isbn:9628093703 (來源:books.google.com)
An analysis of the socialization of the child in diverse cultures, focusing on parent-child relationships, enculturation, and child development under changing educational conditions.
isbn:9628093703 (來源:books.google.com)
The book describes the background (in both development contexts and educational reform contexts) to the emergence of the concept 'non-formal education' (NFE).
isbn:9628093703 (來源:books.google.com)
Contextualised in the literature on globalization, this book examines how policies of decentralization have affected the running of education in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and China.
isbn:9628093703 (來源:books.google.com)
This book gives voice to outstanding scholars from three major Eastern civilizations-Chinese, Arabic, and Indian-who have entered into dialogue with equally distinguished scholars from the West.
isbn:9628093703 (來源:books.google.com)
This work presents a study of the international schools sector. It highlights the significance of market forces, and shows how the international schools have responded to Hong Kong's changing circumstances.
isbn:9628093703 (來源:books.google.com)
This book presents a collection of Professor Gu's writings over a 20-year period from the early 1980s. The work shows the development of the field during a period of dramatic changes.