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honest and patriotic statesmen; but far more numerous instances of ingratitude towards faithful and devoted ministers of Jesus Christ.

But there is one beautiful and exalted course for such to pursue; to retire, invoking benedictions on the ungrateful and ill-treating. This was the high and noble conduct of Samuel, when rejected by Israel. This was the sublime and god-like conduct of a greater than Samuel, when Israel, in after-times, not only rejected him, but nailed him to the cross.

And, if kindness towards a people, who have cast off a faithful and devoted minister; if efforts for their good; if prayer for their prosperity and salvation, be thus honorable on his part, these are not less kind towards himself. Both as a minister and a Christian, he will thereby promote his own peace. He will prove himself to have deserved a better lot. He will secure for himself, during his retirement and retreat from the world, a peace of mind, which nothing can disturb. Said our Savior, " Bless them that curse you; pray for them that despitefully use you, and persecute you." He that can do this; whether he be minister, or statesman; whoever he may be; if he does it from the heart, that man must be born of God; and may expect, if any one can hope for a final welcome, to hear the plaudit, "Well done, good and faithful servant; enter into the joy of your Lord."



And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.-1 Kings xvii. 1.

MORE is recorded of Ahab, than of any other king of Israel; and he did more than any other to provoke the Lord God to anger. ch. 16: 30. But, as Henry remarks, "Never

was Israel so blessed with a good prophet, as when so -plagued with a bad king. Never was a king so bold to sin as Ahab. Never prophet so bold to reprove and threaten as Elijah."

Of the early history of this prophet, little is known. "He was born among the mountains of Gilead, on the other side of Jordan; a region inhabited by idolaters, and overspread with abominations of the Amorites. Tishbe, his birth-place, lay not far from the country of the Gergesenes, where, in the time of our Savior, the devils entered into the swine; and it may be supposed that, unless from extreme necessity, not Israelite would take up his dwelling among those mountains. It was, probably, in some poor abode of a banished Jewish family, that Elijah was born and brought up."

He is first introduced into the sacred history, making the solemn declaration to Ahab: "As the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word."

But wherefore such a denunciation? The idolatry introduced by Jeroboam, Ahab, at the instigation of his bloodthirsty wife, had adopted. The worship of Baal became the established religion of the land, and the worshipers of the true God were persecuted with fire and sword. Gloomy idols rose in every direction; profane altars, stained with the blood of prophets, and other holy men, bade defiance to the Most High, and called for divine vengeance.

Had Ahab alone been concerned, he might have been given over to fill up the measure of his iniquities; but the utter apostasy of Israel must, if possible, be prevented. The glory of God, and the interests of the true religion are involved; and hence, a calamity, severe in proportion to the evil to be remedied, must be inflicted.

It is probable that Elijah had before expostulated with the haughty Ahab, and warned him of judgments to come. But his expostulations and warnings were unavailing. On

the contrary, the land is becoming more defiled; the worship of Baal will soon shut out the worship of God; earth and hell will triumph!

A solemn rebuke is, therefore, required. A national calamity only will bring back the people to the acknowledg ment of God. That must be inflicted; and it shall fall heavy, and abide till the cure is effected.

Elijah receives his commission to enter the presence of Ahab, and denounce the judgment. He obeys. And there, now, behold this man of God before the tyrant-calm, dignified, and fearless. He has no farther propositions to make. The time for negotiation is passed. The day of rebuke and indignation has come. Behold, then, Elijah, "a man of like passions with ourselves," uttering the denunciation, that no dew and no rain for these years shall descend upon Israel, but according to his word. And, now, he kneels and prays to the God of dew and rain, that it may be as he had declared to the monarch of Israel.

It was the prayer of faith. And, though Ahab might have ridiculed the prophet, and spurned the threatened calamity; though "the luxuriant pastures, and well-watered fields of Samaria seemed to exclaim together, 'this judgment shall never be executed,' yet, from that hour that Elijah bent before the footstool, neither dew nor rain descended. The heavens became as iron, and the earth as brass." "The word of the prophet struck like a fever into the heart of the earth, withering and scorching; and all that was fresh and green faded, and hung its head; every stream and rivulet dried up; and all that had breath lay gasping and languishing on the ground. Neither dew nor rain fell during three years and six months. Such were the effects produced by the voice of man; but a man who was in communion and accord with the Almighty." But who can say how often, before Elijah could attain to such power with God, he had humbled and abased himself! How often may he have

fallen on his face in the mountains of Gilead! How many tears he may have shed in solitary caves and caverns before he could say, "As the Lord liveth, the God of Israel, before whom I stand, there shall not be rain nor dew these years, but according to my word."

The apostle James cites this example (James 5: 17) as a proof of the great efficacy of prayer. It is indeed wonderful, that the High and Holy Ruler of the universe should so listen to the supplication of mortal man! That, at his instance, the laws of nature should be suspended year after year! But, while Elijah was "subject to like passions with ourselves," and, therefore, imperfect, he was a "righteous man," probably preeminently holy, and had at heart, in no ordinary degree, the honor of God. That was the secret of his prevalence. Arguments drawn from the divine glory, mingled with strong faith, are the most likely to prevail. Ahab was the personal enemy of Elijah; but more did he hate him as a prophet of the Lord. But, on the prophet's part, that enmity was lost sight of in the intensity of his grief and indignation that God was so insulted and dishonored. When, in our supplications, we can say, Grant, O Lord, the favor sought, for thy glory is concerned in so doing, then may we hope that it will be according to our word.



And he cried unto the Lord, and said, O Lord my God, hast thou also brought evil upon the widow with whom I sojourn, by slaying her son? And he stretched himself upon the child three times, and cried unto the Lord, and said, O Lord my God, I pray thee, let this child's soul come into him again. And the Lord heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came into him again, and he revived.-1 Kings xvii. 20-22.

ELIJAH, having delivered his message to Ahab, is directed to retire, and hide himself from the exasperated monarch.

The place selected is in the neighborhood of the brook Cherith, a dreary wild, near the banks of the Jordan. This is his appointed retreat. "The blue sky his roof; the bare rocks his walls; the stones his seat; the shady wood his bed-chamber; the grass his couch." For twelve long months Elijah dwells here, quenching his thirst from the brook, and receiving food daily from the hoarse and voracious ravens.

At the expiration of this time, the brook dried up, and God directs him to go to Zarephath. It was a long and toilsome journey, through a wild and barren country, in a time of general famine, and extreme drought; and this into the land of Zidon, beyond the borders of Israel, among a heathen people, enslaved to a vile idolatry; the native country of Jezebel, his bitterest enemy, and the territory of her father, a furious tyrant, also in alliance with Ahab.

Elijah obeys; and, at length, reaches the neighborhood of Zarephath. The Lord had arranged for his reception. A widow receives him into her house. She was poor in this world's goods, but rich in faith, although in a heathen land. To put her heart at rest, as to the means of supporting the man of God, she is told that the barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruise of oil fail, until the day that the Lord should send rain upon the earth.

If the presence of Elijah was a blessing, temporal and spiritual, as doubtless it was to the widow, not less was his comfort enhanced under her hospitable roof.

He had now passed several months in this quiet retreat, engaging in prayer and praise, and holy discourse, when, unexpectedly, a heavy cloud darkened the peaceful cottage. The widow's child-an only son-suddenly falls sick, and almost before she is aware, he is a corpse.

How mysterious! What explanation does the dispensation admit of? Could we assign no reason, we should believe that it was ordered wisely; for, though clouds and darkness are round about the Infinite God, yet "all his

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