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family, never to attempt to make at home what it will cost him more to make than to buy. The tailor does not attempt to make his own shoes, but buys them of the shoemaker. The shoemaker does not attempt to make his own clothes, but employs a tailor The farmer attempts to make neither the one nor the other, but employs those different artificers. All of them find it for their interest to employ their whole industry in a way in which they have some advantage over their neighbours; and to purchase, with a part of its produce, or what is the same thing, with the price of a part of it, whatever else they have occasion for.

"That which is prudence in the conduct of every private family, can scarcely be folly in that of a great kingdom. If a foreign country can supply us with a commodity cheaper than we ourselves can make it, better buy it from them, with some part of the produce of our own country employed in a way in which we have some advantage.

try in these branches, they make for themselves and families, a comfortable subsistence. They afford a large and steady market for the productions of the earth, giving support to, probably, at least a million of persons engaged in agriculture. They, moreover, enrich the nation by bringing into it wealth from nearly all parts of the earth. The immense sums of money they thus introduce into their native country, afford means of employment and ensure happiness to other millions of subjects, and thus, like the circles made on the surface of the stream by the central pebble thrown in the range of happiness, is extended so wide as to embrace the whole community.

From this cheering prospect, let us turn the startled eye to the masses of misery, which Dr. Smith's system would produce, and we shall then behold a hideous contrast, which we trust escaped the doc. tor's attention; for the acknowleged goodness and benevolence of his character, will not allow us to be. lieve, that he would have been the apostle of such a "The general industry of the country being in pernicious doctrine, had he attended to its results. proportion to the capital which employs it, will not We fondly hope that, like many other visionary men, thereby be diminished, any more than that of the he was so deeply engaged in the fabrication of a reabovementioned artificers; but only left to find out fined theory, that he did not arrest his progress to the way in which it can be employed with the great-weigh its awful consequences. est advantage. It is certainly not employed to the The East Indies oould at all times,until the recent greatest advantage when it is thus directed towards an improvements in machinery, have furnished cotton object which it can buy cheaper than it can make. The value of its annual produce is certainly more or less diminished when it is thus turned away from producing commodities evidently of more value than the commodity which it is directed to produce. According to the supposition, that a commodity could be purchased from foreign countries cheaper than it can be made at home. It could therefore have been purchased with a part only of the commodities, or what is the same thing, with a part only of the price of the commodities, which the industry employed by an equal capital would have produced at home, had

goods at a lower rate than they could be manufactured in England, which had no other means of protecting her domestic industry, but by a total prohibition of her rival fabrics. Let us suppose that France, where labor and expenses are much lower than in England, has possessed herself of machinery and is thus enabled to sell woolens at half, or even three fourths or seven eighths of the price of the English rival commodities. Suppose, further, that articles manufactured of leather are procurable in South America, and iron wares in Russia, below the rates in England. Then, if the statesmen of that nation were disciples of Adam Smith, as "foreign There is in the subordinate parts of this passage, countries can supply them with those commodities cheapmuch sophistry and unsound reasoning, which we er than they themselves can make them,' they must, acshall examine on a future occasion: and there is like-cording to the doctor, "buy from them with some part wise, as in all the rest of the doctor's work, a large of the produce of their own country," and accordingly proportion of verbiage, which is admirably calculated open their ports freely to those various articles, from to embarrass and confound common understandings, those four particular nations.-France and Flanders and prevent their forming a correct decision. But would supply them with superior and cheaper woolstripped of this verbiage, and brought naked and ens and linens, Silesia and Russia with coarse linens unsophisticated to the eye of reason, the main pro---Sweden with iron and copper-Italy and China position which we at present combat, and to which we here confine ourselves, is, that

it been left to follow its natural course."

"If a foreign country can supply us with a commodity, cheaper than we ourselves can make it, better buy it of them with some of the produce of our own industry, employed in a way in which we have some advantage.'

with silks-Hindustan with silks, cottons and muslins-South America with leather-North America with wheat, flour, hops, barley, rye, rice, foil and salted fish. Who can contemplate the result without horror? What a wide spread scene of ruin and desolation would take place! The wealth of the country would be swept away to enrich foreign and The only rational mode of testing the correctness probably hostile nations, which might at no distant of any maxim or principle is, to examine what have period make use of the riches and strength thus fatubeen its effects, where it has been carried into ope-itously placed in their hands, to enslave the people ration, and what would be its effects in a given case where it might be applied. This is the plan we shall pursue, in this investigation.

Great Britain affords a felicitous instance for our purpose. Let us examine what effect the adoption of this maxim would produce on her happiness and prosperity.

who had destroyed themselves by following such baleful counsels. The laboring and industrious classes would be at once bereft of employment, reduced to a degrading state of dependance and mendicity, and through the force of misery and distress, driven to prey upon each other, and upon the rest of the the community. The middle classes of society There are above a million of people of both sexes would partake of the distress of the lower, and the and of all ages, employed, in that country, in the sources of the revenues of the higher orders be driwoollen and cotton manufactures. By their indus-ed up. And all this terrific scene of woe, and wretch*Dr. Seybert states, that, in 1809, there were 800,000 persons in Great Britain engaged in the cotton manufacture alone. It has since increased considerably. It is therefore probable that the two branches employ at least 1,300,000 persons. p. 92.

edness and depravity, is to be produced for the grand purpose of procuring broad cloth, and muslins, and shoes, and iron ware, from remote parts of the earth, a few shillings per yard, or piece, or pound, cheaper than at home. The manufacturers of Bom

Day and Calcutta, and Paris, and Lyons, and Canton, | other nations. And, setting South America wholly and Petersburg, are to be fed and clothed and foster-out of the question, it can hardly be doubted, from ed by English wealth, while those of England, whom the spirit with which the culture of cotton is proseit ought to nourish and protect, are expelled from their workshops, and driven to seek support from the overseers of the poor. We trust this will not be thought a "fancy sketch." Such a view of it would be an extravagant error. It is sober, serious reality; and puts down forever this plausible but ruinous theory. Ponder well on it, fellow citizens.

cuted in the East Indies, and the certainty that the seeds of our best species have been carried there, that in a few years that country will be able, provided Adam Smith's theory continued to be acted upon here, to beat lanters out of their own markets after having driven em from those of Europe. It is not, therefore, hazarding much to assert, that the Let us suppose another strong case. The cotton time cannot be very remote, when southern cotton produced in this country amounts, probably, to for-industry will be compelled to supplicate congress ty millions of dollars annually. We will suppose for that legislative protection, for which the manuthe minimum of the price, at which it can be sold to facturing industry of the rest of the union has so pay for the labor and interest on the capital employ earnestly implored that body; and which, had it been ed in its culture, to be fourteen cents per pound. We adequately afforded, would have saved from ruin nuwill further suppose, that the southern provinces of merous manufacturing establishments and invaluaSpanish America have established their indepen-ble machinery, which cost millions of dollars-now dence, and are able to supply us with this valuable a dead and irreparable loss to the interprising proraw meterial at the rate of ten cents. Ought we,prietors. Had these establishments been preservfor the sake of saving a few cents per pound, to de-ed and duly protected, they would have greatly lesstroy the prospects, and ruin the estates of a million sened our ruinously unfavorable balance of trade, of the inhabitants of the southern states, to paralize and of course prevented that pernicious drain of spea culture so immensely advantageous, and produc-cie, which has overspread the face of our country ing so large a fund of wealth, and strength and hap-with distress, and clouded we trust only temporari piness? Should we, for such a paltry consideration,ly) as fair prospects as ever dawned on any nation.* run the risk of consequences which cannot be re- We have given a slight sketch of the effects the garded without awe, and which could not fail even-adoption of this system would produce in England tually to involve in ruin even those who might ap-and the United States, if carried into full and compear in the first instance to profit by the adoption plete operation; and also glanced at the consequenof the system? ces its partial operations has already produced in It may be well worth while to proceed a step fur-the latter. We now proceed to take a very cursory ther and take the case of a nation able to supply us fully and completely with wheat and other grain, at a lower rate than our farmers could furnish them. Thus then we should find ourselves pursuing Adam Smith's sublime system-buying cheap bargains of wheat or flour from one nation, cotton from another, hardware from a third, and, to pursue the system throughout, woolen, and cotton, and linen goods from others; while our country was rapidly impoverishing of its wealth, its industry paralized, the Jaboring part of our citizens reduced to beggary, and the farmers, planters and manufacturers involved in one common mass of ruin. The picture demands the most sober and serious attention of the farmers and planters of the United States.

view (reserving detail for a future occasion) of its lamentable results in Spain and Portugal, where the statesmen are disciples of Adam Smith, and where the theory, which now goes under the sanction of his name, has been in operation for centuries. As "foreign countries can supply them with commodities cheaper than they themselves can make them," they therefore consider it "better to buy from them, with some part of the produce of their own country."

*This view may appear too gloomy. Would to Heaven it were! A cursory glance at some of the great interests of the United States, will settle the the question. Cotton, the chief staple of the country, is falling, and not likely to rise; as the immense quantities, from the East Indies, have glutted the It may be asserted that the supposition of our English market, which regulates the price in ours. country being fully supplied with cotton and grain Affairs in the western country, on which so many by foreign nations, is so improbable, as not to be ad- of our importers depend, are to the last degree unmissible even by way of argument. This is a most promising. The importers, of course, have the most egregious error: our supposition, so far as respects dreary and sickening prospects before them. They cotton, is in "the full tide of successful experiment." are deeply in debt and their resources almost altoThat article, to a great amount, is even at present gether suspended, and a large proportion ultimateimported from Bengal, and sold at a price so far be-ly precarious. Commerce and navigation languish low our own, (difference of quality considered) that every where, except in the most ruinous branch we our manufacturers find the purchase eligible. Let carry on, that to the E. Indies. Further,notwithstandit be considered, that in 1789 doubts were entering nearly eight millions of specie were imported tained whether cotton could be cultivated in the in about a year, so great has been the drain, that the United States; that, in the year 1794, there were banks generally are so slenderly provided, as to exexported from this country, of foreign and domestic cite serious uneasiness. We are heavily indebted cotton, only seven thousand bags; and yet that, in to England, after having remitted immense quanti1817, the amount exported was above eighty mil-ties of government and bank stock, whereby we lions of pounds. No man can be so far misled as to suppose that Heaven has given us any exclusive monopoly of the soil and climate calculated for such extraordinary and almost incredible advances. The rapid strides we have made, may be also made by

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shall be laid under a heavy and perpetual annual tax for interest. Our manufactures are in general drooping-and some of them are one-half or two-thirds suspended. Our cities present the distressing view of immense numbers of useful artisans and mechanics, and manufactures, able and willing to work,but unable to procure employment. We might go on with the picture to a great extent; but presame enough has been stated, to satisfy the most incredulous, that the positions in the text are by no means lexaggerated,

Foreign Articles.


London dates to the 24th of Feb.

Several vessels of war are to be launched in the spring-two of them, we believe, are on the model of our frigates.

Fellow-citizens, consider the forlorn and desperate state of those countries, notwithstanding the choicest blessings of nature have been bestowed on them with lavish hand-industry paralized, and the enormous floods of wealth, drawn from their colonies, answering no other purpose but to foster and encourage the industry and promote the wealth of rival nations;--and all obviously and undeniably the The letter of our secretary of state, in reply to result of the system of buying goods where they are the Spanish note, respecting the occupation of Floto be had cheapest, to the neglect and destruction rida, &c. is re-published in the London papers. The of their domestic industry. With such awful bea-editors seem very zealous to make it appear, that cons before your eyes, can you contemplate the de- their rights and honor is much concerned in the solating effects of the system in those two coun- fate of Arbuthnot and Ambrister-and they talk tries, without deep regret that so many of our citi- loudly of our responsibility to England on account of zens, and some of them in high and elevated stations, them. advocate its universal adoption here, and are so far enamoured of Dr. Smith's theory, that they regard as a species of heresy the idea of appealing to any other authority, on the all-important and vital point of the political economy of nations?

The stock of tobacco on hand in England is ap-. parently very great. Its price, as well as that of cotton, had declined exceedingly.

The duke of York is appointed guardian of the king's person, with a salary of 10,0007. The majority in the house of commons, on this appointment, was 95-46. members present.

To avoid prolixity, we are obliged to postpone the consideration of the rest of the errors of Dr. Smith on this subject: and shall conclude with a statement Westminster election generally causes a great exof those maxims of political economy, the soundness citement throughout England, and is seemingly of which is established by the experience of the wi-mere counted upon than the returns from 50 rotten sest as well as the most fatuitous nations of the boroughs. At the close of the poll, Feb. 21, the earth. votes stood thus-for Mr. Lamb 2268; Mr. Hobhouse 2030; major Cartwright 38. Much confusion and uproar prevailed. Sir Francis Burdett was very active in favor of Mr. Hobhouse. Result uncertain..

I. Industry is the only sure foundation of national virtue, and happiness, and greatness; and, in all its useful shapes and forms, has an imperious claim on govermental protection.

II. No nation ever prospered to the extent of which it was susceptible, without due protection of domestic industry.

III. Throughout the world, in all ages, wherever industry has been duly encouraged, mankind have been uniformly industrious.

The following queer hand bill was read by Mr. Hunt, in one of his harangues-"Lost, last night, between St. James' Place and Mr. Brooks' in the Strand, a check, drawn by Sir Francis Burdett on on Messrs Coutts and Co bankers, for 10,0007. The check was drawn as follows:

"Pay Samuel Brooks, or order, the sum of 10,0001. IV. Nations, like individuals, are in a career of which charge to my account. "F.BURDETT. ruin, when their expenditures exceed their income. "N. B. No further reward will be given, as payV. Whenever nations are in this situation, it is ment is stopped at the bank, and another check is the imperious duty of their rulers to apply such re-issued in its place, and payment received, to uphold medies to correct the evil, as the nature of the case may require.

VI. There are few, if any, political evils to which a wise legislature, untrammelled in its deliberations and decisions, cannot apply an adequate remedy.

VII. The cases of Spain, Portugal, and Italy, prove, beyond controversy, that no natural advantages, how great or abundant soever, will counteract the baleful effects of unsound systems of policy; and those of Venice, Genoa, Switzerland, Holland and Scotland, equally prove, that no natural disadvantages are insuperable by sound policy.

VIII. Free government is not happiness. It is only the means; but wisely emyloyed, is the certain means of ensuring happiness.

IX. The interests of agriculture, manufactures, and commerce, are so inseparably connect d, that any serious injury suffered by one of them, must materially affect the others.

X. The home market for the productions of the earth and manufactures, is of more importance than all the foreign ones, even in countries which carry on an immense foreign commerce.

the purity of election in Westminster!!!"

The lord chancellor of England, decided on the 11th of February, that no auctioneer could become purchaser, for himself, of any property under the cognizance of the court of chancery.

The state of commerce in England, and indeed in Europe generally, is exceedingly depressed. Every thing seems to be overdone-and money is not to be had.

The London Statesman remarks, that "the financial as well as the political face of the country appears peculiarly grave and interesting at this moment. Accounts from foreign markets are unpromising. It appears by letters from Liverpool, that 160 packages of British goods have been re turned from New Orleans, not finding a vent in America, owing to the price set upon them. We have not half the American merchants in England as some time back. They look into our manufactories but purchese very little." [We are glad to hear this--it goes to shew that the Americans begin to think of paying for, as well as how to buy goods.]

The London Courier of Dec. 24, contains an adXI. It is impossible for a nation, possessed of im-vertisement of the British victualling office for tenmense natural advantages, in endless diversity of ders to supply ten thousand barrels of American soil and climate--in productions of inestimable va- flour; to be delivered in the month of May, at Barlue-in the energy and enterprize of its inhabitants badoes, Bermuda, Antigua, Babama, Berbice, De—and unshackled by an oppressive debt, to suffer marara, Dominica, Grenada, St. Vincents, St. Kitts, any great or general distress in its agriculture, com- St. Lucia, and Tobago. merce or manufactures (calamities of seasons excepted) unless there be vital and radical errors in the system of political economy.

Letters from Italy say that the princess of Wales was preparing to visit Judea and Egypt accompanied by a large suite. Some of the London papers

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talk pretty loud about another investigation of the
conduct of this wandering wife.

There is a cause depending in the court of chance-
ry, wherein the extraordinary name of "Kinkvervan-
kotsdorsprakingatchdern" appears as a party in the
suit; the pronunciation of which seems to be no small
annoyance to the gentlemen of the long robe, and
their coadjutors.

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It is stated that the five [not "legitimate"] daugh- 1806 ters of the duke of Clarence, have had pensions set-1807 tled upon each of them, of 5001. per annum, arising 1808 out of the 44 per cent. fund.

A Paris paper says-The Persian ambassador, Mirza Ahdoul Hassan Kan, arrived at Vienna on the 1st inst. on his way to London. He brings with him a beautiful Circassian girl, a present from the grand vizier of Turkey. She is guarded by three black


At a late boxing match in England, one fellow had his jaw bone broken and the other was killed on the spot-for the amusement of the people!

Two persons have been arrested and imprisoned for selling Paine's Age of Reason. These persecutions will cause many thousand people to read the work who, otherwise, would never have thought of it.



5053 1814




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From official returns, printed by order of the house of commons, it appear that the aggregate amount of gold coin issued from the mint in the year 1818, was in sovereigns, 2,347,3331. 78. 6d. in half sovereigns, 515,1437. 2s. 6d. Amount of silver coin issued from the mint in do. 676,817. An official return of the strength of the British army, laid before the house of commons, states the general total at 109,810 non-commissioned officers lord Castlereagh rose pursuant to notice, to move, and privates, and 5852 officers; of which amount for the appointment of a select committee to enthere are serving in Great Britain 15,248, exclusive of 5,516 foot guards; Ireland 19,823; East Indies 11,281; troop horses, 11,276.

The estimates of the army services for the year 1819, in England, are put down at 6,582,8021. 128.


The following fact took place lately in Westmoreland: A hound whelp and a cur dog, belonging to the Rev. R. Sandford, of Crook, started a hare from that place, which they run all night; the next morning they were found by one of Mr. Bolton's laborer's not far from Storr's Hall, quite exhausted, one lying on each side of the hare, which was quite dead, and not the least torn by them. After the hare was taken from them, they remained on the spot a considerable time before they recovered sufficient strength to enable them to return to their master's

Revenue.-In the house of commons, Feb. 8th

quire into the income and expenditures of the country. His lordship congratulated the house on the and eloquent speech. In the year ending January present prosperous state of the country, in a long 5, 1818, the receipt of the revenue was 51,665,000Z. and in the year ending January 5, 1819, it was 57,063,000,giving an increase this year of 5,398,0007. and combining it with other imposts, there was a general increase of 4,062,0001. The general result would show, that this year exceeded even the year 1815, though that had been considered as the year in which the amount so greatly exceeded any previous one, (by not less than 10,000,000.) that it was esteemed an overgrown increase proceeding from be expected to occur again. In the statement which unnatural and temporary causes, which would never he would read, he would take three quarters of each year, from January till October.-In the year During the last year, the British government ex-1815, the amount of the exports was 35,231,000.— pended 22,000 pounds sterling for snuff boxes pre- an amount greater by nearly 10,000,000l. than any sented to foreign ministers! This sum was paid to preceding year. Randall & Bridge, the manufacturers-a neat round sum, $100,000.

[blocks in formation]

1816. 28,000,0007. $18,32,000,000. '18, 35,325,000. New mode of ascertaining the longitude.-An enquiry has been made during the last week, by order of the lords of the admiralty, on an improved mode of working the calculations necessary to ascertain the longitude of ships at sea. The plan is from observations of the positions of various stars, which promises to reduce the errors into so narrow a compass, that the actual certainty may be almost said to be discovered. Capt. Robert Tucker, R. N. is the inventor of this new method, which requires only six lines of figures.

Wager of battle.-The British parliament has abolished the cruel and absurd law, sanctioning the termiuation of disputes by personal combat. Whate

ver might have been its uses in the barbarous | had ordered the inhabitants to cover the fronts of
ages, when it found its way into the British statute-
book, it was argued that it was now a disgrace to ci-

A dear "whistle".-The terms demanded by Madame Catalini, for her talents at the opera house, for the ensuing season, were, a sum of 50001. a benefit to produce 1000l. a coach, a dinner of 14 covers daily, and liberty to sing at concerts, &c. as she pleased!!!


their houses with tapestry, in those streets through which the mass was to pass, at what is called the 'Feast of God.' The police of Gap fined Monsieur Roman, a protestant, six francs, for refusing to obey the mayor's edict. M. Roman appealed to the court of Cassation. The question was, Can a citizen be compelled to hang out tapestry on the front of his house, while the external ceremonies of the CathoOn this question lic worship are performing'?

"Spoliations." Lord Castlereagh brought into the counsellors for M. Roman delivered the most the house of commons, on the 19th, a motion to ena-correct sentiments upon the subject; declaring that ble the administration to distribute among the per- all the constituted authorities had proclaimed the sons concerned, the sums received from the French principle of religious freedom; and had completely government for the payment of the English credi-separated questions of religion from those connecttors; which amount, by his statement, to more than ed with civil and military rights.' The court, after a long deliberation, pronounced a judgment, said 6,000,000l. sterling. to be most strongly worded, by which it annulled the A Frenchman invented, and offered for sale at judgment complained of, and decided that the muVerviers, a cloth shearing machine, by which a sin-nicipal authorities have no right to make a rule for gle workman could direct 80 pair of shears. The constraining citizens to cover the fronts of their work people apprehensive of being thrown out of houses on occasions of religious ceremonies.' Comemployment by its adoption, assembled tumultuous-paring the above decision with the spirit manifestly and destroyed it, and were about to destroy all ed towards the protestants in France only three the other machines in the place, but before they had years since, we conidserit a subject for congrelation time to accomplish their designs, the gens-d'arms to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity, appeared and dispersed them, but not without shed- as the triumph of reason and religion over superstiing blood.

A report of the death of the king, caused some stir in London-"because his death would be the signal for the vile faction of jacobinism to rear its head," &c. The report was not true.

The payment of the 100 millions due the allies has been arranged. The first instalment of one third part is fixed for June 1820.

Many heavy failures among the merchants and bankers of France have lately taken place.


French Generals. The following is the singular fate of most of the celebrated French generals who served in the army during the French revolution:

General Dumourier, exiled frm France, now has a pension of 12001. per annum from the British government.

Luckner, Custine, Houchard, Biron, (Duc de Lauzun) Westerman, Rossiu,Rossignel-guillotined under the government of Robespierre.

Miranda, a native of Caraccas, died lately in Ca

Hoche and Championet, poisoned.
Kleber, assassinated in Egypt.

The stocks were declining-5 per cents 66 1-2. The French government has permitted the ex-diz, a state prisoner. portation of maize, millet, and potatoes from the south westera departments of France, in consequence of the low prices at which the different species of grain were sold throughout those districts.

Several of "Bonaparte's partizans" are said to have been arrested in the north of France, on the charge of enticing the soldiers to desert.

Pichegru, exiled from his country, afterwards strangled.

Brune, assassinated at Avignon, in 1815. Malet and Laborie, (the latter implicated in George's conspiracy but fled from France) shot for France is engaged in establishing a colony in Se-attempting to subvert the government of Bonaparte negal, for the cultivation of cotton, indigo, coffee, in 1812. and sugar.

Count Regnault, (Saint Jean d'Angely,) has ob-is tained permission to return to Paris.

Ney, shot in 1815, during the government of Lou-

Mouton Douvernet, ditto, in 1815.
Murat, shot by order of the king of Naples, after
having himself been sovereign of that country.
Moreau, exiled from his country, and killed in bat-

A gentleman passenger in the Adonis arrived at New York from Havre, states that "a bill was introduced into the chamber of peers, the 21st of Feb. the purport of which was to curtail the right of elec-tle in the war carried on against France, in 1813. tions. No event could have had a greater effect to arouse the indignation of the French people. The introducer becoming intimidated, dared not vote in its favor."

Joseph Bonaparte's wife and daughter are about to proceed to America.

Growth of Tea in France.-The Moniteur has the following This precious shrub, first introduced into France by a Russian in 1814, promises to become naturalized among us. There are already 300 stocks, which it is easy to multiply. This tea has received the approbation of the king's physicians, and the first naturalists in France. The plants are to be sold by subscription.'

Berthier, thrown out of a window and killed, his murderers not known.

The following are at present exiled from France: Grouchy, Vandamme, Thureau, Savary, (Duc de Rovigo) Soult, Humbert, Bertrand, Lefevre, Desnouettes, and the brothers Lallemand.

Washington's birth day was celebrated by the Americans in Paris. Mr. Gallatin was sick, and could not attend-Mr. Barnett, our consul, in the chair. Among the guests was gen. La Fayette. His volunteer toast was-The American stars-May the constellation of liberty enlighten both hemispheres.


The ol! ex-king of Spain is dead-his wife died a

Religious liberty in France-From a London news-short time ago. paper. A cause involving questions of the highest interests to our protestant brethren in France, has just been decided in the superior court of criminal Justice. The mayor of the little town of Lourmarin,

The general of the Cordeliers, the reverend father Cyrille, has received orders to quit the capital. He came from Brazil at the same time as the late queen. There are several conjectures as to the causes of his

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