A water communication from Pittsburg single contest, in men, money, and reputation, more to Lake Erie would greatly increase our power than indemnified the country for the expense of their on the upper lakes. The Alleghany river, by its construction. I have not prepared an estimate of main branch, is said to be navigable within seven expenses, nor pointed out the particular routes for miles of Lake Erie, and by French creek, within the roads or canals recommended, as I conceive that sixteen miles. Pittsburg is the great military de-this can be ascertained with satisfaction only by able pot of the country to the west of the Alleghany, and skilful engineers, after a careful survey and exand, if it were connected by a canal with Lake amination.

Erie, would furnish military supplies with facility I would, therefore, respectfully suggest, as the to the upper lakes, as well as to the country water-basis of the system, and the first measure in the "plan ed by the Mississippi. If to these communications for the application of such means as are in the pow we add a road from Detroit to Ohio, which has al-er of congress," that congress should direct such a ready been commenced, and a canal from the Illi-survey and estimate to be made, and the result to be noise river to Lake Michigan, which the growing laid before them as soon as practicable. The expopulation of the state of Illinois renders very im-pense would be inconsiderable; for as the army can portant, all the facilities which would be essential "to carry on military operations in the time of war, and the transportation of the munitions of war" for the defence of the western portion of our northern frontier, would be afforded.

furnish able military and topographical engineers, it would principally be confined to the employment of one or more skilful civil engineers, to be associated with them. By their combined skill, an efficient system of military roads and canals would be preIt only remains to consider the system of roads sented in detail, accompanied with such estimates and canals connected with the defence of our south- of expenses as may be relied on. Thus, full and saern frontier, or that on the Gulf of Mexico. For the tisfactory information would be had; and though defence of this portion of our country, though at some time might be lost in the commencement of present weak of itself, nature has done much. The the system, it would be more than compensated by bay of Mobile, and the entrance into the Mississip-its assured efficiency when completed. pi through all of its channels, are highly capable of For the construction of the roads and canals, defence. A military survey has been made, and the which congress may choose to direct, the army, to a necessary fortifications have been commenced, and certain extent, may be brought in aid of the monied will be in a few years completed. But the real resources of the country. The propriety of employ strength of this frontier is the Mississippi, which is ing the army on works of public utility, cannot be no less the cause of its security, than that of its com-doubted. Labor adds to its usefulness and health. merce and weakh. Its rapid stream, aided by the A mere garrison life is equally hostile to its vigor and force of steam, can, in the hour of danger, concen- discipline. Both officers and men become the subtrate at once an irresistible force. Made strong by this noble river, little remains to be done by roads and canals, for the defence of our southern frontier. The continuation of the road along the Atlantic coast, from Milledgville to New Orleans, and the

jects of deleterious effects. But when the vast extent of our country is compared with the extent of our military establishments, and taking into consideration the necessity of employing the soldiers on fortifications, barracks, and roads, connected with

remote frontier posts, we ought not to be sanguine | the United States, on such terms and conditions as in the expectation of aid to be derived from the army in the construction of permanent military roads and canals, at a distance from the frontiers. When our military posts come to be extended up the Mississippi and Missouri, as far as is contemplated, the military frontier of the United States, not including sinuosities, and the coasts of navigable bays and lakes opening into our country, as was stated in a former report, will present a line of more than 9000 miles, and, including them, of more than 11,000. Thinly scattered along so extensive a frontier it will be impossible, I fear, without leaving some points exposed, to collect any considerable bodies in the interior of the country, to construct roads and ca


bined with a careful inspection and superintendance by skilful engineers, will enable the government to complete them with economy, durability, and despatch.

the arguments which are used, and the measures proposed, must be considered as depending on the decision of that question.

might be thought proper. In other cases, and where the army cannot be made to execute it, the work ought to be done by contract, under the superintendance and inspection of officers of the engineer corps, to be detailed for that purpose. It is thus the government will be able, it is thought, to construct on terms at least as favorable as corporate companies. The system of constructing all public works, which admit of it, by contract, would be attended with important advantages. It has recently been adopted in the contruction of fortifications, and it is expected will be attended with beneficial effects. The principal works at Mobile and New Orleans have been contracted for on terms considerably under the estimates of the engineers. Such a As connected with this subject, I would respect-system, extended to military roads and canals, comfully suggest the propriety of making an adequate provision for the soldiers, while regularly and continually employed, in constructing works of public utility. The present allowance is fifteen cents a day, which is considered sufficient in occasional fa- In the view which has been taken, I have thought tigue duty, such as is now done at most of the posts; it improper, under the resolution of the house, to but if systematic employ, on permanent works, discuss the constitutional question, or how far the should be made the regular duty of the soldiers, who system of internal improvements which has been can be spared for that purpose, a compensation, presented may be carried into effect on the princitaking into the estimate the obligation of the govern-ple of our government; and, therefore, the whole of ment to provide medical attendance and pensions to the deceased and disabled soldiers, not much short of the wages of daily labor, ought to be granted to them. Without such provision, which is dictated by justice, an increase of desertion, and difficulty in obtaining recruits, ought to be expected. Among the leading inducements to enlist, is the exemption from labor; and, if the life of a soldier should be equally subjected to it as that of other citizens in the same grade, he will prefer, if the wages are much inferior, to labor for himself, to laboring for the public. The Documents marked A. B. C. show the progress pay of a soldier is sixty dollars per annum, and, if he which have been made. These roads have been were allowed, when employed permanently on fa- commenced, and thus far completed by the labor of tigue, twenty-five cents a day; and suppose him to the soldiers, who, while they are so employed, rebe employed 200 days in the year, his compensation, ceive fifteen cents per day, with an extra allowance including his pay, would be 150 dollars per annum-a of a gill of whiskey. The labor of the troops is sum, it is thought, considerably short of the average the only means within the reach of the department, wages of labor. If this sum should be allowed, the of completing these roads; and, as the troops are so greater portion of it ought to be paid at the expira-employed, only when they are not engaged in active tion of the term of enlistment. If fifteen cents a service, it is impossible to state, with accuracy, day were so reserved, and the soldier should be em- when the roads will be completed. ployed one thousand days in the five years for which he is enlisted, it would constitute a sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, to be paid at the expiration of his term, which ought, in the same manner as the bounty land, be made to depend on an honorable discharge. This would furnish an important hold on the fidelity of the soldier, and would be a power- SIR-Your letter, covering a copy of one of the ful check on the great and growing crime of deser-11th of August, calling for a report of the labor tion. An honorable discharge is now worth but lit-performed on the road leading from Sackett's Martle to the soldier, and the consequence is, that deser-bor, through the Chateaugay country, is before me. tions are more frequent with those enlisted since My letter of the 29th November, will inform you the war, than those who were then enlisted, and are entitled to the bounty in land on their honorable discharge. The latter patiently waits the expiration of his term of service, while the former frequently seizes the first favorable opportunity for de


The only military roads which have been commenced, are from Plattsburg to Sackett's Harbor, through the Chateaugay country; from the southern boundary of the state of Tennessee, and crossing the Tennessee river near the Muscle Shoals, to Madisonville, Louisiana; and from Detroit to Fort Meigs, at the foot of the Rapids of the Miami of the Lakes.

The Hon. Henry Clay,


Speaker of the house of representatives.
Head-quarters, Brownsville,
6th December, 1818..

what has been done, but I fear will not exhibit the progress of this work to the extent you have expected. It may, therefore, be proper to state, in this place, that when the president, in the autumn of 1817, directed the road in question to be opened and improved, I did not understand, that the second Should congress think proper to commence a sys-regiment were to be ordered from the duty they tem of roads and canals for the "more complete de- were then upon. This regiment, at the time referfence of the United States," the disbursements of ed to, were employed, enclosing with pickets the the sums appropriated for the purpose might be public ground at Sackett's Harbor, and that duty made by the department of war, under direction of occupied them the remainder of the season. the president. Where incorporate companies are pecting the troops at the Harbor would have been already formed, or the road or canal commenced un- employed in completing the barracks at that place der the superintendance of a st te, it perhaps would this year, they were not put upon the road, but be advisable to direct a subscription on the part of allowed to be engaged in improving the public


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