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Button or needle,

All great undertakings, such as the establishment Under Charles the II. the prohibition was extendof extensive manufactures, require heavy disbursements previous to their commencing operations; Wool-cards and in their incipient state are attended with great Iron wire difficulty, in consequence of which they too fre- Bone-lace The list of articles at present prohibited to be quently fail of success in all countries, and involve the undertakers in ruin. While they are in this pe-imported into Great Britain, is not quite so formidarilous situation, the aid of government is necessary, ble as that of Edward IV. They are as follows:Silk or leather mitsShapes for gloves or and gloves and wisdom commands to afford it. Small temporary sacrifices are abundantly compensated, by imsilver, or metal mense permanent national advantages. We shall Needle-work furnish noble instances of this kind, on a large and Plate liberal scale, worthy of a great nation, when we enRibands ter on the discussion of the policy of France.

It was by these means that the woolen manufac

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Chocolate and cocos Manufactures of gold, Silk


Cocoa nut shells or Laces


Silk stockings

Velvet, and wire.t


The penalties for the importation of some of those articles are very severe. Besides the confiscation of the goods, there is a forfeiture of two hundred pounds sterling for every offence, in the case of leather gloves.

tures were first established in England. Edward III., a wise prince, held out great inducements to the manufacturers in that branch, to remove from Flanders to England. "Very great privileges were The most general mode, however, of encouraggranted, and pensions were allowed them from every crown, till they should be able to gain a comfortable live-ing domestic industry in Great Britain, at present, is lihood by their ingenuity and industry.' Further, to favor and foster this infant manufac- by the imposition of such heavy duties, as in most cases amount to prohibition; or, if the rival artiture, the exportation of wool, and the importation cles will still admit of importation, they cannot from of foreign cloths was prohibited.t the necessary advance of price, materially affect the Such was the degree of care and attention unde-native manufacturer, We annex a list of some of viatingly bestowed on it, that "in the short and tur- the articles, with the amount of duties imposed on bulent reign of Henry IV." who reigned but fourteen years, and was almost constantly at war, "there were no fewer than twelve acts of parliament made for the regulation and encouragement of that manufacture; for preventing the exportation of wool and importation of cloth; and for guarding against frauds in the fabrication of it at home."

It is obvious that the continuance of bounties beyond the infancy of manufactures, would be oppressive to a nation, and waste its treasures. And therefore as soon as they are established, the English go vernment has usually adopted a more effectual mode of fostering them, by the total prohibition of the rival articles, or by the imposition of such heavy duties as nearly amount to prohibition, and thus securing to its own subjects the whole or principal part of the domestic market.

In the year 1463, under Edward IV. the wisdom and policy of fostering domestic industry having become generally understood, the prohibition of importation, which had previously been confined chiefly to woolens, was extended to a very great variety of articles, viz. Woolen caps Woolen cloths








Fringes of silk


Ditto of thread

Laces of thread

Silk twined

Silk in any wise broidered

Laces of gold

Painted ware


Harness for girdles, ofRings of copper, or of
iron, latten, steel, latten guilt

tin, or alkemine Chaffing-dishes

tanned leather

em-Any thing wrought of Hanging candlesticks
Rings for curtains

Any tanned furs

Ditto of silk and gold Buskins

All harness pertaining Corks





to saddles

[blocks in formation]








Playing cards


Counterfeit basins
Wool cards

White wire

If detected in the importation,they were to be forfeited, one half to the king, and

[blocks in formation]

To 851. 108. per 1007.

Cotton stockings. Cotton caps.

Cotton thread. Linen sails To 1147. per 1007.

Glass bottles, rough plate glass, German sheet glass, glass many.

To 1421. 108. per 1007,
Leather fan mounts any way dressed
Linens chequered or Articles made of lea

striped, painted or
Skins or furs, tanned,
tawed, curried or

Articles whereof lea-
ther is the most va-

luable part Hides, or pieces of hides, tanned, taw ed, or in any way dressed.

Here an important consideration arises, that dethe other to the in-mands the most sober and serious consideration of former. the people of the United States, in their future policy. An idea has long been entertained, by many well-meaning people, that to secure the home mar

*Mortimer's Elements of Commerce, p. 16.
+Anderson's History of Commerce, I. 401.
#Henry's History of Great Britain, X. 187.
Anderson's History of Commerce, I. 636

Postlethwaite's Dictionary of Commerce, 1.975.

+Pope's Practical Abridgment of the Laws of Customs and Excise, Title 284.

ket to our own manufacturers, operates merely to enable them to prey on and oppress their fellow citizens, by extorting extravagant and exorbitant prices for their productions. And hence many of our planters and farmers have uniformly opposed, in congress, duties for the mere purpose of protecting manufactures. There are some who have openly avowed, that their sole view in laying impost duties, is to provide a revenue for the expenses of the government. And a writer of considerable celebrity, John Taylor, esq. of Caroline county, Virginia, in his Arator, has devoted a number of chapters to prove that every dollar given by a nation as bounty, or imposed as duty, to protect domestic manufactures, is a dollar robbed from the pockets of the farmers and planters!

terests of its constituents, so far as respects domestic industry in all its various forms.

We might extend the consideration of the wonderful excellence and immense advantages of the British policy respecting manufactures, trade and commerce, to volumes. The subject appears inex haustible. But our limits forbid much detail, and constrain us to confine ourselves to two points:I. The immense wealth Great Britain acquires by her system; and

II. The astonishing increase of power it has secur. ed her.

I. We shall, on the first point, confine ourselves to the four great manufactures, linen, cotton, woolen and leather, and make no doubt, the statement will astonish our fellow citizens, and remove all doubt of the correctness of the high eulogiums we have hazarded on the British policy.

It is a trite but indisputable truth, that one solid, well established fact, bearing upon any particular point, will countervail a long train of arguments, According to Colquhoun, the proceeds of the cothowever plausible, which militate against that fact. ton manufactures are 29,000,0001; of the woolen, Behold a case, which must operate to open the eyes 26,000,000!; of the linen, 15,000,0007.; and of the of every man accessible to conviction. There is leather, 15,000,000l.; being, in the whole, 85,000,000/ probably no country in the world, where the system sterling: whereas the cost of the raw materials is onof prohibitions and heavy prohibitory duties is car-ly 22,000,000.; of which the cotton amounts to ried farther than in England: and yet, notwithstand -6,000,0001. the woolen to 8,000,000%. the linen to ing this circumstance, and the enormous burden of 5,000,0007. and the leather to 3,000,000* Thus setaxation which she sustains, as well as the boundless curing a gain to the nation of 63,000,000 of pounds extent of her paper money, which must enhance the sterling, or above 270,000,000 of dollars annually. expenses of living, she is able to meet in their own This at once solves the mystery of the wonderful markets, and undersell, a large proportion of the "power and resources" of Great Britain, and estamanufacturers of all the other nations of christen-blishes beyond controversy the wisdom of its policy; dom. This mighty and never-to-be-controverted which is, in every respect, let us observe, the antifact, sets the question at rest forever, and establish- podes of the doctrines of Adam Smith in the Wealth es on the firmest basis the luminous maxim of Alex- of Nations. ander Hamilton, a maxim that ought to be written in letters of gold, and affixed in a conspicuous place in the hall of congress, that powerful body, on whose wisdom or errors depend the prosperity or decay of a mighty empire:

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What stupendous facts! What a lesson to the legislators of other countries, particularly the United States! We possess the capacity of raising the raw material of the cotton manufacture, the chief of the

four kinds above stated, to an extent commensurate with the demand of the whole world; and we could, "Though it were true, that the immediate and certain with ease, if proper encouragement were afforded, effect of regulations controlling the competition of fo-produce the materials of the other three, in sufficireign with domestic fabrics, was an increase of price, it is universally true, that THE CONTRARY IS THE ULTI


ent quantity for all our purposes.

II. The second point, to which we wish to turn the attention of our fellow citizens, in order to establish the soundness of the system of political economy pursued in England, is the wonderful increase of power it has secured her.

When a domestic manufacture has attained to perfectim, and has engaged in the prosecution ofit a competent number of persons, IT INVARIABLY BECOMES CHEAPER. Being free from the heavy charges which attend the importation of foreign commodities, it can be afforded For twenty years she was the main support of a cheaper, and accordingly seldom or never fails to be sold war of unexampled expenditures, against the most cheaper, in process of time, than was the foreign article gigantic combination of power, and the most formidfor which it is a substitute. The internal competitionable monarch, that Europe has beheld for a thouwhich takes place, soon does away every thing like mo-sand years. From her resources alone it arose, nopoly; and by degrees REDUCES THE PRICE OF THE AR-that he did not arrive at universal empire. She not TICLE TO THE MINIMUM OF A REASONABLE PROFIT ON only preserved herself from the loss of her own possessions, but conquered colonies and dependencies This accords with the reason of the thing, and with experience." of her enemies, of great extent and immense value. Her revenue for the year 1812, was above 63,500The true tests of the excellence or folly of any 000+ and in the same year, her expenditure was system, are its results when carried fully into ope-above 112,000,000Z‡. ration. These confirm sound theories, however unpopular they may appear on a superficial view; and set the seal of reprobation on pernicious ones, how plausible soever an aspect they wear on paper.


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By this touchstone, let us judge the political economy of England, and on a fair examination, we shall unhesitatingly bestow the most unequalled plaudit on her parliament, for the admirable and incomparable system it has devised. We may fairly assert, without the least danger of contradiction, that there never existed a legislative body which bestowed more attention on the solid, substantial, and vital in

*Hamilton's works, 1.212.

During the whole of this war, she was not obliged to borrow money from any nation; but made large loans to several. She subsidized some of the first ratę monarchs in Europe.

Her enormous debt, which according to Colqu houn, amounted at the close of 1813 to above 900000,000, is wholly owned by her own subjects,

*Colquhoun on the wealth, power and resources of the British empire, p. 91. †Idem, 258,

#Idem, 261.

Page 273. He states, however, in this page, that 236,000,0001. of this debt have been redeemed.

@xcept about 17,000,000%, purchased and owned by foreigners.

tuation of our affairs. No two nations ever carried on intercourse on terms more entirely destitute of reciprocity: and hence our citizens on the banks of the Missouri are clothed with fabrics manufactured in Hindostan, while thousands of use:ul men, women and children, capable of furnishing superior goods, at equal prices, are literally pining in wretch

It is no impeachment to the merits of her system, that her paupers amount to above 1,500,000, and her poor tax to 6,000,0001. sterling, equal to 26,000,000 of dollars. This lamentable feature in her affairs, arises from the wasteful and ruinous wars she has maintained, which alone have prevented the coun-edness, in our towns and cities, for want of employtry from being an earthly paradise.

Since the war, she has been enabled to lay this country under heavy contribution, so that there is an enormous debt due her, notwithstanding she has possessed herself of a very large portion of our bank and other public stocks, which will yield her a great and permanent income, at the expense of the

United States.

To her support of domestic industry alone, she chiefly owes these capacities and advantages, and the inordinate power she possesses. Were she to abandon her system, and adopt that of Adam Smith, she could not fail, in a few years, to be reduced to a level with Spain and Portugal. All her treasures would be drawn away to the East Indies, France, Germany, &c.

Trusting to the good sense of our fellow-citizens, for duly weighing the great mass of important facts presented to their view, we shall close with a comparison between the policy of Great Britain and that of the United States, on a few plain and simple points:

GREAT BRITAIN Prohibits the importation of calicoes. silks, threads, ribands, velvets, &c. even from her own dependencies. (see page 3.)

She imposes a duty of 85 per cent ad valorem on various ar ticles of cotton, the production of those dependencies.

She imposes a duty of 79 per cent ad valorem on carthen


She imposes a duty of 142 1-2 per cent on leather manufactures.

BRITISH DUTIES. Woolen cloths, per yard, 348. equal to about 7 dols. 50 ets. Hats, per piece, 34s. or 7 dols.

50 cts.

THE UNITED STATES Prohibit no manufactured ar ticles whatever, however great the capacity of our citizens to supply them.

They admit all cotton fabrics, of every denomination, from Great Britain and her depen dencies, and any other part of the globe, at 27 1-2 per cent. Although they could supply themselves superabundantly with earthenware, they admit it at 22 per cent!!!

25 per cent ad valorem.

30 per cent.

20 per cent.

ment, and many of them driven to mendicity, to support a miserable existence! and while our country is impoverished, and its wealth exhausted, to support the manufacturers of the East Indies and every part of Europe. And why (let us solemnly ask) does this lamentable state of things exist? Because, in the language of Adam Smith, "foreign countries can furnish us with commodities cheaper than we ourselves can make them," and we have thought it "better to buy from them, with some part of the pro duce of our own industry!"

On the subject of drawbacks, we forbear to descant; as that part of the English system is in operation in the United States:

Every prudent merchant, farmer, or planter, commencing his career of business, will naturally enquire into the plans acted on by those engaged in similar pursuits, before he determines on his own. Those dictated by wisdom, tested by long experi ence, and attended with success, he will study as rules by which to regulate his conduct. Those emanating from folly, sinister views, or empiricism, he will regard as beacons to warn him to beware.

This conduct, indisputably wise in private life, is imperiously the duty of those on whom rests the high responsibility of regulating the career of nations, particularly in their infancy or youth. This is a duty which no enlightened or honest legislature will ever neglect.

We trust, therefore, that a calm and candid observation of the fatal consequences of adopting the doctrines of Adam Smith, as well as of the transcenThey admit leather manufac-dent benefits, public and private, resulting from the tures at 33 per cent. English system, which is in undeviating hostility COMPARISON CONTINUED: UNITED STATES' DUTIES with that of the doctor, will serve to display the true policy which this country ought to pursue, in order to fill the high destiny which appears allotted to her in the course of human events; and induce the legislature of the union, to devote that attention to the protection of domestic industry, without which the United States can never hope to be really independent, or to enjoy that degree of prospe The annals of legislation and revenue cannot pro-rity and happiness which God and nature have duce a stonger contrast between the most profound placed within their grasp; and which cannot be nepolicy ahd its direct opposite. glected without a most culpable dereliction of our duty to ourselves and our posterity, on whom the folly or wisdom of our councils will operate when we are consigned to the peaceful grave,

Glass bottles, 114 per cent.
Linens, not chequered or

striped, 63 per cent.

Linens, chequered or striped, 142 per cent.

16 1-2 per cent.

16 1-2 per cent.

Thus we see that Great Britain, possessing machinery which increases her powers of manufacturing at the rate of two hundred for one, does not rely on that for the protection of her domestic industry; but interposes the powerful shield of prohibition and enormous duties, to preserve them from danger, while the United States, which had, at the close of the war, a great number of important and extensive manufacturing establishments, and invaluable machinery, erected and advantageously employed during its continuance, and although blessed by a bounteous Heaven with a boundless capacity, for such establishments, have, for want of adequate protection, suffered a large portion of them to go to decay, and their proprietors to be involved in ruin, the helpless victims of a misplaced reliance on that protection.

Foreign Articles.


London dates to the 16th March.

A bank has lately been discovered off the Shetland islands, which is resorted to by great numbers of cod-fish. The length of the bank is about 140 miles, the breadth from 18 to 25--depth of water from 28 to 49 fathoms. Thirteen vessels, of about 35 tons, and manned by 6 or 8 hands each, caught so many fish as gave a profit of 30001. One vessel, "in a tide or day, caught 1200 fish." The adjacent shores of the islands possess superior advantages for drying the fish,

The comparison might be pursued to a very great extent: but we trust there is enough stated, to enaPrice of American stocks, at London on the 10th of ble our fellowcitizens to account for the prostrate si-March-U. S. 6 per cents 98 a 100. Bank shares, Calquhoun, 125. 217. nominal.

A letter from Liverpool says, the import of cotton, from the 10th of Feb. to the 10th of March, was 27,462 bags-11,979 from the United States, 10,000 from the East Indies, 4,580 from Brazil, and 903 from other places. Prices again declining.

though the election was over. The horse guards had been called out to preserve the peace.

A late London paper states, that no less than 500 persons, in the parish of Potsea, are about to emigrate to the U. States.

The state of the British navy is enquired into. The establishment is considerably greater than usual in peace, and many very fine vessels are buildingespecially frigates of 46 guns.

An express has been sent from England to Calcutta, over-land, with orders to prevent any further shipments of cotton. The despatches are engaged to be delivered in three months from leaving. The English merchants are likely to be indemni- In the British house of commons after a very infied by Russia for 140 vessels and cargoes, under neu-teresting inquiry, a debate on the petition against tral flags detained by Russia in 1810, principally the Hon. Windham Quin, a member from Limerick, loaded with colonial produce. charging him of bribing; a resolution against him was negatived; Ayes 73, Noes 162.

A dreadful epedemic is spreading in Scotland-90 persons died of it in one week at Dundee.

A letter from Liverpool says "The cession of the The Brit agricultural report for February says Floridas, the news of which was received by the "By general report, wages are very low, and many Magnet, has made considerable stir among the powretched laborers, in most parts, in a state of mendi-liticians; but the public attention is more particularcancy." A letter from Manchester says, 50,000 ly engrossed by the accounts received of the apweavers will be out of employ in that town and proval of gen. Jackson's conduct. Parliament is neighborhood, if business continued as it then was pledged to take the subject into consideration. (March 10) to the end of April-and "insurrectiona-The ministerial party have evinced a backwardness ry movements" are spoken of. "500 young poplars with regard to it, for which reason, it is said, the ophave been cut from a single plantation near Stock-position are urging a discussion." port, as supposed for pike handles!"

Price of bullion on the 11th of March; foreign gold 41. 18. 6d; new doubloons 47. 2s; silver in bars, standard, 58, 6d.

An Algerine ambassador is at present in London. A Persian minister was soon expected, having reached Paris. Latour Maubourg is to be the new French ambassador to the court of St. James.

By an account of the amount of bank notes and In a late debate in the house of commons it was bank post bills in circulation from the 25th January, stated by one of the members that there was in 1819, to the 1st instant, it appears that on the 27th England and Wales, 25,000 miles of turnpike road, January the amount was 27,176,5807. and on the 1st which originally cost upwards of seven millions of March 24, 991,4101. being 2,185,1707. less at the lat-money, and that the annual expense of keeping ter period than at the former. them in repair exceeded twelve hundred thousand pounds.

A parish clerk in a chapel of Ease at Meltham in Yorkshire, being ordered to advertise a horse, described it as follows-Stolen, or otherwise conveyed from Hallam, near Bedlam, a horse 15 hands high, four white feet, and a black one. God save the king, with a pack-saddle on his back."

The latest accounts from Italy say, "the princess of Wales is still at Pesaro. Young Austin, whom she has brought up from his childhood, is called Prince by his attendants."

A fellow sold his wife at public auction, on a late market day, at Retford, in England, for 2s. 6d. She was a good looking woman of about 20 years of age.

Junius. The real author of Junius is again said to be discovered-for about the fortieth time. The present claim is in favor of a Dr. Wilmot, late of Oxford universitiy..

Purity of parliament.-The following advertisement appeared in the West Briton, a paper published at Truro, in the "free and independent county of

London, March 15. A phenomenon, which tends to elu idate the origin and nature of funguses, parti-Cornwall." cularly of that species termed mushroom, lately "To gentlemen of fortune. Any two gentlemen, occurred to the observation of Sir Joseph Banks. who would wish to secure seats at the next parlia Having a cask of wine rather too sweet for immedi-ment, may be accommodated at the borough of ate use, he directed that it should be placed in a Launceston. There are but fifteen votes, majority cellar, that the saccharine it contained might be eight. All letters, directed for A. B. to be left at more perfectly decomposed by age. At the end of the Exeter post office, will be duly attended to. three years he directed his butler to ascertain the Jan. 24, 1819. state of the wine; when, on attempting to open the cellar door, he could not effect it in consequence of some powerful obstacle. The door was therefore cat down, when the cellar was found to be completely filled with a firm fungus vegetable production, so firm that it was necessary to use the axe for its removal. This appeared to have grown from, or have been nourished by, the decomposed particles of the wine; the cask being empty and carried up to the ceiling, where it was supported by the surface of the fungus.

Later London papers of April 1.

3 per cent. cons. April 1, 743 7-8, The secret committees about the bank had not concluded their investigations on the 1st April.

Cotton, at Liverpool, April 3, 11 to 13, uplands. Am. flour, 30 a 40.

An Irish telescope.-Sir Frederick Flood was one day observing to a friend that he had a most excellent Telescope.-"Do you see yon church," said he, "about half a mile off?-it's scarcely discernable but when I look at it through my telescope, it brings it so close that I can hear the organs playing."


A great stagnation of business exists in France. Many new and heavy failures have occurred.

Regnault de St. Jean d'Angely and the duke of Bassano, have received leave to return to France.

The Moniteur of the 6th of March contains a decree of the king by which fifty nine new members are added to the French chamber of peers. They are of those who were most distinguished in the days of Napoleon, and are called "our cousin." Among them, are the dukes of Albufera, Conegliano, EckOne hundred thousand dollars of U. States six per muhl, Dantzick, and Treviso, and count Jordan, all cent. stock, was put up at auction in London on the marshalls under Bonaparte. We see also the names 1st inst. and withdrawn, the highest bid being 95. of Lacepede, Chaptal, Cadore, Latour-Maubourgs Westminster was a scene of uproar and confusion, | Rapp, Potalis, Lebrun, &c.

This proceeding seems very much to have alarm-peers had chiefly taken their seats, without further ed the good royalists of France, and not a little dis-opposition.

pleased those of England, also. On the 8th, the Eighty-two of the present peers of France being French chamber of peers was on the point of be- without heirs-some more new nobles are to be made coming a scene of commotion-it is said that several to keep up the important breed. There is some even grasped their swords! It was on the proposi- talk that the king, notwithstanding his age and infirtion of count Lamoignon to protest against the roy-mities, is to be married again.

al ordinance-but the president put an end to his Late accounts from Nismes represent that city as speech by suddenly adjourning the sitting, in the a scene of confusion and disorder. No actual murmiddle of his harangue! ders had been committed, but it was every day ap

The memoirs of count Las Cases have been seiz

Some of the English papers appear deeply con-prehended that the butcheries of 1815, when many cerned on account of this thing;of "calling to the ser-protestants were killed, would be repeated. Some vice of the crown its ancient enemies, "and asks"why priests, are doubtless, at the bottom of this business. are not the manes of Ney and Labadoyere propitiat-The protestants were prepared for to make battle, ed by some posthumous atonement?"-they having if attacked; and resolved not to be killed off unresistbeen of the same class of men now cherished, &c. ing. It is, probably, the great talents of these men that the English do not like. It is suspected that the ed at the booksellers-unpublished. king of France has acted thus to strengthen himself London, March 25. We have received the Paris and his ministry against the ultra royalists, who journals of last Sunday. The finance minister openwould be glad if the country were to regrade to fed to the chamber of deputies the ways and means that state of things when Englishmen always called for the current year; which he said would be suffithe Frenchmen "slaves." cient to meet the expenditure without recurring to

The following list will shew the political charac-fresh taxes. ter of the new batch of peers created by the king of France.

[blocks in formation]

Ministers of Bonaparte

Lieutenant generals of Bonaparte

Unknon peers
Decided Royalist

The total demands of the public service have been already stated at 889,210,000 francs-more than 6 equivalent, as we observed on a former occasion, to 22 37,000,0001. Of the ways and means described by the minister, the following are the principal items. 3 viz.


3 Direct contributions on land tax
2 Domains, registry, and stamp duties
6 Forests

1 Customs

The struggle between the liberales and ultras is hastening to a crisis-and one or the other must go completely down.

The chamber of peers of France was composed of 208 members, not including the sons of France, the princes of the blood, and the chancellor, president of the chamber. The royal ordinance, increases the number to 270.

St. Jean d'Angely who had obtained permission to return to France, arrived at Paris March 10, and died the day after of the gout in the stomach.

A certain woman wished a second husband while her first was living. The latter had been transported for life, for some offence against the state, and was civilly dead. She carried her case through the different courts, and at last accomplished her purpose. Such appears to be the law of France; at which the attorney-general expressed his regret.

The frontier towns of France, dismantled by the allies, are preparing to be put in a state of defence. Clerical venality. The French bishops have thought fit to write to his majesty a letter, pressing him to put in execution the concordat concluded by M. Blacas, with the holy see, but never yet submitted to the approbation of the French legislature, from a well grounded belief, as we have always heard, that the treaty would be there rejected. The bishops do not pray the king to lay the concordat before the chambers, but they urge him to enforce it and act upon it, without the consent of those two bodies, by virtue of his own supreme will and absolute prerogative!-They tell him, in so many words, that as the charter emanated from his own supreme will, so his will is its sole interpreter; and, in fact that he may put what meaning upon any, or all of its provisions, that best suits the royal pleasure and judgment, without the control or interference of any assembly whatever!

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12,500,000 5,298,500

5,180,009 11,200,000 889,209,000

On the presentation of a projet de loi on the preceding estimates, a debate took place, which was conducted so disorderly, that the president was disrespected and the assembly broke up in great confusion.


The Austrian commissioner who accompanied Na poleon to St. Helena, has returned to Vienna. Report says that the exile is writing his own life, and that permission has been granted to his mother to send him two priests and the plate and furniture necessary for a chapel. A letter from St. Helena, dated Dec. 23, 1818, says "No person is now seen to speak to general Bertrand, or even to poor Madame Bertrand, as (independent of the proclamation) sir Hudson Lowe has officially prohibited any intercourse with them."

It also gives a hideous description of the new. house erecting for his accommodation [or tomb], says that he has not received the new physician sent to him, spoken to an Englishman since July last, or been seen out further than the balcony in front of his room.


Paris paper. A German paper estimates the fortune of the Later. We have Paris dates of March 29-the prince of Peace at 100,000,000 Spanish dollars, of

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