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result of my labors; and I flatter myself that it will be found, on impartial examination and trial, to be an important acquisition to the agricultural and milling interest.

saw, moved by a steam machine; but the medium work of these saws is about twelve slabs to the inch. The only saw that I have seen in motion, was ten feet in diamater and worked with admirable preciThe mere act of "chaffing" can be performed by sion. The wood to be cut was placed vertically winnowing, the mode practised by our ancestors long against it, by means of a cog-wheel which produced before the invention of fans, and still in use by the a progressive motion of about 3 inches per minute. great majority of the farmers of every country, but This ingenious machine appeared to me perfectly the separation of garlic and other noxious seeds adapted to its end. (Extract from the British librafrom wheat, at the time of chaffing, was the object I ry, March, 1815.) had in viw; if I have succeeded in this, (as I confidently believe I have) I have no doubt but a generous and enlightened public will patronize my efforts.

The gentlemen, members of the agricultural society of Maryland, are respecfully invited to examine and prove my fan, and their patronage is solicited in proportion to its utility.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obed't. serv't. THOMAS WILSON. Orders sent to the patentee, Gunpowder, Baltimore county, or left at No. 6, Market street, (post paid) will be duly attended to.

"The Belt Saw."


The saw without an end-Of M. Touroude. This machine is principally composed of a blade plate of a saw, where the two ends are united; or rather, it is without end. It embraces two circular surfaces (plateaux) turning upon their axes, and placed at a distance, greater or less, according to the length of the saw.

These surfaces are mounted upon a frame in such a manner, that, in giving them a rotary motion, in the same direction, the saw plate is made to cut the wood, which is fixed upon a carriage in the ordinary


Admirable Order.

The following is a curious order of the day issued by Bonaparte, when first consul, on the occasion of an act of suicide committed by a horse grenadier. Extract from the orderly book of the horse grenadiers of the consular guard.

Order of the 22d Floreal, (year 10.)

The grenadier GROBBIN has destroyed himself in consequence of a love affair. He was otherwise a respectable man. This is the second event of the kind which has happened in the corps within a month.

The first consul has directed that it should be in. serted in the order of the day of the guard, that a soldier ought to know how to subdue sorrow and the agitation of the passions; that there is as much courage in enduring with firmness the pains of the heart as in remaining steady under the grape-shot of a battery. To abandon one's self to grief without resistance, to kill one's self in order to escape from it, is to fly from the field of battle before one is conquered.

(Signed) A true copy

BONAPARTE, first consul.

Colonization Society.

of the board of managers of the American colanization society to the public.

A weight, proportioned to the hardness and thick-Address ness of the wood to be cut, causes that to advance against the part of the saw, which forms a right line The period has arrived when the American Colotangent to the two surfaces that it embraces, and nization society is called to increased activity and which causes it to circulate by the friction. extended operations. The attention of the society The circular saw cuts the wood without interrup-has hitherto been principally engaged in collecting tion, as long as the surfaces, which serve as movers, are made to turn. It performs, according to M. Touroude, more work than an ordinary saw, which cuts only in descending, and ought not to be confound ed with the circular saw called fraises.

M. Touroude has erected on the principle of the belt saw, a mill to cut wood after a certain measure, which answered advantageously for cutting the thread [les liteaux] which composed the pipe of Ar chimedes' screw [le tuyau de la vis d'Archimede.] This new mill cannot perhaps replace that of the old ones, but it can be usefully employed, in a number of circumstances, to cut wood, and to give rise to a combination of new machines equally useful. (Buletin de la Societe d'Encouragement, Jullet, 1815.)

and diffusing information. The information thus collected is sufficient to satisfy every candid and judicious enquirer, that the establishment of a colony on the west coast of Africa is safe and practicable, and that it will be of great benefit both to this country and to Africa. We believe, likewise, that there is a debt of justice and of moral obligation due from the people of this country to Africans, and their decendants in both continents, which can be discharged more satisfactorily and beneficially, to each, in this way, than in any other. The board of managers, therefore, some time since, came to the resolution of commencing the colony as soon as funds could be procured, and the necessary arrangements made. The board have since been engaged in preparatory measures for these arrangements, a brief statement of which it is proposed to lay before the NEWLY INVENTED SAW FOR CUTTING VENEERING.public. In the number of circumstances which have A Traveller gives the following description of this since occurred to strengthen their hands and eninvention: courage their hearts, animate their zeal and quickThe inventor of these saws is a Frenchman nam-en their diligence, they gratefully recognize the ed M. Brunot, a mechanic, established for a long smiles of Providence on their humble efforts. time past in England, and who receives from par- It is already known to the public, that the manaliament an annual pension of 300 pounds sterling, gers laid before congress, at the last session, a great as a recompense for the invention of different ma-variety of documents, and other valuable informachines which are employed with much success in the ship yards at Portsmouth.

Translated from the same work,

He has succeeded in sawing an inch thickness of mahogany into thirty slabs, by means of the circular

tion, relative to the proposed colony and the slave trade, selections from which have been published by that body, with the second annual report of the society. The shortness of the session, and the masa


The board unanimously determined to avail themselves of the privilege contained in this law, and to send an agent to Georgia to comply with the conditions, and to take charge of these unhappy victims of violence and fraud, for the purpose of returning them to their native soil. Preparations are making, with the aid of the government, for a safe asylum, (2.) where they will be provided for and instructed till the colony can be prepared for their reception. Providence has thus entarged the sphere of usefulness and the field of exertion for the society. The managers are called to a more active duty, and an opportunity is thus given to the public, in the com

of other important business before congress, did not leave sufficient time for the discussion and consideration of the question of colonization. At the close of the session, however, an important law passed, entitled "An act in addition to the acts prohibiting the slave trade." This law was zealously supported by the friends of the society, and, shortly after its passage, a committee was appointed by the board to wait on the president of the U. States and the heads of departments, to tender the services of the managers in any way in which they might be useful in carrying it into effect. From the measures adopted by the executive, it is probable, that there will be a number of captured negroes to be pro-mencement of our operations, to test the sincerity vided for before the end of the year; and assurances of those expressions of detestation so frequently having been given that, if the society would pro- uttered against the slave trade, and of those frecure a proper situation in Africa, the captured ne- quent professions of sympathy for the abused and groes should be put under its care, and be provided oppressed Africans. The call is urgent, the ocfor at the public expense, the course to be pursued casion pressing, the time short; much is to be by the board could no longer remain doubtful. A done in a few days, or these unhappy beings will be number of free people of color, in different parts of beyond our reach. It is supposed that about five the United States, have already offered themselves thousand dollars may be required for this object, for the colony. To select those best qualified to lay and, as there is not time to make personal applicathe foundation of this infant establishment, the ma- tion to individuals, it is requested that the auxiliary nagers feel is of the utmost importance to its future societies and individuals favorable to this object, character and prosperity. To aid in this and other will make immediate exertions to raise funds to enaimportant preparatory measures, the board has ap-ble the board to comply with the conditions of the pointed the Rev. William Meade, of Virginia, agent Georgia law. Money collected for this purpose, of the society. To those who know Mr. Meade, and donations for the general object of the society, the value of his labors and the importance of his may be forwarded to David English, cashier of the pastoral services, this appointment will be one of Union bank of Georgetown, District of Columbia, the highest pledges which the managers can give treasurer of the society. to the public of the importance of the duties in which they are engaged, and of their zeal and perseverance in their discharge.

The managers have entered upon these duties, and engaged in these measures, with an humble dependence upon Divine Providence, and a firm reliance on the justice, humanity, and liberality of their fellow citizens, that the necessary pecuniary aid will be afforded for the prosecution of their plans For the purpose of collecting funds, and of giving and procuring information, agents will be sent to the different cities in the United States, and to such other places as will be convenient. It is hoped that associations will be formed in different parts of the United States to aid the society. Over so widely extended a country much must be left to the voluntary exertions of the people,

We know that we commence our operations and make this call at a time peculiarly embarrassing. Times and seasons are in the hands of Him who doeth what seemeth to him right, and can overrule all to our good. He who giveth for such objects, but lendeth to the Lord. We have followed what we believe to be the openings of Providence. This time may be selected to try our faith, and test our sincerity. The widow's mite was more acceptable than the costly offerings of the great. Will not, then, the sacrifices now made in a proper spirit, be more acceptable than the offerings from the overflowings of abundance?

By order of the board of managers.

E. B. CALDWELL, Secretary. JNO. UNDERWOOD, Recording secretary,

(Note 1.)

From the Georgia paper.

SALE OF AFRICAN SLAVES. On Tuesday, the 4th of May next, in the town of Milledgeville, will be exposed to public sale, to the highest bidder, between thirty and forty prime African slaves, which have been taken possession of by the state of Georgia, in consequence of their having been introduced contrary to the laws of the state, and of the U. States. Indisputable titles will be made, and prompt payment required. By order of the governor.

We have, however, now to make a more pressing call for immediate relief and aid. A few days since, the hon. Wm, H. Crawford, secretary of the treasury, one of the vice presidents of the society, transmitted to the board of managers an advertisement in a Georgia newspaper, offering for sale, on the 4th of May next, thirty or forty negroes, who had been introduced into the state in violation of the law prohibiting the slave trade. (1.) The law of Georgia, directing these sales, passed December 19th, 1817, may be found in the appendix to the second annual report of the society, p. 91, letter 1. By the third section of that law, it is provided, "That if, previous to any sale of any such persons of color, the society for colonizing the free persons of color, within the United States, will undertake to transport George W. P. Custis, esq. of Arlington, the grandthem to Africa, or any other foreign place, which they may procure as a colony for free persons of son of Mrs. Washington, cheerfully offered the use color, at the sole expense of said society, and shall of his island near Cape Charles, at the mouth of the likewise pay to his excellency the governor all Chesapeake bay, and accompanied the offer with a expenses incurred by the state since they have been refusal to accept any compensation. It is called captured and condemned, his excellency the go-Smith's Island; and is happily adapted, and most favernor is authorised and requested to aid in promot-vorably located for the purpose; and has been se ing the benevolent views of said society in such a lected by the president of the United States for the captured Africans, till they can be sent to Africa. manner as he may deem expedient."


(Note 2.)

[blocks in formation]

Three per cent. stock
Louisiana six per cent. stock

Six per cent. stock of 1796
Exchanged six per cent. stock of 1812

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

1,262 212 96

4,067,678 69 13,465,088 25 10,291.700 80,000

2,669,103 99






do. Treasury note stock

6,206,502 12

15,522,272 81

7 1-2 do.

6,836.332 39

1814-25 & 3 do. 1815

13,011,455 19

9,505,525 41

1,033,961 13

8,955,884 09

7,000,000 00

-68,071,933 14 dolls 99,907,721 43

Seven per cent, do.

Five per cent. stoek, (subscription to bank

of United States,

Treasury department, Register's office. Nov. 18. 1818,



Statement of the funded debt of the U. States, on the 1st Jan. 1818. Old six per et stock, (unredeem. amount) 711.365 70

Def: rred do.

Three per cent. stock,

Louisiana 6 per cent. do.

Six per cent. do. of 1796

-81,034,957 31

do. do.

3,817,674 37

13,465,088 25

10,291,700 00

Exchanged 6 per cent. do. of 1812,

[blocks in formation]

80,000 00 2,669,108 99

6 206,402 12 15.522,272 81




[blocks in formation]

6,836,23% 39

13,611,455 19

9,505,625 41

Seven per cent.

do. Treasury note stock,

Five per ct. stock, subscrip, to bank U. S. 7,000,000 00

1,268,383 23


8.821.918 49


for expenses of collection, during the year 1817. Statement exhibiting the amount of duties which accrued on merchandise, tonnage, passports, and clearances, of debentures issued on the exportations of foreign merchandise, of payments for bounties and allowances,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

12,666 00 3,889,167 59 99,248 97 18,329,231 01 781,690 1217,547,540 89

are in a state of forwardness, and will be completed in a short time. to those which accompanied the annual report of the secretary of the treasury, previous to the year 1815, Note. The statement exhibiting the details of the revenue for the years 1815, 1816, and 1817, similar

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Register's office, November 16, 1818.


issued in 1817, viz:

Of 6 per cent.

amount, A. 1,232,867 63

Of 7 per cent. amount, B.

197,949 00

1,130,756 63

117,238,562 11

Deduct stock purchased in 1817, amount

as per statement A. ae companying report of last year, includ

ing 3 per cent

nominal 15,548,799 90

Seven per ct. stock purchas

ed in the 4th q'art'r of 1817,


A Statement of monies received into the treasury from

duties, and other objects, during the year 1817.

From new internal duties,

dolls. 2,676,882 77

new direct tax,

old internal revenue

old direct tax,

1,833,737 04

[blocks in formation]

as per statement B.

332,984 60

[blocks in formation]

-4,512,286 87 Statement exhibiting the total

18.131.215 16

As above,——————-90,107,346 95 amount of the six and seven per cent.

treasury note stock issued, to the 31st December. 1817. At what office issued.

Six per cent. Seven per cent.

United States moiety of the nett proceeds

of prizes captured



31,214 77

61,534 98

201,657 00

121,150 00

52,652 26

Nett proceeds of gun-boats, &c. sold per act of 27th of February, 1815,

2,134 69

Cents and half cents coined at the mint of

the United States



Rent of the salt spring in the Steubenville

Fines, penalties and forfeitures

76 80

Surplus proceeds of property sold for the payment of direct taxes, of 1815

417 17







[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

79,499 00

4,723,559 80

699,487 00.

$,037.697 00

162,405 00

14,761 00

[ocr errors]

1,866 00

[ocr errors][merged small]

1,180 00

8,008 00

Shares in the Georgia Mississippi company adjudged to the U. States


[blocks in formation]

1,500 52

Proceeds of sale of a temporary custom house on Sullivan's island

Interest on stock in the bank of the U. S. 202,426

[blocks in formation]

88 48

-312,187 38 Treasury department, Register's office, Nov. 21, 1818, dolls 4,824,475 19 JOSEPH NOURSE, Register.

Deduct so much thereof included in the statement of the funded debt, to 1st January, 1817,

60,834 02 A.1,232,807 63 Treasury department, Register's office, Nov. 18, 1818, JOSEPH NOURSE, Register.

8,856,960 00

B.197,949 00


8,519,810 27

13,454 575 68

2,669,108 99


showing the amount outstanding by estimate, on the 30th Sep. Statement of the funded debt of the United States, on the 1st October, | A statement of the several denominations of treasury notes issued, tember, 1818.


Deferred 6 per cent. stock, unred. amt.

Three per cent.




Six per cent. do. of 1796,'

Exchanged 6 per cent. do. of 1812,

Treasury notes were issued under several acts of congress,
Of the 30th June, 1812,

dolls. 5,000,000

25th February, 1813,

4th March, 1814,

-29,679,394 94

2oth Dernber, do.

$,000,000 10,000,000 8,318,400

Six per cent. do. of 1812-11 million lean, 6,206,502 12





1814-25 & 3


16,522,272 81

24th February, 1815, of 100 dol, notes, 4,969,400
Sinall Treasury notes




6,836,232 39



13,011,437 63

9,505,625 41

Treasury note stocks:

of 6 per cent. funded of 7 per cent. do.

Five per cent stock,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Amount. 30th September, 1818, 97,825,434 78

99,107,346 95

Deduct the estimated amount of

[blocks in formation]

68,729 41

Small treasury notes in the several banks, viz:



5,646 00

Branch bank, Washington,



20 08


[blocks in formation]

Old 6 per cent. unredeem, amt.

2,073 67




67,462 34

Rhode Island,

'Three per cent.

10,532 65



335,800 00

Treasury note 6 per cent.

107 65




1,915 97 81,848 40

2,446 08 19.326-31 42,881 26

460 140

Six per cent, of 1814,

[blocks in formation]

South Carolina,

Stoek reimbursed,


13.619 64 103,955 60

Old 6 per cent.

709,312 03

Deferred 6 per cent.

280,788 28

230,401 76

[blocks in formation]

As above, to 30th September, 1818, 97,825.434 78
Stock reimbursable in the 4th quarter, 1818.
On the 1st Dec. deferred 6 per cent,

From which deduct the estimated amount of
interest included in the above sum,

20,810 23

22d October, Louisiana

252,091 63 4,977,950 00


5,230,041 63

Balance outstanding by estimate, viz:
In small treasury notes,
other notes

Estimated amount redeemed, 1st Jan. 1819, dolls. 92,595,393 15 Treasury department, Register's office, Nov. 18, 1818,

[blocks in formation]

As above, dolls. 36,680,794
JOSEPH NOURSE, Register. Treasury department, Register's office, Nov. 19. 1818,

Comparative statement of the funded debt of the United States, be
tween the 1st of October, 1817, and the 1st October, 1818.
Amount of the funded debt as stated on the 1st Oct,
1817, and referred to in Estimate (3) accompanying
the report of the secretary of the treasury, to the
house of representatives, dated the 5th December,
dolls. 99,911,845 41
Deduct this snm ascertained by the trea

sury settlements to have been paid for
reimbursement of the old 6 per cent.
and deferred storks, to 1st Oct. 1817,
more than the amount estimated,
4,115 08

and this sum short stated in ac count of stock purchased

[blocks in formation]

1st. In all cases where, by the municipal laws of the country in which they exercise their functions, 99,107,346 95 they are restrained from administering oaths, the ve rification required by the 8th section of the act may be made, in the presence of the resident consul, before any magistrate duly authorised to administer oaths; and sucli consul shall certify not only the official character of the officer, and that the oath was adini istered in his presence, but that the persen to whom it was administered is of respectable

73.795 49 99,181,142 44

1,355,707 66

he debt on the 1st Oct. 1818, estimated at 97,825,434 78

Ascertained amount from Treasury settlement.
Incluing 625 dollars issued to the representatives of George
Pearson, per act of April, 1818.

character, and who, according to the provisions of the said act, ought to verify the said invoice.

2d. Where merchandise is purchased for a commercial house in the U. States, by a partner residing abroad, the invoice ought to be verified by such partner, under the 8th section of the act.

3d. All cases embraced by the 13th section of the act are subject to the addition of fifty per cent, the failure to produce invoices duly verified being, in contemplation of the act, equivalent to merchandise fraudulently invoiced at twenty-five per cent. below its appraised value.

4th. Difficulties have occurred under the 21st section of the act relative to discounts. It has been represented to this department, that the most of the discounts which appear on the invoices of merchandise, especially from England, are not made for prompt payment, nor ultimately depend upon any condition of that nature. It is asserted that the true price of the merchandise is ascertained only by deducting the discounts from the invoice prices, and that where discounts are allowed for prompt payment, or, upon a future contingency, they are entered distinct from the common discounts, above described. You are therefore requested to state to this department the general custom in this regard within your consulate, and, as far as depends upon you, to endeavor to have the articles invoiced at their true value, so that no discount may appear thereon, except what may be made and allowed in the payment made for the same within the term of

the said section:

5th. You are requested to cause the discount allowed upon such invoices as may be verified before you to be entered upon each invoice, and not upon the summary or recapitulation of several invoices, as is sometimes practised. The continuation of that practice may be productive of inconvenience to the parties, and is at all times calculated to excite suspicions of unfair dealing.

At present, no expense can be authorised, in resuggestions answer my expectations, it is possible lation to these objects. Should the result of these that the attention of the national legislature may be attracted to the subject, and that some provision may be made, especially in relation to useful inventions. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, sir, your most obed't serv't, WM. H. CRAWFORD.

National Interests.

Address of the Philadelphia society for the promotion of domestic industry, to the citizens of the United States. No. II.

Philadelphia, April 12, 1819. We proceed to take a view of the system of political economy, pursued in England, which has elevated that country to a degree of wealth, power, and influence, far beyond what her population or natural resources would entitle her to. tem displays profound policy and wisdom, and may This sys. with safety be taken as a pattern by other nations, with such variations as particular circumstances may require. We do not pretend that it is altogether perfect; nothing human ever deserved this character. Butth tit has more excellence than, and as little imperfection as, that of any other nation in ancient or modern times, can hardly be questioned. The nearer any nation approximates to its leading principles, the more certain its career to prosperity. Indeed, it is not hazarding much to aver, that no mation ever did or ever will arrive at that degree of power, or influence, or happiness, of which it is susceptible, without adopting a large portion of this system. There are parts of it, however, which are "more honored in the breach than the observance:" we mean those particularly that restrain personal liberty.

The grand and leading object of this system, into 6th. You are lastly requested to furnish this de- which all its subordinate regulations resolve thempartment with semi-annual statements of the arti-selves, is to encourage domestic industry, and to cles, the growth or manufacture of the United States, which are entered in the ports within your consulate, and the foreign merchandise which is shipped therefrom to the United States in American vessels; showing, as nearly as practicable, the comparative value of the exports and imports. Conjectural estimates of the foreign shipping employed in the same trade, and of the value of the imports and exports, laden on board such vessels, will be acceptable.

check and restrain whatever may injure t. This pervades the whole political economy of the nation: and, as industry has ever been, and, according to the fixed laws of our nature must eternally be, a great security to virtue and happiness, this is among the primary duties of every legislative body: and their neglect of, or inattention to, this duty, affords an unerring criterion of their merits or demerits. To enable her to effect this object, Great Britain is unwearied in her efforts

The introduction of useful plants, not before cultivated, or such as are of superior quality to those which have been previously introduced, is an object of great importance to every civilized state, but more particularly to one recently organized, in which the progress of improvements of every kind has not to contend with ancient and deep rooted prejudices. The introduction of such inventions, the results of the labor and science of other nations, is still more important, especially to the U. States, whose institutions secure to the importer no exclusive advantage from their introduction. Your atten tion is respectfully solicited to these important sub-chanics, and the exportation of machinery. jects.

I. To facilitate the importation of raw materials, for the employment of her artisans and manufactu rers;

II. To discourage, or wholly prohibit, the exportation of raw materials;

The collectors of the different ports of the United States will cheerfully co-operate with you in this interesting and beneficent undertaking, and become the distributors of the collections of plants and seeds which may be consigned by you to their care. It will greatly facilitate the distribution, if the articles shall be sent directly to those sections of the union where the soil and climate are adapted to their culture.

III To export her manufactures in the most finished form possible;

IV. To prohibit, or heavily burden with duties, the introduction of all manufactured articles with which her own subjects can supply her;

V. To prohibit the emigration of artists or me

To accomplish these purposes, she has steadily employed the powerful means of—

1. Bounties on, or encouragements to, the establishment of new manufactures;

2. Absolute prohibitions of the importation and exportation of certain articles:

3. Such heavy duties as nearly amount to prohi bition;

4. Drawbacks, on exportation, of the whole or chief part of the duties paid on importation.

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